How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground: step -by -step schemes, photos, videos. When do you need to tie the bushes of cucumbers?

How to form cucumbers in a greenhouse and open ground: step -by -step schemes, photos, videos. When do you need to tie the bushes of cucumbers?

Learn to form cucumbers correctly to increase the crop. The article has step -by -step schemes, advice of specialists.


Growing cucumbers is not a complex process, however, there are subtleties here. In order for fruit plants to fully develop and give a good harvest, they need to be properly taken care of. In addition, other additional measures are periodically recommended. One of them is the formation of cucumber bushes.

Read on our website an article on how to save the cucumbers fresh longer. You will learn how to do this at home, after harvesting.

Despite the fact that many summer residents with many years of experience in growing this culture consider this procedure superfluous, it is necessary to perform it. Such an agronomic technique is of great importance, since it sets the correct direction of the growth of cucumbers, and also provides them with full nutrition. The features of this event depend on the plant variety, because each of them has its own characteristics. Consider this so that your efforts must be successful. From this article you will learn how to form cucumbers correctly, how to tie lashes and what are the advantages of this procedure for culture. Read further.

Why do you need to form stems of cucumbers?

Formed cucumber stems give a good crop
Formed cucumber stems give a good crop

Features of a set of vegetation mass in each variety of cucumbers have its own. At first, the plant forms the main escape, from which the side "kidneys" of the first row subsequently depart. Their number and length also directly depend on the variety of garden culture. Why do you need to form stems of cucumbers?

This process means limiting the growth of the main stem or its lateral shoots. This is necessary for the full development of those stems that will subsequently give crop. If everything is done correctly, it will be possible to achieve:

  • Increased productivity
  • Saving a place in the garden plot (or in a greenhouse)
  • Reducing the risk of developing fungal, parasitic or bacterial phytopathologies
  • Facilitating the process of collecting Zelentsov

The formation of cucumber bushes is a simpler task than it might seem at first glance. And its benefit and necessity are already obvious. If you do everything according to the instructions, then the results will not make yourself wait long.

Advantages of formed cucumbers

Advantages of formed cucumbers
Advantages of formed cucumbers

Summer residents have different judgments regarding the process of forming cucumbers and its need. However, the advantages and benefits of this procedure are evident.

  • Thanks to several simple actions, you can direct all the forces of the plant to the formation of fruits, and not to a set of green mass.
  • In addition, the cucumbers themselves due to the removal of excess leaves and stems become stronger, juicier and larger.

Therefore, no matter what arguments against the formation of some gardeners cite, it is really necessary to do such work.

What are the ways of forming cucumbers?

Method of formation of cucumbers with a garter
Method of formation of cucumbers with a garter

There are several ways to form cucumbers. In addition, farmers regularly develop new methods that are improved. What are the ways of forming cucumbers? Most often, such techniques for forming bushes are used:


  • Many varieties of garden culture require a mandatory garter, especially at the initial stage of their development.
  • This technique is designed to protect the plant from breaking the stem, which at first is very fragile and delicate.

Without garter:

  • If cucumbers have short wattlements, then it is inappropriate to tie them.
  • The plant may well withstand the growth in the vertical direction.

On a wooden or any other trellis:

  • If you plant a cucumber row, retreating from the grid or fence 25 cm, and stretch out oblique ropes from them to the fence, then soon cucumber vines will cover all its area.

On the wire:

  • In both ends of the beds, they are buried in 2 pillars height about 1.5 m.
  • Between them pull on a solid wire in 2 rows.
  • To each cucumber bush, growing in the front row, ties the twine and transfer it through the wire.
  • Further, the ends of the twine are tied to the crops of the neighboring row.
  • In this way, you can form a green hut.

On the grid:

  • This method of forming cucumbers is very popular among summer residents.
  • At the ends of the beds with bushes are buried on the pipe, on which the grid is then pulled.
  • The lower shoots along with the leaves should be removed, as this will help improve the flow of air to the main part of the wattle.
  • Nothing else needs to be done.
  • In the process of growth, cucumber vines will themselves be firmly fixed on a stretched grid.

