What are the chakras and why clean them? How to clean the chakras from negative energy yourself: with the help of mantras and the position of the hands, meditation. How to clean the chakras to yourself and avoid their blockage: psychologists' advice

What are the chakras and why clean them? How to clean the chakras from negative energy yourself: with the help of mantras and the position of the hands, meditation. How to clean the chakras to yourself and avoid their blockage: psychologists' advice

In this article, we will consider how to independently clean the chakras from negative energy. And we will give some simple recommendations of psychologists how to avoid their blockage.

We will not insist that everyone is obliged to know the location of all chakras and generally keep abreast of such aspects. But to expand your horizons, to improve well -being and, as a result, improving the quality of life, you should listen to the advice of the sages. No wonder the chakram is given such an honorable place. In this material, we want to share a very important topic with the cleansing of our chakras from negative energy by an independent method.

What are the chakras and why clean them for a surge of positive energy into our lives?

The body is an ideal reflection of all our thoughts and emotions. This is a physical manifestation of internal beliefs. There are seven chakras or large energy centers in the human body.

  • Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means "wheel". Chakras are similar to wheels in that they rotate in the vortices of energy. They are centers of power located inside the body through which the receipt, transmission and processing of vital energy occurs.
  • Chakr centers are similar to energy engines in the field of mental, emotional and physical energy, which is known as “I”. Each center of chakra belongs to a certain area of \u200b\u200blife.
    • For example, the root chakra (Muladhara) is associated with a sense of attachment to brothers, as well as survival problems. If a person believes that others are not safe, then this chakra will not establish harmony with other chakras. This will affect the organs in the root of the root chakra, namely the genitals.
  • The colors of the chakras, in fact, reflect the color of the rainbow. And even in the same order they are outlined. Their illustration from the red tone begins and ends with purple. It sounds extremely positive, because it turns out that a rainbow walks across the body of a person.
    • But not everything is so simple. Usually the color associated with each chakra prevails. The same colors of the rainbow that we have already mentioned. But there are still colors inside the chakra that differ from the traditional color.
    • Uniting among themselves, they create various textures and layers, as well as shades. After all, one layer goes over the second tone, creating mixing of flowers.
So the chakras are concentrated in our body
So the chakras are concentrated in our body
  • People are forced to believe that a frustrated state is due to the incident event, which caused negative emotions. However, this happens exactly and vice versa.
    • When such a disorder as pain or illness, or maybe discomfort in the body or external circumstance in the form of a loss of work or relationship arises, this event is a reflection of the disorder that has already been inside a person.
  • We can conclude that the state of chakras affects the inner harmony of a person, his relationship with other people and productivity of activity. Therefore, it is important to keep these energy centers in harmony. For this chakra you need to clean.
  • Of course, you can go to a specialist who will reveal and clean the chakras, but there are several difficulties.
    • Firstly, the lack of time. Not always in the rich rhythm of life there is an opportunity to allocate time to visit a specialist.
    • The second problem is the high cost of the service. The cost of such a procedure can reach several thousand.
    • Another is unprofessionalism or quackery. Not always a person who cleanses the chakras is a specialist in this area.
  • Therefore, you can try to clean the chakras yourself at home. There are several ways to do this. The most common among them are cleansing using meditation and reading mantra. If you fulfill all the tips, then at home you can achieve a good result and improve your life.
The meaning of the chakras in our life
The meaning of the chakras in our life

Cleaning the chakras of negative energy by mantras and hand position

People are creatures who always repeat the same information. Children know the world when they listen to the same stories or fairy tales. Pupils study the subject, repeating the facts, formulas and rules. Adults usually repeat the same phrases again and again for themselves in their heads, which resembles hypnosis.

