Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry in cucumbers of seedlings, in a greenhouse and in open ground: the most common causes. What to do if the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers?

Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry in cucumbers of seedlings, in a greenhouse and in open ground: the most common causes. What to do if the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers?

The reasons for the yellowing of cucumbers leaves and methods of their treatment.

Growing cucumbers in the greenhouse is a rather painstaking process. With the right approach and compliance with all the rules, you will be able to get an excellent crop. But in most cases, you have to compete for a decent number of fruits.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry in cucumbers of seedlings?

Cucumbers in the greenhouse are difficult to grow, since the plant is very capricious. The slightest errors in watering or a change in temperature, immediately affect the state of seedlings.

The reasons for the yellowing and drying of the leaves in the seedlings of cucumbers:

  • Excessive, insufficient or improper watering. The most interesting thing is that not only the amount of moisture, but also the frequency of irrigation affects the condition of the plant.
  • Lack of light. In greenhouse conditions, seedlings should be lit using daylight lamps.
  • A lot of sun. Under direct sunlight, the plant turns growing rapidly. Therefore, from the south side, the plant needs to be shaded.
  • Lack of minerals. With a lack of nutrients, the plant dries and turns yellow.
  • Insects. Usually these are slugs or large insects that damage the root system.
  • Not enough space. During the planting of seeds, it is worth considering the amount of soil around the roots. Cucumbers love scope and wither in pots with a small diameter.
Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry in cucumbers of seedlings?
Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry in cucumbers of seedlings?

Why do the leaves of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow and dry?

And in the greenhouse and on the open ground, cucumbers may turn yellow. This lack of moisture, insects and errors in care.

The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves in the greenhouse:

  • Insects. In the greenhouse, the plant can affect whiteflies, melons and spider mites.
  • Incorrect climatic conditions. It can be frequent and very plentiful watering. The decrease in temperature below 14 ° C is negative in the condition of the plant. The temperature of 26 ° C can be considered optimal.
  • Powder. At the same time, immediately the stems and leaves are covered with a whitish coating. Over time, the leaves dry and turn yellow.
  • Fusariosis. This is a fungal ailment that blocks the flow of nutrients into the roots of the cucumber. It turns out that due to a lack of minerals, the leaves dry and wither.
Why do the leaves of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow and dry?
Why do the leaves of cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow and dry?

Why do the leaves of cucumbers in the ground turn yellow and dry?

After transplanting the seedlings of cucumbers in open ground, the gardeners do not become less problems. The fact is that the plant is capricious and it is even more difficult to provide normal climatic conditions on open ground.

Causes of yellowing and drying of leaves in open ground:

  • Bad place. If you planted the plant on the place where melons, pumpkin or squash grew last year, then cucumbers will grow poorly here. This is due to the dining of the soil.
  • Abundant watering in the daytime. The plant should be watered in the evening. This is due to the fact that droplets of moisture falling on the leaves are very heated. This provokes the appearance of burns.
  • Densely planted plants. Cucumbers, like any other vegetable culture, need dive. If this is not done, then the leaves will not have enough light and they will turn yellow.
  • Diseases or insects. As in greenhouse conditions and on the ground, plants can dry and yellow due to powdery dew, slugs, aphids and a spider mite.
Why do the leaves of cucumbers in the ground turn yellow and dry?
Why do the leaves of cucumbers in the ground turn yellow and dry?

What to do if the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers?

There are many ways to combat yellowing of leaves. But in any case, it is better to resort to preventive measures.

Ways to combat yellowing of cucumber leaves:

  • Do not plant culture in one place annually. So, you run the risk of exhausting the soil and plants will be filled.
  • When transplanting seedlings into open ground, enter a little ash into each fossa. This will make the soil more suitable for cultivation of culture.
  • Bring organic fertilizers from time to time. Ammonia nitrate is perfectly tolerated.
  • Be sure to use biological drugs. One of the best can be considered Triphodermin.
  • A great drug for the destruction of parasites and diseases is quadris. Often use a solution of burgundy mixture.
  • You can use fungicide HOM for the treatment of dysbiosis.
What to do if the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers?
What to do if the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers?

Zharttelniteli leaves in cucumbers - what to do: folk remedies

There are a lot of folk recipes that help with yellowing of leaves.

Folk recipes:

  • Bread. Soak a loaf of bread and crumbs in a blender in the water in the water. A viscous porridge should turn out. Enter it in half a bucket of water and pour a bottle of an alcohol solution of iodine. Spray the plant with the mixture.
  • Onion husk. Pour a handful of onion husk with a liter of water and boil for 2-4 minutes. Let stand for 12 hours and squeeze the cake. Dilute with water to 5 liters and spray the leaves. Pour the rest of the product under the roots.
  • Serum. To prepare the solution for spraying, in 2 liters of serum, 150 g of sugar are dissolved. The resulting liquid is watered and the leaves are sprayed.
  • Potassium permanganate. At the first appearance of yellow spots, it is necessary to prepare a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and spray the leaves.
  • Soda. For the prevention of ailments caused by fungi, plants are watered with a weak solution of soda. 20 g of baking soda is required per 1000 ml of water. Do not spray the product on the leaves.
Zharttelniteli leaves in cucumbers - what to do: folk remedies
Zharttelniteli leaves in cucumbers - what to do: folk remedies

As you can see, cucumbers are a capricious plant that requires careful care. The slightest error in leaving can lead to yellowing and wilting of leaves.

Video: Cucumbers turn yellow

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