Why can't you lose weight without fats? How to lose weight with fats? Useful fats for weight loss. Fish oil for losing weight on aiharb

Why can't you lose weight without fats? How to lose weight with fats? Useful fats for weight loss. Fish oil for losing weight on aiharb

The principle of fat on the body. List of useful fats when losing weight.

All women, despite their age, strive to look slim and beautiful. However, with age, it is more and more difficult to be slender, not to gain extra pounds. The fact is that with age, the metabolism slows down, the concentration of hormones changes, which directly affects the figure. In this article we will tell you how to lose weight with fats. 

Why can't you lose weight, consuming a little fatty food?

In women, after 40 years, the number of estrogen and progesterone decreases. Instead, a significant amount of cortisol is often produced. This is a stress hormone that prevents weight loss even if a woman sits on a diet for a long time, uses physical activity. For harmony, nutritionists recommend observing the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, not everything is so clear.

Why can't you lose weight, consuming little fatty foods:

  • Sometimes even a significant shortage of calories does not lead to results, the weight is still. This is due to the fact that in some cases it is not enough to reduce the calorie content of food, to remove fat. Oddly enough, but the fat that is located in the thighs, shoulders, buttocks is deposited there not at all because of the use of a significant amount of fatty foods. Basically, the accumulation of fat mass contributes to simple carbohydrates and sugar.
  • Constant fluctuation in glucose levels, its decrease and growth contribute to the appearance of appetite. That is why experts in the morning recommend not consuming products containing simple carbohydrates, sugar.
  • The optimal breakfast is a combination of eggs, dairy, meat products and salad. It is believed that during this period of eating it is advisable to completely abandon carbohydrates that lead to an increase in blood glucose, which provokes a sense of appetite. People who have breakfast without carbohydrates, including beneficial fats and proteins, are less susceptible to hunger attacks during the day, less often snack. 
  • Of course, for weight loss in most cases you will need a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet. However, in fact, this does not always work. It is proved that some fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet, as this will lead to negative consequences. Very often, the skin after losing weight becomes flabby, signs of cellulite appear, the quality of the epidermis worsens significantly.

What fats are useful for weight loss?

It was previously believed that fat, bacon and other products of animal origin, one of the most harmful and lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the body. However, the scientists later managed to dispel this myth. Cholesterol is not facilitated by the fats themselves, but by the products of their decay. It is harmful to eat fried food in which fat changes its structure. Therefore, it is harmful in the process of losing weight, there are fast foods, fried dishes, grilled meat. 

What fats are useful for weight loss:

  • Plant fats to maintain the body in order, is not enough. The main source of omega 3, 6, 9 acids are seafood. This is usually red fish. Without such products, metabolism slows down, and the speed of weight loss is reduced.
  • That is why, when losing weight, it is recommended to include in the menu the following products containing fat: almonds, nuts, cold squeezing olive oil, avocado, red fish and seafood, eggs, bacon, lard, chipworms of animals, high -quality butter with fat content of 82%. As you can see, the list has a significant amount of animal fats that are indispensable during the functioning of the body. 
  • Often, in the process of losing weight, the diet includes fish oil and omega-3, 6 acids. Below are a list of the best options for fish oil with Aherb. Losing weight involving this product will occur much faster, and the skin will retain its elasticity. 

Fat norm per day for weight loss

In the daily diet of a woman, the amount of fats should be 80-100 g. However, Keto diet implies a significant excess of this norm. But at the same time, the body somehow loses weight. This is due to the state of ketosis, which includes the body.

Fat norm per day for weight loss:

  • During this process, carbohydrates are performed as a result of the splitting of liver fat. This heals the body, promotes the restoration of liver cells. The main task is to minimize the consumption of carbohydrates. In this case, these components are introduced in the form of fiber from vegetables and herbs. Vegetables and fruits with a high content of fructose, sugars on keto-diet are not used. 
  • The basis of energy on Keto-Dita is fat and proteins. Moreover, the fat content is impressive. On the keto-diet, it is allowed to eat butter, add natural cream to coffee, prepare eggs with bacon, and there is even fresh pork lard. But despite the excess of the norms of fat, a person does not recover, but is losing weight. This is due to a shortage of carbohydrates. 

Is it possible to get better from fats?

For the past few years, the popularity of low -fat dairy products has increased. Indeed, some women in order to lose weight carefully monitor the amount of fats in the diet, as it helps to increase weight. At the same time, the most important thing is missed - this is the number of carbohydrates. Accordingly, if there is no fat in the products, then it will not work out. In fact, this is wrong. It is necessary to control not only the general calorie content, but also the calories contained in carbohydrates. If there is a lot of carbohydrates in the diet, but there is little fat, such a diet contributes to a sharp increase in weight.

