Memo, how to learn to enjoy life and always feel good: rules, advice

Memo, how to learn to enjoy life and always feel good: rules, advice

In this topic, we will consider the question of how to learn how to enjoy life and enjoy it.

The ability to enjoy life is a very useful quality! Despite the hardships of living with a widely opened soul and be prepared to let in positively at every minute - this is probably the secret of a harmonious happy life. Is it possible to learn this - undoubtedly! You just need to revise your views on some things a little and everything around will shine in a new light.

How to let joy into your life or how to start enjoying life: basic rules

Of course, nothing in this life is just given. And to be happy is also a kind of work, but this is work by us. But it is he who brings such long -awaited fruits - a smile, harmony, love for everything around and a feeling of happiness of a full life. But to enjoy life and every day does not mean that you need to live in pink glasses.

We should not resort to the illusion of perfection. On the contrary, you need to learn to see the beautiful there, they used to meet the usual, find joy in their everyday life, see beauty in simple things, learn to catch the moment and live it to the full degree.

Life is arranged in such a way that very often our body needs to experience various stresses. What is there, it has already become an almost integral part of our existence. But you need to learn how to deal with them correctly. Moreover, we live far from the worst time of the whole history of mankind!

Let joy into your life!
Let joy into your life!

The only person who can help us out of a depressive state is ourselves. Indeed, most often we are nervous, exaggerating the meaning of this or that circumstance.

Therefore, first of all, We carry out introspection to understand that most often you are upset and knocks out of the rut. Then try to get rid of everything that interferes and destroys a good mood. You should never hold on to grieves you. Among these factors, the following aspects may be.

  • Situations and circumstances. That's why we are people in order to analyze situations and rationally come out of them. It happens that you feel that some situation remained unresolved. Or vice versa, something happened a very long time, but you can’t survive it.
    • Remember - you need to let both people and situations! Just try to understand that we cannot influence everything and everyone who meets us in the way. If you discuss and solve this problem, then you just need to forget about it for a while.
    • Thinking the same thing daily, you just deprive yourself of the opportunity to look at everything from the side. Rest, and the decision will come by itself. The universe hears you, just sometimes you need to wait.
  • Try to avoid people with negative energy or a bad mood.Everyone wants to have a pleasant friend and interlocutor, but we have such nature - we cannot like everyone in a row. Not with everyone we will meet the characters and not with everyone we will become friends. But this is the norm, it should be.
    • Therefore, it is not worth tormenting yourself by a person who is not very pleasant for you Or does not sympathize. This exhausts and, of course, does not add positive in life.
    • Moreover, if a person does not bring inspiration and joy into your life. There is Such a type of people who are always dissatisfied with everyone, including you. If your friends and relatives constantly criticize you or reduce your face smile, it is worth, if possible, to minimize communication with them.
Surround yourself with positive people
Surround yourself with positive people
  • Lurking resentment. Do not be offended by someone too long. Resentment is a destructive feeling. The longer we hide the resentment, we burn more emotionally with the more. And it’s not bad just to the offender, but to you!
    • The best way out will be just talk heart to heartif possible. Express what hurt you, but just look so that this discussion does not grow into a new quarrel.
    • Therefore, the safest and no less effective method is Forgive the offender in the shower and let go of the situation.Then you can already reflect: whether you want to keep in touch with such a person or not.
  • This applies to Bad comics from the past.Yes, we were all young, stupid and could make a mistake. But much more important is how you learned the lesson and how ready to be responsible for the deed.
    • It is these regrets, “as it would” prevent you from enjoying life today! Perhaps even they cover the current gifts of fate. Remember - You need to live today, not yesterday!

Important: we can scroll a new scenario in our heads a thousand times, but nothing will come of changing!

