Rule plates for weight loss: photo, description, shortcomings, reviews

Rule plates for weight loss: photo, description, shortcomings, reviews

Description, advantages and disadvantages of a plate for weight loss.

Excess weight is a problem that concerns more than 50% of women. After childbirth, many women gain weight, so they seek to bring themselves as soon as possible in a prenatal form. For these purposes, the most suitable option is selected. Women can resort to rather strange and unusual techniques, various newfangled diets, as well as starvation, “devilish” diets that adversely affect the state of health. The main thing is to lose weight. Of course, after such weight loss, a huge amount of chronic diseases, and a disorder of eating behavior, very often occurs. In the article we will talk about the rule of the plate for weight loss.

What is a healthy plate rule?

One of the simplest and most affordable ways to lose weight is the rule of the plate. This is not a newfangled diet, the main task is to reduce the amount of fatty and high -calorie foods, its replacement with more useful substances. 

What is a healthy plate rule:

  • The essence of the diet is that an ordinary plate is taken, the diameter of which is 20-25 cm. On average, this is an ordinary portion, which we use daily.
  • It is necessary to divide it into two parts. One half is divided in half. At the same time, 1/2 - vegetables, preferably raw, 1/4 - meat, 1/4 - carbohydrates.
  • As a result, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle you will receive several segments. One will be equal to half, and the other two quarters. Now is the time to fill these departments with useful substances, that is, food.
The rule of the plates
The rule of the plates

Poles Rule: Photo, Description

The most part, that is, half, must be filled with plant foods - vegetables.

Rule plates, photos, description:

  • This is the lowest -calorie food that is rich in vitamins and trace elements. In addition, it contains a huge amount of fiber, which swells in the stomach, and gives a feeling of satiety. A person remains full and not hungry for a long time. Fiber helps to get rid of feces, slags as soon as possible, so the body will not poison itself. 
  • The second part is carbohydrates. That is, a quarter of the plate should correspond to the side dish or carbohydrates. It can be bread, rice, potatoes or some kind of cereal. Of course, it is best if it is solid wheat varieties, or whole cereals. That is complex carbohydrates. Their main advantage is not only that they are slowly splitting, releasing glucose, but also in a long absence of hunger. Scientists have proven that the use of a large number of simple carbohydrates contributes to sugar jumps, and a rapid drop in glucose.
  • Thus, the level of insulin falls, and the person again becomes hungry literally an hour after eating. Be sure to exclude simple carbohydrates from the menu and replace them with complex ones. It can be oatmeal, buckwheat or barley. You can eat bread, but it should be rough grinding and without yeast. It is also allowed to use potatoes, but in no case should it be frying. It is best if it is baked or boiled, in the peel. Thus, a large amount of starch, as well as vitamins and minerals, remains in potatoes. Despite the fact that the potatoes contain a large amount of carbohydrates, with proper preparation it is possible to saturate the body with potassium, calcium and a large number of useful trace elements. 
  • The fourth part of the plate is protein. It includes eggs, dairy products, meat and fish. Protein is a product that is long and difficult to digest in the body. About a third of all calorie content is spent on the digestion of protein. Despite this, protein foods are simply necessary for people, because it is a building material for muscles. 
  • Accordingly, the formation of muscles, new muscle fibers and tissues, heart, uterus and other muscle organs is impossible without protein. This should be remembered, especially if a person belongs to asthenics, and is distinguished by a thin physique. The optimal nutrition for such people is a large amount of protein, since without it the muscle mass will be split and only then fat. For these purposes, it is worth using low -fat meat. That is, only the adrenal part of the pork is allowed, without a large amount of fat. It must be cut off before heat treatment. 
  • Fish. Even fat varieties are allowed, that is, sea. The composition contains unsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 acids, which are involved in chemical reactions occurring in the body. Without these amino acids, it is impossible to divide cells and the formation of certain substances. But such varieties as Hyk, politely will be useful, despite the low fat content. They can be consumed even in the evening, without fear of overeating. 
  • It is allowed to eat seafood. Among them are shrimp, squid, oysters. Eggs can be boiled, omelet. Pashot eggs will also be useful. Try to exclude scrambled eggs, and various fried egg dishes. Be sure to include cottage cheese in your menu, and not fat -free, but five percent. Scientists have proven that dairy products, with a low fat content, are poorly absorbed by the body. In order for calcium to be absorbed, vitamin D is needed, which dissolves in fat. If the fat is not enough, all calcium will pass through the body in transit. There will be no benefit from the use of such products. The optimal amount of meat and fish that should be on a plate is about 70-100 g. 
Approximate scheme
Approximate scheme
Nutrition by plate method
Nutrition by plate method

Losing weight plate method: disadvantages

The diet has a lot of disadvantages.

Method for weight loss, disadvantages:

  • The fact is that on this principle it is impossible to choose products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This method is more suitable for lunch, since in the morning, carbohydrates are recommended along with dairy products, that is, proteins.
  • In the evening, many nutritionists do not advise using carbohydrates at all, even if they are complex. 3 hours before bedtime, it is better to exclude any meals, regardless of what they are. Simple and complex carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed until 14:00, that is, in the morning and for lunch. In the evening, they should be replaced with fiber, that is, vegetables, and protein products.
  • This power system is not suitable for people who train in the gym, use cardio training. For this category, an increased content of proteins is necessary, so the menu does not cover all needs. 