Is it possible to get better from fats:

  • To reduce weight, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates, but increase the concentration of fat. The results of the study were once published, during which it turned out that they recover twice as quickly from fats than from proteins and carbohydrates. However, later studies completely refuted this hypothesis. It turned out that carbohydrates are the fastest in the body with the release of energy.
  • If it is not spent during the day, then it is deposited in the form of fats on the hips, stomach and legs. But protein and fat, unlike carbohydrates, are spent on the restoration of cells and structures in the body. This is a synthesis of hormones, muscle growth, skin restoration. Only what remains will be spent on adipose tissue. If you eat 200 g of chicken, which contains 380 calories and use 100 g of gingerbread, then the effect on the body will be unequal. 
  • To spend proteins and fats that are in the chicken, the body spends energy. Part of the protein and fat, coming with Kuryatina, will go to the synthesis of hormones, the restoration of muscle tissue. But 100 g of gingerbread all will go into fat. For splitting fat and proteins requires hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Accordingly, the body spends significant energy reserves on the splitting of these products. While carbohydrates are split with minimal energy costs, but at the same time they do not bear any benefit for the body, do not restore hair, skin and muscles. 

Fat deficiency in the body during weight loss is very dangerous. Since it will lead to a decrease in muscle tissue, skin elasticity. In order for losing weight to proceed with the breakdown of fats, not muscles, it is necessary to consume a significant amount of healthy fat, fully or minimize carbohydrate consumption. 

Good and bad fats
Good and bad fats

Doomes are needed for weight loss or not?

When losing weight, using a reduction in the amount of fat, metabolism is disrupted. If the diet is not enough protein and fat, the body is forced to take these substances from its own tissues and cells. Accordingly, from muscles, leather, bones. Therefore, very often admirers of low -air diets face the problems of joints, sagging skin. Having reduced fat intake, but by increasing the concentration of carbohydrates, it is possible to lose weight due to calories deficiency. But this principle of losing weight is considered one of the most wrong and dangerous. Muscles, bones and collagen, which are in the skin, ligaments and joints, suffer. It is destroyed due to a lack of protein and fat in the diet. 

Fats are needed for weight loss or not:

  • Triglycerides that consist of glycerol and three processes of fatty acids enter the human body with fatty foods. When such a molecule enters the body, that is, into the intestines, it breaks, and fatty acids are separated from the base. However, unlike carbohydrates that immediately turn into energy, fat works differently. Fatty acids “roam” throughout the body, restoring the missing “puzzles”.
  • At the very beginning, fatty acids enter the lymph system and in the blood, which helps to restore its composition. Further, fatty acids “go” to the internal organs, restoring them. Only surpluses that the body did not need are accumulated in the form of subcutaneous fat on the sides and abdomen. Fat is also consumed by the brain and light.
  • Therefore, a person who ate 50 g of butter can calmly relax, because the probability that at least 1 g of such a large amount of fat will fall into subcutaneous fat is negligible. But provided that fat is consumed without carbohydrates. Eating lard daily, the bacon can remain slender. In this case, the skin will be dense and elastic. The sagging and ugly forms appear only from an excess of carbohydrates, as well as products with a high glycemic index, and not from fat at all. 

Correct fats for weight loss

It is worth separating the right fats from harmful. The most harmful transfers obtained by hydrogenization of vegetable fat. It is such a substance that contributes to the onset of chaos in the body. Such fats contribute to cancer, as they block the work of enzymes that fight malignant ailments. Transfiders are associated with insulin receptors, as a result of which the hormone does not work. They contribute to a decrease in immunity, problems of the production of sex hormones arise. It is worth removing margarine from the diet, because it contains a significant amount of fats with a changed structure.

But the saddest thing is that trans fats are not only in Margarine, but in almost all products that are produced in industry. This is ketchup, cookies and sausage. Of course, people who monitor their health do not consume these products, as they consider them food garbage. However, the bulk of the population was used to consuming such products, not considering it harmful. Therefore, for healing, it is necessary to completely exclude sausage, various sauces, ketchups and confectionery products from the diet. 

Correct fats for weight loss:

  • Recently, vegetable oils, such as corn, sunflower, have begun to be considered harmful. Their main problem is that they are unstable. Accordingly, during heat treatment, they can behave unexpectedly.
  • In the course of heating, they are oxidized, with the formation of oxidized triglycerides, which are poison for the body. They affect the body so trans fats. All vegetable oils, for example, sunflower and corn, are used exclusively to refuel fresh salads. But for the preparation of fried eggs this kind of fat cannot be used.
  • Accordingly, it is necessary not to prepare the fried eggs in vegetable oil, but on fat, smulz and bacon. It is believed that these fats are stable, when heated, they are not oxidized into triglycerides.
  • In extreme cases, olive oil should be used to fry products. It is much more stable than sunflower or corn, is not oxidized in the process of heat treatment at elevated temperatures. Therefore, it is allowed to use olive oil for frying products at low temperature. 

Best fish oil on aicherb

In the body with insufficient fat consumption, the production of elastin and collagen is significantly reduced. That is why the main task is to leave useful fats. Fish oil contains acid omega and helps to reduce weight.

The best fish oil on Aigerb:

  Read on the topic:

Carbohydrates are not building material. This is only the energy that is necessary to launch the process of amino acid synthesis, the splitting of proteins and fats. If there are many of them in the body, they go into fat, which concentrates on the hips and buttocks. Accordingly, it is necessary to control not the consumption of fats, but by the use of carbohydrates.

Video: Useful fat for weight loss

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