Diet with intestinal inflammation: healthy products, Table menu No. 3, 4

Diet with intestinal inflammation: healthy products, Table menu No. 3, 4

The work of the intestine directly affects the digestion process, with intestinal inflammation, metabolism is disturbed, problems with emptying arise - the body ceases to receive the necessary substances, the processes of decay and fermentation are enhanced. In acute and chronic intestinal diseases, it is necessary to eat right.

Problems with the intestines arise as a result of undergoing infectious diseases, poisoning, malnutrition, and medication. The inflammatory process can affect the small or colon. At the advanced stage, the entire gastrointestinal tract falls ill. Diet with intestinal inflammation helps restore the mucous membrane, normalize a chair, and prevent complications.

Intestinal inflammation: symptoms, diet

Incorrect lifestyle violates digestion processes. Like any disease, intestinal inflammation has a number of characteristic features:

  • violation of microflora accompanied by abundant discharge;
  • sudden pain spasms in the intestines;
  • low hemoglobinas a consequence of inferior absorption of iron;
  • increased gas formation and bloating;
  • long diarrhea or constipation;
  • bad appetite, weakness, loss of strength, as a result of a lack of beneficial trace elements.
Discomfort in the intestines
Discomfort in the intestines

In the presence of these characteristics, a consultation of a gastroenterologist is necessary. What diet with intestinal inflammation will be prescribed by a doctor depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Products for intestinal inflammation

The diet with intestinal inflammation is compiled taking into account the age, gender, and the patient's health. It should be borne in mind that each product affects the intestines in different ways, having a laxative or fixing effect.

In its action, useful products for the intestines with inflammation can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Products that stimulate intestinal motility - grain cereals, brans with bran, raw vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, dried fruits, sauer vegetables, dairy products, meat with livestocks, carbonated and yeast drinks, cold products, jelly, compotes.
  2. Intestinal activity - products with astringent and tannins, enveloping the walls of the intestine - Berry decoctions, jelly, strong tea, cocoa. Mucous porridge and first dishes in warm or hot form.
  3. Neutral products - Dietary varieties meat, poultry, fish, boiled and steam dishes, low -fat dairy products, dried bread.

The intestinal inflammation is accompanied by drug treatment and diet. Chaotic nutrition even more injures the inflamed intestinal mucosa.

What can not be eaten with intestinal inflammation? For the period of treatment, you need to review the usual diet and abandon the next set of products:

  • smoked and sharp products;
  • fatty varieties of fish and meat;
  • pasta and butt products, sweets;
  • mushrooms;
  • drinks with caffeine.
Healthy foods
Healthy foods

You can diversify the dietary table with intestinal inflammation with the following products:

  • vegetable soups, broths with dietary varieties of meat;
  • cooked fish and meat;
  • fresh carrots, boiled pumpkin, zucchini;
  • fresh fruits and freesha;
  • dairy products;
  • baking baking;
  • sunflower oil, butter;
  • fruit and berry compotes, jelly;
  • honey, dried fruits.

Depending on the nature of the chair, the percentage of products in the diet is regulated. Products are used in small portions without long breaks.

Diet rules for inflammation of the intestines with diarrhea

Diseases of the small and colon are often accompanied by diarrhea - rapid emptying during the day. Such a phenomenon accompanies oncological diseases of the intestine, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, etc. Prolonged diarrhea with intestinal inflammation can lead to dehydration and loss of useful trace elements.

With diarrhea, it is necessary to reduce intestinal activity. Consider the main aspects of the diet with inflammation of the intestines and diarrhea:

  • with diarrhea, dietary products should not contain chemistry, dyes, spices;
  • we remove from the diet of positions with a large concentration of essential oils - spinach, radishes, onions, garlic, mushrooms;
  • before use, heat drinks and dishes;
  • give an advantage to products from simple carbohydrates and rich in tannins.
  • If diarrhea is accompanied by increased gas formation, then from the menu you need to exclude White porridge, sweets, sdoba, potatoes, bananas, grapes, cruciferous vegetables, whole milk.
  • To reduce fermentation in the intestines, berry and herbal decoctions are added to the menu. Spices are added in limited quantities - bay leaf, pepper, cloves.

Intestinal inflammation: diet with constipation

Inflammation of the intestine with irregular emptying of the intestine requires dietary nutrition that stimulates intestinal motility.

The main aspects of the diet with inflammation of the intestines and constipation:

  • every day the menu should be present celluloseincreasing the volume of feces that irritate the intestinal walls and contribute to emptying;
  • give preference crumbly porridgemix them with bran;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits at least 400 g per day;
  • the presence of sweet products in the diet - honey, natural syrup, marmalade, iris, jam etc.
  • compliance with water-drinking mode-no less 2 liters per day;
  • there should be no products with poorly digestible components in the diet - seeds, bones, seeds.
  • You can stimulate the intestines with sodium salt dishes - marinades and pickles.
  • Intestinal hypomotorics is stimulated therapeutic mineral waters.
With constipation
With constipation

With increased gas formation, carbonated drinks, whipped and voluminous desserts must be excluded from the menu. Compliance with the diet allows you to get rid of constipation without laxatives.

