Why don't diets work? How to lose weight forever: the most common mistakes, the effect of "plateau"

Why don't diets work? How to lose weight forever: the most common mistakes, the effect of

If you do not know how to lose weight and not a single diet works, then read the article. It describes tips and there is a list of frequent errors that losing weight people can make.

Today, it is quite difficult for a large number of people to keep their weight within the normal range. For many, this is no longer a matter of appearance, it comes time to think about health. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system, impaired work of the endocrine system are only a small part of health problems that can be provoked by excess weight.

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It is worth noting that the diet does not always help to lose weight. It seems that the food seems to be proper, and all other conditions of the diet are observed, and the weight is in place. Why don't diets work? How to lose weight once and for all? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Good diets do not work: why?

Good diets do not work
Good diets do not work

Any diet is a restriction of time in time. Since the human body strives for equilibrium, even if there is a large number of kilograms dropped, return to the usual diet almost always leads to weight gain. In addition, strict good diets have a detrimental effect on the human body. But before starting weight correction, you need to decide whether it is necessary to lose weight?

Answer this question will help body mass index. It can be calculated by the formula:

  • BMI \u003d weight (kg)/height (m2)

For example, calculate the BMI of a woman who weighs 75 kg With growth 160 cm:

  • BMI \u003d 75/(1.6*1.6) \u003d 29.2.
  • If the indicator is smaller 18,5, then you need to get better, and if more 25, then lose weight.
BMI calculation to know your type of obesity
BMI calculation to know your type of obesity

Reasons for gaining excess weight divided into three large groups: hormonal violations, malnutrition and lack of physical activity during the day. More details described below. Read further.

Excess weight, diet does not work - reason: violation of the hormonal background

In the human body, almost all processes are subordinated to hormones, in particular they affect the mood, a feeling of hunger and saturation. At the very beginning of losing weight, it is necessary to take tests and get an endocrinologist consultation in order to exclude diseases in this area and any violations of the hormonal background.

Excess weight gained due to hormones is corrected only by a doctor. If it is caused by the first two reasons, then the diet will not work. Also in this case, after treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist, excess weight will go faster. It can be eliminated by changing the diet and lifestyle on an ongoing basis.

Improper nutrition is a lack of proteins, carbohydrates and fats: the reason why diets do not work

Most often, this reason for gaining excess weight is found. People like to talk about wide bones, genetics, etc., but it is the lack of knowledge in this area that prevents them from gaining a healthy and slender body. Incorrect nutrition is the reason why diets do not work. Further, we will talk about how to lose weight in this case.

Step 1. Determine the norm of calorie intake.Use the formula for this Mifflina-San Geor, since it is recognized as the most accurate:

  • For men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x Height (cm) - 5 x age (d) + 5) x a
  • For women: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x Height (cm) - 5 x age (g) - 161) x a

A - This is the level of physical activity of a person:

  • 1.2 - minimal. Sedentary or office work.
  • 1.375 - weak. Training 20 minutes 1-3 times a week.
  • 1.55 - moderate. Training 30-60 min 3-4 times a week.
  • 1.7 - heavy. Long training, or heavy physical work 5-7 days a week.
  • 1.9 - extreme. Very difficult daily many hours of training.

Step 2. Provide the calorie deficiency:

Above you learned the norm of calorie consumption to maintain weight. To lose weight, you need to get 20-30% less calories than to spend. Example:

  • Girl, office worker, 30 years, growth 160 cm, the weight 75 kg. (10x75+6.25x160-5x30-161) x1.2 \u003d (750+1000-150-161) x1.2 \u003d 1726 kcal To maintain weight.
  • Now from this figure should be taken away 20% For safe weight loss - 1726-20%\u003d 1380 kcal. If you count manually, it is inconvenient, you can use popular applications, for example, FatSecret.
A balanced diet will help to lose weight forever
A balanced diet will help to lose weight forever

Step 3. Make a balanced food.

On any diet it is forbidden to just eat, relying on the right number of calories. In order to avoid health problems, you need to make sure that the following substances enter the diet:


  • This is the main building material of the human body cells.
  • It is important to ensure a variety of protein products: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, etc.
  • Minimum daily norm - 1 grams per 1 kg of weight. It is increasing up to 2-3 grams Depending on the level of physical activity.


  • Very important for the work of endocrine and reproductive systems, so do not completely remove them from the diet.
  • Norm: 60-80 g a day for women and 70-100 g for men.
  • To balance the nutrition, both unsaturated - vegetable oil, nuts, avocados, oily fish, and saturated fats of animal origin.


For successful weight loss, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of useful substances in products, but also their glycemic index. Read further.

