How and how much you can store the mushrooms frozen, boiled, fresh, salty, pickled, fried in the refrigerator, freezer: rules, methods, shelf life and tips. Where to store and how many salty mushrooms after salting, how to store them in an apartment?

How and how much you can store the mushrooms frozen, boiled, fresh, salty, pickled, fried in the refrigerator, freezer: rules, methods, shelf life and tips. Where to store and how many salty mushrooms after salting, how to store them in an apartment?

An article on how, where and how much, to store fresh, salty and pickled mushrooms in the apartment.

A mushroom time will come soon when mushrooms in the forest will begin to grow, and they can be collected. To collect mushrooms is not a problem for many housewives, it is much more important to clean them, cook, and save suitable for use.

The method of storing nutrients in mushrooms

There are many protein in the mushrooms, about 1% fat, 3% carbohydrates, amino acids and vitamins are close. Also, trace elements (copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, calcium and potassium). Thanks to this content of useful substances, mushrooms are considered a dietary product, but still we must not forget that mushrooms are difficult to absorb by the body, and there are many of them.

White mushrooms

There is mushrooms that act healing on the body:

  • White mushrooms destroy the intestinal stick.
  • Raws: greenish (scaly), drilling, blue-green, olive suppress the growth of malignant tumors.
  • Foxes and rahs suppress staphylococci.
Zherezhka greenish (scaly)

Various edible mushrooms it is useful to eat with headaches, gout, and chanterelles improve the condition of the liver.

Many useful substances in mushrooms are preserved if you process it immediately after the collection, and plant them or pick them up.

But most nutrients are stored in mushrooms if they are frozen.

Here an unusual way to freeze mushrooms:

  1. We clean the edible (conditionally sedentary ones), we clean the mushrooms, wash the mushrooms in cold water, we cut large into quarters, small ones-intact.
  2. We prepare a lemon solution (1 teaspoon. Spoon of lemon juice or 1.5 teaspoon. Spoon of citric acid, 0.5 liters of water), and soak the mushrooms in it for 5 minutes so that they do not darken, and remain a beautiful natural color.
  3. We boil the mushrooms for steam: whole medium-sized-5 minutes, small or cut quarters-3-5 minutes, finely cut-3 minutes.
  4. We distribute the cooled mushrooms through the packages and freeze in the freezer.

How much can fresh mushrooms be stored without processing after collecting?

How much to store fresh mushrooms

Gathering for "mushroom hunting" you must arouse a knife with a blade from stainless steel. Cutting off the mushrooms with such a knife, they do not blacken, and fresh will last longer.

Mushrooms are a perishable product, so time for their collection - 4 hours, and then the mushrooms should begin to be treated.

Brought from the forest wet mushrooms collected in the rain must be cleaned and treated immediately, coming from the forest.

Mushrooms collected in dry weather without a refrigerator can be stored for 6 hours, no more. If you do not have time to clean all the mushrooms at once, they need to be laid out so that they do not touch each other, not mine, in a cool place, and try to process for 16-18 hours.

If on the balcony about 10 ° C, chanterelles can be left for storage, but not more than 1 day.

In the refrigerator, you can store fresh, cleaned mushrooms for no more than 3 days.

How and how much you can store white mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons, mushrooms of a cheerful, truffle, oyster mushrooms, rays, sub -stereo in the refrigerator, freezer?


If you collected many mushrooms, and there is no way to process them all at once, first of all, you need to clean, wash and boil the spongy mushrooms (White, boletus, oils, boletus, Polish, moss), they quickly spoil and blacken.

Having treated the spongy mushrooms, you can not boil, but cut into pieces, small mushrooms can be intact, placed on the tray - and in the freezer. A few hours later, when the mushrooms freeze, get the tray, transfer the mushrooms into bags and place it again in the freezer for storage there.

You can also young mushrooms spongy and lamellar: rawers, honey mushrooms (except for conditionally eaten mushrooms) first blanch (hold 1-2 minutes in boiling water), and then freeze.

Raw fresh mushrooms, cleaned, can be stored in the refrigerator, given that the temperature in it is kept from 0 to +2 ° C:

  • Dry and solid honey mushrooms, young white mushrooms - about 1 day
  • Champignons - about 3 days

Attention. If you are going to freeze the chanterelles, know that they are bitter after freezing, especially if they were collected in coniferous forests, or after a sultry summer. So that the foxes are not bitter, they need to be boiled before freezing.

Mushrooms are cheerful It is necessary to process and clean immediately, as you bring from the forest, because they quickly age.

