Drugs for the treatment of allergies in adults and children: list, names, indications for use

Drugs for the treatment of allergies in adults and children: list, names, indications for use

In this article, we will talk about many drugs for the treatment of various types of allergies. We will try to widely cover this topic and consider directions in the treatment of allergic conditions.

The market for drugs today is so wide that by going to the pharmacy, we cannot choose and determine the necessary tool. Take 1 drug, or a few?

Drugs and drugs for the treatment of allergies in children

For the treatment of allergic conditions, both children and adults use the usual antihistamines, they differ in dosage and form of release.

Their main effect is the blocking of histamine, which causes symptoms of allergies (rhinitis, edema, itching, sneezing).

Generation of drugs from allergies

All antihistamines -levaric agents are divided into 3 generations, that is, each generation of the drug is more new and has various characteristics. Consider examples of each of the generations, starting with more modern ones.

The third generation Medicines:
• TERPHEN (terphenodin)
• Gismanal (astemazole)

This group of drugs is used for prolonged therapy, for example, for chronic (year -round) allergies or in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

This group of drugs has a cumulative effect and has a prolonged effect.

Second generation Medicines:
• Ebastin (Kestin)
• Claritin (Loratodin)
• ZIRTEK (cetirizin)

The duration of the drugs of this group during the day. A positive characteristic of these means is the lack of drowsiness, their intake is not related to eating and has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

What generation can children be taken from allergies?

Pediatricians focus on the fact that medications should be used no lower than the second generation to treat children.

Often prescribing the drug "Zirtek".

First generation Medicines:
• Tsiprovoptamine (peritol)
Tavegil (Clemastin)
• Deprazin (Pipolphen)
• Diazolin
• Dimedrol

All means of this generation are quickly excreted from the body, so it is necessary to take them in large doses and often. They have a large number of side effects, cause drowsiness and inhibition of consciousness.

But these funds are quite strong, because they are used during periods of exacerbations of the disease. The longest action from this generation has the drug Tavegil.

Take the selected drug according to the instructions in the package.

Preparations for the treatment of food allergies in children

Note that dietary nutrition and exclusion from the diet that provoke allergies from the diet are important in the treatment of food allergies.

For the treatment of this kind of allergic reactions, in addition to antihistamines In the first hours and days, adsorbents are used to bind and withdraw the residues of the allergen from the lumen of the intestines.

These medicines include:

  • Activated carbon
  • White coal
  • Smecta
  • Neo -Mectin
  • Polysorb
  • Enterosgel

Drugs and drugs for the treatment of allergies during pregnancy
Everyone knows that any diseases are dangerous during pregnancy and taking medications as well. Many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they have a large range of side effects.

In any case, the use of drugs is allowed only if the need for the therapeutic effect exceeds the risks when used. A list of drugs allowed when bearing the fetus is small, but there are such drugs:
• Suprastin
• Demidrol
These funds do not have an impact on the child in intranate.

Drugs and drugs for the treatment of allergies in adults

The treatment of allergic conditions is always comprehensive and includes a number of different groups of medicines.
Antihistamines - above we have listed 3 generations of these funds. They are used for the treatment of both adults and children.

Nasal allergies

We examined the parienteric and injection forms higher, there are also forms for nasal use:
• Azelastin

To use drops in the eyes:
• Azelastin
• Olopatadin
• Levokabastin
• Emed -ist
• Ketotifen

The NSAIDs are used for manifestations of seasonal allergies.
A group of stabilizers of fat bodies does not allow you to free yourself away:
• Lodaxamide
• Olopadatin
• Pemerosate

For light forms of allergies, antilacotrins are used- omalizumab.

Drugs and drugs for the treatment of skin allergies

In the treatment of skin manifestations of allergies, along with the above therapy, drugs are actively used in the form of the release of ointments, linifications and gels:
• Fenistil-gel
• Kremen ointment
• Psilo-balm
• Solcoseryl

To relieve skin symptoms and itching, the use of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that have a bactericidal and sedative effect is also recommended.

Drugs and drugs for the treatment of drug allergies

Medicinal allergies occur as a result of increased sensitivity to the constituent elements of the drug. To eliminate this symptoms, it is necessary to first cancel the drug that provoked allergies.

If this medicine was taken inside, then adsorbents should also be prescribed and, accordingly, the above antihistamines ( Ethius, cetrin, chollafast etc.)
Special specific therapy in the treatment of drug allergies is not mentioned.

Hormonal drugs for the treatment of allergies

Hormonal drugs in the treatment of allergic conditions are used in very severe cases or if previous therapy with antihistamines did not bring the desired effect.

Medicines containing hormones can conditionally be divided into 4 groups by force of action from weak to the most powerful.

1. Weak drugs:

• prenizalon ointment
• Hydrocartisone ointment

2. Moderate preparations:

• Loratadin
• Latikort
• Local

3. Signant drugs:

• Flucinar
• Advantin
• Hydrocartisone
• Beredual Inglator
• Salbutamol

4. Preparations of a very strong effect:

• Dermoveyite

Drugs treatment of cold allergies

Cases of cold allergies do not require special specific therapy. In the treatment of this type of allergic reaction, symptomatic therapy is also used to relieve swelling, treatment of rhinitis and elimination of itching in skin manifestations.
Special instructions must be observed to prevent the occurrence of the body's reaction to the cold.

Homeopathy preparations for the treatment of allergies

This type of medication has the right to prescribe only an allergist. With independent receipt of these funds, you can cause an even more rapid manifestation of allergic symptoms.
Homeopathy preparations:

  • Urtika Urens
  • Apis
  • Zinnabsin
  • Luffel
  • Rinital

Video: Medicines for allergies - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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