Why do cucumbers grow poorly, slowly or not at all in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, on a bed in open ground: reasons, what to do, what to feed, pour? What to do with cucumbers if there are a lot of ovaries on them, but the fruits of cucumbers grow poorly?

Why do cucumbers grow poorly, slowly or not at all in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, on a bed in open ground: reasons, what to do, what to feed, pour? What to do with cucumbers if there are a lot of ovaries on them, but the fruits of cucumbers grow poorly?

From this article you will find out what to do if cucumbers grow poorly, do not tie, leaves turn yellow.

Why cucumbers grow poorly, slowly or not at all in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, on a bed in open ground: the main reasons

There are many reasons why cucumbers in open ground grow badly

Cucumbers grow poorly, stand still in a greenhouse or open ground the following reasons:

  • Poor soil, lacks nutrients
  • Poor quality seeds
  • Plants are sick
  • Incorrect or insufficient watering
  • Plants are densely planted
  • Pollination does not occur

If you have been planting cucumbers in one place for several years in a row, in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, then one of the reasons why cucumbers grow poorly, maybe the exhaustion of soil. It is possible to fix this situation in late autumn, when there are no more plants, as follows:

  1. Remove the soil layer on top (20-25 cm).
  2. Sprinking new soil, slightly sand and fertilizers (peat, chicken droppings or humus), and dig everything.
  3. In the spring, before planting cucumbers (in 2 weeks), in the soil, where there will be a bed with cucumbers, to fertilize with nitrogen.

Poor soil in the garden or dachaBefore planting cucumbers, you also need fertilize with chemical fertilizer with nitrogen. Often experienced summer residents cost folk remedies, which are introduced before planting in dry form or water plants during flowering and fruiting:

  • Manure
  • Chicken droppings
  • Dried and then ground skins from bananas (when replaced, they will decrease the earth with potassium and nitrogen)
  • Green weed infusion

Prepare green weed infusion

  1. Weak grass torn from the ground is soaked in water.
  2. We let the transfer for 10 days.
  3. Add 1 liter of water to 1 bucket of water
  4. Water the cucumbers when you need to feed them

Video: Why don't cucumbers want to grow? Reasons and solutions

Why did the cucumbers rise, and then do not grow, stand still: the reasons, what kind of folk remedies and fertilizers, and how?

One of the reasons why cucumbers grow poorly is incorrect watering

So that the plants come well, seeds You only need to buy good quality, in trusted stores.

After the first leaves appeared on the plants so that they grew faster and rooted, they need to be fed. It is suitable for top dressing:

  • A solution of nitroammofoski (1 tbsp. L. per 1 bucket of water)
  • Infusion of cow manure diluted a few days before consumption in water (0.5 liters per 10 liters of water)
  • Nettle infusion
  • Barely pink solution of potassium permanganate

Cucumbers love moisture, but do not tolerate excess water, air humidity is not less than 85%, and heat no more than 35ᵒc. If the weather is cloudy pour the cucumbers in the bed after 2-3 days, and if hot, then every day, water is not from the tap, but defended. Water should not fall on the leaves, water under the root.

How often, and how much, watering? We try the cucumbers that appear, if bitter, then we increase watering.

Cucumbers lack moisture

If a cucumbers lack moisture, and there is heat outside, then the following happens with the plants:

  • The growth of the plant slows down
  • The leaves turn yellow and can be completely wound

How to find out what cucumbers too much moisture?

  • The stalk of the cucumber at the base is brownish and as if vitreous.
  • The roots of the plant are yellowish-brown, did not grow in growth, but stand still.

If a plants are densely planted, they also grow badly and give little fruits. For normal growth between plants, you need to leave a distance of 20 cm or more.

If the weather is good with pollination There are usually no problems in the garden cucumbers, insects do it. But if the fruits are not tied, the cucumbers can help pollinate. To do this, take a brush, and we drive it, first along the men's flower (it is with pollen), and then along the female flower (already outlined small cucumber).

If you have a large bed with cucumbers, and pollination cannot be carried out, then we arrange stress plants: for some time we stop watering - and the growth of female flowers increases.

And what about the pollination in the greenhouse? Now scientists have deduced the varieties of cucumbers with female flowers that do not require pollination, it happens in itself, only a small draft is enough. In the greenhouse you need to plant only self -pollinating varieties.

Why do cucumbers grow poorly and do not bear fruit: reasons, what are the use of folk remedies and fertilizers and how?

Cucumbers grow poorly

The reason why cucumbers are poorly fruiting is the following: the plant spends all strength on the growth of the main barrel, and, as you know, cucumbers mainly give more fruits from the side lashes. It is necessary to pinch the main barrel of the plant when it reaches 1 m long, and the side branches-0.4-0.6 m. You also need to tie the plant.

Accelerate the growth of cucumbers in swampy areas, ordinary green or iodine can, they have a lot of copper, necessary for cucumbers. Add 10 drops of green or 5 ml of iodine to 1 bucket of water, and water cucumbers. Such a solution, moreover, and treats plants from root rot.

Iodine with milk can cure cucumbers from powdery mildew. We take 9 liters of water and 1 liter of low fat milk, add iodine (10-12 drops), and you can spray the plant.

You can increase the yield of cucumbers as ash. The ash contains many trace elements, the main of which: calcium - for growth, potassium - for the formation of the ovary. Ash, you can sprinkle the earth around the bushes, or prepare the infusion in advance.

Cooking ash infusion:

  1. Pour 1 cup of ash 5 liters of water.
  2. We insist 10 days, stirring.
  3. When you need to feed the cucumbers (up to 6 times per season), we take 1 cup of ash infusion for 10 liters of water, and pour under each bush.