Mushrooms are cheerful

Truffli mushrooms You can store in the refrigerator for 2-4 days. If you need to save the mushrooms longer, they are cleaned, washed and dried, filled with completely dry rice, from this procedure, rice acquires the aroma of truffles. Also, cleaned mushrooms will remain well if they are sealed and frozen, pour olive oil or alcohol.

Truffli mushrooms

Mushrooms of oyster mushrooms In the refrigerator at +2 ° C, you can store no more than 4 days, at times you need to get them and make sure that they do not dry.

Mushrooms of oyster mushrooms

How and how much you can store frozen mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How much to store frozen mushrooms in the freezer

In the freezer, mushrooms can be stored depending on the temperaturewhich is supported by the freezer:

  • At a temperature of -12-14 ° C-for 3-4 months
  • -14-18 ° C-for 4-6 months
  • -18-24 ° C-for 1 year

In the refrigerator, frozen mushrooms can only be stored until they are thawed, then they need to be cooked or frying, otherwise they will become soft, and will begin to rot.

How and how much can boiled mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How much to store boiled mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer

Boiled mushrooms or soup with mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, depending on what temperature is supported by your refrigerator.

Frozen boiled mushrooms in the freezer can be stored for about 1 yearBut you need to remember that getting them out and defrost, and then you can’t freeze again, so mushrooms will lose their taste properties, and can harm health.

How and how much you can store salty mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How much to store salty mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer

To correctly salin mushrooms need to have room with constant temperature plus 3-4 ° C, if there is a minus temperature - the mushrooms will freeze and lose their properties, if more plus 7 ° C - harmful bacteria will begin to develop. Such a room is called a basement. Besides the basement should be dryBut if he is not, you need to look for another way out.

Mushrooms can be salted in a pan, and hold until they boil on the balcony, and then put in the refrigerator or freezer.

That's how councils to store salted mushrooms experienced housewives:

  • We drain the brine from salted mushrooms, dry them, we put in plastic bags and lay out in the freezer. So mushrooms can be stored 1 year. Before there are mushrooms, we defrost them in natural conditions (we take it out of the freezer to the kitchen table, and wait until we thaw), add the onions cut with half rings, water with sunflower oil, and serve to boiled potatoes.
  • Salted mushrooms we lay out in the jar along with the brine, cover with a cloth soaked in vodka or alcohol on top, crush it with a wooden mug or wooden sticks crosswiseso that the mushrooms do not pop up, close the plastic lidalso moistened in vodka, and store in the refrigerator for several months.
  • If it is hot on the balcony, but you want to salt mushrooms, then you can salt them like this: salt the mushrooms in the jar for 7 days (in the refrigerator), after the brine we drain, and pour the mushrooms with vegetable oil to the top. They can already be eaten. You can store 1-2 months.
  • After the salting of the mushrooms, we drain the brine from them, fill it with a fresh brine, boil for 2 minutes in the pan, lay it in jars, sterilize for 30 minutes, and roll it up. Hardily clogged salty mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator, for six months.

How and how much you can store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer: storage rules

How much to store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator, freezer

In the refrigerator, fried mushrooms can be stored no more than 1 day.

In the freezer, fried mushrooms can be stored for 6 months. Such mushrooms are suitable for pies, pizzas and kulebyak as a filling, you can also cook casseroles, julienne from them.

Fry mushrooms for freezing So:

  1. Cut the cleaned washed spongy mushrooms in small pieces.
  2. We fry with a small amount of vegetable oil for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. When the moisture evaporates, turn off the fire under the mushrooms, let it cool.
  4. We lay out on packages and place in the freezer.

Another option for freezingto better preserve the mushroom taste, cleaned and washed spongy mushrooms, you can cut into pieces, put on a baking sheet, and hold in a hot oven (about half an hour) until moisture evaporatesand then cool, and place in the freezer.

How to store fried mushrooms for the winter?

How much to store fried mushrooms rolled up in a bank

Fried mushrooms for the winter

In this way, you can cook all spongy mushrooms and chanterelles.

  1. My mushrooms, clean, blanch for about 5 minutes in hot water, take it out of the water, let it drain.
  2. We fry the mushrooms in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, add finely chopped onions fried in vegetable oil.
  3. Paste butter.
  4. In a clean sterile jar, pour a little butter, lay the mushrooms tightly, pour the butter on top to fill all the voids, and there was a thick layer of oil from above.
  5. We roll up with sterile or close with plastic lids, and store the whole winter in the refrigerator.

Note. Instead of butter, it is better to use a smaller, because the oil is bitter over time, no smell.

Where to store and how many salty mushrooms after salting, how to store them in an apartment?