Rule of losing weight: Features of the choice of products

There are several basic recommendations for the choice of products that should be used for such a diet.

Rule plates for weight loss, features of choosing products:

  • First of all, this applies to meat products. In no case, proteins should be replaced by meat processing products, that is, sausages and sausages. It is best if it is boiled or baked meat. Products in no case should be frying in large amounts of fat. Thus, it is very difficult to control the calorie content, and even more so the content of fat. Therefore, the entire power system will go around if there are much more fats than necessary for you. 
  • This rule applies to the use of soups. There is soup in our country at lunchtime. It is not included in this power system, but this does not mean that there is no soup. The plate rule is applicable for soup.
  • But in this case, it must be supplemented with a small amount of vegetables, a small piece of black bread, as well as a piece of meat. Cutlets are also allowed, but without the use of bread, and cooked not in vegetable oil, but baked in the oven or steamed. If you cook stuffed pepper, or cabbage rolls, in which case, completely exclude carbohydrates from the plate. You can not complement such food with cereals or bread. After all, the cabbage rolls, as well as stuffed pepper, oftencontained Group. 
The choice of products
The choice of products

Lighting plates rule: recipes

Below we present several recipes that are suitable for this power system. 

Fish recipe with vegetables according to the rule of the plate for weight loss 


  • 150 g of sea fish (fillet) 
  • 100 g of zucchini 
  • 50 g of onions 
  • 50 g of carrots 
  • 100 g of potatoes 
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Yogurt

Recipe for fish with vegetables according to the rule of the plate for weight loss:

  • It is necessary to take a small piece of sea fish, weighing about 150 g. Rub with olive oil, and sprinkle with spicy herbs, do not forget to salt.
  • Mix the vegetables thoroughly, lay a piece of fish on foil, marinated in spices and olive oil, place vegetables on top. Keep in mind that they must be cut into thin slices so that they have time to bake.
  • Share a small amount of low -fat yogurt, close the edges of the foil to make the dish like in a vessel. Bake for 30-40 minutes. It is not necessary to supplement the dish, the composition already contains vegetables, protein foods and carbohydrates. Potato is used as carbohydrates. 
Approximate menu
Approximate menu

Fingers from chicken fillet according to the rule of the plate for weight loss

For this dish you will need: 

  • 150 g of chicken fillet 
  • 100 g of champignons 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Fingers from chicken fillet according to the rule of the plate for weight loss:

  • Cut the fillet into 2 parts, and beat off. It is necessary that the fibers become slightly softer. Cut the mushrooms in small pieces, add garlic there, and put the formed meat strata into the formed, shake with salt and pepper.
  • Turn into small rolls. Cut with toothpicks so that in the process of cooking they do not fall apart. It is best to cook such a dish for a couple, or extinguish with the addition of a small amount of sour cream.
  • A fresh salad is served to this protein dish. You can prepare a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, a large number of arugula and onions. Use your favorite vegetables. 
The right plate
The right plate

REALLY TRARTS for weight loss: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who have experienced this method of weight loss. 

Rule plates for weight loss, reviews:

Valentine. It never differed in slender forms, but before the operation to replace the knee cup, the doctor recommended losing weight. I do not know how to count calories, there are no kitchen weights at home. Naturally, I could not weigh anything. Therefore, I used the rule of plates. I took a plate with a diameter of 18 cm, and applied a large number of vegetables, a tiny piece of bread, and a small steam cutlet. Instead, she often used boiled meat. In the evening I drank kefir with salad. In the morning, sometimes I indulged myself with milk oatmeal, and a small toast with cheese. For 2 months, I managed to lose 8 kg. Of course, this is not very much, but I feel much better. It helped me get to my feet faster after surgery. 

Veronica. My life is a constant struggle with excess weight. I tried many power systems, including starvation of 16/8 and 18/6. This power system was not very suitable, although I do not hide that I lost weight quite quickly. The optimal method for me was the system of one plate. In the morning I do not have breakfast, but I have lunch and have dinner. For dinner, I mainly use boiled meat with salad. I don't eat carbohydrates in the evening. At lunch, I allow myself almost everything, even a small piece of bread. I managed to lose weight in 1 month by 3 kg. 

Svetlana. I do not like to limit myself in nutrition, so I tried to choose a sparing system for weight loss. One of these is the rule of one plate. If atake into account, That I ate fat products in large quantities, the system of one plate has become a real salvation for me. I lost 4 kg in a month and a half. 

Approximate scheme
Approximate scheme

Read on the topic:

Many nutritionists believe that the plates rule can be safely used for breakfast. However, instead of meat ingredients, you should use eggs and dairy products as a protein. Instead of carbohydrates, you should use dried fruits, a small number of nuts. The vegetable part remains the same. You can afford some of the vegetables to replace avocados. This is a rather fat product, but it contains the right fats that reduce cholesterol and affect the condition of the skin well. In the morning, it is best to use bread, beans and lentils as carbohydrates. 

Video: Rule of weight loss plates


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