How to make up for energy and increase your energy: tips, methods. How to calculate your energy? How to diagnose an energy leak?

How to make up for energy and increase your energy: tips, methods. How to calculate your energy? How to diagnose an energy leak?

This article will talk about how to increase your energy.

Everyone has their own energy. It can change throughout life or even a day. Both internal and external factors can influence it, and the decline of energy pulls us down, depriving us of potential. Therefore, in this article we will consider methods that will help us make up for and increase energy.

The concept of human energy: its natural reserve

From time to time, for one reason or another, many feel sluggish and tired. This is due to a large workload, with an excess of information and many other factors. Excessive responsibility, frequent stresses, lack of relaxation very negatively affect human energy. Therefore, you need to find a way out how to restore and make up for energy, which methods is better to resort to.


There is a separation of energy potential into:

  • physical energy. This is the stock that gives our physical body the opportunity to move and function normally. That is, he plays a life role;
  • creative or free energy. He knows how to mental or creative soil. This energy sets our life potential as a whole, and also sends us a desire to act.

And each of these energy species needs its ways to increase energy. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly understand what deprives you of vitality.

In addition, you must understand that we have 4 basic bodies responsible for the energy potential:

  • physical body
  • astral or emotional
  • the mental body of thoughts
  • the etheric body is our protective aura

You can read more information about the human aura in our article "Layers of the aura and their meaning."

Energy shells of man
Each energy shell has its own value

How to calculate your energy by date of birth?

  • Such a formula on the date of birth has a slightly different version than in the usual calculations. It is necessary not to add the numbers among themselves, but to multiply them! That is, for example, we have March 27, 1984:
    • march is 03 month. And it is important to add (not to summarize) the number of birthday to one of the month. We get 0327
    • although the calculator will remove the first zero, the result remains unchanged
    • and already for this number we are multiplying a year! 1984 * 0327 \u003d 648768
    • and now the components of this number we add to each other 6+4+8+7+6+8 \u003d 39


  1. If your number is below 21 - This indicates a weak energy potential. You need to work on yourself to increase your energy. It is such people who act as energy vampires. They intuitively reach for donors. But this is not always the embodiment of evil, it can be kind and responsive people who simply need additional life energy.
  2. Indicator from 21 to 30 - This is an average and normal supply of energy from nature. Moreover, the higher the figure, the better the energy. It is important not to sink below this level and save your reserve. The life of such a person can be called calm and measured as the very character of the owner. And their optimism does not give a place to despondency.
  3. More than 30 - This is a very strong natural biofield. You can even replenish other people's energy reserves, acting as an energy donor. Such people are endowed with a powerful temper and strong energy. They are always in work, in knowledge and have a wide range of communication. Such people need an excess of energy!

Important: But if you have a low energy field, do not be discouraged! You can and should work on yourself! Moreover, only the date of birth does not have a fundamental basis. To a greater extent, other factors, in particular lifestyle, affect our potential!

Each of us has its own natural energy reserve
Each of us has its own natural energy reserve

How to diagnose an energy leak?

  • Get a notebook or notebook, make notes every day! I ideally lead "Diary of Energy" whole month. But sometimes you can diagnose breakdowns after 1-2 weeks.

Important: you should not re -read your notes until you finish the test.

  • You should have 4 columns:
    • your physical health.That is, your well -being is implied. Perhaps something hurt or just wanted to sleep
    • emotional condition. It is necessary to briefly describe what emotions overwhelmed you at the moment
    • make an analysis of your actions. That is, specifically, what you did in a certain period of time
    • and your mental state. These are your thoughts, desires and dreams, as well as projections for the future that you scrolled in your head
  • And it is important to make such records every 3 hours!Throughout the day you will have 5-6 dropouts. After all, each of us has its own schedule. But be sure to write down everything by points after the right time. If necessary, even put yourself a reminder or an alarm clock. At night, of course, this is not necessary.
  • After the test is completed, it will be necessary to make your schedule based on these data. So you will understand when your charge falls, what actions or emotions, and, in general, it will become clear about your energy potential.
Understand where the flow of energy goes
Understand where the flow of energy goes

Where does energy go?

  • Of course, except routine and hard work, lack of rest, malnutrition and bad habits Deprive us of physical energy. Incredibly, even stoop blocks energy channels, thereby blocking its flow
  • Also do not forget that All diseases destroy our biofield, thereby worsening our energy
  • All negative emotions By type, envy, anger, despondency or depression, a large share of energy is selected, violating the integrity of our biofield
  • Resentment or feeling of guilt “gnaws” our energy from the inside!
  • All internal conflicts and experiences, as well as unresolved problems of the past and experiences for the future
  • Our mental body can suffer from an excess of thoughts and solutions in his head. That is, you often go to Dreams or thoughts over problems, which do not matter
  • Our etheric body suffers from the lack of contact with fresh air and a full rest!

