How to lose weight in 1 month at home: set a target, diet, what exercises to do?

How to lose weight in 1 month at home: set a target, diet, what exercises to do?

It is realistic to lose weight in a month if you adhere to a healthy nutrition plan and engage in simple physical exercises.

Losing weight in one month may seem at first glance a complex and impossible task. But if you work hard and remember your goal all the time, you can drop several kilograms in just one month.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to lose weight effectively with the help of thoughts of thought". You will find out if it is possible, and you will also find advice and reviews.

The key to healthy weight loss, so as not to gain kilograms back, are regular physical exercises and healthy nutrition. From this article you will learn how to lose weight in a month, and whether it is possible to lose many kilograms in such a short period of time. Read further.

We set a target for a teenager-girls, girls, women, men: in 1 month we lose weight at home at 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 kilograms

For 1 month you can lose weight at home
For 1 month you can lose weight at home

To begin with, you must draw up a realistic plan for weight loss. This should be a specific goal. So how for 1 month You can lose weight a girl-girl, a girl, a woman, a man at home 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 kilograms? Pack the target. For example:

  • “I will drop 3 kg in one month” or “I will drop 5 kg in one month.”

An important advice: There is no sense in making some general decisions such as "I have to lose weight." Set the real goals that you can achieve.

In general, weight loss is recommended no more than 0.5-1 kilograms per week. Thus, in a month you can lose 2 to 5 kilograms.

It is worth knowing: An attempt to lose weight faster or by a larger number of kilograms will only lead to unnecessary yo-yo effect (extra pounds quickly return back), and you definitely want to avoid this.

Remember about drinking mode. Using only one water, you can throw a few kilograms. You must drink per day 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. it 1,5-2 or even 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

How to lose 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 kg and even 30 kg of excess weight in 1 month: is it real?

If you set yourself some completely unrealistic goal: "I will drop 20 kilograms per month"It is obvious that this will not end with success. This will only lead to the fact that you will be too worried, and the result will be zero or even negative.

Any nutritionist or fitness trainer will tell you that it is unrealistic to discard 20, 25 or even 30 kg of excess weight in 1 month without health complications. It is better to have a smaller but more stable result, for example, 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper month.

How to lose weight for 1 month by several kilograms in the scales, sides and remove the stomach: make a detailed plan

As soon as you set a goal, you should determine several stages to achieve it. How to lose weight for 1 month A few kilograms in the scum, sides and remove the stomach? Make a detailed plan:

  • When losing weight per month, you can set more short -term targets in individual weeks. For example, that you will lose 0.5 kg every week.
  • Throughout the process of weight loss, regularly weigh and measure your parameters.
  • Remember, if you are weighed after eating or after you drank a lot of water, your weight can vary significantly. Therefore, stand on the scales at the same time. For example, in the morning, after waking up.
  • Also remember that the muscle mass has a greater “density” - the muscles weigh more with the same volume.
  • Therefore, even if you lose centimeters at the waist, you may not notice this on the scales.

That is why it is useful to monitor not only how much you weigh, but, for example, the circle of your waist, hips, hands, etc.

How many calories do you need to use for weight loss?

Along with other goals to reduce weight that you set for a month or for a week, you must calculate how many calories must be used for weight loss.

  • To reset one kilogram (fat), you need to eat approximately 7500 kcal less. Or you must burn these calories. This is about 1000 kcal per day. And this is a lot.

So that you can understand, the average calorie content of the average woman is from 1750 kcal to 2250 kcal per day. In men, it, as a rule, is slightly larger (due to greater weight/height). If you want to limit the daily calorie consumption 1000 kcal per dayThis means that you will eat very little. Such a sharp decrease in the calorie content of nutrition is already at the level of fasting and is not very good for health. Therefore, you should reduce daily calories by no more than a quarter.

IMPORTANT: Burn the remaining calories during training (or any physical activity). As you can see, it will be difficult to lose weight without sports - it will not be possible to lose many kilograms in a month.

How to lose weight quickly in a month: diet

Proper nutrition for weight loss
Proper nutrition for weight loss

You do not need a special diet to quickly lose several kilograms per month. You will definitely not be mistaken if you begin your weight loss with a short-term (from 3 to 5 days) detox diet (treatment). With such detox codes, only freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices (1-2 cups per day) are usually drunk. This will cleanse your body-this alone can lead to a loss of weight by 1-2 kilograms per month. Most importantly, such a diet will “set up” your metabolism for successful weight loss.

