Tips and useful recommendations that will help to lie down correctly in the evening and easy to get up in the morning. The reasons why you need to get up early in the morning, and why is it so difficult to do?

Tips and useful recommendations that will help to lie down correctly in the evening and easy to get up in the morning. The reasons why you need to get up early in the morning, and why is it so difficult to do?

In this article we will consider useful tips that will help you get up early in the morning. After all, you will find out how many positive moments there are in early wakefulness.

Sleep is an integral part of our life. What is there, this is the time when the body is resting, gaining strength, and also processes information over the past day. This is the first assistant in restoring and maintaining immunity. Remember that patients often give instructions to sleep, and after rest it really becomes easier.

But to wake up in the morning - this is torture for most of us, when the mood is spoiled with the mere thought of an early rise and from the sound of the alarm clock. We want to help you learn to get up early and do it easily, and most importantly, to understand that this is extremely necessary for your body.

The reasons why you need to get up early in the morning

It is worth noting right away anyone can get used to the regime. Before moving on to some rules of early upsurge, begin to motivate yourself in the right direction.

  • You will be in harmony with nature. No, this is not hippie propaganda. Look at the situation even from the logical side. Together with the sun, everything around is waking up - flowers bloom, animals and insects begin to be active, birds sing. This applies to man.
  • That is, getting up early in the morning, before or at sunrise - this live according to the laws of nature! And in response, it will saturate you with energy and enthusiasm. We come to mind: "Whoever gets up early - God gives it!"
    • We immediately turn to those who tried once. When you are easy at 2 a.m. and decided to wake up with the first rays of the sun tomorrow, then disappointment awaits you. You also need to go to bed correctly. But more on that later.
    • Moreover, a person who rises after sunrise destroys his life! He feels apathy, a breakdown, there is no enthusiasm, and creative ideas do not come to mind. Late, a rising person is weak in front of various depression.
You can get used to the regime and start to get up early
You can get used to the regime and start to get up early
  • The connection between the time of awakening and human life is noted. By the way, it is also not necessary to overdo it in this matter. How the rise time is reflected in a person:
    • At 2-3 in the morning - The phase of the moon is still valid, so the mind is at rest. This is a time of prayers and immersion. But it is noted who without problems is given to rise at this time will take huge steps in self -development. Although such a constant regime can also cause harm - the human psyche becomes very sensitive and susceptible.
    • At 3-4 hours - This is still a calm time, but more for the soul. Very useful meditations during this period.
    • but at 4-5 hoursAlthough this time is also influenced by the phase of the moon, the luminary is able to charge the awakened person with positive energy and give creative potential. This period can be called the "struggle with pessimists."
    • At 5-6 in the morning - This is the calm phase of the moon and the still inactive phase of the sun, but this is the time when it is time to act as a person. Getting up at this time, gets a huge charge of vigor! Moreover, such people can easily cope with any ailments and get persistent immunity.
    • 6-7 in the morning - This is the time after sunrise. Compared to the previous option, waking up at this time, will be energetically weaker and less charged with potential. But, nevertheless, their affairs will slowly go up.
    • After 7 in the morning and up to 8 A person receives a lower energy tone than he is supposed to. Therefore, awakened people at such a time often have nervousness, fussiness, jumps in blood pressure and increased appetite.
    • 8-9 in the morning - This is the time when a person often goes after a mass of society and cannot independently make the right decision. His undertakings are more often accompanied by failures and he is more susceptible to attacks by various diseases. Basically, has bad habits.
    • After 9 - This is the time when a person feels “dented”, tired and not sleepy. Late awakened people often manifest aggression, irritability, imaginary and disappointment in their lives.
  • Self -development, peace and work on oneself. Early morning helps to get together with thoughts and tune in to an active working day. In the early morning, it is useful to engage in charging, run, prayer or meditation. At this time, it is customary to plan your day. Put this period only to yourself! If you have children, spend the morning time calmly without them, reading your favorite book or without fuss, preparing breakfast.
  • Whoever gets up before has more time in day. No, they will not grow more than 24 hours. But it is noted that with an early rise, a person owns time. And he does not run all day, trying to tear out one necessary hour. And if you also have a clear plan, you can achieve significant heights. You have at least 2-3 hours in reserve, which you can safely dispose of!
Whoever gets up before is more time
Whoever gets up before is more time
  • You will have time to have breakfast!And this is useful not only for the healthy work of the stomach, but also for the energy supply of your body. You can find a comparison with the car. If it is not tilted in time with gas, then he will not be able to go.
  • You can become the master of his fate. You will be charged with a regular early climb, and even with spiritual development, increasing your energy reserve and tone repeatedly. And it is noted that all successful people do not renlose for a long time in bed.
  • After all, they have one significant plus - such people always go two steps in front. And all because they wake up much earlier than their competitors. And another successful guarantee is manifested - self -confidence, which is inherent in all early people.

