What are antioxidants and how does it act on the human body? Powerful antioxidants for the human body: List. Vitamin complexes, food supplements with antioxidants: List of the best. Is it worth taking antioxidants: reviews

What are antioxidants and how does it act on the human body? Powerful antioxidants for the human body: List. Vitamin complexes, food supplements with antioxidants: List of the best. Is it worth taking antioxidants: reviews

In this article, we will talk about what antioxidants are for the body than they are useful for the human body, and whether it is worth it, and how to take them correctly.

Antioxidants are called substances that slow down the processes of oxidation in the body. For example, our skin has to constantly contact with oxygen, which is held in the air. This leads to the death of her cells and oxidation. Antioxidants are also useful for the body. They are contained as part of products, as well as special food additives. Let's take a closer look at what antioxidants are, how to take them and why it is necessary at all.

What are antioxidants and how do they act on the human body?

The action of antioxidants
The action of antioxidants

Antioxidants for the body are also called antioxidants or preservatives. As we have already said, they slow down the oxidative processes. As a result of these processes, free radicals are formed in the body, which lead to rapid aging of the body.

Moreover, free radicals prevent healthy cells from working normally, and this leads to the development of various diseases. At the same time, the number of these cells can grow due to poor ecology, excess ultraviolet radiation, stress and various kinds of inflammation. It is also important to know that free radicals also appear due to malnutrition, contact with household chemicals, injuries, a lack of oxygen in the body and bad habits.

All these harmful factors of the body must somehow fight. After all, if he does not do this, then the damage may be irreparable. That is why he needs antioxidants every day. First of all, they strengthen immunity, in addition, many of them slow down the aging process.

Powerful antioxidants for the human body: List

So, antioxidants for the body are undoubtedly useful. About what exactly we will talk later, and now let's find out what they are at all.

  • Beta-carotene. This is a special pigment that stains vegetables and fruits in bright colors. It generally improves the state of health if it enters the body through products. Once in the body, beta-carotene becomes vitamin A. He helps to strengthen immunity, improve vision, and also prevents the development of cancer and various hearts.
  • Vitamin C. It is also contained in products. It allows you to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. This antioxidant also strengthens the immunity, and therefore the infection does not penetrate the body. At the same time, vitamin C favorably affects the health of the heart and prevents the development of cancer.
  • Vitamin E. This is another of antioxidants. Any enzymes of this vitamin allow neutralize free radicals. In addition, it reduces inflammatory reactions.
  • Likopin. It is contained mainly in tomato products and directly in tomatoes. This is one of the forms of vitamin A, which is also capable of eliminating free radicals. As practice shows, a diet saturated with lycopine is recommended to improve the functioning of the heart and its vessels, as well as a decrease in the number of cases of cancer diseases.
Where are the antioxidants contained?
Where are the antioxidants contained?
  • Luthein. It is useful for vision and protection against age -related changes in the yellow spot. As studies show, Luthein prevents destruction in the retina, if any. So, in the presence of an eye, Luthein is the best assistant.
  • Zeaksantin. It works almost as well as Luthein, that is, it is useful for protecting vision. He works on the principle of the garbage man, that is, collects all active oxygen, which is the cause of the formation of free radicals.
  • Bioflavonoids. These substances are in most vegetables, plants, tea and wine. They cover many groups of antioxidants. These substances absorb free radicals, eliminate inflammation. In particular, they favorably affect the bones and cardiovascular system.
  • Manganese. It is aimed at maintaining cell integrity, because it eliminates oxidative damage. So, the substance helps to protect against oxidative stress and allows you to create an additional reserve for enzymes.
  • Selenium. It is one of the most important minerals. With its help, oxidative stress is eliminated, which damages cell DNA. It can also be obtained from food. It is very important, since with its lack the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, cancer and heart disease increases. Selenium allows you to prevent the development of chronic diseases.
  • Coenzym Q10. This antioxidant is known for its anti -aging properties. This substance dissolves fats, and also relieves inflammation and does not allow free radicals to be active. The use of coenzyme helps very well in recovery after surgery. It also favorably affects the teeth. It is contained, as a rule, in seafood and fish.
  • Lipoic acid. It cleanses the body of free radicals. In addition, it is a defender of the body from diseases such as diabetes, cataracts and other age -related ones.

Antioxidants - benefits for the human body: Features

How are antioxidants useful?
How are antioxidants useful?

As you could notice, antioxidants for the body are of significant benefit. In addition to strengthening immunity and preventing diseases, they are capable of other actions.

So, antioxidants are useful in such cases:

  • Food deficiency. If a person constantly does not mean, in periods starves or sits on diets in which there are not enough fruits and vegetables, then it will be useful for him to take antioxidants. It is desirable that they have vitamins, minerals, as well as flavonoids and polyphenols.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a lack of vitamins is often formed in the body. So for their replenishment it is quite possible to use antioxidants.
  • Menopause. When menopause begins in women, its cells begin to age. In addition, many unpleasant symptoms appear. To get rid of them, you can just take supplements with antioxidants in the composition.
  • Sport. Of course, if a person plays sports, then his nutrition must contain antioxidants, because physical activity increases the amount of free radicals in the body.
  • Hair. If the hair is too weak, break and fall out, then antioxidant additives will restore the balance of the scalp.
  • Prevention. Antioxidants are also useful for prevention. For example, for the health of the eyes, warning cardiovascular diseases and others.