How much to store salty mushrooms in the apartment

Sometimes it seems that for storage in an apartment, the easiest to roll mushrooms to banks. Pickled mushrooms are suitable for rolling, there are a lot of vinegar in them, and it interferes with harmful bacteria, but the salty from this is not safe. That's why salted mushrooms are better not to roll up, but to use the ancient ways of our grandmothers.

Tips for experienced housewives:

  • A pan with salted mushrooms can be stored on loggiasbut you need to remember that mushrooms at temperatures below plus 3 ° C lose their tastetherefore, for mushrooms you need to do insulated boxand keep them there.
  • Salted mushrooms need to be checked once a week, is the brine enough In mushrooms, if the brine evaporated - pour cold boiled water, and if mold appears, remove it.
  • If you have not been tracking, and a lot of mold appeared in the mushrooms, all is needed drain the brine, rinse the mushrooms with cold boiled water, and pour a new brine (take 10 g of salt for 1 liter of water, several peas of black and fragrant pepper, 1 bay leaf, several buds of cloves and garlic teeth, dill seeds, a small horseradish root).

How much can pickled mushrooms be stored in banks under an iron lid in a cellar rolled up?

How much to store pickled mushrooms closed by iron lids

The ideal option for storing cans with pickled mushrooms - cellar. In it, the temperature is maintained in winter and summer approximately the same - plus 15 ° C, dark and dry. In the dry cellar, pickled mushrooms closed with tin lids can be stored for 1 year, and if glass covers - 2 years.

In the apartment, in the pantry, also pickled mushrooms can be stored, but their storage period is less - 8 months.

How much can pickled mushrooms be stored after opening the jar, in the refrigerator?

How much to store pickled mushrooms in an open bank

If you opened a jar of pickled mushrooms, and did not at once ate all, mushrooms in the bank can be stored For some time:

  • The temperature in the refrigerator plus 7-10 ° C-12-17 hours
  • Temperature plus 5-0 ° C, then for 1-3 days
  • From 0 to minus 2 ° C-3-4 days pickled mushrooms are safe for use

Tips for hostesses for storing fresh, frozen, boiled, fried, salty and canned mushrooms at home

To quickly clean the collected mushrooms, first they need to be disassembled by type

Having gathered a lot of mushrooms, you return from the forest tired, I no longer want to do anything, and you also need to sit all evening, or maybe night and clean mushrooms. But I really want to relax!

To quickly deal with mushrooms, people who know in mushrooms - people - siberians advise the following tricks:

  • The most important thing is to make out mushrooms by type.
  • Mushrooms with bitterness (pigs, waves, blacks, loads) lay out uncleaned in a large basin, and pour completely water for 1 day - soak (change water several times).
  • Plastic mushrooms (rawers, honey mushrooms), unwashed, pour water in a large pan, and cook for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, they will be less fragile, and it will be easier to clean from garbage. During the night, the mushrooms will cool down, and in the morning the water in which they cooked are drained, pour mushrooms with new water, and mine or, if once, we put in the refrigerator until better times.
  • Spongy mushrooms (white, boletus, boletus, oils) we process immediately. You do not need to soak them for a long time, they absorb a lot of water, and wash one at a time, immediately cut into pieces and fry, or cut and freeze. It is not recommended to cook spongy mushrooms, except only if you are going to pickle or cook soup, otherwise with the water in which they will be cooked, the entire aroma of mushrooms is merged.
  • Crossbars do not eat wormsTherefore, you do not need to throw away anything. Soak them for 1 hour Or more in the water, during this time the earth and leaves will be wrapped, and what remains - clean, pour boiling water and blanch for several minutes. We leave it to cool for the night, and in the morning we put in the refrigerator.
  • We wash the umbrellas, and they can be immediately frying in batter.
  • If there are still any types of mushrooms, we also pour water in unclean mushrooms with water, each species separately, and cook for about 15 minutes, leave to cool overnight, and in my morning.

Fresh cleaned mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for different times, depending on the supported temperature in it:

  • If in your refrigerator the temperature plus 7-10 ° C, then for 12-17 hours
  • From 0 to plus 5 ° C-for 1-3 days
  • From 0 to minus 2 ° C-for 3-4 days

Before putting in the refrigerator, mushrooms are put in paper bags or dry enameled dishes, but in no case is not polyethylene. There is no air access in such a package, and the mushrooms mold. If you have store mushrooms are sealed, then they can be stored for 5-7 days in the refrigeratorBut if you opened the packaging, then the remaining mushrooms must be put in a bowl.

So, now we know how to store fresh, salty and pickled mushrooms in a city apartment.

Video: storage of mushrooms. How to freeze mushrooms for the winter?

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