Planting and growing seedlings of cucumbers at home in peat pots, plastic cups and eggshells. When to plant cucumbers on seedlings for a greenhouse?

Planting and growing seedlings of cucumbers at home in peat pots, plastic cups and eggshells. When to plant cucumbers on seedlings for a greenhouse?

How to grow seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse.

From the article you will learn when it is better to plant seeds of cucumbers and what care it is necessary to provide seedlings to obtain a generous crop in the greenhouse.

When to sow cucumbers for seedlings for a greenhouse?

Cucumbers are in demand all year. We add this heat -loving vegetable to be fresh to different salads, and pickled and salty cucumbers bring diversity to a boring dinner or become the main ingredient of brinelessants.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse
Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Delicious cucumbers can be grown in your own bed, and a greenhouse crop will provide a greenhouse. In addition, the cost of cucumbers grown by their own hands will be many times less than vegetables purchased in the supermarket.

In winter, the price of a green vegetable increases by three times, although the taste and qualities of a store cucumber during this period deteriorate. The “their” cucumbers will fill the kitchen with nothing comparable to the spring smell and the taste will not disappoint it.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse?
How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse?

How to choose a greenhouse?

Have you read inspirational articles about growing seedlings in greenhouses and decided to run to the store for varietal seeds? Do not rush, because first you need to find out some important points:

  • will you be able to create and maintain suitable conditions for heating in the greenhouse
  • how will a certain thermal regime be observed

A generous harvest can only be obtained when maintaining a special thermal regime. A greenhouse in which there is no heating is possible if the temperature inside does not fall below 13 degrees.

Scheme of planting cucumbers in a greenhouse
Scheme of planting cucumbers in a greenhouse
  • A frame for a good greenhouse is plastic or other new modern material.
  • The advantage of plastic over other materials is obvious: it will not rot like a tree, and will not be covered with rust, like metal.
  • Glass is laid on top of the frame, which will provide plants with a sufficient amount of sunlight.
  • An alternative option is a film or polycarbonate.
Polycarbonate greenhouse
Polycarbonate greenhouse

Video: How to make a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands?

When to sow the seeds?

Often gardeners pass the process of planting seedlings, immediately sowing seeds in a greenhouse. The optimal time for sowing seeds is from the 20th to April 28.

In three weeks, seedlings will grow so much that they can be planted on all beds of the greenhouse.

Recommendations for novice gardeners:

  • The substrate in which the seeds are planted should be of high quality. It is better to cook it yourself: in the fall, fallen foliage is harvested and laid out in the greenhouse. In winter, a layer of foliage will gradually settle and in the spring the soil will be ready to plant seeds.
  • Planted seeds in a large container.
  • The crop material is immersed in pre-made holes in the ground (depth-1-1.5 cm).
  • Each seed is lightly sprinkled with earth, as if a little “pinch” from above.
  • On the earth sprinkled with earth, perlite, seedlings or vermiculite is sprinkled.
Planting cucumber seeds for seedlings
Planting cucumber seeds for seedlings

Preparation and soaking of cucumbers for sowing for seedlings

Purchases of expensive branded seeds are not enough to obtain a rich harvest of delicious vegetables. Seeds for sowing must be prepared by performing several simple manipulations.

Preparation of seeds for sowing
Preparation of seeds for sowing

The process of preparing seeds for sowing includes the following points:

  • selection of full -fledged seeds
  • calibration
  • disfection
  • using seed for processing seeds
  • solking

We start the first point: We select full -fledged crop material.

  • Seeds need to be thrown at 3-5 in a glass of water (the optimum temperature is indoor). The second immersion of the seeds should be produced in salty water (3 grams of salt on a liter container of water).
  • Next, you need to pour 1-2 times water with seeds so that defective specimens surfacing. The remaining seeds are washed and laid out on paper for drying.
  • The readiness of the seeds is determined by their good makeability. This procedure is mandatory for increasing seeds.
Calibration of seeds
Calibration of seeds

Second point - seed calibration, also required to increase their germination. Seeds must be sorted out by decomposing into three parts. In one - the smallest, in the other - average in size, and in the third - large. Sow seeds must be sown by fractions.

