How to check the duodenum: what analysis to pass, instrumental methods

How to check the duodenum: what analysis to pass, instrumental methods

Read the information in the article. It will help you check the duodenum for pathologies.

Violations of the intestine is a rather delicate, but serious health problem. The absence of timely response to symptoms can turn into severe diseases with complications accompanying.

Read another article on our website on the topic: "How to get rid of parasites in the intestines of a person at home yourself?". You will find in it a list of medicines, folk recipes, tips, videos.

Unwanted consequences can only be prevented with timely detection of deviations in the work of the DPP. For this, laboratory tests are handed over and instrumental diagnostics are carried out. The doctor develops a specific examination scheme individually for each patient.

When is the testing of the duodenum and small intestine shown?


Diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the duodenum is engaged in a coloproctologist. A specialist who explores the activity of the digestive tract as a whole is a gastroenterologist. But for the initial examination, you can first contact the therapist, who will direct the patient to a narrow specialist, depending on the localization of the focus of the pathological process.

When is the study, when is the testing of the duodenum and small intestine shown? The doctor must immediately consult the following symptoms:

  • Pain syndrome, the source of which is located in the stomach or anus
  • Defecation disorders: constipation or, on the contrary, strong diarrhea
  • Frequent flatulence
  • Unpleasant belching with a sour or bitter taste
  • Prolonged nausea
  • Causeless vomiting

Disorders of appetite and overall well-being in some cases are also the reason for the examination of the 12-first-hand intestine. In the same way as causeless weight loss, insomnia and the appearance of an unhealthy raid in the tongue.

How do they check the duodenum in adults?

For a full -fledged test of the duodenum, a comprehensive examination is carried out. How to check in adults? Diagnosis includes the purpose:

  • Laboratory tests
  • Instrumental diagnosis
  • Biopsy fence (tissue biopsy of the affected organ)

First of all, when visiting a specialist, a thorough and detailed survey is conducted. It is followed by a physical examination, during which the doctor, using palpation, approximately determines the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion. The subsequent diagnostic scheme will depend on this.

How to check the duodenum: what tests should be taken with abdominal, diarrhea and other symptoms?

Analysis for a test of duodenum
Analysis for a test of duodenum

Laboratory diagnostics plays an important role in identifying pathologies of the 12-first-hand intestine. However, it cannot be called paramount. This is an auxiliary research technique that allows you to identify inflammation and hidden bleeding, if any. How to check the duodenum? What tests to pass with abdominal, diarrhea and other symptoms?

Read on our website an article that will help you cure gastrointestinal diseases, topic: "Diet with intestinal inflammation". It published a list of useful products, the table No. 3, 4.

In case of suspicion of pathological lesions of the DPK, the doctor may prescribe the following laboratory tests.


  • A general blood test is a standard laboratory examination, which is mandatory for any pathologies that occur in the body.
  • It makes it possible to identify inflammation in the intestine, parasitic invasions and hidden bleeding.
  • In addition, according to some indicators, one can judge the presence of tumor processes and malabsorption syndrome.
  • The difference between this study and the generally accepted is that in the case, venous blood is necessary.
  • A detailed analysis is performed in the morning - from 8 to 11 hours.
  • Before going to the laboratory, you can not take food or smoke.
  • Only the use of clean water without gas is allowed. The results can be obtained a few hours after the biomaterial fence.

Biochemical blood examination:

  • Preliminary testing of blood for determining biochemical indicators allows you to detect problems with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  • Such a deviation may indicate tumor processes, malabsorption syndrome and other dangerous disorders.

Analysis of urine:

  • Another universal laboratory study, which is carried out for any pathology.
  • Its results show the presence of inflammation, not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also the urinary system. And these organs are closely interconnected, especially in female patients.
  • In addition, when deciphering urine analysis, dehydration can be detected. It is quite capable of becoming the result of prolonged vomiting or diarrhea.

Coprological research - general analysis of feces:

General study of feces is an important part of laboratory diagnostics of 12-first-part pathologies. Such an analysis is based on a chemical, macro- and microscopic study of the feces. Using this technique, you can determine:

  • The enzyme activity of the digestive tract, and the evacuation ability of the stomach and intestines.
  • rN reaction, which is studied by evaluating color, consistency of excrement microflora.
  • The presence of pigments of bile, mucus, salts of fatty acids and other elements.

The Gregegersen reaction, which is performed as an addition to the general coprogram, allows you to detect impurities of pus or blood. The analysis of the feces may also include the following subspecies of research, which are no less necessary when diagnosing pathologies of the 12-first-hand intestine:

  1. Helminth egg research on eggs. In most cases, if helminthic invasion really occurs, in the studied biomaterial, eggs of ascaris, non -c doomers, pinworms or anquilost are detected. However, it is quite possible to detect other types of intestinal parasites that can affect the DPC and other organs of the digestive tract.
  2. Research for the presence of protozoa in feces. The microbiological test is aimed at identifying cysts of simple microorganisms that penetrate the human body when using unwashed vegetables, fruits or berries, poorly treated meat and fish. With the help of microscopy, lambliosis, balatidiosis, amoebiasis and other diseases are diagnosed.
  3. Microflora test and intestinal dysbiosis. Such a variety of microbiological research of feces makes it possible to conduct quantitative and qualitative study of intestinal microflora. The ratio of healthy and pathogens that live in the intestines is determined.