Growing into disorder:

  • If you sow cucumbers in open ground, then remember that they should branch.
  • To this end, it is necessary to pinch the main stem of garden culture.
  • After that, no additional actions need to be performed, the formation is not necessary.

All methods of growing and forming cucumbers are good in their own way. And each of them is suitable for one or another plant in the plant. Although there are such types of culture when such a procedure is not needed at all.

Formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse: what is important to know?

Formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse
Formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse
Before proceeding directly to the formation, decide in what way it should be performed. The choice of methodology directly depends on some factors that you should know about, and which must be taken into account. What are these nuances and aspects:

Method of growing cucumbers:

  • If the nuclear named cucumbers is carried out in the greenhouse, then they are formed in one stem.
  • When sowing a culture in open soil, you can form stems with any available method.
  • But most often the advantage is given to the formation 2-3 cucumber lashes.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe bed:

  • If the place for growing cucumbers is limited, again, the best option is to form in 1 stalk.
  • With a more extensive plantation, several stems can be formed.

Cucumbers variety:

  • This criterion must be taken into account in the first place. The fact is that in some bushes female flowers form only on the central whip. Therefore, it is advisable to form such plants in one stem.
  • However, there are such cucumber varieties, which are characterized by the location of female flowers only on lateral shoots. Therefore, if you form them in one whip, you will lose the entire crop.
  • There are also varieties that do not at all require formation. For their cultivation, a special mesh is used, which only needs to be pulled along the bed. In this case, the care of cultures lies, first of all, in the thinning of the leaves.

Type of support:

  • The choice of support for cucumber bushes depends on the method of formation.
  • And vice versa: if you already have a support, then, taking into account its features, choose the forming method.
  • For example, V-shaped support Suitable for cucumbers formed in 2 lashes.
  • The support "Pyramid" is used for crops that do not need to form at all. You can also place plants formed in 1 stalk. However, such a design also has a minus: it cannot be installed in a greenhouse.

Now we consider in more detail each of the types of formation of cucumber bushes.

Step -by -step schemes for the formation of cucumbers “German”, “courage” in a greenhouse - how correctly: in one stem, photo, video

The formation of cucumbers
The formation of cucumbers "German", "courage"

Varieties of cucumbers "Hermann" and "Courage" - These are one of the most popular that gardeners prefer when landing. But it is important to know how to form them correctly, otherwise the crop will be scarce. Here are step -by -step schemes for the formation of stems in a greenhouse with a photo:

The formation of cucumbers
The formation of cucumbers

One stem is used for such popular culture varieties as Hermann and Courage. These types of cucumbers are characterized by high productivity and excellent taste of fruits. The formation of the bushes conduct according to this algorithm:

The formation of cucumbers
The formation of cucumbers
  • Find the sinuses of the first 4 sheets And remove the ovaries and processes.
  • From the sinuses 5-6 knots Remove the shoots. Make it so that each of them remains only on 1 ovary.
  • In the tier from 7 to 10 sheet Remove the stepsons, leaving 2 ovary.
  • When the upper part of the bush reaches the trellis, transfer it through the wire. From this moment, the whip should grow already in the direction of the bottom.
Correctly formed cucumbers give a good harvest
Correctly formed cucumbers give a good harvest

Carefully follow the growth of the cucumber bush, and when everything remains to the ground 1 meter, Perform the last manipulation. You should trim the patching point of growth - and nothing else needs to be done to form. Watch more in the video below how an experienced gardener does it.

Video: Formation of a cucumber in one stem. The most convenient and simple Spoom

Formation of parthenocarpic cucumbers and hybrids "Metelitsa" F1: step -by -step scheme, photo, video

Cucumber bushes of these varieties have their own forming features. Often they have a female type of fruiting, therefore, the approach to their processing is different. First you need to leave the first ovaries when appearing 4 sheets on vine. This is clearly visible in the photo below.