Important: a sick physical body cannot have a healthy aura and strong energy! Therefore, no practices will help you until you cure your ailments. Therefore, it is not necessary to meditate and increase your energy during a cold. But work on oneself, cleansing and replenishing energy can improve the condition of a chronically ill person!

Take care of your purification, both spiritual and physical!
Take care of your purification, both spiritual and physical!

How to make up for your energy and increase the energy flow: methods, tips

There are various energy practices that help to cope with the energy decline. You can distinguish and use the basis of these teachings.

Important: the most valuable and effective practices are Yoga and meditation. Thanks to them, you begin to harmonize with the cosmos, surrounding people and, most importantly, with yourself!

And in order to quickly increase your energy, 10-15 minutes are enough to cleanse your thoughts. Limit an external annoying factor, turn on pleasant music and plunge into yourself. You can do this not only at home, but also at work. But at the same time it is important to breathe with the "stomach"!

Based on such knowledge, we can replenish our energy in the following ways:

  • from the elements of the Earth. Very well It is more often in nature, walk barefoot. Consume products that are produced directly on Earth. These are fruits, vegetables, cereals, cereals, as well as other natural products - oil, ghee;
  • from the elements of water. Swim as much as possible in natural reservoirs. It can be rivers, lakes, seas. Try to drink water from wells, sources. It is better not to drink alcoholic drinks and coffee. It is very useful to add to the bathroom sea salt, which cleanses completely negative energy, and even impregnates your skin with useful components;
  • from the elements of fire. It is useful to light candles, meditate next to them or simply inhale the aroma when using your favorite aromatic oils;
  • from the elements of air. It is worth noting that A bad habit in the form of smoking very poorly affects human energy. And inhaling it will help to fill it with clean, or fresh mountain and forest air. Also learn to breathe through the nose and exhale through the mouth. By the way, it is recommended to master "Conscious" breathing! It is proper breathing that replenishes our energy reserves and even increases immunity;
  • you can also Get a charge from trees. Therefore, it is so important to walk in the fresh air, preferably in the forest. And we have repeatedly heard about the benefits of meditation in nature. And you will find more information in our material "Trees healers and their energy";
  • get energy from the sun and space. It is wonderful if you have the opportunity to visit the sun more often and consuming sun -loving vegetables and fruits. To “charge” yourself, you also need to breathe correctly. But at the same time, you must mentally eat the energy of the sun, absorbing it into the chakra of Manipura. It is located in the abdomen. For the energy of the cosmos, the vishuddha chakra is necessary, which is located in the throat area.

And you can read about the value and correct cleansing of the chakras in our article "How to clean the chakras yourself?"

The most powerful stream of energy is ready to share nature
The most powerful stream of energy is ready to share nature

How to increase physical energy?

  • Of course, normalize a dream and take care of a good rest.And for this you need to not only get enough sleep, but also be able to relax. Therefore, always find time to relax your body.

Important: do not sit on social networks for a very long time. And always go to bed today! From 10 o’clock, our physical energy receives a powerful space charge. But it is best to wake up with sunrise. You will wake up with nature, which means to eat its energy.

By the way, how to learn to get up early in the morning, you can read the tips in our article "How to go to bed correctly to wake up early?"

  • We also do not forget about spiritual rest - Find a hobby or go to creativity. At the same time, you must understand that no energy disappears without a trace! Any energy flow is transformed in the other direction. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to control your thoughts and desires, sending negativity to the benefit.
  • By the way, the methodology of sublimation of energy helps get rid of bad habits,who literally suck energy out of us. This beer in the evenings, which takes not only time in the evening, but also strength in the morning; These are social networks or news. You need to learn to outline unnecessary information in order to absorb only important knowledge.
  • A poor energy result is brought Undressed sexual intercourse.Sexual intercourse can be exhausted if you are not close enough with your partner. But the feeling of love, on the contrary, will help you make up for your energy.
Go in for sports
Go in for sports
  • Eat correctly As we wrote, from land products. This is the second basic component of physical or vital energy. Any harmful food clogs our aura, reduces energy potential and worsens well -being.
  • In addition, a big role Drive the water!The simplest, non -carbonated or boiled, and raw water. Its benefit it is indispensable for our body and energy. Believe it, she is better than store power engineers can arouse and fill with energy.
  • And of course, don't forget About cleansing the body.Now there are various methods of cleansing your body. Including oriental practices and special diets. Do not forget to fill the vessel with new energy, you should "lock" the holes in the vessel itself. And slag and other clusters create breakdowns in our energy reserve.
  • Walk in the fresh air as often as possible and ventilate the room! This is not the instructions of the doctor - this is the need of your body and its energy. Remember, carbon dioxide takes away the charge, worsens the memory and functioning of the brain, and also makes us sluggish! By the way, for the same reason, we do not forget that green flowers in the house help to clean your room from carbon dioxide. True, you must also choose them correctly.

