How to cook delicious compote from frozen berries and fruits?

How to cook delicious compote from frozen berries and fruits?

Recipes for making compotes from frozen fruits and berries.

Freezing is one of the types of processing that allows you to maintain the benefits of fruits and berries. In this article we will tell you how to cook delicious compote from frozen berries and fruits.

Do I need to defrost berries for compote?

It is believed that freezing is a type of conservation that allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances as much as possible in fruits. Thus, in winter, it is possible to saturate the body with vitamins, enjoy the taste of berries, fruits. To prepare a delicious drink, you must adhere to several rules. 

Is it necessary to defrost berries for compote:

  • In the process of defrosting of berries that do not differ in a dense crust, for example, raspberries and strawberries, a large amount of juice can be released.
  • If you do not want the berries to lose shape and give a large amount of juice during defrosting, it is worth preparing a drink from a frozen product.
  • Berries such as currants are characterized by a dense shell, and usually do not flow out during defrosting. This allows you to get the most delicious compote. 

How to cook delicious compote from frozen berries and fruits: rules, features

When choosing dishes for making a drink, it is better to stop on an enameled pan. You can not prepare a drink in a container of copper or aluminum. During the preparation of the drink, berries and fruits can give fruit acid into the water, which reacts with copper and aluminum ions from which dishes are made. This significantly spoils the taste of the drink, giving it a metallic taste.

How to cook delicious compote from frozen berries and fruits, rules, features:

  • Do not increase the number of berries, despite the fact that they are frozen. On average, about 250-350 g of raw materials will be needed for 1 liter of water. This amount is quite enough to prepare a drink with a rich taste and aroma. Do not pour fruits and berries with cold water and only then put on fire. To contribute to the transition of juice from berries and fruits to liquid, it is necessary to prepare sugar syrup in advance.
  • To do this, dissolve about 150 grams of sugar in a liter of water, bring to a boil. Boil a couple of minutes so that all sugar crystals dissolve. Only after the syrup is ready, it is necessary to introduce berries or fruits into the boiling liquid. If you pour frozen raw materials with cold water, this will contribute to the formation of dirty foam, as well as the appearance of muddy particles.
  • Thus, the compote will not turn out to be transparent. This will not affect taste, but the appearance will not be so attractive. If you are preparing compote from apples or apricot, which are distinguished by a neutral color, do not be upset. To give a compote of a bright shade, you can add to it the leaves of tea curtains, red currant juice or black -brown mountain ash. With the addition of this ingredient, you can prepare a compote of pears and apples, which differ in a yellowish color. If you want to preserve maximum beneficial substances in berries, they must be added to boiling water in a frozen form. A peculiar shell will form on the surface of the berries, which prevents the release of juice. This option is used if you plan to prepare some dessert from prepared berries or decorate the cake. 
  • To obtain an unusual taste, the berry can be combined. Experts recommend harvesting berry sets at the stage of harvesting. For these purposes, several varieties are usually prepared, for example, black and red currants, cherries, raspberries. These berries go well with each other, from them you can prepare compote, saturated, dark-bearded shade. 
Saturated drink
Saturated drink

How to cook delicious compote from frozen berries: cooks

Black currant- this is One of the berries that gives the drink of the most saturated taste. If you want to get a compote with a pronounced aroma of fresh berries, you can resort to cunning. To do this, pour the frozen berries into a thermos and pour boiling water. Close the lid and leave for about 10 hours. When maintaining a high temperature for 10 hours, it will be possible to get an unusual drink with a rich taste.

If the berries are sweet, do not rush to add sugar when preparing a syrup. Enter a small amount, and only after the compote is ready, try it. Add more sugar if necessary. Berries such as raspberries and strawberries are highly glucose, so compote can be sweet, without introducing sweeteners. 