The harm of antioxidants for the body: Features

The harm of antioxidants
The harm of antioxidants

Despite the fact that antioxidants are useful for the body, they can harm. This is possible if they are used uncontrollably. In particular, experts warn that such substances can be useless and even harmful.

So, such antioxidants as:

  • Glutation -based additives. This is a powerful antioxidant. It is produced in sufficient quantities by the body. At the same time, it is useless for the body in the sense that it is not very well absorbed by the digestive system.
  • Additives based on fat -soluble vitamins. They can accumulate in adipose tissue. As a result, this leads to toxic poisoning, as well as an increase in the risk of developing cancer.
  • The use of zinc -based additives It can lead to the development of urinary tract infections. Moreover, in some cases they provoke chills, fever and chest pain.
  • Too much omega-6 along with vitamin A It increases the risk of cancer, because together they form complexes leading to damage to DNA cells.

What products contain antioxidants: List

Antioxidants for the body in sufficient quantities are contained in food. The most important thing is to know in which.

Among the products of plant origin, vegetables of red, orange, blue and black are released. In addition, antioxidants are contained in fruits and greens. There are quite a lot of other products that contain these substances.

We offer to familiarize yourself with a small sign that will allow you to understand what products and in what quantity antioxidants are contained:

Dried fruits
Dried fruits
Herbs and spices
Herbs and spices

Vitamin complexes, food supplements with antioxidants - the best: list

People who live in large cities and cannot eat useful products often suffer from deficiency of antioxidants in the body. When buying vegetables and fruits in a store, very few useful substances are entered in the body, since they are grown in greenhouses. This does not allow them to be saturated with vitamins in the right amount. However, modern medicine does not stand still and on the shelves of pharmacies you can always find antioxidants, as well as complexes of vitamins and minerals.

The choice of funds is quite large, but among them the following are distinguished:

  • Selmevit
  • Vitrum Memory
  • Complete the selenium
  • Glutation
  • Doppelgerz Act
  • Triovit

The list can be continued, but it is important to consider that this or that complex is suitable for everyone. The inexpensive and efficient complex "complivit" is very popular. This is a great drug, which includes 19 vitamins and minerals. He is able to satisfy all the basic needs of the body.

At the same time, people often think that a complex of vitamins and products alone is enough. In fact, this is not so, because even in this case, antioxidants may not be enough. This is especially important for people who live in places with poor ecology or working in harmful enterprises. Even smokers will simply not help products. In this case, only medications can be saved.

Among the most effective drugs, they stand out:

  • Coenzym Q10. It differs in that it removes the oxidants. Moreover, it helps to strengthen immunity, improve blood circulation and inhibits aging processes
  • Debit and stole. These amino acids allow you to restore most of the important processes of the body
  • Panangin and Asparkam. Have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, stimulates the synthesis of ATP, and also activates the intestines and allows you to maintain muscles in tone
  • Lipin. This drug makes the antioxidant system actively work
  • Glutation. It has a good antioxidant effect. It protects the body from the effects of free radicals and toxins. He can bind the molecules of toxins and heavy metals

After a person is 30 years old, almost a third of his protein elements is influenced by free radicals. They have a destructive effect on the body and come from the environment. As a result, cell mutation occurs, immunity weakens, and tumors may also appear. Antioxidants will help stop these processes.

Antioxidants - how and how much to take?

How to take antioxidants?
How to take antioxidants?

Since reactive oxygen is formed even in the process of assimilation of food, immediately after you have eaten, your protection falls. So antioxidants for the body are needed every time you eat. But their number is already determined depending on the total calorie consumption.

In this case, it is necessary to navigate according to your norms. Men for normal life require 2500 kcal per day, and women are about 1800-2000 kcal. Accordingly, women need 11 mmol antioxidants every day, and men - 8 mmol.

Even despite the fact that some factors make you consume more antioxidants, this must be done in any case, especially for additives. For example, an excess of beta-carotene increases the risk of developing lung cancer in a smoker, and too much use of vitamin E can lead to prostate cancer or stroke.

So, if you want to maintain your health in order, then you can not use antioxidants alone. They must go as part of the complexes, because only in this way it will be as useful and effective as possible.

Is it worth taking antioxidants: reviews

Many have a question, but is it worth taking antioxidants for the body at all? Are they really needed. In this case, how many people are so many opinions. Someone considers antioxidants dangerous substances that are strictly forbidden to use, and someone does not see anything bad in them. In any case, decide for yourself if you need it. Better yet, consult a specialist before use. He will be able to choose the most optimal complex for you, given all the characteristics of the body.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3

Video: Antioxidants - harm or benefit?

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Comments K. article

  1. With our "excellent" quality of products from antioxidants one name. The same fruits/vegetables in half of cases are crammed by God know what. Therefore, I am exactly for additional sources of antioxidants. I myself drink the Evalarovsky carnosine courses, restores strength and slows down aging.

  2. a very visible anti -Eiga effect is also noticeable after the course of the Evalarovsky antioxidant of the formula. It replenishes the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, fights with free radicals, which allows you to extend youth youth

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