Trees healers that give positive energy to a person and take away the negative, negative. How to charge with energy from trees?

Trees healers that give positive energy to a person and take away the negative, negative. How to charge with energy from trees?
Features of communication of man and wood. Types of trees and their energy influence.
The harmony of the world is much deeper than visual beauty. All living creatures are constantly in contact with each other at a subtle level.

A person with the development of industry began to move away from nature and forget the knowledge of his ancestors. Therefore, we do not know how to cope with negative emotions, which over time provoke the development of serious diseases.

Trees are amazing living creatures. The energy of some of them is so strong that the most inveterate materialist states relief after a good walk in the forest.

To recognize and exchange energy with trees can do each of us. How to do this correctly - we will analyze in more detail.

The energy of trees-kissers for humans

The holy man is charged by energy under a tree
the holy man is charged by energy under a tree
The mental body of the tree is cleaner, lighter and stronger than human. Therefore, most trees begin to influence us even without making contact, for example, cedar. They are able to independently see and recognize the state of the mind of a person, envelop their energy and level its flows within us.

By the ability to give or absorb energy, there are trees:

  • donors
  • vampires
  • generously give us their energies
  • strengthen character
  • clean the brains from destructive thoughts and programs
  • improve mood
  • align the movement of prana of specific organs and body systems
  • take an excess of any type of energies
  • treat diseases of varying degrees of complexity
All trees are the conductors of space flows to Earth. But vampires also absorb negativity, destructive vibrations, destructive thoughts from the environment and direct them to the ground for transformation into creative ones.

What trees are donors and give strength and good positive energy to a person?

Birch grove - a source of soft energy for humans
birch grove - a source of soft positive energy for humans
For central Russia, this is:
  • oak
  • birch
  • maple
  • acacia
  • rowan
  • pine and all coniferous rocks
  • apple tree and all fruit trees, especially during flowering
  • ash
  • apricot
  • cedar

Trees taking bad negative energy

Energetically strong tree grows apart
energetically strong tree grows apart
Among them:
  • aspen
  • chestnut
  • poplar
  • willow
  • juniper
  • verba
  • linden
  • alder

Oak, pine, birch - what is the energy of a tree?

Drawing oak, birch and pine from the guide to the botany
drawing oak, birch and pine from the guide to the botany
All these trees are donors for humans.

Birch is the softest and friendly tree of all donors. She medicals her shared nerves and gives strength to recovery even seriously ill people, relieves pain. But with her you need to find contact, birch does not favors everyone in a row.

The birch personifies the Russian soul, simple and mysterious at the same time.

It is better to live in close neighborhood with this tree, then no nightmare dreams and the attacks of evil forces are afraid of you.

Oak has a dense strong energy of longevity and the power of a warrior. He gives a person the maximum possible amount of vitality. It is favorable to healthy people, and it is better to avoid contact with an oak from chronic and serious diseases. It charges the strong spirit of people, fighters by nature with their powerful energy.

Antiquity healers treated serious diseases with a crushed oak bark, its branches and saws/boards.

Pine is a tree of the height of the spirit and clarity of reason. People came to her in ancient times to make fateful decisions. The best time for contact with pine is the early morning. She is:
  • activates creative abilities
  • takes your irritability, anger, anger
  • removes partially damage and evil eye
  • protects against bad influence that evil

How to get energy from a tree?

Trees are living beings that understand human intentions and thoughts
trees are living beings that understand human intentions and thoughts
There are several options:
  • only after the contact is established,
  • some trees at their discretion are able to reward you with their energy if your thoughts are clean, honest and without notes of violence/causing harm to it and nature as a whole.
In the first version, follow the following actions:
  • at a distance of 2 meters from the tree, ask him for help in the treatment of a disease or alleviate his mental state,
  • wait for an answer. If it is positive, you will feel the warmth and desire to lean/come closer to the barrel. Negative answer - a signal to continue the search for the desired healer,
  • touch the sick body or its projection to the green doctor. The optimal time of bodily contact is up to 15 minutes per session,
  • After recharging energy, be sure to thank the tree, tell him kind words. The next time it will give you with its energies with greater generosity.