How to cook delicious compote from frozen berries, rules, tips:

  • You can supplement the taste with lemon, orange, vanilla or cinnamon. Citruses can be introduced immediately, along with the skin. In order for the liquid to be saturated with the smell of citrus fruits, the skin can be grated. However, do not overdo it, since prolonged cooking of lemon and orange can give bitterness. It is necessary to squeeze the juice into the decoction at the very end. 
  • Remember, if you decide to defrost the berries before preparing the drink, enter the raw materials after boiling the syrup, and leave the juice. It is best introduced into the liquid at the very end. This will preserve the color, and a pleasant aroma of fruit. Prolonged cooking negatively affects the taste of compote. 
  • Compots that consist simultaneously of fruits and berries are better to cook in several stages. That is, first of all, more rigid foods, such as pears, apples are boiled, and only after that are berries introduced.
  • If you throw fruits and berries in boiling water at the same time, then after 5 minutes small products will be ready, and pieces of apples will remain tough. Such products are not recommended to freeze in one package. It is better to harvest them in separate. Products such as raspberries, strawberries, cherries and apricots can be frozen at the same time, in one container. After all, the preparation time of these ingredients is the same. 
Citrus mix
Citrus mix

Tasty frozen currant compote

This is one of the most delicious and saturated compotes. It differs in burgundy color, it is appreciated in summer and winter. 


  • 130 g of sugar 
  • 200 g of cherries 
  • 200 g of blackcurrant 
  • 2 l of water 

Tasty frozen currant compote:

  • It is not necessary to defrost the berries in advance. At the very beginning, boil the syrup. To do this, put the pan on a strong fire and heat the water to a boil.
  • Pour sugar, stir until the crystals are dissolved. After that, pour the berries, boil for 4 minutes, cover with a lid and turn off the fire.
  • In order for the berries to give all their juice and taste to water, it is necessary to wrap the pan with a terry towel. After that, cool and strain through gauze. 

Frozen fruit multicooker compote

The main drawback of the preparation of compote in the pan is the possibility of forming a large number of foam. You can get rid of these shortcomings if you use a slow cooker. 

You will need to prepare a drink in a slow cooker: 

  • 300 g of strawberries 
  • 300 g of currants 
  • 140 g of sugar 
  • 2.5 liters of water 
  • Several slices of lemon 

Compote in a multicooker made of frozen fruits:

  • Now is the time to do preparation. If you harvested the berries yourself, wash them and defrost them.
  • Frozen berries put in a multicooker bowl, add frozen plums chopped into pieces, pour sugar and pour cold water. After that, add three or four lemon slices.
  • Set the “steam” mode and cook for 20 minutes. After the slow cooker is turned off, it is necessary to extract lemon slices, since a long stay in the water will make a drink bitter. As a result, you risk spoiling the drink. 
White currant
White currant

Delicious compote from frozen cherries: recipe

Cherry goes well with other components, for example, mint, cloves, cinnamon. 

To prepare a drink, you need: 

  • Two glasses of cherries 
  • 2 l of water 
  • A small slice of lemon 
  • Sweetener
  • Carnation 
  • Cinnamon 

Delicious compote made of frozen cherries, recipe:

  • Put the water on the fire, wait for it to boil. Add the sweetener and wait until the grains dissolve. After that, add pieces of lemon and frozen berries.
  • Put on a slow fire, boil for 3 minutes after boiling. Be sure to add spices.
  • Cover and let stand for 2 hours. After that, you can strain, and pour it into a storage container. 

How to make fruit fruit compote?

In winter, on the shelves of stores you can find apples, and citrus fruits. But fresh berries, pears, apricot in the winter cannot be found. If you manage to find them, then for a fairly high price. Therefore, it is best to prepare in winter the compote from apples, pears, draining and frozen berries. 


  • 200 g of apples 
  • 200 g of drain 
  • 200 g of any berries 
  • 180 g of sugar 
  • 2.5 liters of water 

How to make fruit fruit compote:

  • Put the container onto the fire, pour water, pour sugar, wait for boiling. It is necessary to get transparent syrup.
  • Enter frozen apples with pears in it, and let boil for 8 minutes. After that, pour the berries, languish on low heat for another 3 minutes after boiling.
  • Close the lid, turn off the fire, let stand for 2 hours. Strain the liquid, cool it, pour it into the bottles. 

Why is it bitter compote from frozen berries?

Often, when preparing compotes from frozen fruits and berries, you can feel an unpleasant, bitter taste.

Why is it bitter compote from frozen berries:

  • It is impossible to get rid of it, but you can protect yourself from such a mistake. Apricots usually give bitterness. An unpleasant aftertaste is obtained if the compote is prepared from the cherry that was frozen with the bones.
  • They contain synical acid, which gives a bitter taste. Without fail, before freezing, remove the seeds. Sometimes bitterness is felt in a drink with the addition of orange and lemon.
  • This happens if, after turning off the fire, the hostess did not remove the slices of citrus fruits from the compote. Immediately after turning off, remove the pieces of lemon and orange. 

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Video: compote from frozen berries

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