Formation of parthenocarpic cucumbers
Formation of parthenocarpic cucumbers

Remember: If you form such plants like varietal cucumbers, then quite quickly they will begin to overgrown with green mass. As a result, the light will become bad to penetrate the bushes, and this will negatively affect the crop yields.

Formation of parthenocarpic cucumbers and hybrids "Metelitsa" F1spend according to the following step -by -step scheme:

  • Wait for the period when the main stem grows to a horizontal trellis. As soon as this happens, do it pinch.
  • In the first five nodes, remove flowers and stepsons.
  • FROM 5 to 8 knot Leave on stepson 1 leaf and 1 ovary.
  • AT 9-11 knots Leave already 2 sheets and 2 ovaries.
  • In nodes 12-14, accordingly, you need to leave 3 leaves And the same number of ovaries.
  • Now process those nodes that are in the immediate vicinity of the trellis. You need to leave in them 4 ovaries and sheet.

After that, leave the plants for a while, and do not perform any action with them. Wait for the main whip to grow the trellis, and then throw it through the wire. Make pinch when the stem falls approximately 70 cm from the earth. Watch more in the video below.

Video: Formation of parthenocarpic cucumbers. We blind the sinuses

Formation of bundle cucumber varieties: diagram, photo, video

Formation of bundle cucumber varieties
Formation of bundle cucumber varieties

No less popular are bouquet, or bundle varieties of cucumbers. They are also characterized by high productivity and good taste of fruits. But for this you need to know how to form the hybrid bushes correctly cucumber varieties of bundle type. The processing scheme will be approximately this:

  • You can proceed to this process after 10 days After planting seedlings in open soil or greenhouse.
  • In the plant, at this moment it is usually formed 8-9 strong and healthy leaves.
  • Each sinus of sheet in this hybrid gives about 3-7 cucumber fruits.
  • If you save most of them, then you can get additional greens from stepsons. That is, the main stem will give a sufficiently sufficient volume of the crop, and for this reason, the formation of bundle hybrids is carried out in one lash.
Formation of bundle cucumber varieties
Formation of bundle cucumber varieties

But take into account some nuances:

  • To begin with, put the pillars along the bed and pull the wire on them.
  • Instead, you can also use a strong twine.
  • During the period of active growth of cucumbers, remove all the side processes to the very trellis.
  • However, leave 2 shootswhich grow from the last two nodes.
  • Then let them grow approximately up to 80 cm, and only then go to the pinch.

Among other things, the lower tier, 1 to 4 sheet, you need to blind, as shown in the photo above. These nodules should not contain processes or ovaries. More details are told in the video below:

Video: How to form cucumbers with a bundle and super -button unit?

A step -by -step scheme for the formation of indeterminant cucumbers in a greenhouse: photo, video

A step -by -step scheme for the formation of indeterminant cucumbers in a greenhouse
A step -by -step scheme for the formation of indeterminant cucumbers in a greenhouse

In cucumbers of this type of ovary, they form mainly on lateral shoots. Therefore, the main attention should be directed precisely at them. Here is a step -by -step scheme for the formation of indeterminant cucumbers in a greenhouse:

  1. When the plant enters the phase 5 sheetAs shown in the photo above, attach it to the trellis and cross the growth point.
  2. Wait until it appears on the stem 2 shoots. When this happens, tie them and direct them in different directions.
  3. When the stems grow to the upper point of the support, remove the stepson and ovaries up to 4 sheets inclusive from their surface.
  4. FROM 5 to 9 sheet Leave only 1 ovary and 1 leaf.

Now you only need to ensure that the whips develop the same. If one of them looks more durable and strong, it is necessary to carry out its stepson. Watch the video below how an experienced gardener does.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bnot allow this error when forming cucumbers! Do not deprive yourself of the crop!

Formation of bee -legged varieties of cucumbers: step -by -step diagram, photo, video

Cucumber varieties and hybrids requiring pollination are rarely grown in greenhouse conditions. It is more advisable to plant them in open ground, where insects have free access to plant flowers. The formation of such plants has its own nuances and features. The reason is that on the main fence they form mainly men's flowers. But female flowers are formed, as a rule, on secondary and subsequent shoots.

