Improving stress resistance: methods and exercises. Formation and development of high stress resistance

Improving stress resistance: methods and exercises. Formation and development of high stress resistance

What is stress resistance? How and for what to use it in life situations?

Trends in an intensive and stress -to -standing standard of living, in modern conditions, are a person lead to an increase in negative emotions.
Which accumulating, form pronounced and long -term stress states.

Each person is different about the problem. Depending on this attitude, such a thing is formed as stress resistance.

Functions and mechanisms of stress resistance

Stress resistance makes it possible to avoid stress by revising the attitude to the situation. Should I run and be nervous if you are already late?
Any person, regardless of status and rank, experiences negative emotions. The catch is only in the size and reasons that cause them. Unfortunately, he will get rid of anger, indignation, resentment, disappointment, and avoid stressful situations are not in our power.

But it is possible to change the attitude to the negative reactions that have arisen. This is called stress resistance.

The first positive function of stress resistance is to protect the body from a negative effect on human health.

  • Many are familiar with the state when, after even slight overexcitation, there are: headaches, malaise, lethargy, fatigue, pressure rises, heartbeat and other unpleasant sensations associated with the deterioration of health
  • From a medical point of view, during stress, the level of cortisol sharply increases. It is due to the increase in this hormone that changes in the state of a person occur, far from the better. With deeply passing consequences

A person with high stress resistance has good health and is least susceptible to viral diseases.

The second function, we can call - a slight and independent existence in all life areas.

  • A stress -resistant person in any conditions can perform the task. He is not distracted: noise, extraneous questions, eternal, unreasonable discontent of the authorities, envy of colleagues, family problems
  • Such an individual always stands out from the mass - calm, self -sufficient. This is a leader
  • In any even most extreme situation (fire, flood, flood, etc.), he finds a way out
  • Rudeness, aggression, ridicule, gossip, intrigues, he passes by himself, simply not noticing

Video: How does stress affect health?

Types of stress resistance

Without stress resistance, the boss reduces not only his performance, but the whole team
Scientific theories about the transformation of the human intelligence of incoming information, in the event of stressful situations, divide people into four groups:

  1. Stress -resistant. “Hard -faced” people who are completely indispensable adapt to external conditions. Not knowing how to change their principles and attitudes, any negative changes, both in the personal and in the external environment, for them - stress is the usual state.
    In the event of a critical situation, they do not control their emotions, strongly excited, aggressive. The decision to get out of the crisis is not able to make a quick and clearly decision.
  2. Stressful.People calmly reacting to gradual changes. In the event of sharp, global changes, they fall into depression, are subject to negative emotions.
    As experience accumulates in sharp changes in external circumstances, they relate to stress more calmly. In this case, quick and adequate decisions can already be made.
  3. Stress -reproach. Consistently fundamental people in their life positions, and completely calmly reacting to external changes. They are ready for sharp changes, they are slow with tension.
    With a sharp change in the situation, they are ready to become a leader in solving problems. With slow, sluggish stressful states, they are sunk into depression.
  4. Stress -resistant. People calmly respond to any external changes. Psychologically not subject to any destruction. Ironically relate to all pre -planned and stable, understanding the relativity of all life processes. The organizers of the new transformations, in the event of the threat of their personal space, go aside. They work perfectly in any force majeure. In places with established traditions, they feel a little worse. Stress for them is only the most insurmountable hardships of their personal life and loved ones

Stress resistance in professional activities

Stress resistance will not make it possible to bring the state of emotions to an uncontrolled state
  • Each competent leader is interested in the presence of stress -resistant subordinates.
  • The not stress -resistant boss itself, with a team of the same subordinates who are always ready to silently listen to his unreasonable accusations, after personal, another stress, is unlikely to get the good results of his enterprise.
  • After all, to listen and keep silent, does not mean being a stress -resistant individual.
  • As we considered above, it is important how to treat it.
  • Can such a team work productively further? Or after the next catching, and even plus family problems, and someone spilled a cup of coffee on the table, stepped on the bus on the bus. What will happen to this team? Nothing good.
  • The day will take place in experiences, discussions - which boss is boor.
  • What will a strong man do? As if nothing had happened. Immediately forget about everything. He will sit down and work.

Therefore, it is important:

  • Not only when hiring, check the candidate for compliance. And not for he would silently listen to the intensity of passions. And competently and purposefully establish the real stress resistance of the future specialist.
  • In addition, it is necessary to improve this quality among employees. For this, first of all, a comprehensive psychological analysis of the concept of “stress resistance” should be carried out, attracting competent specialists in this area.
  • This will relieve stressful stress in the team, which will naturally increase the quality and productivity of labor, reduce staff turnover.

How to check stress resistance?

Stress resistance testing during an interview is better to conduct a competent psychologist
  • Any psycho -emotional state of a person can only be determined by a professional
  • All interviews conducted to determine stress resistance, without a competent approach, can disappoint both the employer and the candidate
  • Newfanged stressful interviews, most often lead to this result. Unsputed applicant, no longer wants to work, for a rude employer
  • And the employer who brought the candidate to a stress state, he cannot determine he is suitable for him or not
  • Therefore, it is better not to experiment. Or abandon this method, or consult a specialist for help

And for personal use, you can go through a test.

