How to freely freeze mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter: the best recipes. How to freeze fresh, boiled, fried, stewed mushrooms mushrooms for the winter: recipes

How to freely freeze mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter: the best recipes. How to freeze fresh, boiled, fried, stewed mushrooms mushrooms for the winter: recipes

Ways to freeze forest honey mushrooms for the winter.

A great opportunity will enjoy useful natural gifts, after the end of the season, gives proper freezing of products.

Is it possible to freeze mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter?

Mushroom freezing mushrooms does not lose its initial taste and useful qualities, as well as an appetizing appearance, after harvesting in this way.
Subsequently, you can cook it in any way, acceptable for freshly combined mushrooms.

Thus, for lovers of mushroom pickers, mushroom freezing is the best way to harvest the harvest.

How to treat fresh mushrooms of honey mushrooms before freezing?

Preparation for processing

Wedding, relatively, pure mushrooms. Worms are very rare in them.

  • After gathering the crop, we immediately sort them out from garbage.
  • Wraps are the lower part of the leg, not more than 1 cm.
  • Missing nipple does not require, so we clean them under running water. We wash the mushrooms thoroughly. In this way, we remove not only mechanical pollution, but also destroy the external microbes, which do not die when freezing, and are transferred to the finished dish.
Effective method of washing
  • Next, we transfer each portion to a colander.
  • After the water is draining, we dry the honey mushroom on a flat surface, previously lined with clean cloth or paper towel.
  • Small mushrooms are suitable for freezing. You can cut large mushrooms, but this is not the best option. The cut, with this method, darkens, the product loses its natural pristine.

How to freeze mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter: Best recipes

Approximate proportions:

  1. Honey mushroom - 1.5 kg
  2. Salt cook - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  3. Citric acid - on the tip of a knife

Stages of work:

  • Prepare a stainless or enameled pan
  • Pour 1 liter of purified water
  • Add salt and citric acid
  • Put the mushrooms subjected to primary treatment
  • We bring to a boil
  • We reduce the fire to medium
  • Cook at least 10 minutes
  • We throw back in a colander
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Let we drain a little water
  • We lay out on a linen towel, until completely cooled and dried
Preliminary drying
  • We spread on a flat bowl or tray, remove in the freezer
  • When the product completely freezes, we pack it on cellophane bags
  • To preserve the aroma, we tie the bags tightly
Final result

How to freeze fresh mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter?

Better to freeze dry honey mushrooms

Freshly frozen honey mushrooms, after thawing, under the influence of certain enzymes, acquire an ugly dark color.
To avoid this, it is recommended to pre -blanching:

  1. We prepare mushrooms in the previous way
  2. We determine in a colander
  3. We subject the blanching: small musks-1.0-2.5 minutes, large-3.5-5 minutes.
  4. We lower the honey mushroom into a cool solution containing 1% citric acid
  5. After the complete cooling of the product, we drain the water
  6. Slightly dry the forest gifts
  7. Distribute by grille, or put immediately in containers, for further freezing

Option 2

We process steam:

  1. We place raw mushrooms in a sieve
  2. We hold over a steam for at least 5 minutes
  3. We dry, freeze

3 option

  1. Mushrooms carefully peeled from the litter, without washing, lay in plastic bags
  2. We send for frost

How to freeze boiled mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter?

We achieve the exclusivity of the product by any spices and seasonings

For maximum preservation of the beneficial substances of the forest product, we use the next way:

  1. In a boiling solution prepared at the rate of 20 g of salt - per 1 liter of water, weap up the mushrooms
  2. Add, to give aroma, 2-3 slices of garlic
  3. We boil for 2-3 minutes
  4. We quickly take out with a slotted spoon and put in cold water with ice
  5. We maintain a couple of minutes
  6. We drain the water
  7. Pour the mushrooms on a dry towel, throw the garlic
  8. Fold forest blanks in plastic bags, tie
  9. We remove in the freezer

You can use the classic version of freezing boiled mushrooms proposed above.

Traditional workpiece

Video: mushrooms mushrooms. How to freeze mushrooms for the winter?

How to freeze fried mushrooms of honey mushrooms for the winter?

It is better to prepare anti -stick dishes

Option 1

  • Carefully dried after preliminary processing is cut into pieces.
  • We spread in a pan with a large amount of heated vegetable oil. Previously, you can fry the garlic or onion, which we remove before throwing the mushrooms.
  • Fry over high heat, no more than 5 minutes, stirring.
  • Cool, remove excess oil in any convenient way (colander, paper towel, sieve).
  • We freeze in a sealed container.
  • We put it so that there is a little place to the cover, since the mushrooms during frost increase in size.

Option 2

  • Fry the mushrooms on the sheet in the oven
  • Do not add oil. Honey mushrooms during heat treatment is allocated enough of their juice
  • We carry out freezing, just like in the first version

How to freeze for the winter stewed mushrooms of honey mushrooms?

A very easy way
  • Cut the prepared mushrooms into large parts. For this method of workpiece, after washing, they do not dry them
  • We spread in the pan, cover with a lid
  • Stew 25 minutes
  • Then lay out on a sieve, let the fluid drain
  • We pack it in a comfortable, tightly closed container
  • We remove in the freezer for freezing and further storage
  • If desired, add vegetable oil. Stew the fluid to boil

How much can you store frozen: fresh, boiled, fried, stewed mushrooms of mushrooms?

Shelf life: from one crop to another

Temperature compliance below -20 guarantees the term storage of frozen boiled Opat is a little over a year.

Recommended storage periods:

  • Fried mushrooms - 3 months
  • Stewed - from 3 to 9 months, depending on the type of oil chosen for extinguishing

These norms guarantee the safety of the product used. To preserve taste, storage should not be more than six months.

In conclusion, some tips:

  1. In order to extremely maintain the appearance of the product, it is frozen by the embankment, one layer on the grilles. Thus, each element is frozen separately, excluding damage and adhesion.
  2. Careful freezing allows you to maintain taste, aroma and beneficial properties. The initial temperature of -30 ° C should stay for 2-3 hours.
  3. Weded up with small shares, packed with small shares, it is recommended to put in a cardboard box for long -term storage in freezers.
  4. Mushrooms absorb the smell of other products well, so do not store them in one place.
  5. Defrost mushroom frost before direct cooking. A thawed product quickly attracts various harmful microorganisms.
  6. The gradual thawing of mushrooms, at room temperature, provides uniform dissolution of ice crystals in mushroom cells. Thanks to which, mushrooms retain their dense structure.

Video: How to freeze mushrooms? Handwords of mushrooms for the winter

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