What is the process of disinfection of seeds and why is it necessary?

Disfection of seeds will relieve the “invasion” of all kinds of bugs-fouches and prevent the development of diseases. The disinfection process is as follows:

  • sowing material warms up for 3 hours at 60 degrees C.
  • heated seeds are dipped in a solution of boric acid and potassium permanganate (in 10 liters of water, 0.2 g of acid and 1 grams of potassium permanganate are added) and withstand it for 15 minutes.
  • seeds are washed with clean water.
Disinfection of seeds
Disinfection of seeds
Disinfection of seeds in special drugs
Disinfection of seeds in special drugs

In the absence of acid and unwillingness to mess with chemistry, gardeners use another method - the seeds are irradiated with ultraviolet rays. This method of disinfection significantly reduces the risk of incidence, increases germination and germination. Ultraviolet rays contribute to the good growth and development of plants.

What is the essence of the method?

  • ultraviolet rays treatment lasts 1-5 minutes
  • seeds are laid in a dark package that does not let light (photo paper)

Process seeds and wood ash:

  • To do this, a solution of 2 tablespoons of ash and 1 liter of water is prepared.
  • The solution is infused for 2 days, and then the seeds are plunged into it for 3 hours.
  • After processing, it is necessary to dry the seed well.
Seedlings of cucumbers
Cucumbers seedlings in cups

The process of hardening of the seeding material is as follows:

  • the seeded material is wrapped with a rag, previously moistened with water and well squeezed, or covered with wet sand, until the seeds are swelled.
  • the temperature regime should be maintained at a level of 20-25 degrees.
  • “Burned” seeds (even if not many) are placed wrapped in the same rag on the upper shelf of the refrigerator, where they should stand for several days
  • slow thawing will take place on the lower shelf.
Seed hardening
Seed hardening

We go to the process of soaking seedswhich contributes to the rapid cursing of seeds and germination. Sowing material should be soaked for a day, and then remove the remaining water. Seeds are ready to transfer to the beds!

Touching the seeds
Touching the seeds

Useful tips:

  • it is better to plant seeds that were collected 2-3 years ago (their ovary is more plentiful)
  • seeds that stored for a longer time in storage lose their germination
  • injured and small seeds have less germination than full -fledged

What depths to plant cucumbers on seedlings?

So, we hardened the seeds. Now we cook the beds:

  • we make a hole, the width and depth of which is 30 cm.
  • fill the hole with a humus of 15 cm with a layer of humus
    Pour a slide from the substrate and manure, which plays the role of drainage.
  • we lower 2 seeds into each hole: landing depth-2 cm, the distance between the seeds is 10-15 cm, the distance between the rows is 50 cm.
  • the rising plants need to be fucked by removing one sprout.
Pre -processed cucumbers are colorful and do not need and are immediately ready for landing
Pre -processed cucumbers are colorful and do not need and are immediately ready for landing

Growing seedlings of cucumbers in peat pots, plastic cups and eggshells

To grow cucumber seedlings in peat pots or disposable cups is simple and not costly. Cups are used to obtain early seedlings and transplants it into ordinary soil without damage.

Using peat pots to grow seeds of cucumbers
Using peat pots to grow seeds of cucumbers
  • Peat pots are a container made of a mixture of peat with pressed cardboard.
  • Seeds can be planted in single cups of medium size, or purchase connected 2 or more pieces.
Peat pots are filled with soil
Peat pots are filled with soil
  • Large cups should not be used: the substrate in them can sour, and in small seedlings it will not develop normally.

For planting seeds, prepare:

  • planting material
  • potassium permanganate from which you need to make a solution of weak concentration (2 g per glass of water)
  • nourishing soil
  • containers (plastic cups, peat pots or tablets)

We immerse the planting material in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, washed under running water.