Why is it difficult to get up in the morning?

You tuned to wake up with the sunrise, but in reality everything turned out to be not so simple. Yes, no one said that only one click will change and your body will be rebuilt to a new regime. Also pay attention to the following reasons to know what to fight.

  • We recall that the body should rest and gain strength. And for this he needs a dream! But, do not bend the stick in this matter. Serving is also expressed by drowsiness, laziness and some kind of lethargy. Each person has his own needs, but on average it is 7-8 hours for an adult, children should sleep at least 10 hours. If you sleep less than the required time, then you will not be able to wake up early in the morning. Lack of sleep - This is the first reason.
It will not work immediately with ease to get up in the morning
It will not work immediately with ease to get up in the morning
  • If you cannot get up in the morning, but sleep for a long time, then this indicates violation of its phases. A person at different times requires a different hour of sleep. That is, frequent awakening violate the slow phase of human sleep. Therefore, it will be difficult for him to get up in the morning.
  • Irregular schedule - Another reason that covers most of the adolescents. To wake up well in the morning and get enough sleep, you need to go to bed at the same time. And you also need to wake up according to the schedule every day.
  • Overeating before bedtime Or drunk coffee can cause insomnia. And, therefore, lack of sleep and heavy getting up in the morning. This also includes watching a too emotional film or a long lingering on the Internet.
  • Warm bed and a desire to soak down longer in bed - This is one of the most common causes of the winter period. But this does not mean that you need to stay in bed. On the contrary, you need to turn on the light and drive drowsiness. It is also recommended to breathe a sip of fresh air.
  • But that's not all. It is also undesirable to undermine in the morning at the first signal. Sharp - This is stress for the body. You need to take a convenient pose and lie down for 2-3 minutes. Many have a problem that they fall asleep back. When your biological clock is pushing, you will wake up even for 5-10 minutes to the alarm clock. And with pleasant thoughts, as well as completely rested.
Do not immediately get up, but lie down a little in bed
Do not immediately get up, but lie down a little in bed
  • Another reason why you cannot easily wake up in the morning is taking some drugs. They have a poor effect on sleep. More often these are medicines for allergies, increased pressure, painkillers or antidepressants.
  • By the way, depression and stress - This is a direct path to poor sleep, lack of sleep and lack of desire to get up in the morning.

What to do in the evening to get it easy in the morning: tips

In order not to feel “broken” in the morning, but wake up with joyful thoughts, you need to prepare for awakening in the evening. Do not try to rebuild sharply to another mode. Start reducing the rise time gradually, constantly removing for several minutes.

  • Do not overeat before going to bed And remember - you need to eat light food 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to overload your stomach. By the way, this will help and wake up with a feeling of lightness. Drinking coffee and various energy is completely contraindicated after lunch.
  • Do not watch TV After 8 o’clock in the evening. But transplanting a computer monitor is also not the best idea. This not only excites the nervous system, but knocks down the level and production of melatonin (that is, sleep hormone).
  • Necessarily walk in the fresh air In the evening, at least 1 hour. Even if it is cold and it is raining. At least half an hour must be allocated for a walk. This contributes to the production of serotonin, which is the basis for melatonin.
  • It will not hurt to engage in evening run or any physical exercises. They contribute to good and strong sleep, and hence vivid morning.
Go to bed in today's day
Go to bed in today's day
  • Cook morning troubles in the evening. Select an outfit, add a bag or portfolio. It is also not recommended to leave a mess in the morning. This will contribute to night experiences and not so joyful awakening.
  • It does not hurt to light aromatic lamps before bedtime. Just choose the right aromas that you will like and will help you tune in to sleep. If you are not a supporter of the lavender smell, then replace it with geranium or bergamot. It is very good to ventilate the room before going to bed or sleep with an open window at all.

