Human aura structure: value of 7 aura layers, characteristic of each layer

Human aura structure: value of 7 aura layers, characteristic of each layer

This article will talk about 7 layers of our aura and their interpretation.

A person’s aura is an energy cocoon that seems to envelop our body shell. It can be read as a code in which all information about the levels of the human psyche is spelled out, about his emotional mood, character, habits, desires, etc. A person perceives this information through the colors and shades of radiated light. Each specific shade carries a certain meaning, a charge of cosmic energy. But our energy field includes several shells - layers of aura. About them today will be discussed in this material.

What each layer of aura is talking about: a complete characteristic of the levels of the structure of esoteric trend

We will touch the topic a little that it is the multi -layer of the aura that does not make it only one color. Although each of us has its own basic color, which sets our character, and even guides our possible fate. And you can determine it yourself, which is written in more detail in our material "The value of the colors of the aura and the methods of their determination."

Important: the higher the vital energy and spiritual power of a person, the brighter the color, the larger size of the shells and stronger the aura itself.

Energy radiance, which acts as a kind of protective shell from the cosmic universe
Energy radiance acts as a kind of protective shell from the cosmic universe

All these shells interact with each other in the same way as the energy points of a person. In total, a person has 7 layers of aura:

  • the first level is etheric body, Which is the basis of absolutely everything. That is, this is the basic part, which is present even in animals;
  • next is going A step that reflects emotions. This is an indicator of the mood and feelings of a person;
  • 3 layer - mental body, which borders on feelings, as well as with the consciousness that controls our stay in the environment;
  • after going Astral shell. It is intended for the opportunity to exchange energy with others - to give and accept love, good;
  • the fifth field is etheric double - accurately repeats the energy of a person, as a connecting link with the universe;
  • heavenly body - This is the sixth level that not everyone has. It is inherent in spiritually developed people;
  • and the last step - Atmic body, It is the spiritual union of God and the Universe. It can be achieved during meditation and yoga.

Moreover, everyone odd level The auras have a certain outline and a clear structure, like standing waves of light. But even layers They look more like liquid, so they are in motion. But do not believe that persistent odd “frames” do not move - they flicker like many micro lamps or dots. At the same time, they perform an important function - they direct “liquid” energy. And all these layers are in a close relationship, leaving a little outside the previous row, as if complementing each other.

Illustration of the structure of the aura
Illustration of the structure of the aura

It is also worth noting that the aura layers are very closely connected with our chakras. And their blockage affects the purity of the radiation of the biofield itself. Therefore, we offer you to read our article on the topic "The role of chakras and how to honor them yourself?"

But let's study each layer of aura in detail by learning its influence on our life and health, as well as a key expression of consciousness.

Important: it is necessary to consider that the start comes from a dense or rough body. That is, this is the physical shell that is visible to us, and with which we move. Also, this area is fed by the food and energy of the aura's above layers.

1 layer of aura - etheric or life body: "I exist according to my beliefs!"

  • This is the lower line between our material body and solar energy with the opposite polarity. At the same time, the energy messages are so thin that they resemble weak light radiation as from an included TV without a picture. Has a connection with 1 vortex Muladhara.
  • This energy bodily repeats every molecule of our body - This is the finest copy of the anatomical structure of the physical body with all organs. Since this vital body is a channel for the cosmic energy of our dense shells. It is a full stream and proper flicker with a frequency of up to 15-20 times a minute that will provide a person with health.
  • It should be noted that the power of vital energy and recreated matter, and not vice versa. This aura layer is approximately 5 cm with a minimum retreat of 2.5-5 mm from the body.
    • There is also evidence that the entire first layer has 3-7 grams of weight. American scientists by the method of experimenting on hypersensitive weights note that after the death of the aura leaves the body. Hence the slight reduction in weight. And in the cemetery you can often catch a feeling of making or someone else's aura. The fact is that she also dies and decomposes. But on the 9th day, being near the physical body.
  • The haze of the lower tier is painted In a gray-blue kner. At the same time, the intensity to a particular shade indicates the spiritual subtlety of a person. For example, if a person is delicate and sensitive, then his first layer of the aura will be painted in a light blue shade, and if the personality is severe-in gray.
  • It is this layer that is responsible for our health, pleasure and comfort, but the negative side is a possible physical pain.

