Black mask from black dots. Cleaning black mask with activated coal of acne and black dots at home: Best recipes

Black mask from black dots. Cleaning black mask with activated coal of acne and black dots at home: Best recipes

Oh, these eastern women! How good their skin is, well -groomed and without flaws! Did you know that it was Chinese cosmetologists that were the first to use activated carbon in the fight against acne and comedones? The article: Cleansing recipes for face masks from activated coal.

How does activated carbon work?

Activated carbon It is a neutral substance, i.e. Can neither improve nor worsen the general condition of the body. It is characterized by a high absorption coefficient, due to the developed porous structure, which makes it a highly effective sorbing substance. In medicine and cosmetology, it is used as adsorbent.

In the photo: the repeatedly enlarged structure of activated coal and the principle of coal adsorbation
In the photo: the repeatedly enlarged structure of activated coal and the principle of coal adsorbation

The substance is well adsorbed

  • vegetable and microbial toxins
  • many organic and inorganic compounds
  • fat

Thanks to this, activated carbon is indispensable in the care of problem skin

Black Mask: Secrets of proper face cleansing with coal

Активированный уголь является важным компонентом многих уходовых средств: мыла, масок, компрессов
Активированный уголь является важным компонентом многих уходовых средств: мыла, масок, компрессов
  1. Не забывайте, активированный уголь — медицинский препарат и у него есть свой срок хранения
  2. For cosmetic and medical purposes, only fresh adsorbent is used
  3. Be sure to check the mask to a possible allergic reaction

For this

  • нанесите смесь на кожу в области запястья или на внутреннем сгибе локтя на 10-15 минут
  • remove the residues of the mixture using a cotton sponge / cosmetic napkin
  • look at the condition of the skin at the place of application of the mask
  1. The task of medical activated coal is to cleanse the skin. Но уголь адсорбирует абсолютно все вещества с верхних слоев эпидермиса: и вредные, и полезные. Именно поэтому маски с порошком таблетированного активированного угля чаще всего многокомпонентные, насыщающие кожу необходимыми микроэлементами
  2. Предварительное распаривание кожи лица с помощью паровой ванночки усилит эффект угольных процедур. Как правильно подготовить кожу подскажет видео «Чистка лица в домашних условиях (паровая ванна)»

Important: squeeze acne before applying a coal mask IT IS FORBIDDEN!

  1. What areas are processed by a coal mixture:
  • the whole face - 1 time per month
  • chin, nose, forehead - 1 time per week

Important: coal masks are never applied to the skin in the lips, eyes/eyebrows

  1. Coal therapy is carried out within 1.5 months. Then you need to take a break
  2. The time of application of coal masks is no more than 10 minutes. Уголь, даже медицинский активированный, может въедаться в кожу, придавая ей сероватый оттенок. In order to avoid this, do not exceed the time of applying the mask
  3. После удаления остатков маски, обязательно нанесите на кожу лица питательный крем
  4. Желательно не выходить на улицу в течение 45-60 минут после окончания косметических процедур. The skin should cool, relax and "come to itself"

Contraindications for coal therapy can be:

  • individual intolerance to activated coal
  • open bleeding wounds

Video: facial cleaning at home (steam bath)

How to cook a black face mask from activated acne coal?

Важно: классическая маска из активированного угля наносится только на проблемные участки кожи


  • 0.5 g of tablet activated coal (2 tablets)
  • 18 ml of distilled water. Can be replaced with ordinary bottled water or fresh milk
  1. Pull the coal tablets into small powder. This is easy to do with two spoons
How to grind a pill in powder
How to grind a pill in powder
  1. Pour the powder into a comfortable container
  2. Dilute with water/milk to the state of homogeneous gruel
  3. Apply to well -peeled, steamed skin
  4. Remove the remaining masks after 7-10 minutes
  5. Rinse your face with water or infusion of herbs. If the skin of the face is oily, you can wipe your face with any fresh sour -milk product with low oily
  6. At the end of the cleansing procedure, be sure to apply a nutrient cream to the skin

A recipe for a black face mask with gelatin and activated carbon / Mask made of activated coal from black dots

Important: this mask is contraindicated for dry skin and skin prone to rosacea. The contraindication does not apply to the components of the mask, but to the method of its application!


  • 0.25 g of activated coal (1 tablet)
  • 5 g of gelatin (1 tsp)
  • 10 g of cold water or fresh milk. The dry the skin, the fatter the milk should be
In the photo: on the left-a removed coal-wewatin-film mask with traces of remote comedones, on the right is a zone requiring purification
In the photo: on the left-a removed coal-wewatin-film mask with traces of remote comedones, on the right is a zone requiring purification
  1. Pull the coal tablet into small powder
  2. Pour the powder into any refractory container and mix with gelatin
  3. Pour water/milk, leave the gelatin before swelling (focus on the recommendations of the manufacturer)
  4. After swelling of the gelatin, place the container in the water bath and warm over medium heat until the gelatin mixture is completely dissolved
  5. The hot mixture must be applied to the steamed face with a brush, but the temperature of the mixture should not cause skin burns
  6. Try to apply the mask in one direction. Keep in mind, the thicker the layer of the mask, the easier it is to remove it at the end of the procedure
  7. Apply the mixture to the problem areas of the face. As a rule, this is a T-zone: forehead, nose, chin
  8. After completely solidifying the film mask, remove it. If the mask is removed hard, do not injure the skin, tearing the film. Rinse the mask with hot water, and then rinse your face with a cool infusion of herbs
  9. Apply a nourishing cream to your face

How to make a black mask with activated coal without gelatin?