We spread the seeds on a saucer by laying a moisturized fabric from above and below (it is better to use cotton for this purpose). Seeds should stand so in a warm place for 2-3 days, while we do not forget to moisturize them from time to time. We are waiting for the seeds to break down.

Seed planting
Seed planting
  • If you have done all the stages of preparation of seeds for landing from the previous section, then this item can be skipped and proceeded immediately to planting seeds in a container.
  • We make holes in the cups and fall asleep in them a nutritious light and moisture -permeable substrate (garden land is mixed with humus, sawdust (a little) and vermiculite) are added.
  • The soil is a little moist, we make 2 pits 1.5-2 cm deep. We throw 1 seed into each fossa and fill it with soil on top. We put the containers with the seeds of cucumbers planted in rows on the pallet and put it on the windowsill if it is sunny. If not, we will choose a warmer place.
Peat cups with sprouts of cucumbers
Peat cups with sprouts of cucumbers

Planting seeds in peat tablets is carried out similarly. But there are some differences:

  • Pre -lay out peat tablets on the pallet and pour water into it. After swelling of the pills (after a few hours), the seeds can be planted in them.
  • Seeds are laid out in special holes in the upper part of the tablet and covered with a universal substrate for seedlings.
  • So that peat tablets or substrate in peat cups does not quickly dry out, you need to periodically water seedlings. If this is not done, then the plants will simply die.
Sowing seeds in peat pills
Sowing seeds in peat pills
  • Typically, plants are quite enough to plants, but in cloudy weather the seedlings need to be “illuminated” in the morning and evening. To do this, use daylight lamps.
  • If you did not forget to water seedlings, and the sprouts are developing well, then 2 weeks after planting the seeds you need to feed. For this, liquid complex fertilizers are used.
  • After 2-3 strong leaves appear on each plant, the seedlings are strong and squat, they can be planted in the ground.
Cucumbers seedlings in the shell
Cucumbers seedlings in the shell

Video: growing seedlings of cucumbers in eggshell

How to distinguish seedlings of cucumbers from zucchini?

There are several ways to find out which vegetable is planted on the bed - zucchini or cucumber:

  • if the plant produced only cotyledon leaves, then they are large in zucchini, and in cucumber - smallest
  • real leaves of zucchini are rounded, and in cucumbers - with a sharp tip
  • rub the leaf of the plant: the cucumber sheet has no smell, and the squash has a specific aroma that is difficult to confuse with anything
Seedlings of cucumbers
Seedlings of cucumbers

How to grow cucumbers on toilet paper?

Growing seedlings on strips of toilet paper is as follows:

Growing seedlings on strips of toilet paper
Growing seedlings on strips of toilet paper
  • The film is cut with ribbons with a width of 10 cm (ribbons need as much as the bands of toilet paper with planted seeds will fit).
  • The toilet paper is creeping on the stripes from the film (it is better to fold thin paper in half).
  • Spray paper tapes with water.
  • Next, you need to retreat from the edge by 1 cm and lay out the seeds. Planting material should not come into contact with each other, therefore it is necessary to place seeds at a distance of 2.3-3 cm from each other.
  • The crop material is covered with a layer of paper, sprayed with water, and again covered with plastic tape. The multilayer tape is twisted with a roll, fixed with an elastic band and laid in a plastic container with seeds up.
  • A little water flows into the container (so that the seeds do not drown, the water is poured so that it does not reach them). Moisture will enter the seeds of toilet paper.
  • The container in which a roll with seeds will be stored is located in a warm place. Seeds will germinate in a week.

What is the care of the sprouts in the roll of toilet paper?