You can see the etheric body if you observe a person’s shoulder on black or dark blue, as well as on a snow-white (exclude gray tone) background. With a prolonged peering, you can see the pulsation of the foggy rays of light. At the same time, energy does not stand still, it will go down the arm on the arm.


2 auric layer - emotional body: "I feel according to my beliefs!"

  • Matter is an even thinner flow of energy, which is already Between the physical body and its soul. And more precisely, this is a sensual chakra Svadhisthan. It is this area, which follows from the name itself, speaks for our desires that They form our feelings and emotions. Some sources are called its astral layer.
  • This area does not have the shape of a body or a persistent figure. it Continuous flow of energy clots! But the astral energy of the aura can a little wider cloud - from 5 to 10 cm. By the way, Clushes depend on the temperament and state of a person. For example, quick -tempered and impulsive people have more dense energy clots. In a calm person, this is a more calm and soft course. It is also worth noting that the color of these accumulations of energy completely depends on emotions:
    • negatively paints them in dark colors with red or dirty shades. For example, in burgundy or gray, brown;
    • but positive energy recreates light colors.
  • But maybe A mixture of different colors. And it can even differ in density, because any mental, emotional negative wave leads us out of a state of balance. And this affects auric energy.

Important: these clots negatively affect our health! That is why it is so important to release resentment and forgive people. The waste resolves these seals. While hidden anger, hatred, resentment and other negative moments create hardening of energy clots!

  • This layer is still distinguished by its number of storeys. That is, there is a division into good, bad and intermediate levels that occupy the lower 5-6 floors of the subtle world. It's such "Carma vessel", Where the human soul goes. But this aura also dies after death, however, on the 40 day. And here There may be a delay if there are stones or debts in this astral vessel that they do not let go of the soul. And all this is very Closely related to negative clusters!
Any negative emotions lead to deformation of the aura and self -destruction!
Any negative emotions lead to deformation of the aura and to self -destruction!

The mental body is 3 layer of human aura: "I think according to my beliefs!"

  • The mental level of the aura It goes beyond feelings and is connected with our thinking, mind. By the way, it is reunited with the chakra of the solar plexus - Manipura. It is believed that this auric sphere is very well developed among thinkers, people of scientific professions, as well as researchers. But for those who are engaged in physical labor, this shell is very poorly prepared.
  • This stream has approximate body contours, But still it does not have such a clear shape as in the first layer. Since there is no density. It occupies this level of the 7-8th floor of the Subtle World. This body dies with a person and all accumulated knowledge about 90 days after physical death!
  • But still weak clots can occur - thought forms, What are more like a dense accumulation of energy. They consist of our stable beliefs and thoughts. At the same time, thought forms closely related to the emotional body. Therefore, under the influence of emotions, they can be painted in different colors. For example, the negative gives a dirty background. Wherein Unfinished or unstable thoughts have blurry contours.
  • The mental body is a group of bright rays painted in golden, yellow or sunny, which come out of the upper part of the human body, More often from the head. The thickness of this level of the aura can grow from 10 to 20 cm. The mental body has its own design: it includes our ideas, in it you can consider all our mental images.
Stream of thoughts

Astral or intuitive body is 4 layers of our aura: "I wish you according to my beliefs!"

  • This body can be described as A group of lumps of light of different shades, often repeating the colors of the second level of aura. Therefore, some sources call them the same.
  • But most of all at this level of our aura prevails Pink shade that symbolizes love. And all the colors are cleaner and brighter. The distance from the body is 20-45 cm. In connection with the chakra of the soul- Anahata.
  • Let's get back to the true color. It is with the help of this layer that is performed Energy exchange between people. Between them, lumps of energy fly in the form of clouds of light. With the help of the astral body, we can give and receive feelings - love and kindness. By the way, we propose to read the material on this energy exchange on the topic "Features of energy communication."
  • The role of this sphere is difficult to overestimate. After all It unites us with the highest dimensions! Also, the 4th layer helps to build relationships between people, God and even himself, his body. The harmony of this color cocoon gives us self -confidence and contentment with our life. And also encourages the best and more.