Important. To prepare ash, you need to burn branches of trees or dry grass, and not paper, any garbage and plastic.

You can increase the number of ovaries on cucumbers using the remains of dried bread. Yeast in bread activates the growth of cucumbers.

Cooking source of bread:

  1. We take 2 parts of crackers and 3 parts of water, pour it into a pan with a lid, and put the load on top so that the crackers do not surfacing.
  2. We insist in warm 1 week.
  3. We filter and can be used.
  4. For top dressing, we take 1 part of the sourdough for 3 parts of water.
  5. The diluted sourdough can be fed cucumbers in a greenhouse or in a garden 1 time in 10 days.

Important. The sourdough of bread is acidic, so it is well suited for alkaline soil, and if you have a sour soil, then you need to add a little chalk or dolomit flour to the leaf in front of watering.

Also increase the number of cucumbers on the bush, you can make the plant more hardy with the help of bakery yeast. Pour a pack (100 g) of yeast, pour 10 liters of water, let stand for 3 hours, and water the cucumbers.

Important. You can feed the cucumbers 2 times a season, no more.

A good harvest of cucumbers can be harvested if you use manure diluted in water for top dressing. We dilute fresh manure with water 1:20, dry 1: 4, insist 10 days, and then can be used.

Video: types, shapes, top dressing mode of cucumbers. Folk recipes

Why do cucumbers grow poorly, leaves the leaves, wither: the reasons, what kind of folk remedies and fertilizers and how?

To return to life, beginners yellow cucumbers will help folk recipes

If the leaves begin to turn yellow on cucumbers, the plant can return to life the infusion of onion husk. We make the infusion of 8 liters of water and 1 cup of husk. Pour the husk with water, boil, set aside, let it cool and use like top dressing.

To stop further yellowing of leaves on cucumbers will help a solution of baking soda (1 tbsp. L. soda per 10 liters of water), if they spray the plants.

If the leaves on cucumbers begin to turn yellow, you can apply this method: pour 2 l kefir into 1 bucket of water, and water the plants.

Also feed the plant if the leaflets begin to turn yellow, you can solution of chicken droppings. We make it like this:

  1. We take 1 part of the litter and fill it with 3 parts of water.
  2. We insist 5 days, stirring.
  3. Add 4 more parts of water, and water the cucumbers.

How to use top dressing correctly?

  • You can feed the cucumbers under the root only in warm weather, after watering.
  • In cold weather, feed the cucumbers with spraying on the leaves.
  • It is impossible at one time to make nitrogenous fertilizers and ash, since a lot of ammonia is released, and cucumbers can dry out.

Why are there a lot of ovaries on cucumbers, but the fruits are small and poorly grow: the reasons, what kind of folk remedies and fertilizers, and how?

There are many flowers on the plant, but cucumbers are not tied

If a plants bloom well, and cucumbers grow small and twisted, which means that there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. The people advise such cucumbers to feed:

  • Diluted humus
  • A weak solution of ordinary bakery yeast
  • Infusion of onion husks
  • Chicken
  • Ash
  • • You can also chemical nitrogenous fertilizers, except ammonium nitrate (accumulates in the fruits), but only at the very beginning of growth, when there is no fruit yet
If the plants are enough to moisture, and cucumbers grow twisted, then there is not enough nitrogen in the soil

Top dressing should be watered of cucumbers 4 times per season:

  • 2 weeks after seedlings
  • During flowering
  • When they begin to bear fruit
  • And again during fruiting, to extend the season of cucumbers

More signs when there is not enough nitrogen in the soil:

  • On the one hand, the cucumber is thinner than with the second
  • The leaves of the plant are pale green
  • The ladies of the plant are thin tree -like

But also excess nitrogen is also harmful to the plant. These are the reasons when there is a lot of nitrogen in the soil, and there is little phosphorus and potassium:

  • The leaves are large, lush, dark green, but cucumbers are not tied.

It will solve the problem of lack of phosphorus and potassium, top dressing diluted wood ash, it has many missing elements.

Cucumbers stopped in growth, because it is cold - what to do: tips

During spring frosts, some gardeners cover cucumbers with the help of metal arcs and modern textiles

In cold weather, plant growth is inhibited, the roots poorly absorb nutrientsIn order for cucumbers to grow in growth, experienced vegetable growers advise after watering, in the morning or in the evening, in cloudy weather, spray the bushes of cucumbers completely, aqueous solutions (10-15 g of the Kemira, Crystallion, and Solporer of the water of the water of the water) ". When it is cold, it is better to feed cucumbers through the leaves. You can also spray the bushes with water with a growth stimulant (“Epin”) added to it.

Other lovers of growing vegetables on the beds, for the duration of cooling, set arcs and cover with a filmbut under the film plants are cold and damp, so it is better to cover with special material (agrotx, lutrasil)which appeared not so long ago. It is also known that plants in the dark tolerate cold, so experienced owners of plants are covered with tarpaulin, rags and straw during frosts.

Also, some vegetable growers recommend make "warm beds" from autumn for planting cucumbers. They are done like this:

  • We dig a groove with a depth of 30 cm
  • We spread it with a thin layer of tops, cleaning from potatoes, grass without seeds, fill it with earth
  • In the spring we plant cucumbers, they are much warmer in such a bed than in an ordinary bed.

So, now we know what to do if cucumbers grow poorly, leaves turn yellow, cucumbers are not tied.

Video: Why do the ovaries turn yellow in cucumbers?

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