Test for determining stress resistance


We summarize the received balls.

We determine the stresson -fullness depending on the results obtained on the scale:

  1. Less than 150 - perfect stress resistance to work as a manager of any level. Especially in conditions of constant stressful situations. The stressful load on the body is scanty, which allows you to effectively work in any, most crisis situations. Without harm to health.
  2. from 150 to 199 - high. With a high degree of stress resistance, there is no excessive energy of energy to equalize the psychological state, during stress. Work capacity increases, in order to quickly eliminate the problem. A managerial work is recommended, with the possibility of stressful situations.
  3. from 200 to 299 - threshold stresson -fullness and average stress resistance suggests that most of the energy in case of stress occurs to stabilize the psychological state. The larger the problem, the less strength remains to solve the problem. You can work as a leader, with a small number of stressful situations.
  4. from 300 and above - high stresson -fullness and low stress resistance. A very small degree of resistance to stress. Easy vulnerability. Almost all the body's energy is spent on aligning the psychological state. You should revise your attitude to life.
  5. With too much points, it is urgent to take measures to eliminate stress. This threatens with nervous exhaustion.

How to develop stress resistance?

Stress resistance helps to quickly and effectively solve any problems
You can increase stress resistance using several methods:

Assessment of what is happening

  • To do this, you need to ask a few questions: “Is it so important for me?”, “How to change this my life?”, “Can I change something?”

In a situation when you detained the flight of the aircraft, you cannot change anything. Is it worth nervous because of this? Destroying their nerve cells

  • And if you don't like the service in the store, the quality of the goods. You are constantly nervous because of this. Really get rid of the problem by changing the store, to more suitable

Thus, when analyzing situations, it turns out that they can be divided into two types:

  1. Which can be changed
  2. Not subject to change

To eliminate stress:

  • In the first case, we understand and accept the situation
  • In the second we act and change the situation

Give us an exit to emotions

All negative emotions need a way out.

  • Long -known and beloved by the Japanese method: Botting a pear
  • You can go to the park, find a deserted place and just shout loudly, everything that has accumulated. Until the emotional stress subsides
  • You can start a notebook and write everything that the offender wanted to say
  • You can go swim in the pool or run
  • There are many ways, for everyone it is individual. You need to rummage in yourself and find what suits you the most
  • Doing exercises
  • A good way to relieve the stress of the game in Brain-Ring, “What? Where? When?". Which create a non -standard situation where the right decision quickly and clearly needs to be quickly and clearly
  • Games in checkers, chess, football, tennis, football hockey
  • Everything that is associated with the adoption of the correct and instant decision in the environment that is non -standard for everyday life, helps relieve nervous stress
  • We keep our health

An unhealthy person is most susceptible to irritability
Healthy, on the contrary, is less susceptible to stressful situations.

That's why:

  • at hand should always have preparations for removing the head, dental and other sudden pains
  • food should be full and proper
  • we are engaged in any physical exercises (hiking, running, yoga)

Psychological exercises for the development of stress resistance

Psychological exercises for the development of stress resistance

It is very important to correctly deal with the attacks of aggression.

To do this, use some psychological tricks:

At the moment when an angry person throws all his negative on you, it is difficult to restrain himself.

  • Therefore, we leave our aggressor alone in the office and we go out under any polite pretext. This respite makes it possible to rest and calm down to you and your aggressor.
  • Left alone, we are trying to get rid of negativity.
  • We make a smooth breath through the nose and a sharp exhalation through the mouth. We repeat at least three times.

Calming a little:

  • We are trying to make yourself laugh. We present the offender the hero of the funniest joke, sitting on a children's pot, in idiotic clothes not in size. Anything to transform aggression into laughter.
  • We use the method of meditation. Disconnect all unnecessary thoughts. Presenting this person a small, no one needs a bug. Which you can blow at any moment and it will disappear. We do it mentally. And we feel how it becomes easy.
  • The best psychological exercises to increase stress resistance, you can use attending yoga classes.
  • They contribute to the complete harmonization of the entire emotional state. Fill with energy and strength.
  • A person who is inside harmony and peace does not react at all to manifestations of any negative reactions.
  • Elementary breathing and meditative exercises can be found on the Internet. But do not do difficult to do it yourself.

Video: The most important foundation and secret of stress resistance from Alexander Petrishchev

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Comments K. article

  1. The Holmes-Rage test is incorrectly interpreted. It is not stress resistant, but stresson -fullness.

  2. I consider humor a very good antidepressant and even theinar from Evalar (amino acid from green tea leaves) helps to gain calm, without loss of attentiveness, maintain mental activity, also normalize pressure.

  3. And for me it is still important to provide normal access to group B vitamins and magnesium to the body. Therefore, I try to eat more offal and of course I accept the Lady's formula more than polyvitamins. In addition to this, it also contains extracts of phytoestrogenic plants, which positively affect female health, even reduces the eji during menopause. So for me it is just like a lifesaver))

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