Glycemic product index:

Glycemic index (hereinafter Gi) - an indicator of the amount of carbohydrates and the pace of their splitting in the blood to glucose and corresponds to the value from 0 to 100. Products with high GI - sweets, pastries, white rice - when consumed lead to a sharp jump in blood glucose. To process it, the body sends a large amount of insulin to the blood.

It tolerates glucose to the muscles, or puts it into fat cells for preservation. If there was a training or physical labor before eating, and the muscles spent a certain amount of energy, then it is likely that glucose will go into the muscles to replenish the reserves. But if there is nothing to replenish, then its surpluses go to fat cells.

It should also be taken into account that the muscles can only be taken by a limited amount of energy, and its excess, for example, when overeating, is certainly sent to fat cells. If the blood glucose level rises very quickly, then too much insulin can develop. When glucose is processed, the remainder of insulin will cause hunger. It turns out a vicious circle:

  • Feeling of hunger - food with high gi - a jump in glucose - the deposition of energy into fat - a drop in glucose - a feeling of hunger.

When foods with low gi enter the food, the glucose level grows very slowly. This amount of carbohydrates does not require much insulin. After eating, the feeling of satiety lasts longer, the energy obtained goes to replenish the needs of the muscles, and not in fat reserves.

Important: In order to lose weight, you should use products whose gi less than 65.

Also remember:

  • Vitamins, micro- and macro elements - Very important for the correct work of the whole organism. During the restriction of nutrition, less vitamins are entered in the body, which can lead to vitamin deficiency. In this case, the use of vitamin complexes is shown.
  • Cellulose Very important for the digestive system. When losing weight, it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet, or purchase fiber in the form of an additive.
  • Water Participates in most metabolic processes in the body. Its disadvantage leads to problems such as constipation, a decrease in the quality of the skin, hair, a decrease in the rate of losing weight. The feeling of thirst is also very easy to confuse with hunger, so you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Step 4. Lack of harmful substances in food.

Currently, many additives have been invented that facilitated and reduced the production of food, but not all of them are good for health. Read more:

Transfiders, or artificial fats:

  • This is the achievement of modern food industry.
  • These substances significantly reduce the cost of the production of products, so they are often used in the food industry.
  • Most often, trans fats are contained in Margarine, store pastries, sauces, cakes and desserts.
  • Their use is dangerous to increase the risk of oncology, heart and vessels, as well as endocrine disorders.


  • They provoke the development of oncology, which is scientifically proven.
  • Among them are nitrates, nitrites, some food additives, including Conserviers, dyes, flavors.
  • To protect yourself from the action of these substances, it is necessary to prepare from natural, better farm, products, and also abandon the use of semi -finished products.

But food is only 60% Success with weight loss. It is also important to play sports. Read further.

A comfortable level of physical activity and a simple diet will help to lose weight forever

A comfortable level of physical activity will help lose weight forever
A comfortable level of physical activity will help lose weight forever

The energy consumption is divided into two parts:

  1. The main exchange is physiological processes: control of body temperature, digestion, breathing, brain function, etc.
  2. Activity during the day.

If a small amount of food enters the food that does not completely closes the needs of the main exchange, then the person will lose weight. But such a diet cannot be considered diverse and balanced. As a result of such a diet, the metabolism slows down, and a person stops losing weight. His mood and well -being are spoiled. Doctors do not recommend reducing the daily number of calories for women below 1200, for men - below 1500.

When physical activity is added, the energy consumption of the body increases, which allows you to increase the daily calorie rate. Thanks to this, you will eat more diverse. You can adhere to the simplest diet, for example - flexible diet counting calories. A comfortable level of physical activity will help to lose weight forever.

Other advantages of physical activity:

  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system
  • Reduction in the risk of oncology
  • Improving the hormonal background
  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Improving well -being and mood
  • Acceleration of metabolism

During the choice of physical activity, it is necessary to give preference to what will bring more positive emotions and satisfaction. It can be walks and bike rods, a jogging, visiting the gym, dancing, aerobics, pilates, yoga, swimming, football, etc.

Important: In the presence of obesity or chronic diseases, before starting training, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The “Plato” effect interferes with losing weight forever with the most working diet

Sometimes, with a loss of a large number of kilograms, weight loss can stop for a while. Weight is worth it from 5 days to 2-3 weeks. This fact scares many people, and they cease to monitor food. We are talking about the effect of the "plateau". It prevents you to lose weight forever even with the most working diet.

In fact, this state is not scared. In case of loss 5-10 kg of weight The body is rebuilt, the metabolism slows down, even the position of internal organs may change, the weight is stabilized. To move the weight from the dead point, you need to make some efforts. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to volumes. If they continue to melt, then this is not a plateau. It is also possible to delay the fluid after consuming a large amount of salt or smoked food, as well as in women before menstruation. In these cases, it is also not about the plateau.