Diet table No. 3 with intestinal inflammation with constipation: menu

The number of meals on the diet with intestinal inflammation per day is 4-6 times. On an empty stomach, cool water with honey, vegetable juices is recommended. The last meal for a diet table number 3 It is supported by fermented milk products.

  • Recommended - borsch, beetroot, cabbage soup in low -fat broth, vegetable soups with barley. Exclude - Fat broth and gas stations.
  • Recommended - rye bread, yesterday's pastries, non -appropriate products with fruits and berries. Exclude - Plane and bob dough, white bread.
  • Recommended - boiled and baked chicken, turkey, milk sausages. Exclude - stew, duck and goose meat, pork.
  • Recommended - Boiled and baked fish. Exclude - Bold, smoked fish, canned food.
  • Recommended - Milk, non -acidic cottage cheese, sour cream, cream as an additional ingredient in dishes. Butter and egg omelets. Exclude - fried and boiled eggs, vegetable fats.
  • Recommended - crumbly cereals, casserole from buckwheat, wheat. Exclude - Vermichel, legumes, rice cereals.
  • Recommended - Raw and boiled vegetables - cabbage with inflorescences, zucchini, young peas, pumpkin pulp, salads, tomato, cucumber. Dry fruits, honey, jam, marmalade. Exclude - Aiva, blueberries, Kizil, chocolate.
  • Recommended - tomato sauce, dill, parsley, bay leaf. Exclude - mustard and sharp sauces with spices.
  • Recommended - vegetable, fruit, herbal decoctions. Exclude - Strong coffee, tea.

Diet table No. 4 with intestinal inflammation with diarrhea: menu

Diet with intestinal inflammation in an adult table number 4 with a low content of fats and carbohydrates. The emphasis on boiled dishes, puree consistency and fractional nutrition. The diet with intestinal inflammation in a child and an adult helps to gain the missing weight and normalize digestion.

  • Recommended - Dried bread, low -fat cookies. Exclude - Acactive and sweet pastries.
  • Recommended - Vegetable broths with cereals. Exclude - Fat meat broth.
  • Recommended - low -fat varieties of meat, low -fat fish with gentle cooking technique. Exclude - Fried meat, fish, sausages.
  • Recommended - crumbly cereals, vermicelli, boiled vegetables. Exclude - pasta, barley, millet, sweet cereals with milk, garlic, radishes, raw vegetables.
  • Recommended - protein dishes, steamed omelet. Exclude - fried and boiled eggs.
  • Recommended - Baked apples, freesh, sweet berries and fruits. Exclude - Confectionery, sour berries and fruits.
  • Recommended - De -fat cottage cheese, neutral varieties of cheese. Exclude - whole milk.
  • Recommended - Decoctions of medicinal herbs, green tea. Exclude - Strong tea and coffee, soda, alcoholic drinks.
  • Recommended - 15 g of cream fat per day. Exclude - Margarine, sunflower oil, lard.

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Diet with intestinal inflammation: Nutriologist's advice

Properly built nutrition for intestinal inflammation is the key to an early recovery.

Several useful recommendations for choosing products from the nutritionist:

  • Vegetable soups with the addition of vegetable milk - almond, coconut, oatmeal. Useful composition and enveloping effect on the stomach.
  • Fresh vegetables in the first half of the day, you can doll. For dinner stewed or boiled vegetable dishes. Such a sequence will facilitate the process of digesting food.
  • Choose unsweetened fruit varieties. Remote fruit snacks for the first half of the day.
  • Cook smoothies from berries and greenery, Combine with flax seeds.
  • Reduce the amount of dairy products. The amount of mucus in the intestines will decrease and there will be no fermentation. You can do not fastest varieties of cheese and fresh cottage cheese.
  • By adding meat to the first dishes, drain the first broth.
  • The amount of protein per day should be at least 130-140 g.
  • Refuse baking with gluten and sugar. Bake homemade bread with bran, made of almond and coconut flour.
  • Control the drinking mode. Between meals Drink herbal teas and warm water.
For the intestines
For the intestines

It is impossible to abruptly stop the diet with intestinal inflammation in an adult. The usual products return to the diet for a month-2-3 products per day. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body.

We advise you to read about the following diets:

Video: Diet with intestinal inflammation

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Comments K. article

  1. Inflammation of the intestine is still muck ... Fortunately, in our time, almost any problem is solved. They wrote me Alfa Normix with a course, this is an antibiotic, but it works on a smart one - pathogens are killing, but on the contrary, a useful microflora stimulates growth. As a result, it comes out to treat and not harm.

  2. My stomach also grabbed my stomach. I went to the doctor - there was also inflammation.

  3. After surgery on the intestine, Alpha Normix was prescribed in order to prevent the inflammatory process. At the same time, I got rid of flatulence and pain in it.

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