Gelatin masks - wonderful carecleansing and nourishing the skin. However, if you do not like gelatin in cosmetics, you can do without it. Modern cosmetology offers a huge number of effective recipes without a gelatin component

A recipe for a black scrub mask with activated carbon and aloe juice

  • 10 ml of pure water
  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil or any other essential oil suitable for your skin. Oil is not a key component of the mask and its presence can be neglected
  • 5 g of fine sea salt. Large sea salt can be grinded with a coffee grinder or blender
  • 5 g of aloe juice
  • 8 g of tablet pile powder
A coal mask with aloe and essential oils not only cleanses, but also nourishes problem skin
A coal mask with aloe and essential oils not only cleanses, but also nourishes problem skin
  1. Mix all the components until a mixture of uniform pasty consistency is obtained. If the mask is too thick - add a little water
  2. Apply the mask to the steamed skin of the face with light movements, massage the problem areas of the skin for 3-5 minutes
  3. Leave the mask on the skin for another 5-10 minutes
  4. Wash off the mask with water or herbal infusion of comfortable temperature

Important: in the procedure, take into account the secrets of proper face cleansing with coal

A recipe for a black mask mask made of activated coal and honey

Honey is not only a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, but also a natural antiseptic fighting with inflammatory processes

  • 0.5 g of tablet -coal powder
  • 5 ml of pure water
  • 12 g of honey
  • 8 g of sugar
A mask with activated coal and honey will not only clean, but will restore the skin after winter “heavy” cosmetics
A mask with activated coal and honey will not only clean, but will restore the skin after winter “heavy” cosmetics
  1. Mix all the components until a mixture of uniform pasty consistency is obtained. If the mask is too thick - add a little water
  2. Apply the mask to the steamed skin of the face with light movements, massage the problem areas of the skin for 3-5 minutes
  3. Leave the mask on the skin for another 5-10 minutes
  4. Wash off the mask with water or herbal infusion of comfortable temperature

Important: in the procedure, take into account the secrets of proper face cleansing with coal

Black mask of activated coal with egg

For problem skin, the protein part of the fresh homemade egg is used. Egg protein - a bactericidal and anti -inflammatory agent with a huge margin of vitamins and trace elements

  • 0.5 g of activated coal powder
  • 1 protein

Beat the components of the mask thoroughly and apply to the steamed skin, given the secrets of proper coal cleaning

Black mask of activated coal with clay

Types of clay that help improve the condition of the problem skin

  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • white
  • black

For a mask, choose clay suitable for your skin

Each of the types of cosmetic clay has its own characteristic properties. Consider this when choosing a component for a mask from activated coal with clay
Each of the types of cosmetic clay has its own characteristic properties. Consider this when choosing a component for a mask from activated coal with clay
  • 0.5 g of tablet -coal powder
  • 25 g of clay
  • pure water
  1. Mix coal and clay
  2. Gradually adding water, mix all the components until a mixture of uniform pasty consistency
  3. Apply the mixture to the steamed skin, given the secrets of proper coal cleaning

Black Mask with activated coal and aspirin, benefits

Acetylsalicylic acid, known in everyday life as aspirin, is not only a wonderful remedy for the prevention of heart problems and an analgesic antipyretic. Aspirin is an indispensable assistant in the struggle for the purity of problem skin

  • 1.5 g of tablet powder
  • 2 g powder of tableted activated coal
  • 90-100 ml of fresh sour-milk product with low fat (yogurt / kefir) at room temperature. The dry the skin, the oily the sour -milk product should be

Mix all the components of the mask. Apply the mixture to the steamed skin, given the secrets of proper coal cleaning

Video: True or lies? Activated coal mask from black dots

Video: Mask for cleansing the face from Shelley Barrett (aspirin, honey). Facial masks from #Beautyksu

Video: Cleaning face mask with activated carbon. Face scrub at home Beautyksu

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Comments K. article

  1. I didn’t succeed in such a film, I got a porridge, which I just wiped it with a napkin. But then the face became cleaner, applied metrogil and the next morning there were no pimples at all.

  2. A very useful article, excellent recipes for the preparation of coal masks are selected, but for objectivity, you need to compare the effect with the finished product

  3. I only smeared a zindol earlier, but he stopped arranging me from the word at all. They advised Metrogil to take, this is now my new favorite

  4. He was shy at the guy of these very acne. I decided - I need to treat, but I did not dare with folk methods. A girlfriend advised a budget ointment (metrogil-a, like), the remedy and acne removed, and saved his nerves with money.

  5. Acne and Metrogil-A dots removes at a time, and those who write about its long effect were probably not used. Therefore, try sure

  6. Oh yes, I suffered much with these black dots, and then I bought metrogil and regretted that I did not know about it before

  7. And how much time do you smear him? Usually metrogil is working quite quickly

  8. bazyron AC is not effective at all, and metrogil-A is cheaper and even better.

  9. Zinc ointment is not very good if the rashes are strong and are accompanied by increased oily skin, acne. But the metrogil and in such a situation just saved me.

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