Important: from this layer of aura and all subsequent tiers do not die and do not decompose after death, but switch to a new level depending on human acts.

An interconnected stream
An interconnected stream

Ether double or template, karmic, causal body is 5 layer of our aura: "I will believe!"

  • It is often called a template or a double due to the fact that it contains everything that a person has a physical plane. Not even like that - it is The projection of the future physical body. But she looks As a negative in the photo. The distance reaches 50-60 cm from the physical shell.
  • This cosmic template of our body with its deformation He will tell us about possible ailments and mental problems. But it can also report on the approach of discomfort or failure. But not everyone can see this.
  • This layer of aura performs such a function - Maintaining and updating the first layer of human aura. The 5th layer itself resembles an oval that covers the whole body and limbs. Maintains a connection with the whirlwind of inspiration and creativity - Vishudha.

Sound plays a very important role. More precisely, in this layer he creates matter. Therefore, sound therapy at this level has the greatest effectiveness. The structure is similar to transparent lines on a black or dark blue background.

  • This is a projection of our uniqueness, Like a copy of our spiritual state. It is also believed that this is a divine will within each of us, which should be accepted. This is a certain matrix in which unconscious actions and templates are laid.
5 sphere already talks about the highest
5 sphere already talks about the highest

Heavenly or Buddhical Body is a 6 layer of aura: "I like what I believe in!"

  • Represents The emotional part of a person’s spirituality. It is located at a distance of 60-80 cm from the body. It is at this aurany level that we can receive satisfaction from prayer, meditation and other spiritual practices. Therefore, in close connection with the chakra of the third eye - Ajna.
  • When we reach this state, we can clearly feel the connection and contact with the Universe, fill in the light, feel it in everything, accept contact with God. It is with a developed sixth field that a person is capable of disinterested love, which Unites human, earthly and spiritual love.
  • A heavenly or spiritual body is a light that has shades of pastel colors. They prevail in it Shades of gold, as well as silver. The sixth layer has no shape - it is just a stream of light emitted from the body.

The development of the 6th layer helps us to solve problems at the level of intuition with the help of higher communication. Revaluation of values \u200b\u200band the elimination of false tracks also occur. A developed buddhic body eliminates the influence of karma and duality.

Liberation from karma
Liberation from karma

Atmic or ceter body is a 7 layer of aura: "I believe!"

  • It can be described as The mental aspect of human spirituality. It envelops the body at a distance of 40 to 105 cm. But more energy -developed people can come out more.
  • If you develop the level 7 well, then you can Feel a strong connection with the creator and the highest mind. This aura layer has the shape of an egg with a protective film of 1-2 cm. It includes a connection gold and silver rays of light, which support all levels of aura.
  • The light flow moves all over the body, along the spine and nourishes the whole body with energy. It is the main source of vitality for humans. This confirmation is the connection with the chakra Sahasrara - Divine soul/crown.
  • This is the strongest layer of aura, which protects a person from all external attacks. But he also maintains a connection between the space mission and the past life. For example, the color of the belt near the neck will help you tell you about past deeds that you have launched your current position.
  • This is an atmic body contains a plan for the life of each of us, And also gives signals about the possibilities of its embodiment.
The highest point is to find your true self!
The highest point is to find your true self!

In conclusion, it is worth noting that various studies and exercises can slightly modify the names of each layer of the aura. But their meaning in any case remains unchanged and follows the scheme: From the body, through feelings and thoughts, karmic reasons, our soul reunite with the creator and finds its true “I”!

Video: Invisible layers of aura

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  1. Aura and physical body are interconnected. Outings in one are leading global changes in the other. The causes of diseases lie in thin bodies, and thin bodies reflect the worldview of a person: his thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, actions. That is, we are sick from our own bad thoughts and actions. Each negative thought is reflected in our body, affects the work of its organs.

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