  • Repetition of mantra is, in fact, positive self -hypnosis. One of its forms is focusing on the balancing of the seven chakras - a thin energy system of the body.
  • There are mantras for the balance of chakras that help align internal energy. Each mantra needs to be repeated alone, aloud or silently. It is important to observe how this affects mind, body and spirit.
  • The root chakra (Muladhara): "I am strong, stable and peaceful."
    • To feel the connection with the ground, you need to pronounce the mantra while sitting when the legs or hips are tightly pressed to the floor or walk with bare feet on the ground. At the base of the spine, you need to imagine a red ball. As the mantra is repeated, energy should be felt at the base of the spine.
  • Sacred Chakra (Svadhisthana): "Creativity flows through me."
    • It is necessary to imagine a luminous orange ball in the lower part of the abdominal region, the center of creativity. Regardless of whether the person believes that he has artistic abilities or not, he will learn his inclinations, and what kind of art they bow to him.
    • This can improve many aspects of human life. During the repetition of the mantra, the energy shift should be felt in the lower abdomen.
  • The chakra of the solar plexus (Manipura): "Sometimes letting go is the best choice."
    • It is necessary to portray a golden hat rotating just above the navel or solar plexus - the center of human strength. When this center is unbalanced, a person can go in cycles on the idea, relationship or desire of the road of life.
    • Nevertheless, this mantra reminds us that sometimes letting go of dreams is the best solution. An energy shift should be felt in the abdomen.
Manipura teaches us to let us go
Manipura teaches us to let us go
  • Heart chakra (anahata): "Give equal to the received."
    • It is necessary to visualize the green sphere on the chest. A heart chakra is a center of love and forgiveness. Since childhood, some people have been accustomed that it is better to give than to get. During the pronunciation of the mantra, you can stand by the tree, inhale and exhale.
    • Breathing symbolizes an equal exchange, which requires both provision and receipt. When inhaled, clean air is obtained that the tree filters. When exhaling, the same tree is given carbon dioxide, from which the tree flourishes.
    • An energy shift in the chest will be felt when the mantra is repeated if all the rules of its reading are completed.
  • Throat chakra (Vishudha): "My words are similar to seeds."
    • It is important to imagine a turquoise ball rotating in the throat. The fifth chakra is the center of communication. Thoughts, words, and even non -verbal communication can arise in a throat chakra.
    • This mantra recalls that everyone has power and choice to plant beautiful ideas or unpleasant gossip. If you grow loving, kind and inspiring words, they will turn into beautiful stories of life.
  • Brov-chakra or third eye (Ajna): "I am open to new ideas."
    • The sixth chakra or the center of wisdom is what leads a person through his life. You need to concentrate your inner look on the indigo ball rotating in the space between the eyebrows. That is, on the third eye. On inspiration you need to read this mantra. And it is important - with each exhalation to feel how energy begins to shift.
  • Crown or Crown-Chakra (Sahasrara): "I give up to the highest and better who is trying to penetrate through me."
    • Corona-chakra is an energy center connecting a person with a divine beginning. It is necessary to imagine a violet sphere rotating above the head. Pay attention to the freezing of energy above the surface of the skin from head to toe. To finish, it is important to inhale and exhale very slowly and deeply through the nose.
Mantras must be read and pronounced correctly
Mantras must be read and pronounced correctly

How to clean the chakras from negative energy by meditation?

We will provide you with steps that describe in detail how to practice chakra meditation in order to balance and align energy.

  • The meditation of the chakra needs to start, sitting in a comfortable position With a straight spine. Then you need to focus on each part of the body, starting from the feet. As this, each part of the body relaxes and the tension melts.
  • The next step in the meditation of the chakra - Concentration on breathing. Breathing should become stable and deep. Oxygen entering the lungs and passes into the bloodstream must be visualized.
    • It is necessary to imagine how he nourishes all muscles, organs and cells, and then removes toxins from the body with every breath.
  • Then it is very important visualize heartbeat And the perfect work of all body functions. It is necessary to realize that breathing is a life that gives strength to the whole body.
  • The next thing you need to do is activate each separate chakra. You need to start with the root chakra in the lower back. Then move up the body and go, without missing a single part, to the upper - a coronary chakra.
  • The last step is visualization of all chakrasthat simultaneously feed on energy coming from breathing and from the Earth. If you see the chakras, then the aura will become brighter and clearer. In the end, you can relax for a couple of minutes, opening your eyes. You need to practice 15 - 30 minutes.
  • In meditation, sages are used, which are special positions of the hands to open the chakras. Wise have the ability to send more energy to chakras. To enhance the effect, these movements of the hands are accompanied by sounds.
  • These sounds consist of Sanskrit letters. When they are pronounced, they cause resonance in the body. It can be felt in the chakra for which sounds are designed.
The main thing is to keep your back exactly
The main thing is to keep your back exactly

Wise for root chakra

The pads of the thumb and forefinger must be connected. At this moment, it is necessary to focus on the root chakra in place between the genitals and the anus. Say the sound "lamp". Extending the average letter.

Wise for sacred chakra

Place the brushes on the knee cups, crossing them and directing their palms up. The left hand is below, and her fingers touches the right hand. The fingertips should be slightly connected. Focus on the sacred chakra in the sacral bone (on the bottom of the back). Repeat the sound "you".