Each person with introspection can best understand the world of all psychologists in what decreases energy in him. One has only to calculate everything that takes your vitality. Even if at first glance it may seem that this is not so important or does not have a significant value. In fact, having together all these moments and situations, we begin to see that of such different little things, our emotional burnout comes. Moreover, if it concerns situations on the day of repeating.

Follow your back and breath
Follow your back and breath

How to make up for free energy?

Important: you need to engage in creative energy only after cleansing your physical body. And remember the very first main rule - first exclude the leakage of energy.

  • Do not come into conflicts. Those people who are not capable of independent replenishment of their energy are conflict. Relying to conflict situations, they feed on someone else's energy. There is such a term as "Energy vampirism." With a response to the conflict, you deprive yourself of your own energy.
  • That's why Choose the right circle of communication.Get a charge from strong and positive people.
  • The most wasteful part in terms of energy costs in our lives is our Psycho -emotional state.It is very important to protect your mental health and emotional stability. After all, if a person is constantly in the stress of the house, at work and in other areas of life, this takes away a huge part of energy. Therefore, it is better to avoid situations and people who are unpleasant and make you feel uncomfortable. This will feel better and maintain precious energy.
  • Do not constantly complain about fate, You need to find good sides and pluses in everything. Everything returns to us by boomerang. If you radiate positive messages, then in return you will get good luck. We also offer you to read the material "How to learn to enjoy life?"
Direct your energy to positive
Direct your energy to positive
  • Feeling of resentment and hostility It destroys good energy. It is worthwhile to work out all unpleasant situations and learn to let them go. Any emotional stones in the form of negative energy, baseless experiences or regrets about the past are your cargo, ballast, which prevents you from moving on and developing energetically.
  • Learn to make decisions without looking back at the same time!If you did this at that moment, then - for you then it was the most correct solution! But it also happens that you cannot decide for something for a long time, constantly doubting yourself. You also deprive yourself of energy! You scatter it into empty experiences and stresses that slowly “burn” us from the inside!
  • Do not forget to thank fate! Even bitter experience gives us valuable knowledge. But learn to tell the Cosmos “Thank you” correctly for giving you this valuable lesson. And for this, redirect your thoughts to the positive side. Do not get hung up on failures! They are with everyone. It is important - how do you feel about them!
  • Do not let anger and aggression into your life. Learn to control your emotions. And for this we recommend our material "How to learn to manage your anger?"
  • And remember - What do you give, then you get! Help more just other people, drive bad plans and thoughts from your head. You can do charity work.
  • Always have a goal and desire. This is our life engine! If you have no goals, then you are spiritually dead. At the same time, never lose faith and love!
Believe, pray, love!
Believe, pray, love!

The easiest way to restore energy?

  1. Take a convenient pose, turn on relaxing music and breathe calmly
  2. Imagine in front of you Sunny ball, which rotates counterclockwise
  3. Now it is important to visualize that it grows, sucking out of you All the negative. To make it easier, let it be black smoke
  4. But now he begins to rotate the other way, give you sunny Rays of positive and energy
  5. Imagine how solar energy is impregnating your body
  6. Now mentally lift the ball into the sky. And there he will already process your negativity for solar radiation

It should be understood that inhalation of fresh air and drinking water from the spring will not help if you are constantly experiencing a negative attitude. You need to teach yourself to see good sides in everything. Then, along with efforts, all positive strong energy will return to you.

Video: Strong meditation, how to return energy?

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  1. For me, sports are very helpful.

  2. Thanks

  3. Height performance when I am calm and confident in myself. Then the head works well. For the rest of the Evalarovsky glycine, Forte began to take, consisting of B vitamins and glycine itself. On the tablet in the morning and in the evening I absorb, conveniently and calmly. I buy a phytomarket on the website, they have good discounts.

  4. It is best to drink vitamins during this period. I have a husband, every year in winter, the formula takes more than polyvitamins, contains 20 vitamins (A, E, C), 11 minerals (zinc, selenium). I also note the Eleutherococcus extract (Siberian ginseng), it increase endurance and immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system. In general, it is desirable to drink this complex for several courses a year.

  5. Hatha yoga’s lessons help me a lot daily in the morning at least two hours

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