  • It is necessary to periodically fertilize plants with a weak solution based on humic acids.
  • After the first leaflet appears, feeding will again be required.
  • Plants with two real leaves can be dive.
  • The roll is carefully unfolding and a layer of polyethylene is removed. Seedlings are separated from each other by cutting toilet paper and planted in glasses with the ground. After that, seedlings are grown as usual.
Cutting strips of polyethylene
Cutting strips of polyethylene
Watering roll with seeds with water
Watering roll with seeds with water


Advantages of seed germination on strips of toilet paper:

  • all sprouts are strong
  • during transplantation, there is no injury to plants
  • snow sprouts take root faster

Video: Technology for applying seeds to a paper tape, "Toilet paper"

What temperature does the seedlings of cucumbers withstand?

  • The seed of cucumbers sprouts at a temperature of 10-12 ° C. For normal growth and development of leaves, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 15-16 degrees.
  • Seeds of cucumbers require a special temperature regime. In the afternoon, the normal temperature for the sprouts is from 25 to 30 ͦ C, the temperature is slightly lower at night and it should be from 15 to 18 ͦ C.
  • If the temperature decreases (for example, outside +10 degrees during germination), then the seedlings stop growth and begin to turn yellow, rot.
Temperature, ° C
air soil Wandering, hour
Growth phase daytime (the period when the invalization is included) night (diluting is turned off)
Sowing - shoots 27 27 24-25
First 3 days after seedlings 24 24 23-24 24
The next 2 days 23 22 23 20
The subsequent period to the phase of the 3rd sheet* 21-22 20-21 22 18*
A day before landing in a greenhouse 19-20 17-18 22 -*
First 2 days after landing 21 21 21
Subsequent period 21 19 20-21

Planting of cucumbers seedlings into a greenhouse made of polycarbonate

After 25 days after sowing seeds in plastic cups or peat pots, seedlings of cucumbers can be planted in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

An additional layer of film or other protective coating that hides the greenhouse will help to provide a comfortable climate.

Further care of seedlings is the following operations:

  • loosening of the soil
  • i ventilation
  • abundant humidity (automatic dropper is used)
  • feeding

Water plants in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate in the morning time twice a week, as well as in addition, if the day is sunny. Warm water is used for watering. Otherwise, various diseases may begin to develop.

Water cannot be poured directly on the leaves, otherwise burns will appear. Therefore, it is recommended to use the drip irrigation system.

The soil should be loosened (carefully, so as not to damage the root system), breathable. This will provide the roots with development, which means the plant will grow well.

It is important to ventilate the greenhouses, simply opening the windows.

How to enrich the soil with organic substances?

  • fertilize the soil with manure
  • outbreakd garbage, peat, sawdust is also used as fertilizer
  • also make mineral fertilizers

Feeding of cucumbers should be carried out at a maximum of 5 times in the summer:

  • during the flowering period, the first time is fed
  • during fruiting-4 times

Nitrogen fertilizers are also introduced into the sandy ground. In floodplain - potassium. Ammonian nitrate cucumbers should be fed in early spring (introduced into pre -made furrows).

Lighting in greenhouses of cucumber seedlings

Lighting seedlings of cucumbers is necessary in the winter, even if the room is heated. As soon as the seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide them with additional backlight.

  • The breaks between periods of natural and artificial lighting negatively affect plant development.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of lighting using a light relay, which responds to a decrease in the intensity of lighting and automatically turns on the lamps.
  • Natural and artificial lighting in total should be 12 hours.
  • Plants need to arrange periods of complete darkness (6 hours a day).
  • The temperature difference between the dark and bright periods should not exceed 6-8 degrees.

How to plant cucumbers with seedlings in open ground?

Has the sprouts have grown up and ready to "relocate" into open ground? Plants will survive transplanting and delight a generous harvest if you take into account some nuances. You will learn about them from the video.

Video: planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground

Video: How to plant seedlings of cucumbers in open ground?

Feeding of cucumber seedlings at home

How to feed the seedlings of cucumbers? At what temperature regime is it better to feed seedlings and what care should be provided by the sprouts after feeding? Watch this video.

Video: Growing cucumber seedlings. Feeding of cucumber seedlings

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