Seedlings of cucumbers are leaves of leaves. Why is it withering, the edges of the leaves dry, it turns yellow, falls, dies the seedlings of cucumbers: what to do?

Seedlings of cucumbers are leaves of leaves. Why is it withering, the edges of the leaves dry, it turns yellow, falls, dies the seedlings of cucumbers: what to do?

Descriptions of diseases of cucumbers seedlings and methods of their treatment.

Fragrant cucumbers are a delicious and low -calorie vegetable, which diets adore. Ground cucumbers can be obtained already in the middle of summer, but if you want to enjoy fresh salads from cucumbers early, plant seedlings.

Why is the seedlings of cucumbers turn yellow?

Yellowing of seedlings is a common problem that gardeners face. Moreover, the culture is not necessarily sick with something.

Causes of yellowing of cucumber seedlings:

  • Lack of soil. This usually happens if the culture is grown in a small container. The roots experience soil deficiency, and leaf yellowing occurs.
  • Lack of minerals. This often happens in the case of poor soil. In general, it is recommended to plant seedlings on the place where onions and garlic grew. They do not impoverish the soil.
  • Excess of nitrogen. This often happens after making nitrogenous fertilizers. In this case, the leaves turn yellow and covered with dots.
  • Hypothermia. Unlike tomatoes, cucumbers love heat, and if the soil is cooled below 17 ° C, then the leaves may turn yellow. Growth also stops.
  • Lack of sunlight. This problem is easily solved by using daylight lamps.
  • Diseases and parasites. The yellowing of cucumbers leaves can occur due to the presence of powdery mildew, spider mite and fusariosis.
The seedlings of cucumbers are yellow
the seedlings of cucumbers are yellow

The seedlings of cucumbers stretched out: what to do?

Sometimes the seedlings of cucumbers are decently stretched, while the leaves become small. This significantly reduces the crop and prevents the formation of fruit ovaries.

Reasons for stretching the seedlings of cucumbers:

  • High temperature and lack of light. At high temperature and lack of light, seedlings become long, the leaves are observed small and stretch towards the world. To prevent stretching, reduce the temperature to 17 ° C and illuminate the culture of daylight lamps.
  • Densely sowing. Initially, the gardener cannot know about the germination of seeds, so he sows the seeds tightly. With excellent germination, there are a lot of seedlings in the boxes and the bushes interfere with each other. It is enough to remove part of the bushes.
  • Incorrect watering. Watering is carried out with warm water with a temperature of 22-24 ° C.
The seedlings of cucumbers stretched out
The seedlings of cucumbers stretched out

Who eats the seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse than to process?

Despite the closed soil in the greenhouse, there are a lot of diseases and pests that significantly damage the seedlings of cucumbers. Pests fall into the soil with the seeds or directly from the garden, which is located near the greenhouse.

Pests living in a greenhouse:

  • Slug. This is a strange creature that looks like a snail without a sink. It feeds on greens mainly in the dark. It’s hard to see the parasite during the day.
  • Bear. It is very difficult not to notice this insect on the site. Usually it is always visible. He leaves huge holes on seedlings, eating it. To eliminate, use thunder or vinegar with black pepper.
  • Wirefront. This insect eats exclusively roots and is the larva of the Scholkun beetle. It lives in the ground in the roots. It has a yellow color. The phosbucide solution (10%) is treated.
  • Aphid. This is the most famous pest that lives both in greenhouses and in the air. Actively multiplies and eats the leaves of seedlings. To combat insects, folk methods are often used. For example, spraying a decoction of wormwood or yarrow. For greater efficiency, liquid or household soap (20 grams per ten liters) is added to decoctions.
  • Cucumber mosquito. This is a larva similar to a worm. It is entered into a greenhouse along with organic fertilizers. Process Aktars, Bi-58.
Who eats seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse
Who eats seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse

What to do if the seedlings of cucumbers dry the edges of the leaves?

Most often, leaves of seedlings dry for such reasons::

  • Faint or excessive watering
  • Lack of fertilizers. Remove the top layer of soil and put peat soil and turf
  • Lack of light. Turn on daylight lamps
  • Parasites and insects. Before planting, process the seeds with potassium permanganate
What to do if the seedlings of cucumbers dry the edges of the leaves?
What to do if the seedlings of cucumbers dry the edges of the leaves?

Why is cucumber seedlings falling, fingering and dies: what to do?