Money energy of trees

The energy of trees at dawn fills with abundance everything around
the energy of trees at dawn fills with abundance everything around
The world of trees differs from human. There is no money and relations with them in it.

But there is abundance, prosperity. Having received this type of energy, you are able to transform it into monetary.

For example, aspen will clean your energy channels, remove blocks so that the flows of abundance flow with renewed vigor. The birch generously and gently shares it. The oak will strengthen your vitality, faith in yourself, will give optimism and endurance in achieving your goals. And pine as a magnet will attract the energy of money to you. For this she:

  • will have a calming effect on the nervous system and the flow of your thoughts,
  • concentrates you on exalted values,
  • will give clarity and calmness for a look from above on your problems and questions,
  • it will help you see the ways to achieve goals and obtain cash energies in abundance.

How to clean energy: work with trees energy

The girl sits under a tree and charges with the energy of abundance
the girl sits under a tree and charges with the energy of abundance

Cleaning energy means giving negative and destructive settings. Then you should turn to vampire trees. They will take what you give.

If your goal is a cure for ailments, approach a vampire tree from the north and lean your back, your hands are lowered down along your body with your palms to the barrel. Treat the tree with a sore limb or projection of a sick internal organ.

The duration of communication should not exceed 5 minutes. Your sensations during contact:

  • tingling, light dizziness
  • attraction to the tree
  • the movement of energy flows from you
At the end of the session, be sure to thank the green friend and say goodbye to him.

After communicating with a tree that took the negative, be sure to find the donor and charge him. Since you gave not only bad, but also part of your vitality.

During contact with Donor wood:
  • make short pauses between inhalation and exhalation
  • belish with your eyes closed
  • visualize the movement of energy flows from wood through the roots up your body to the level of the shoulders
To cleanse the energy of your home, pick up the cuts, branches, bark, chips of those trees that cope with such a task. These particles:
  • hang in the house
  • save half the branches periodically
  • stand at the head of the bed or under the pillow
  • sky incense with the addition of essential oils

How to choose your tree?

Choose a tree for communication according to your feelings
choose a tree for communication according to your feelings

The first step is to determine the purpose of the interaction and secondary desired results. For example, you want to strengthen the heart muscle. Cashtan and pine will help you. However, the first has a strong beneficial effect on the human nervous system. The chestnut reassures and evens out the rhythms of her work.

And pine also improves the general mood, adds optimism, affects the activity of the respiratory system, improves blood circulation. Therefore, in a pine forest, you feel a slight dizziness from inhalation of concentrated oxygen, your lungs rejoice in clean air.
  • The second step is to study the properties of the trees and select the type that best handle your goal. Focus on those breeds that grow in your area. They are more open to contacts with you.
  • Look at the lunar calendar. Adverse days for communicating with trees - full moon, new moon, the first days 2 and 4 quarters.
  • Find the place of growth of trees of the desired species.
  • Learn the area before contact. Avoid ravines and zones near them, contact with trees growing along the highway and in the city, places without grass or with a rare painful cover, curved trees and patients. In the latter case, they already work at the limit of their capabilities, aligning the flows of energies in the place of growth. Therefore, you simply do not have the strength for full communication and help.

At the first acquaintance, approach the trees no closer than 1.5-2 meters. Mentally ask them about readiness for communication. If you feel heat and attraction to the tree, come closer. Otherwise, cold and rejection indicate the reluctance of a tree to make contact. He has his own reasons. For example, the internal mode of sleep and wakefulness.

Choose a separate tree with an even trunk and a large crown. He has the maximum amount and concentration of healing energy.

Interestingly, all trees are useful and treated to man. There are no bad or evil green brothers. This is what we forgot how to interact with them, how to be friends and exchange good.

Practice communication with trees and live in harmony!

Video: wood - energy source

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