  • By the way, sometimes we We can imagine our future too much Starting to live by them. So it should not be! Although no one forbids dream. This A positive flight of fantasy gives a feeling of joy. And do not forget that proper visualization helps to fulfill the desire! But this should be precisely the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture of your plans.
  • Excess obligations taken. Learn to say no. Very often we agree to different requests only because we are afraid to offend a person. But you are not a robot!
    • Remember-there is nothing wrong with the fact that someone will be refused. Just try to explain why you cannot fulfill the request. Do not oblige yourself to be extra work if it does not bring you pleasure or it is a banal inconvenient.

Of course, these are only some factors that can cause a bad mood. Sometimes you need to dig a much deeper. Often the causes of poor mood and depressive states stretch from early childhood. In such situations, it is best to understand with the help of a specialist. But what to wait is not worth it - this is the fact that deep injuries and resentment will evaporate by themselves.The sooner you begin to resolve the issue, the sooner you shine with a dazzling smile and happiness.

Add bright colors yourself - after all, each of us is an artist!
Add bright colors yourself - after all, each of us is an artist!

To enjoy life, you need to be able to enjoy simple things: Memo of happiness

  • Of course, our plans and dreams are very good. You need to go to them with a confident step. But do not forget to look around and To appreciate what you have!Yes, you can skeptically relate to such an already involved expression, but it really works. But you need to believe it! We offer the most simply plan:
    • you are alive and healthy, there are hands and legs - excellent, there is already a reason to smile. Moreover, we repeat that our historical time can really be called the best. Everyone has stress, but you do not need to go early in the morning to hunt in attempts to get food. We can ride a car, contact our own person even at a distance and even buy what we want! We have just grown up requests;
    • your children pull the sleeve with a request to buy new toys? Even better - nature gave you wonderful heirs. What is there, they do not ask you a crust of bread, as during the war. Consider how the daughters your smooth facial features were conveyed, and the son inherited an excellent character! You have who to be proud of. After all, some only dream of children even without a husband. Not every day we think about it, but this is a great reason to be happy;
    • if your family so far consists of only two people or at all from one, just time to devote it for yourself. Think, maybe you have long dreamed of learning to dance or learn a foreign language. After all, this is useful at any age! There is no reason to deny yourself.
  • Learn to create a mosaic from small rays of joy. A favorite song began to play on the radio - this is an occasion to smile, and there the place lost or the child blinded the snowman himself. On this item, the film "Explosion from the past" is very accurately recalling.
    • The main character does not interfere with the intercepting that "gift" Rejoice and admire A sunny day and even gloomy clouds, in the silhouettes of which you can guess the figure, white snow and a bright rainbow that was after the rain. Or maybe today your first pancake was not lumpy or a flower has blossomed on the windowsill. It is precisely in these grains of ordinary and ordinary lies happiness.
Consider the bubbles around you for joy!
Consider the bubbles around you for joy!
  • Do not live and do not dream of another life! Again, it could be an echo of the past, that the event would turn your life over, or that neighbor got married more successfully. Nothing is given and does not happen just like that! The burden is given in strength and should be according to your capabilities.
    • When you take too heavy load, you can tear your back. So in life - any event is caused by a series of previous acts, but they will never arise in our life just like that. We will not assure us that this is the “thoughts of the Lord”, because each of us has different religion. But one can say for sure - Everything is interconnected and directly depends on us!
  • Another rule follows from this - Do not envy!Sending good and good thoughts to the universe, we get the opposite from it. Let us return again to the neighbor who successfully got married. For example, you and your husband prepare dinner in the evening or go for a walk on weekends. And she spends most of them alone, but in a mink fur coat. Therefore, you should never live someone else's life in dreams, because you do not know its true style.
  • But we do not fall into despondency: sorrows and all the tears of the past - this is not your punishment. If you really did not do bad deeds, and the echoes went after them. Learn any aspects of your life to perceive as a lesson, the result and experience of which must be remembered.

Even if it seems that the situation is completely bad, still try to see at least small pluses in it. It is much easier to live when to take a positive part from any moment. You need to remember, everything goes away. All failures will end, the white strip will change black. Believe in success, even if everyone around doubts. Wearing an inner smile with you, which will help to cope with all matters easy and simple. Find over all the circumstances at the expense of your own internal forces.