Most often, seedlings are withering and falling due to decay of the root system. This may be due to a number of reasons:

  • Excessive and frequent watering. Contribute to stagnation of water in the roots. Reduce watering, carry them out less often, but in large portions.
  • Frequent top dressing with manure and organic fertilizers. This contributes to rotting the roots. Stop for a while feeding with organic fertilizers.
  • Projects of day and night temperature. If the seedlings grow in the greenhouse, then set the temperature sensor, when the heating will be turned on.
Why is cucumber seedlings falling, fingering and dies: what to do?
Why is cucumber seedlings falling, fingering and dies: what to do?

White spots appeared on the seedlings of cucumbers: what to do?

There are many reasons why white spots appear on the leaves. Moreover, to find out the reason, the gardener will have to try.

The reasons for the appearance of white spots on the seedlings of cucumbers:

  • Powder. This ailment affects most plants in the greenhouse and in the garden. This is a fungal ailment that appears when the temperature in the greenhouse is reduced to 15 ° C and excessive soil humidity. You can fight the disease using Quadris, Topaz, Jet.
  • Peronosporosis. This is also a fungal ailment that is able to destroy the plant in a short time. Most often, it begins to develop even at the stage of growth in seedlings. The struggle is carried out using Ridomil Gold, MC, Kuprosat.
  • Sclerotiniosis. It also refers to fungal ailments. At the initial stage, fluffy mold occurs on the leaves, which then develops into black spots and the culture rotates. The struggle is carried out using phytosporin-m.
  • Corner spotting. A dangerous ailment that is transferred from plant to plant with insects. Often occurs when planting unprocessed seeds into the soil. It is treated by spraying with a 1% solution of burgundy salt.
White spots appeared on the seedlings of cucumbers
White spots appeared on the seedlings of cucumbers

The seedlings of cucumbers dry out the leg: Reasons

Most often, the leg dries at the initial stage of a fungal ailment, the people call it a “black leg”. The spores of the fungus grow very quickly, so you need to fight as soon as possible.

Ways to combat the drying leg:

  • The soil should be moderately wet. It is better to water rarely, but abundantly than often and little by little. If you water it like that, then there will always be moisture inside the lump, despite the drying outside.
  • The black leg grows in high humidity conditions, respectively, ventilate the greenhouse and avoid stagnation of water. Buy TMTD or Planris preparations and soak the seeds in them.
  • Mulch the soil around the seedlings. You can sprinkle the top of the soil with sand or turf.
  • Damaged bushes are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the soil is flushed with the application of sand.
  • In order to prevent and at the first signs of the disease, bushes are treated with biological preparations (bactophyte, planris, phytosporin, phytolavin).
The seedlings of cucumbers dry out the leg
The seedlings of cucumbers dry out the leg

Sanded out seedlings of cucumbers: What to do

Of course, if the damage is significant, then nothing remains but to cross seedlings. Cucumbers are very poorly experienced by cold, so do not rush to plant them in open ground. But if the damage is small, then you can cure the culture yourself and in a short time and restore it.

Ways to cure frozen seedlings:

  • Stop watering for a while. It is necessary not to water the sprouts for a couple of days.
  • Carry out epinum processing. This drug removes heavy metals and restores the leaves.
  • You can water the roots with a small amount of zircon solution. Watering is carried out only when the earth is slightly wet. This allows you not to burn the roots.
The seedlings of cucumbers froze
The seedlings of cucumbers froze

Why did the seedlings of cucumbers turn white?

There are not many reasons for the whitewashing seedlings of cucumbers and an experienced gardener will be able to find out which disease affects seedlings.

Reasons for the whitewashing of cucumber seedlings:

  • Powder. This is a fungus with which you can fight with a 0.5% solution of calcified soda with household soap. 0.5 - 1 % solution of Bordeaux fluid is also effective. You can use decoctions of plants - horsetail, marigolds.
  • Lack of minerals. Often the tip is whitened from a lack of copper. In this case, it is advisable to feed with mineral fertilizers.
  • Tick \u200b\u200bor aphid. In this case, it is advisable to conduct spraying with an arrow or citror.
Why did the seedlings of cucumbers turn white?
Why did the seedlings of cucumbers turn white?

Cucumbers seedlings are very fragile, so it requires careful care. Support the stable temperature in the greenhouse and do not moisturize the culture.

Video: diseases of cucumber seedlings

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