Mudra for the chakra of the solar plexus

Place your arms on your stomach, just below the solar plexus. The fingertips quickly take it away from yourself, connecting each other, but from your thumbs in an even position you create a cross. Speak the sound "frames" several times.

Wise for heart chakra

You need to sit down, crossing your legs or take a Turkish pose. The pads of the index and thumbs should come into contact. Place your left hand on a parallel knee, and the right one - place in front of the lower part of the chest. Namely, slightly higher than the solar plexus. Say the sound "holes".

Hand arrangement during meditation
Hand arrangement during meditation

Mudra for the chakra of the throat

Cross all the fingers on the inside of the hands, not counting the thumbs. The thumbs should touch with the tips and be slightly fit up. It is advisable to focus on the chakra at the base of the throat. Repeat the sound "HAM".

Wise for a chakra of the third eye

Place your hands at the lower base of the ribs. Contact your middle fingers, taking them in an even position forward. Other fingers bend and touch the two upper phalanges. Fingers indicate the chest. Focus on the chakra of the third eye you need a little higher than the point between the eyebrows. Call the sound “OM” or “Aum”.

Mudra for a chakra crown or a corner chakra

Fold your hands in front of you at the level of the abdomen. The little finger should be directed perpendicularly upward, while reducing their pads to each other. The rest of the fingers are put in the castle. Moreover, place the thumb from left to right on the second similar finger. Say the sound "NG". You do not need to stretch out sounds.

A few recommendations on how to meditate correctly

  • Meditation for the opening of the chakras should take about 28-42 minutes. For 4-6 minutes you need to spend to open each chakra.
  • Do not worry if you have to spend more time cleaning one of the chakras. It is better to do the work longer, but better!
  • None of the chakras should not be cleaned, because they are all interconnected. In principle, like any part of our whole world.
  • No need to use meditation for the chakra of the crown until there is no strong root chakra. After all, she acts as a powerful foundation.
Wise have the strongest influence
Wise have the strongest influence

How to clean the chakras, avoid their further overshoot and increase their well -being: psychologists' advice

Each has different methods for isolating negative energy, which naturally accumulates during the day. Some like to swim in the bathroom with salt of lavender before bedtime, others are detailing their hopes and aspirations on paper in order to stay in the way to achieve goals. But if the healing rituals become less effective, you may have to spend some time cleaning your chakras.

  • Some psychologists are convinced that the cleansing of the chakras positively affects human life. With a surge of energy, well -being, attitude with loved ones and the material situation of a person improves. But in order to still increase your well -being, it is necessary to adhere to some tips.

Important: since each chakra is associated with part of the body, every time a physical problem arises, this emotionally weakens a person. And since all the chakras correspond to the physical part of the body, they have a powerful effect on mental and emotional well -being.

  • Start engage in charity. Yes, you need to learn how to give it without demanding and not expecting anything in return. In the universe, all this cycle will be “recorded” and your kindness and disinterestedness will certainly return to you. And do not forget about the principle that all our actions are returned to multiple size.
  • Help senior It should be instilled in the young generation since childhood. By this you increase your well -being. Also do not forget that we will all reach this period. And how you turn to your parents, so your children will respond to you.
  • Help needy people - This is another good matter that will help to clean the chakras. If you can reach out a helping hand to others, then the Universe will reflect you this behavior at the right time.
  • Animals also do not pass. Careful and caring attitude Each color of the chakra will automatically make them automatically. We do not say that we need to refuse meat, but respectful attitude towards them is necessary for your aura. After all, these are also living creatures.
Learn to adhere to order and cleanliness in everything
Learn to adhere to order and cleanliness in everything
  • By the way, correct food and disciplined daily routine - This is another way to clean your chakras. More precisely, this will help you not to clog them. After all, we are from what we eat. Moreover, bad words from your lips also belong to this category.
  • We do not insist to go to church and believe in God. But compliance with elementary rules and necessary laws, as well as verathey will help clean the chakras and increase your well -being.
  • And the last advice, on which even Chinese sages insist - this is cleanliness. To enter your life and positive energy in you, restore order in the house and in your head. It is strictly forbidden to accumulate many unnecessary and old things!

If you clearly adhere to these recommendations, then the result will not force to wait. It improves not only physical health, but also a mental and emotional state. And material and spiritual well -being depends, first of all, on the health of the body and spirit.

Video: How to clean the chakras from negative energy yourself?

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  1. Positive and negative character traits are associated with chakras, the activation of certain sensory organs. Each chakra is associated with the manifestation of a person in his activity, and the discovery of each chakra gives a person any unusual abilities (siddhi).

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