What tests are needed to check the intestines?

What tests are needed to check the intestines?

There can be many causes of intestinal disorders: inflammation, infection, malnutrition, genetic factor. Therefore, with symptoms such as constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, bloody or mucous impurities in feces, diagnosis should be carried out.

Also, this should be done periodically to those who have among close relatives of patients with ulcerative colitis, intestinal cancer or crown disease.

What tests are needed to check the intestines?

The necessary tests in order to check the intestines, the following:

  • A general blood test with a leukocyte formula and ESR.
  • Blood sampling for the presence of cancer embryonic antigen.
  • General analysis of feces (or coprogram).
  • Analysis of feces for the presence of hidden blood.
  • Analysis of feces for dysbiosis.
  • Analysis of feces for eggs of worms and parasites.

Endoscopic examination of the intestine is most information. But no less informative are laboratory research.

  • Thus, in a general blood test, an increase in ESR indicators can indicate diseases that are parasitic or inflammatory, detect gastrointestinal bleeding, tumors, impaired absorption process (the result of a biochemical blood test may also indicate).
  • During the analysis that is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, is taken deoxygenated blood.
  • Urine for analysis They also take in the morning, collecting it in a sterile container. This analysis is recommended for signs syndrome and with diarrhea or vomiting. The increased density of urine and its color, saturated with yellowness, should be alert.
  • Calais analysis (or coprogram) demonstrates the presence (or absence) of eggs of various intestinal parasites, as well as the possible content of pus or blood. It is investigated what reaction to some components, in particular, we are talking about blood, bilirubine, stercobiline and soluble protein. It is checked whether fats, muscle fibers and connective tissues are present. The analysis needs a 4-5-day diet that the doctor will develop.

In addition, a more complete picture will help to reflect such tools of instrumental diagnostics as a computer or virtual colonoscopy, ultrasound, rectosigmoscopy, capsule endoscopy, cylinder enteroscopy. The analysis is prescribed in the presence of pain in the stomach or anus, with diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, vomiting, nausea.

Having in hand the results of all these tests, the gastroenterologist can determine the diagnosis. Perhaps it will need to be clarified, and then, in addition to taking tests, an ultrasound and endoscopic examination is possible. These additional examination methods will help to prescribe the most effective treatment, as well as choose a suitable diet.

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  1. Listen to a gastroenterologist, you will receive answers to many questions about the irritable intestine

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