How to defrost mushrooms before cooking soup, hot? How to defrost mushrooms?

How to defrost mushrooms before cooking soup, hot? How to defrost mushrooms?

In this article, you will learn how to cook frozen mushrooms correctly so that they do not lose vitamins and useful trace elements. Read - whether it is necessary to defrost mushrooms. And if you defrost them, then it is done when cooking certain dishes.

Dishes with mushrooms have always been famous for the variety. Our ancestors also knew many recipes not only of their preparations, but also knew how to harvest mushrooms for the winter. After all, they have proteins, sugar, enzymes, essential oils that are useful for the body. Also in the composition of mushrooms there is useful fiber, many amino acids necessary for the body of acid (fatty) and lyceumine. Thanks to mushrooms, you can not be afraid that atherosclerosis will overtake you. Many useful characteristics can still be listed about mushrooms, but in this article information will be provided on how to defrost mushrooms before cooking one or another dish.

How to quickly defrost mushrooms?

There are many extractive substances in forest mushrooms. Very aromatic dishes (soups, various sauces, saturated broths, original gravy) come out of this product. Mushrooms are in perfect harmony with meat components in recipes. There are more vitamins in mushrooms than in any grain. Folk healers claim that mushroom lovers are less likely to be undergoing oncom -sederations. Especially distinguished from the list - white mushrooms. Only we are not talking about whether mushrooms are used in the form of conservations in winter, dried or frozen them in a refrigerator. It is interesting how to prepare the latter so as not to lose their useful components. How to defrost mushrooms before cooking?

Frozen foxes
Frozen foxes

Thawing frozen mushrooms before cooking and hot is not necessary. Of course, if there is time for defrosting, you can wait until the mushrooms are slightly pulled and look like a sticky substance. Then they can be divided manually and defrosted in a pan, or in a pan in boiling water. Not all mushrooms have a dense texture, some can simply be like a crumpled rag with complete defront. They will no longer have the same density as the meat.

Mushrooms cook in boiling water for about 10-15 minutes, then they will be completely similar to fresh and will not lose either their qualities or their shape. If you defrost them in a pan, add vegetable oil vessels to the bottom. And so that they thaw completely, cover the pan with a lid, there are situations when the upper layers of frost is thawed faster, and the middle at the end. It turns out then that the middle does not have time, properly fried. Therefore, under the lid they will extinguish more uniformly.

IMPORTANT: It is better to boil frozen mushrooms before cooking than just leave them in the kitchen in anticipation while they are thawed.

Do I need to defrost mushrooms before cooking the first dishes?

It is not always possible to find fresh mushrooms at the moment when you decide to cook the first dish. But a frozen product can lie in the refrigerator. And in this case, it is enough to defrost the mushrooms correctly, and a fresh rich soup will delight all households with its rich taste and excellent aroma.

IMPORTANT: Do not defrost the mushrooms before preparing a soup or frying, it is better to immediately cook a frozen product, naturally, if you do not need to wash and cut them. If the mushrooms are frozen incorrectly, then you will have to either cook and wash them in two waters, or defrost on the table, but they will lose half of their valuable properties.

So, you should not defrost the product, it is enough to throw mushrooms in boiling water and cook them with other components of the dish.

How to defrost mushrooms before cooking in the microwave, how much?

Soups can be cooked from different types of mushrooms. But to defrost the mushrooms in a natural way, to wait until they melt and it is undesirable to run away from them. Therefore, if they are to be prepared in the form of the first dish, then you can cook in a frozen form, this is what they will defrost. But for cold snacks, you can also defrost in the microwave, especially if you froze them already boiled.

Auto risk in the microvavle
Auto distribution in the microwave

For the process, you will need to do the following:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a glass bowl for the microwave, it is desirable that it is not small.
  2. Put a plate with mushrooms in a microwave, cover with a special plastic lid.
  3. Turn on the car defector mode, select the product of the product approximately by eye. It is better to put less weight on the scoreboard than it is, so that the mushrooms do not turn into dried.

When the mushrooms are hidden, use for its intended purpose. The exact time of defrosting cannot be determined. Much depends on the weight of frozen products and on the power of the microwave itself. Therefore, it is recommended to turn the frozen mass. And periodically open the microwave, check the readiness of the product so as not to dry the mushrooms, and not overheat.

How to defrost white mushrooms, champignons, tea, milk mushroom?

In supermarkets, frozen vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc. are sold in supermarkets, a brisk recipe for all the same. Correctly defrost mushrooms and other products listed only with the help of heat treatment. For example, if you are going to fry mushrooms, it will be more correct to throw them frozen in the pan and there is aiming 15 minutes with vegetable oil. It is also allowed to boil them. Cook around 10 minutes After boiling fluid.

How to freeze champignons
Frozen champignons

Mushrooms differ from each other with a structure, some are brittle, others are denser and stronger. Therefore, the time of defrosting them, cooking may vary somewhat:

  1. To thaw them, you can use methods such as defrosting in the refrigerator, at room temperature (it is enough to get off each other), cook, and in a microwave.
  2. Boil faster and most effective. They must be thrown in boiling water, salted. Honey mushrooms, champignons, saffronoks boil for about 15 minutes.
  3. Tea, milk - It is better to defrost in the refrigerator, but make sure that it does not turn into a slimy substance.
  4. White mushrooms Cook from 20 to 25 minutes.

Cooking time can be adjusted, depending on the readiness of the product.

Do I need to defrost the mushrooms - how much are they defrost in the refrigerator?

And if you need to prepare a regular salad without heat treatment, then how to defrost mushrooms in this situation? Everything is very simple, the product should be boiled or fry in a pan with onions and vegetables. Any salad with such mushrooms will be very tasty. You can still defrost the mushrooms gently in the refrigerator.

Frozen boobs
Frozen boobs

To defrost in a cold place, it is enough to take the same champignons or chanterelles, mushrooms, white mushrooms, and pull it out of the freezer. They will thaw slowly. After all, the refrigerator is low temperature. Therefore, 8-10 hours is the most acceptable time for defrosting mushrooms.

IMPORTANT:It is impossible to store thawed mushrooms, they are defrosted immediately before cooking. Otherwise, you can get intestinal infection.

See also articles on our portal on similar topics:
  1. How to freely freeze honey agarics for the winter?
  2. How to cook, clean, fry fresh, frozen champignons?
  3. How much mushrooms can be stored prepared by different methods, as well as fresh and in the freezer?
  4. How to cook fresh, frozen mushrooms?

Video: Do \u200b\u200byou defrost mushrooms before cooking?

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