Changing the diet should be approached with due caution. Some radical changes are definitely undesirable for your body. Gradual steps work much more efficiently. Principles of a healthy diet to reduce weight:

  • Eat less “white” food - pastries and pasta made of white flour, white rice, fatty products, refined sugar.
  • You should be included in your diet - fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread and whole -grain flour products. Eat dairy products with low fat and low -fat meat.
  • Do not arrange shock to your body at the very beginning of weight loss. Try to abandon one or two most harmful products every week and replace them with healthier alternatives.
  • Thus, you can reduce the consumption of baking of white flour and begin to give up sweet buns and cakes.
  • Do not drink drinks with a high sugar content (sweet soda, fruit juices with the addition of Sach. Sand).
  • Limit the number of sweets, including honey.
  • Also try to avoid unnecessary “snacks” (and this applies not only to sweet, all kinds of salty treats are also harmful).
  • Do not drink alcohol (or drink it in minimal quantities). The fact is that when a person drinks, he begins to eat a lot, including fatty and high -calorie foods.

It is difficult to lose weight without sports, especially in such a short period of time. Read further.

How to lose weight for a month for sports: what exercises to do?

Lose weight in a month is real
Lose weight in a month is real

It does not matter what exercises perform. It doesn’t matter if you are engaged in swimming, running, starting to ride a bicycle or visit a gym or fitness center. Each burned calorie brings you closer to the goal. And no matter what exercises you do to burn it. The main thing is to deal with pleasure.

Simple walking is very effective for weight loss. Therefore, try to walk as much as possible on foot. And this is not only about going to work in the morning and home after dinner. It is very good if you are active during the day. If you sit on a chair in the office all day, your metabolism gradually slows down, and you spend only a minimum of calories. If you warm up at least a few minutes every hour, go for a walk, your metabolism will be active, and you will burn more calories.

Important: If you want to drop at least a few kilograms per month, you should move as much as possible. Every day at least 30 minutes active movement. And this is the most minimum. It is optimal for at least an hour.

But, as already mentioned, it does not have to be only intense physical exercises. Even a simple walk is enough.

How to lose weight in a month without diets?

To lose weight, 2 components are necessary - this is proper nutrition and sports. But many people consider restrictions on food diet. But this is wrong. Proper nutrition is not a diet. This is a balanced diet that will help the body receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Thanks to only proper nutrition, you can drop it in a month up to 4-5 kg.

If you do not want to limit yourself in food, then you can resort to drugs. For example, dietonus capsules - a three -phase innovative drug that helps to lose weight every day 1 kg. You may have contraindications to receive these capsules, so before starting the course, contact the doctor.

On the site iherb you will find slimming capsules with quick release. These are natural drugs, without stimulants, they help to safely reduce weight. Here whole section on the site With such drugs.

How to lose weight in a month: reviews

We are losing weight in a month
We are losing weight in a month

If you do not believe that you can lose weight in a month, read the reviews of other people. They talk about their experience of weight loss.

Olga, 34 years old

Required after the second birth. Now more than 2 years have passed, and I can’t lose my extra 10 kilograms. A friend advised to adhere to proper nutrition and in the morning go out with the child for a walk. She lost 5 kg per month. I refused sweets, confectionery and sweet soda. Also, the house began to engage in simple exercises for fat burning: squats, jumping jumps and a bar. 2 weeks passed, I had already dropped 3 kg. I will continue.

Irina, 29 years old

Since childhood, I was well -fed. Tired of looking at myself in the mirror in this form. I decided to lose weight with the pills that I bought at the pharmacy. At first, it seemed to have lost weight, but literally after a couple of weeks he returned again, also with a “plus”. As a result, she turned to a nutritionist, she made me a menu that turned out to be the most common: in the morning cottage cheese and egg, in lunch - soup and a piece of chicken, in the evening - a salad and a piece of fish. So I ate a month, dropped 4 kg. The specialist said, if I add sport, they will be able to drop more.

Svetlana, 40 years old

My son is 15 years old. He was complete since childhood. At school, the mockery of classmates began over him, and therefore I decided that he needed to lose weight. I want to say that only one meal managed to lose 7 kg per month. Of course, he was playing sports - physical education at school and a basketball section. I am glad to such a result, and my son said that he would eat all the time so that the weight would no longer return.

Watch the video below in which coaches show a set of exercises for effective fat burning. Just spend 20 minutes a day on simple workouts and you will successfully lose weight.

Video: We burn fat in 20 minutes. Training at home, without additional equipment

Video: fat -burning training for weight loss at home, without additional equipment

Video: How to lose weight a teenager without diets? Nutrition, sports, psychology, relationship

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Comments K. article

  1. I lost weight on the calorie shortage, at the very beginning I was still taking chewing loaf of the diet of Perfetta Detox. They help to properly start the process of losing weight and improve the work of the stomach

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