What to do? Here are the tips:

  • Check the correct calculation of calories. If everything is correct and a significant number of kilograms are already lost with the calculation, but there is a goal of losing weight further, then you need to recount your calorie rate, taking into account the new weight.
  • Arrange a provocation with food. In the first half of the day, one meal should be replaced by what used to be banned (pizza, pasta, cake, etc.). This method should be used with great caution, as it can lead to a breakdown.
  • Make one fasting day, but only one. It is not recommended to use this method if you have gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Change training program. You can increase or decrease the intensity of the load, or change its appearance.
  • Eat on the principle of "food swing". In fact, this is a periodic change in daily calorie content. For example, if a girl uses 1500 kcal per day and does not lose weight, you need to either add 200 kcal To this figure, or take them away. The result is approximately as follows: 1 day - 1700 kcal, 2 days - 1300 kcal, 3 days - 1500 kcal, etc. Thus, the body will not have time to get used to the daily calorie content, and the loss of weight will resume.

In any case, do not lose heart and drop weight loss. The weight itself will move off the ground when the body is ready for this.

The most frequent mistakes are why diets do not work and you can’t lose weight forever: the list

A sharp decrease in calorie content is the reason why the diet does not work
A sharp decrease in calorie content is the reason why the diet does not work

So, you still ask the question: why do not work diets and is not able to lose weight forever? Here is a list of the most common mistakes:

A sharp decrease in the calorie content of the diet:

  • Sometimes it may seem that starvation will help to lose weight quickly, but this is a deep error.
  • In the case of a breakdown, and it is inevitable, weight gain occurs, a feeling of hunger pursues even after eating, and disorders of food behavior may also develop.
  • The only way out will be a gradual increase in calorie content to the indicators calculated by the formulas above.

Preference of low -fat foods with adequate fat content:

  • Small products contain a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar.
  • It is much better to choose a product with an average fat content, then vitamins and trace elements will become much better.

Lack of meat in the diet:

  • There is or not eat meat - everyone’s personal business, but it is important to remember that it contains indispensable amino acids that cannot be obtained from other sources.
  • Over time, such a deficiency leads to malfunctions in immune and endocrine systems, intestinal disorders, as well as vision of vision.

A small amount of water and fiber:

  • Constipation is a very common problem of losing weight. The main causes of this condition are the lack of enough water and fiber in the diet, as well as physical activity during the day.
  • At such moments, a person feels nausea, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, general malaise.

A large number or duration of training:

  • In pursuit of quick results, many decide to train daily, often 1.5-2 hours.
  • For an untrained organism, this is great stress.
  • He will respond to his owner with the absence or vice versa with an increase in a sense of hunger, fatigue, insomnia and the lack of a desire to train.
  • In this case, you need to listen to your body and adjust the training program.

Lack of daily routine:

  • The absence of a sufficient amount of sleep leads to an increase in a sense of hunger, especially in the evening hours.
  • The process of splitting fat, which occurs mainly at night and under the influence of hormones produced during sleep, slows down. There is only one way out - sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, but no more 10 hours.
  • The time and frequency of meals are selected individually, based on personal preferences.
  • The general rules are as follows: at least three meals, the last of them - three hours before bedtime.
  • The lack of breakfast and dinner, large time between meals lead to breakdowns and overeating.

Losing weight is a complex physiological process, which is affected by many factors. Just listening to your body, you can not only lose weight, but also save, strengthen your health. Thanks to compliance with the rules, you can get pleasure from this process: to open the taste of food for yourself, to love physical activity. In this case, the body will surely thank its owner for care and attention with good health and aesthetic appearance.

Observing the above recommendations, you can lose weight for a long time and not harm health. When the goal is achieved, it is only necessary to gradually increase the number of calories to the level of weight maintenance and continue to adhere to recommendations. Good luck!

Did you have to lose weight forever? How did you achieve results? Write in the comments, perhaps this will help someone.

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  1. The diets worked only at the first time ... .. Bruttered a kilogram of two subcutaneous fat, but there was a lot of visceral. To get rid of him, the nutritionist advised the Evalarovsky lipotropic factor. I drank it with courses, by the way I was very pleased, because the weight really began to fall due to the fact that the visceral is burned. For me, the most important thing is that the raw materials are proven from Germany. This says a lot.

  2. In fact, frequent constipation interferes with losing weight, I know by myself. Once a week on buckwheat sat and no result. I only went to the toilet once, there was a severity in the intestines. The nutritionist advised Fitamucil to drink norms in order to establish digestion and avoid constipation. The composition of the plantain seeds and the pulp of the plum, softens the feces. I began to go to the toilet every day, and the weight is reduced, I almost at the target.

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