Love every corner of this life
Love every corner of this life

Work on yourself - this will give more joy in life!

  • Never think about yourself badly!To forgive another - you need to forgive yourself in the first place! If you reproach yourself for incorrectly said word 10 years ago, then you simply cannot notice joyful fragments.
  • Praise yourself even for small achievements. Yes, do not expect praise from others, namely, begin to be proud of yourself. This law at an unknown level works, and people will also begin to see in you what you yourself see in reflection!
  • By the way, Start playing sports or balancing meals. This will help not only to raise the production of endorphins that are responsible for joy, but you will also put the figure in order. And this touch already gives a share of self -confidence and, accordingly, the ability to see joy in general.
  • Never spare yourself! This depresses even more. And do not complain to others to regret you. This is a vicious circle from which it is very difficult to get out. There was a disaster - look for a solution and a positive moment. Shoes were torn - it means that you need to buy a new one. We lost their wallet/ phone - it’s good that the Universe took the material part, not your health.
  • Thank life! For everything, not even quite successful moments in life. They always benefit. But while you will “sour”, mourning the broken phone, a good job where you could earn two, will walk around. A very banal example, but such is the law of nature - free and release the negative part to fill it with positive. Like a vessel with bad wine - first you need to pour it to fill a fresh drink. What is quite logical - we will not mix two varieties.
  • Do not forget to say “thank you” to others. Have you noticed that all good (and not only) things return to us by boomerang? Sharing good, we ourselves become better and richer. Also, a feeling of gratitude is not superfluous.
    • We often do not value close people and their acts, not even assuming that once they may not become. But these little thanks will raise the mood of others, and then it will certainly return to you. In general, there is such a small rule - a day I need to say and hear at least 10 thanks! Then the day will be not in vain.
  • Set yourself a goal! You can start with banal requirements, gradually raising the bar. But never give up the case halfway.
  • Do what you like. Yes, this applies to your favorite work. She should not only bring money, but also give joy. More precisely, it is the joy and desire that should be in the first place. But everyone should not throw a highly paid job for a search for themselves. This item concerns more than those who are at a “herd principle” sitting on routine work, for which a penny is paid. And at the same time he dreams of becoming a writer and has a talent for this.
  • Find a hobby. Without hobby, a person will simply stop developing and enjoying life in general. This is such a reloading for the soul and body.
  • Start traveling. New acquaintances, new knowledge is what often brings a new touch of joy. And you can even compare your life. It is the travels who teach us to appreciate life and admire its creations! Even if there is no money, make it a rule - on the weekend to relax in nature!

You can find a thousand and one reason to smile just here and now, without using any resources. For happiness, we do not need much. The most important thing is to learn to see the good, without focusing on temporary failures. Drive bad thoughts away and appreciate what is already there.

Smile - and life will smile back!
Smile - and life will smile back!

How to achieve optimism in everyday life in order to enjoy life: recommendations

Everything is easy in words. But how to attract positive to yourself and become an optimist? Try to use the following recommendations:

  • smile more often. When you smile at people, they smile back. So you will see that most are kindly configured;
  • ask for help. If you need advice or hint - do not hesitate to ask about it. You will see that most people are ready to help in difficult times. We are used to not asking, simply guided by our personal internal complexes;
  • communicate just like that. More often speak on any topics with people who have a positive mood. Spend more time with them, we tend to become infected with the emotions of our environment;
  • treat everything with humor. In life, you need to treat everything with irony, slightly reducing the bar of your ideals. Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous, sometimes it raises a good self -esteem and mood;
  • pass through yourself negative and do not focus on it. Try not to watch, for example, terrifying news, but to any adversity to look for a suitable exit key;
  • attend trainings. If there is a desire and an opportunity, go through psychological trainings. Choose for yourself a variety of topics related to positive, joy in life, motivation, etc.;
  • and of course Believe in your success and never doubt your abilities!

Learn to withstand the middle ground in everything, and it will turn out to be so that you will stop leaning towards bad thoughts and moods.

Video: How to learn to enjoy life?

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