Read on our website an article on how and how to attract bees in a greenhouse. You will find out what flowers attract these insects.

Based on this, the method of forming bee -dried varieties of cucumbers has the following features. Here is a step -by -step scheme:

Formation of bee -legged varieties of cucumbers
Formation of bee -legged varieties of cucumbers
  • Find the growth point in culture. In this case, it should be in the phase 8 sheet. Cruise it - this is necessary in order to provoke the rapid growth of lateral stepsons.
  • The side shoots, which are at the stage of growing, cling to the top so that it remains 2 sheets And the same number of ovaries.
  • Over time, shoots are formed on the plant 3 order. Pull them according to a similar principle.
Formation of bee -legged varieties of cucumbers
Formation of bee -legged varieties of cucumbers

Next, watch the growth of cucumbers. Make sure that the bush does not grow strongly, so regularly remove the shoots 4 orderAs shown in the photo above. After all, the main crop will need to be collected from shoots 2-3 orders. Watch more in the video below:

Video: Formation of bee -dried cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to form the stems of cucumbers on open ground: step -by -step scheme

Properly formed stems of cucumbers on open ground
Properly formed stems of cucumbers on open ground
Cucumbers planted in open ground also require formation. How to process the stems correctly? To do this, perform a number of actions. Here is a step -by -step scheme:
  • Blindness. It can be started when the plant has formed at least 6 strong leaves. Remove all the ovaries in the sinuses, starting from 1 sheet and ending with the 5th. This procedure enables culture to subsequently develop a powerful root system.
  • Tying. At the ends of the beds, put the columns high 1.5-2 m. Pull a strong wire on them and tie the ropes. It is on them that over time, the growing cucumber stems will crawl.
  • Removing lateral shoots. Perform such a manipulation when it forms on the stems again 3-5 new leaves. Previously remote leaves are not taken into account.
  • Pinching the side stems. For some time, let them germinate, and after the appearance of the first sheet, do processing.
  • Pinching the subsequent tier. This step refers to the formation of more 3-5 new leaves. On the next tier, the side shoots should pinch after the appearance 2 strong leaves.
Properly formed cucumber stems
Properly formed cucumber stems

Important: Do not forget to remove the mustache from the bushes during the entire period of growing cucumbers. After all, they play the role of a kind of mount, which in this case is not necessary, since the plants are reliably tied.

Cucumbers without formation: are cucumbers form now?

Cucumbers without formation
Cucumbers without formation

Despite the enormous benefits and the main advantages of forming cucumber bushes, it is not always advisable to perform such manipulation. Do cucumbers form now? Modern biologists bring new types of this culture. Some varieties, as well as hybrid plant species do not require such a procedure. The reason for this is their slow growth and poorly developed lateral branches.

Cucumbers without formation - this is possible if you buy seeds and grow the following varieties:

  • Pace
  • Bouquet
  • Valdai
  • Izhorz
  • Sarovsky

They can not only not be formed, but also not tied. They are developing quite successfully themselves. Just provide them with full watering and periodic top dressing, and you will not have to do anything else.

When is it necessary to tie bushes of cucumbers: before or after formation?

Garter of bushes of cucumbers is performed in a specific time
Garter of bushes of cucumbers is performed in a specific time
The garter of the cucumber lace avoids decay of unripe fruits. In addition, it greatly facilitates the care of culture and the subsequent harvest. When is it necessary to tie bushes of cucumbers - before or after formation?
Garter of bushes of cucumbers on a grid
Garter of bushes of cucumbers on a grid

You can already perform such work in open ground or greenhouse at 3-4 weeks From the moment of the beginning of the active growth of plants. At the same time, it is not recommended to pull with this process, since flexible young shoots are much easier to process. Timely executed garter will prevent damage to the stems, which can cause loss of most of the crop.

Further bus care after their formation: how correctly?

