Holy - red spots from acne, scars and scars: how to get rid of? How to restore your face with a post -acne after acne cream, ointment, face masks from scars and spots after acne and acne: recipes

Holy - red spots from acne, scars and scars: how to get rid of? How to restore your face with a post -acne after acne cream, ointment, face masks from scars and spots after acne and acne: recipes

From the article you will learn everything about the most popular and affordable methods of combating spots and scars that remain after acne.

Almost every person at least once in his life on his face appeared painful rashes. Usually acne causes a lot of inconvenience. Not only do they not look aesthetically aesthetic, but they also hurt and itch. And, perhaps, the most unpleasant thing is that after their disappearance, red spots and scars remain on the skin.

But even if you are a little late with treatment, and scars and scars on your face still appeared, you should not be very upset. All these changes can be easily eliminated by medical and folk remedies.

Holy: How to get rid of traces, scars, scars, red spots and sores after acne on the face?

Typically, spots and traces of rashes remain if a person squeezes out a pimple independently or does processing at a time. Of course, if you do not treat them, then you will have to walk with the consequences of acne on your face for a long time. Therefore, let's figure out how to quickly get rid of spots and scars.

Ways to treat traces and scars:

Medical remedies. They fight well with the consequences of cream rashes, with a brightening effect, retinoid ointment and azelainic acid. Preparations made on the basis of glycolic, milk, salicylic acid also help well.
Cosmetics. For the treatment of such a problem, chemical peeling, microcurrent therapy or fractional photothermolysis is usually prescribed. In home, cosmetic paraffin can be used to combat skin darkening.
Folk remedies. In this case, masks and decoctions prepared from healthy products, oils and herbs are used for treatment.

Remedy for red spots and scars on the face after acne

In the home medicine cabinet of each person there are drugs that at the first stage will help to slightly reduce pain and remove the redness. You will need to literally process an inflamed place a couple of times, and you will immediately see and feel an improvement.

To combat spots and scars, you can use the following means:

• Ice cubes. Will slow down blood circulation, thereby preventing swelling and redness
• Eye drops. They will help remove redness
• Salicylic acid. The drug has anti -inflammatory properties and suppresses inflammatory processes

Which cream will help get rid of red spots and scars on the face after acne?

The darkening of the skin and scars is the result of scarring, pigmentation and inflammatory processes, which means that taking the pills of this problem will not solve. The best option in this case will be a correctly selected, high -quality cream.

It should eliminate inflammation, disinfect, have anti -inflammatory properties, eliminate pigmentation and cleanse the skin.

Substances that should be in the treatment cream:

Hydrokhinon. Reduces melanin production.
• acids ( salicylic, glycolic, lemon, milk). Peel the face and remove redness.
Antiviral substances. Reduce the likelihood of re -infection
• Plant extracts. They fight with inflammatory processes.

What ointment treats from post -acne, scars and scars after acne on the face?

  • If it has already happened that scars appeared on your skin, then try to get rid of them with the help of an ointment. This is an affordable tool, with proper and regular use, in a fairly short time will save you from traces of acne.
  • If you need to remove fresh scars and scars on your face, then use drugs that contain zinc oxide and green tea extract.
  • And for old scars, the dermatics gel is ideal. It not only normalizes local blood flow, but also promotes the regeneration of the skin.
  • It is better for pregnant women to give preference to drugs easier, for example, for Vishnevsky ointment. This ointment has good anti -inflammatory properties.
  • All ointments are used according to the instructions when buying.

Facial masks from scars and spots after acne and acne on the face: Recipes

Masks are the most popular tool that is used to treat skin diseases. Women and girls love them for making them from ingredients that are always in the refrigerator.

Honey-brown mask from scars and spots after acne: recipe

  • Take honey (necessarily natural) and cinnamon in equal parts, mix everything well and carefully apply the mixture to the affected areas.
  • The mask should remain on the skin for at least 15 minutes.
  • After time, rinse off the gruel with warm clean water. Apply it to the face 2-3 times a week.

Sour -milk mask from scars and spots after acne: recipe

  • We take yogurt (without fillers), sour cream and oatmeal in equal proportions.
  • We also add a half spoon of citric acid here.
  • Mix everything and apply it to the face.
  • We are waiting for 10-15 minutes and wash.
  • For a positive effect, the mask must be applied every other day.

How to whiten your face from stains after acne?

After the places of rashes cease to get sick and the swelling will subside, you can begin to lighten the inflamed skin. To do this, you can use all improvised means. From them you can prepare masks, decoctions or use in its pure form.

Recommendations that will help to whiten the skin:

Use clay. Dilute it with water, add rosemary oil, lemon juice to the gruel, and treat the affected areas
Medical paraffin. It must be melt in a water bath, let it cool a little, and apply a cotton wool to stains. When it completely cools down carefully from the skin
Make masks from cucumber, lemon and tomato. Cucumber is used in its pure form. And it is best to mix lemon and tomato with starch or whipped protein. It applies such mixtures only to the affected areas, otherwise they will brighten up and healthy skin

How to align the skin of the face from scars and scars after acne?

The one who had scars and scars on his face knows how much discomfort they deliver. Most often, such a person tries to hide a small defect in decorative cosmetics. But as practice shows even the thickest layer of powder and foundation cannot hide scars and scars.

Procedures that help align the skin:

Haroic acid injections. It helps to restore the skin of homogeneity and elasticity
Peeling. Removes a damaged layer of skin
Laser grinding. Removes scars and stimulates collagen production

Removing post -acne, scars and scars on the face after acne with a laser


If medications and folk remedies do not help get rid of scars and scars on the face, then there is only one way out - a laser. It is quite effective, but softly, removes the abrasion layers of the skin.

The processed place heals quickly enough and the skin looks almost perfect. In some difficult cases, for complete removal, the procedure is repeated several times.

But remember, only a specialist can grind. In no case do not buy for tempting offers of home salons. There you can ruin your face even more. Only a specially trained person will be able to choose the right person to the laser beam.

Facial grinding after acne with a laser

Using grinding, you can not only eliminate skin defects, but also make the face more fresh, young and elastic. After the procedure, cosmetics are applied to the processed areas, which softens, moisturizes and regenerates the upper layers of the skin.

Types of grinding skin:

Diamond. It is considered the most gentle. Complete recovery to occur literally in a day
Laser. Carried out under anesthesia and requires the preparatory period
Fractional. Something like laser, but when processing does not affect healthy skin

Laser grinding of face: photo before and after

Spots and scars on the face from acne: tips and reviews

If you do not want this problem, in general, do not arise, do not be lazy and take care of your face every day. Before going to bed, be sure to remove cosmetics and cleanse the skin with tonics.

Also do not forget to moisturize and nourish the skin. Just use for this cream suitable strictly your skin type.

Valeria: My skin problems began in adolescence. Now I am 35, and pimples all exactly appear from time to time. Most often, this happens before menstruation. To combat them, I use aspirin. She made a gruel, smeared her pimple, waited a little and the result is immediately visible.
Julia: Folk remedies are, of course, good, but not everyone helps everyone. I had to run around the doctors for a long time while I got rid of the acne with a laser.

Video: We remove the spots on the face from acne, acne and fight with pigments

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Comments K. article

  1. Do you have wounds after squeezing acne? I always have, but it is not as annoying me as a pimple.

  2. Antonina, not always, but there are. In this case, I process the wound with Argosufan cream, a remedy with antibacterial effects. Yes, and it is calm that then there will be no scar on the face, because the girls do not need it at all.

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