The analysis of feces is very important in the diagnosis of duodenal pathologies. On its basis, a diagram of further instrumental examination may be developed.

Screening for antigens in the blood:

  • This testing is performed by PCR or ELISA.
  • This allows you to obtain high information content of the study and detect in the 12-perimal intestine and gastrointestinal organs of pathogens of parasitic, viral, bacterial or fungal pathologies.
  • Antigens screening is a differential method of laboratory diagnostics of intestinal diseases.

Remember that only a doctor can prescribe a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints, symptoms and severity of pathology.

How to check the ulcer of the duodenum: instrumental methods used in peptic ulcer

Checking of duodenum ulcers: instrumental methods
Checking of duodenum ulcers: instrumental methods

Often worries patients precisely intestinal microflora dysbiosis. Because of this violation, flatulence appears, rumbling in the stomach, and even pain. It is important to know the symptoms, causes of pathology, as well as about what diagnosis exists, treatment in adults and children.

Instrumental diagnosis is carried out without fail. It involves the use of special equipment, which makes it possible, according to one or another criteria, to identify the focus of the pathological process and its cause. How to check the ulcer of the duodenum? There are special instrumental methods used for peptic ulcer. In case of suspicion of diseases of the 12-first intestine, the following tests are carried out.


  • For such a study, endoscopic equipment is used.
  • During the procedure, a thin hose with a camera at the end is introduced into the rectum.
  • With its help, you can investigate any intestinal.
  • Since the manipulation is painful, it is performed using local anesthetics.
  • In some cases, colonoscopy can be carried out under general anesthesia.


  • Another endoscopic method, using which, you can explore the rectum and the distal section of the sigmoid colon.
  • The manipulation is practically no different from the previous one, however, with a stomoroscopy, the tube with a chamber is introduced to a depth not exceeding 30 cm.

Computed tomography (CT):

Computed tomography refers to radiation methods of studying 12-peremptor intestines and other intestinal sections. The procedure allows:

  • Identify inflammatory, erosive lesions of the mucous membrane or ulcers on the walls of DPK
  • Evaluate the elasticity and strength of the walls of the examined segment of the 12-peremptor intestine
  • Detect congenital pathologies
  • Identify tumor processes

The study has little contraindications and is well tolerated by all patients.

Bound Enteroscopy:

  • This is a diagnostic and at the same time therapeutic technique.
  • It is based on rectal or oral administration of an endoscope intestinal cavity.
  • Manipulation is quite complex and very painful, requires thorough preliminary preparation and analgesic.
  • With an increased pain threshold in the patient, the balloon enteroscopy is carried out under general anesthesia.
  • With the help of this procedure, inflammatory and ulcerative lesions of the DPP mucosa are revealed.
  • In addition, it makes it possible to detect tumors on the walls of the intestine.


  • The simplest and most common, and most importantly, a painless and non -invasive diagnostic technique.
  • Allows you to identify neoplasms, inflammation, damage to the mucous membrane of the DPP.
  • However, it is necessary to prepare for UPD, since the presence of food and gases in the intestines can distort the results of the study.


  • Gastroscopy is familiar to many patients of different ages.
  • It involves swallowing a probe with a camera at the end.
  • The procedure allows you to study the esophagus, stomach, duodenum and other intestinal departments.
  • With its help, ulcers, erosion, tumors and inflammation are revealed.
  • Manipulation is very unpleasant, but is considered one of the most informative instrumental methods for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases and DPK.

If during these diagnostic measures a suspicion of oncology was revealed, then the doctor prescribes a biopsy. Often this analysis is taken with colonoscopy and other similar endoscopic procedures.

Video: How to understand that you have a tumor or polyps in the intestines?

How to check the duodenum: biopsy

The biopsy involves the sample of the organ tissue, where the focus of the pathological process is located. In this case, the duodenum. The procedure is necessary in that situation, if it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis or the doctor has suspicions of the presence of a patient with tumor lesions of the intestine. This helps to quickly check the affected areas.

The biopsy is performed last. This is a painful and traumatic procedure, so it can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. It is performed only according to strict indications.

What analysis to pass: a study of the duodenum for the tank marker SA-242

Oncomarker SA-242 - This is a specific protein body that is produced by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract. It is detected mainly with malignant nature of neoplasms, although there are exceptions here.

  • Oncomarker has a greater diagnostic significance.
  • Diagnosis based on it is highly accurate and informative. SA-242 It makes it possible to detect primary and recurrent tumors, evaluate the risk of their re -formation when the pathology is in the remission phase and identify metastases to other organs.
  • It is assigned to take such an analysis for blood test for this tumor marker only according to strict indications.

An examination of the duodenum is recommended to be held for all faces older 50 years of age. This is a preventive measure associated with the fact that patients of this age category often face peptic ulcer, polyposis and other dangerous intestinal lesions. Timely detection of pathology allows you to begin treatment at the early stages, thereby preventing the development of dangerous complications.

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