Further bus care
Further bus care

Formation is not a one -time procedure, after which you can leave the cucumbers without attention. During the entire period of their growth and fruiting, they need additional care, which is aimed at maintaining the immunity of the fruit culture. Therefore, do not forget about regular watering and feeding in the soil, wherever cultivation is carried out - in open soil or in a greenhouse. Further bus care after their formation. How to do it correctly?


  • The cucumbers must be irrigated in such a way that the soil around the bushes is moistened.
  • At the same time, it is important to avoid water from getting into the roots in order to prevent their decay.
  • For watering, use a special watering can - it is very convenient, and most importantly, it makes it possible to save moisture economically and dosed.
  • The water temperature should be from +20 to +23 degrees.
  • The use of cold fluid increases the risk of phytopathologies in cucumbers.

Top dressing:

  • Fertilize cucumbers every 10 days.
  • For this, manure diluted with water in the ratio is used 1:10 respectively.
  • As cucumber bushes grow in such top dressing, you can add different organic additives. It can be potassium salt, zinc sulfate, boric acid etc.

Advice: Strictly observe the proportions of the components when making fertilizers. Otherwise, you can seriously harm plants.

Video: Cuts care after planting! A great way to grow cucumbers!

Frequent mistakes of gardeners are expert advice: how to form the whores of cucumbers correctly?

Properly formed cucumbers
Properly formed cucumbers

Even experienced gardeners can make specific and frequent errors when growing various fruit crops. In most cases, it is with cucumbers that summer residents most often make some oversights. Here are the advice of experts, how to properly form the whores of cucumbers, to carry out watering:

Uncontrolled ventilation of the greenhouse:

  • This procedure can only be carried out if the air temperature in a closed space rises to the mark +30 degrees and above.
  • You should not create a draft, it can seriously harm plants.

Uneven watering and excess fluid:

  • Cucumbers really love moisture, but gardeners often use its excessive amount to process crops.
  • In addition, some summer residents sin by the fact that at first they neglect the watering for a long time, and then compensate for it by introducing a large volume of fluid immediately.
  • This leads to overflow and, as a result, causes rotting of roots and the development of many phytopathologies.
  • Therefore, water the cucumbers moderately, but regularly.

An annual planting of cucumbers in the same place in the garden:

  • This is not recommended, it is necessary to alternate plants every year.
  • If in the current season you sowed cucumbers in the garden, then next time at this place, plant zucchini, squash or pumpkin.
  • They can also be replaced by places with berries or any root crops.

Pinch the side shoots daily:

  • Especially in the phase of active growth.
  • Therefore, do not plant a large territory with culture.
  • In this case, it is from a small bed that it will be possible to harvest a much more crop, as it will be easier to care for it.
Proper pinching and formation of cucumbers helps to increase productivity
Proper pinching and formation of cucumbers helps to increase productivity

Remove the leaves and shoots in the morning:

  • The wounds formed after the procedure will drag out faster during the day.
  • This helps to minimize the risk of infections in the stem.

Do not twist the lashes:

  • Many gardeners do this to better fix the plant.
  • This can cause fruit rejection.
  • In addition, many varieties have delicate stems and can be easily injured.

Remove all ovaries up to 5 sheets:

  • The plant spends a lot of effort precisely on the development of this part.
  • If this is not done, then he will not be able to get stronger and will grow poorly.

Remove all drying leaves:

  • They take part of the world and interfere with the penetration of air.

Do not pinch more than 7 cm of the shoot:

  • If you ignore this advice, then your actions can affect the development of the bush and lead to its death.
  • If it happened that you are late with a pinch, then change the method of formation.
  • You can also do this process from the next lash.

Choose the formation method, depending on the type of pollination:

  • In bee -pushed varieties, male flowers form - male flowers.
  • Therefore, choose a method of forming that provides for pinching the central whip after forming 4th plate.

Gardeners have been experimenting for many years, and try to find the most effective, their own way of forming for a particular variety. Cucumbers only at first glance seem to be unpretentious plants. In fact, they require care, like other garden cultures. Formation is one of the elements of this care. If you do everything right, you will get a truly rich harvest of cucumber fruits. Good luck!

Video: Formation of cucumbers for a good harvest

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