What is the danger of an increased level and lack of estrogen in women? Women's hormone estrogen in food and tablets. Estrogen and testosterone norm in the female body

What is the danger of an increased level and lack of estrogen in women? Women's hormone estrogen in food and tablets. Estrogen and testosterone norm in the female body

Estrogen is a female sex hormone. It is produced in the ovaries and adrenal cortex during puberty and is necessary for the female body to prepare it for childbearing, and to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

But, on this the role of estrogen in the body does not end. This hormone is an important defender of the cardiovascular system of the female body. Estrogen also regulates the water-salt balance in the body. The normal condition of the skin is one of the merits of this female hormone.

3 type of estrogen in the body of a woman

There are three types of estrogen:

  • Estron (E1)
  • Estral (E3)
  • Estradiol (E2)

The level of each of these hormones depends on the genetic predisposition, on the density and amount of fat deposits, as well as on the age characteristics of the body. Indirectly, the level of life and the power system affect the level.

The most important in this three is estradiol. Its decrease or increase in comparison with the rest of the two hormones can cause various problems in the female body:

  • Weight gain
  • Swelling
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Violations of the sweat glands
  • Seizures
  • Soreness of the breasts

Deviation of the level of this hormone from the norm can be a symptom of serious diseases.


Important: estradiol is the most important hormone of the described group. His "working time" begins during the first menstruation and ends at the beginning of menopause. Estradiol controls over 400 functions in the body.

Normal level of estrogen in the body of a woman

The norm of this hormone in the body is not constant. It changes with age during different phases of pregnancy. In girls in childhood, the norm is 5-22 pg/ml. When a woman reaches a child’s age, the rate of estrogen is in the range of 11-191 pg/ml. During menopause, the norm of this hormone is 5-90 pg/ml.

What does the female hormone of estrogen are drawing to?


  • Estrogens are steroid hormones. This means that they are responsible for growth. In this case, the growth of secondary sexual characteristics. It is the estrogens who are responsible for the beauty of the female figure. These sex hormones distribute fat cells in different parts of the body. Thanks to them, the piquant roundness of the figure forms exactly where it should be.
  • Estrogens are extremely important for the female body. It is these hormones that are responsible for the frequency of the onset of menstruation and their regularity. The lack of these hormones can lead to serious consequences. Estrogens determine female health.
  • If the lack of sex hormones is observed in a girl, then this can cause the slow development of the child. In more adulthood, this can affect psychological imbalance, periodic sensations of pain in the belly of the abdomen, insomnia, low performance and even frigidity.
  • After the age of 40 in women, the lack of estrogens can affect the health of the heart, rapid aging of the body, frequent headaches and depletion of bone tissue. What can cause osteoporosis over time.

Symptoms of a deficiency of hormone estrogen in women

Symptoms of the lack of estrogens include:

  • Lack of menstruation and gender delay in girls
  • Forgetfulness
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Headache
  • Bladder infections
  • Sudden mood swings
  • The inability to get pregnant at a young age

How to increase estrogens in the female body?

HormonesIn order to increase the rate of estrogen in the body, it is not at all necessary to resort to pharmacy drugs. It is enough to change your diet a little.

The safest way to increase the level of this hormone is to eat various foods and herbs that contain substances that activate the processes of estrogen production in the body.

With a lack of estrogens, the attending physician can prescribe tocopherol and special hormonal drugs. For example, “premarin” or “Proginov”. Preparations that are contained in conjunction with another hormone - progesterone can also be prescribed. Moreover, various drugs have different ratios of these hormones. Therefore, they can be consumed only under the guidance of a doctor.

You can increase the level of this hormone with the help of such a mineral as Bor. But, since it is almost unrealistic to do this with food, drugs with the content of this mineral should be used for this purpose.

What does an increased estrogen level in the female body lead to?

An excess of estrogen is a rather serious hormonal violation that affects the work of the whole organism. Almost all women who observe weight over the norm are observed by this violation by 20%.

An excess of this hormone is associated with the deficiency of some vitamins in the body, excessive drinking and smoking, taking oral contraceptives and excessive physical activity.

Important: many mistakenly believe that the excessive level of this hormone helps to extend youth. This is not true. Moreover, if the estrogen level is increased, then this can become a symptom of various diseases.

The excessive amount of this hormone in the body leads to mood swings, frequent headaches, high pressure attacks, worsening hair structure and other problems. Recently, American experts revealed the dependencies of excess estrogen in the body and the formation of cysts in the ovaries and chest.

Symptoms of excess hormone estrogen in women

Hair lossThe symptoms of the excess of this hormone include:

  • Fast fatigue, irritability, insomnia and other neurological symptoms
  • Dizziness, headache, depression
  • Violation of metabolic processes: excess weight, fragility of hair and nails, acne rash
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle, the impossibility of pregnancy
  • Soreness and swelling of the mammary glands, which can lead to mastopathy
  • Blood thickening and thrombosis
  • Endometrosis. The formation of benign and malignant tumors in the mammary gland and uterus
  • Deterioration of the structure of bone tissue. Osteoporosis

How to reduce estrogens in the female body?