On a note! You can cook your fragrant ball. To do this, take any citrus fruit - orange, lemon or grapefruit. Pierce it around the perimeter with a sharp stick, and insert several cloves and cinnamon sticks into these holes (or rub a little with it). Take out in a warm place for 1.5-2 weeks. And then tie it on a beautiful ribbon in your room.

  • Go to bed today! That is, no later than midnight. But jumping into the bed without five minutes to 12 is also not worth it. You still can’t get enough sleep. The best time is 21-22 hours. It is at this time that the body rests as much as possible. By the way, if you wanted to lie down a little earlier than the usual time, then listen to your body. But try to choose about the same time for sleeping.
  • Turn off all devices at night. Any light will interfere with healthy sleep. And the habit of falling asleep under the TV is even harmful to the body. By the way, it was found that even radiation from red bulbs interfere with normal cell regeneration. You need to sleep in exceptional darkness!

How to get up correctly in the morning: useful recommendations

  • The alarm clock should not be put at hand. Often, the right button is pressed on the machine, and you sleep until the next signal or jumps when you have already slept. If it’s hard for you to get up in the morning, then put an alarm alarm a few meters from the bed. So that you can stand up and turn it off. This will help to wake up a bit.
Useful tips
Useful tips
  • Do not put loud music or sharp sounds on the alarm clock. It is best to choose calm melody or sounds of nature. So that you would be pleased to hear this, and did not want to, headlong, run away sooner to turn it off.
  • Give yourself five minutes to lie or fantasize over pleasant events today. To get out of bed too sharply adversely affects health. Or remember the pleasant moments that you recently happened to you. Focus in the first minute on positive.
  • Necessarily reach And lie down in a convenient position. Sometimes each of us woke up in an interesting position, when a hand, a back or leg flowed. You need to not only stretch out, fragmenting your body, but also breathe into the lungs of oxygen. To saturate the brain to them. And this is the first key to quick awakening.
Let yourself soak up a little in bed
Let yourself soak up a little in bed
  • It is also recommended to massage eyebrows, whiskey and earlobes. To activate the blood flow to the brain. Rub the palms of each other. It is good to grind your body or make a small charging on the bed in general. No sudden movements, just smooth and rotating movements of the hands, feet, neck. Do it rising from the bed.
  • Try to open the curtains or turn on artificial lighting. Light promotes awakening and slows down the production of melatonin. And, in general, gives vigor. It will also not be superfluous and, if weather conditions allow, open windows. Let fresh air into the room.
  • Be sure to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Not sweet tea or strong coffee, but a glass of filtered water at room temperature. It will not be superfluous to put her in the evening near her bed. This will help you wake up, and also disperse the digestive system. You can start breakfast after 15-20 minutes.
  • You need to do a stretch or charging In the fresh air, as well as run some distance in the morning. This body will wake up and help maintain good physical shape.
  • Take cold after exercise, and even better cold and hot shower. I certainly don’t want to sleep anymore, and strengthen immunity. If there is not enough courage to decide on such an action, then begin to wipe the neck and face with an ice cube.
Take a contrast shower
Take a contrast shower

On a note! It will turn out insanely useful if you freeze with water chamomile or other healing herbs. Wiping with such a face cube in the morning will prevent the formation of wrinkles or help to fight them, and will also allow you to have fresh skin.

  • Do not turn on the Internet right away. You will knock your energy attitude and begin to reboot your brain that has not yet been awakened with unnecessary information.
  • Devote this time only to yourself and your thoughts. Stay in silence at least 10-15 minutes. This will charge you with positive and vigor for the whole day! You can drink fragrant tea or strong coffee, but stay alone with your thoughts. It is very useful to engage in morning meditation, especially since it is enough for it 5-10 minutes.
  • Do not miss breakfast! If you follow the figure, then oatmeal with dried fruits will be the perfect option. Do not get carried away with a dryness, focus on healthy and full food. Yogurts and fruits are very useful to charge the benefit of the whole body.
  • Build positive future plans And keep your victory diary. Morning is the perfect time to make a list of tasks. And not only today, but also a more global scale. Think more positively that you have an incentive and the joy of getting up in the morning!

Video: How to get up early and quickly rebuild the mode?

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