  • In order to reduce the level of this hormone, you need to reconsider your diet and reduce excess weight.
  • Women who have an increased level of the described hormone need to include in their diet products rich in fat omega-3 acids. They are contained in large quantities in a salmon, tuna and other types of fish.
  • You can make up for the body's need for “healthy” fats using olive and linseed oil.
  • Fruits, vegetables and nuts, also good assistants in the fight against an increased level of estrogen.
  • In addition, it is important for people with an increased synthesis of this hormone to increase the amount of magnesium in their diet. This trace element helps to eliminate the excess estrogen.

The influence of estrogen on the weight of a woman


Several hormones in the body of a woman affect weight at once. Estrogen one of them. It is this hormone that is the main "conductor" in the distribution of fat deposits. In the female body, such deposits are usually located below the belt. This is the merit of just the described hormone.

About 10 years before menopause in the female body, the estrogen level begins to decline. The body does not like this and it begins to synthesize the missing hormone from fat deposits.

  • But, do not think that due to this, the number of such deposits will decrease. On the contrary, our body begins to be stocked up with doubles with double energy. After all, the need for them grows. That is why it is very difficult to lose weight after 40.
  • Also, the supply of fat cells occurs during pregnancy. The body needs another source of estrogen.
  • Therefore, to reduce excess weight, it is important to keep the “female hormone” in normal.

Testosterone and estrogen in the body of a woman

Testosterone (male hormone) and estrogen (female hormone) strongly affect not only the appearance of the woman and internal processes in the body, but also on the psychological background. The more testosterone, the stronger the manifestation of the "male" beginning.

The norm of testosterone in women:

  • Up to 20 years - 0.13 - 3.09 pg/ml
  • from 20 to 39 years - 0.13 - 3.09 pg/ml
  • from 40 to 59 years - 0.13 - 2.6 pg/ml
  • from 60 and older - 0.13 - 1.8 pg/ml

An excess of testosterone is manifested in aggression and a tendency to risk. The predominance of a female hormone over testosterone is manifested in frequent fears, compassion for other people, a desire for sedimentary and comfort.

Estrogens in food and herbs


Phytoeragens are in various products of plant origin. You can “recharge” with such hormones if you drink green tea and various herbal infusions.

A lot of estrogens in beans and other legumes, pumpkins, nuts, spinach, oats, bran, dried apricots, sunflower seeds and cabbage.

Recipe for Estrogen Tea. At a reduced level of estrogen, tea from such herbs as sage, linden, chamomile, hops and arnik is shown. You can supplement this collection with crushed roots of licorice and ginseng. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts and brewed with boiling water. For a greater effect, it is best to brew such tea before each reception.

In such products of animal origin as fatty milk, ice cream, yogurts, solid cheeses and meat also contains a large amount of estrogen.

There is estrogen and beer. And many associate its presence in this popular foamy drink with changes in the male figure in connection with the abuse of beer. But, the growth of the beer abdomen is more due to the one that alcohol suppresses testosterone production. The hormone that distributes fat cells in the male body. In addition, one should not forget about the appetizer for beer, which lovers of this drink consume without any control.

Important: do not underestimate medicinal herbs and other food in their effect on estrogen. They are able to do this no worse than pharmacy drugs. That is why they need to be taken only under the guidance of a doctor. Otherwise, you can very much harm the body.

Estrogens in tablets: reviews

EstrovelOlesya. A very good drug "popel". Helps a lot with tide. I also noticed such a “side effect” as an improvement in the condition of the nails. They are naturally brittle for me. And Estrovel makes them beautiful and healthy. I drink this drug for the 5th time with breaks. Depending on the condition.

"Estrovel". The composition of this drug includes plant extracts of soybeans, nettles, cimicifuga, isoflavons and the root extract of the wild yams. In addition, this drug contains Indol-3-carbinol, boron, vitamins and amino acids. It takes 1-2 tablets per day during meals. Duration of the course up to 2 months.

Tatiana. And I took Preararin. When she began to be treated, he was not sold with us. Friends were brought from abroad. At the age of 60, the doctor said that my body is twenty years younger. This drug does not lead to weight, "hairy" and other side effects.

"Premarin." This drug includes seven horsepower pop. It is taken based on the prescribed course of treatment.

Video. Hormone analysis, estradiol and estrogen

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Comments K. article

  1. The author’s statement about an excess of estrogen, which leads to “deterioration of the structure of bone tissue. Osteoporosis ”, puts the quality of the article, and indeed the author’s knowledge of question. As a gynecologist, I can say that osteoporosis, on the contrary, causes a lack of estrogen.

  2. Eh, Anna. What kind of doctor you are, if you do not know that an excess of one or another hormone often pours out the same symptoms. Therefore, the lack of estrogens can cause osteoporosis.

  3. I really liked the article! She answered many questions for me thank you, Sergey !!!!!!! And do not pay attention to Kayak-5, there is a clear disease.

  4. She herself faced a lack of estrogens when a menopause came. It was good that hormonal intervention was not required (I mean the zgt all arms and legs against it). I took cyclims as prescribed by a doctor, decoctions of Kalina+cortex began to engage in yoga and added more useful fats to the diet. As a result, now no sipmtoma is bothering)

  5. Oh yes, as I understand you ... I was afraid of the ZGT itself, but I still had to go through it, and everything is not so scary)) now they don’t bother either irritability, I only take the menopause formula for maintenance and I walk yoga))

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