How to blind and beautifully pinch the pies of oval, round, square, triangular, karaite, in the form of a rose, envelope, pigtails, openwork? How to beautifully decorate closed pies using a layer of dough, stripes, turning, cutting the roll: ideas, photos

How to blind and beautifully pinch the pies of oval, round, square, triangular, karaite, in the form of a rose, envelope, pigtails, openwork? How to beautifully decorate closed pies using a layer of dough, stripes, turning, cutting the roll: ideas, photos

From this article you will learn how to pinch the pies beautifully, as well as how to decorate closed pies.

Closed pies and pies made of yeast, custard and puff pastry are very common among the Slavs. They can be the main dish, a snack and dessert. How to make not only tasty, but also beautiful pies so that they are decorating the table? We will learn all the details in this article.

What you need to know about the yeast test to blind beautiful pies, and in what ways to make them?

To get beautiful yeast pies, you need to know some subtleties:

  • To make it easier to work with the test, moisten your hands in sunflower oil.
  • To make the corners of the dough or two sides easier to glue, grease the edges with water.
  • In order for fried or baked pies to be more magnificent, blinding them, let them stand for about 15 minutes, covering them with food film greased with vegetable oil.
  • Ready-made pies before baking, or 5-10 minutes before the end, lubricate the yolk diluted with water, you can milk, so they will purchase a beautiful brown crust.

From yeast dough You can sculpt pies in the following ways:

  • Oval
  • Round
  • Square
  • Triangular

How to pinch oval pies?

Oval -shaped pies

The oval shape of the pies is the most common. They can be done with any filling.

We make oval pies:

  1. We spread the dough on the table, sprinkled with flour, roll a large lump, and then divide it into balls of the same magnitude.
  2. We distribute each ball in the form of a roll, cut into pieces close to 4 cm in diameter.
  3. We roll a piece of dough with a rocking stream into a round cake, 0.5 cm thick, if the dough sticks to a rocking chair and hands, add flour.
  4. In the middle of the tortilla we put the filling, raise both edges of the cake and fasten them together, you will get a crescent.
  5. If the pies are going to the stove, then you can leave the seam from above or below, and if you fry, then the seam should be from below, and the pie should be flattened.

How to pinch the pies of a round shape?

Round pies

The round shape of the pies is well suited for filling from fruits, the juice will not flow out of them.

We make round pies:

  1. We divide all the dough into balls, then roll it into a roll, cut into small pieces, which we roll out into round cakes.
  2. On the middle of the cakes we put the filling, collect the edges of the cakes together, compress tightly, turn it over so that the seam turns out from below, flatten the pie.

How to pinch the squares of a square shape?

Square -shaped pies

Square -shaped pies They look like a pillow. To obtain this form of pies, you need:

  1. We divide the dough into balls, then roll it into a roll, cut into pieces.
  2. We roll each piece with a rectangle, put the filling in the middle.
  3. Raise 4 corners up, and pinch the sides with each other.

How to pinch triangular cakes?

Triangular cakes

Triangular cakes Also obtained no less beautiful than other forms.

We make triangular pies:

  1. We roll out a small rectangle, put the filling in the middle.
  2. We pin one (smaller) side of the rectangle from the other (larger).
  3. We raise the remaining 2 corners up, and connect the edges to the resulting new side.

What you need to know to blind and bake beautiful pies from puff or custard dough?

If the hostess does not like to mess with yeast dough, beautiful pies can be blinded and baked from puff and custard dough. Here are a few secrets of obtaining beautiful pies:

  • To make the edges on the pies better glue, they need to be lubricated with protein.
  • In order for the pies with a rosy bar, before baking, they need to be greased with a strong teaspoon.
  • Start bake any pies over low heat, then the temperature in the oven increases slightly to medium values.
  • To make puff pies soft after baking, sprinkle with hot water.

How to pinch the Karaite pies?

So the Karaite pies are pinned

Karaite pies are made in Crimea with lamb. In appearance, these are ordinary puffs of puff pastry with meat filling, but they are pinned in a special way-in the form of a twisted rope.

We sculpt the Karaite pies:

  1. Divide the settled dough into small balls.
  2. Roll into cakes.
  3. On one side of the tortilla, we put finely chopped meat with onions, cover the second part of the cake, pinch both edges together.
  4. On the wandered edge of the pies, we make a rope as follows: we take a little dough from the edge and pinch, and then tie up - and so the whole pie.
  5. Lubricate the pies with yolk diluted with milk, and bake in the oven over medium heat for 40-50 minutes.

How to make pellet pies?

Phased manufacture of pies in the form of a rose

Pink cakes You can sculpt from puff, yeast and custard dough:

  1. We divide all the dough into the same small balls.
  2. We roll each ball into a round cake.
  3. On the cake, we make incisions from 4 sides, not reaching the middle.
  4. In the middle we put the filling, raise one quarter of the dough and wrap it on the filling, then raise the opposite quarter of the cake, and overlap the first, then wrap the third and fourth part of the cake around the first two. It turned out a rose.

How to make an envelope pies?

Envelope pies

Pinch The envelope pies are quite simple. The main thing is made of puff pastry, there can be any filling (vegetable, meat, thick jam, fruits with sugar):

  1. We divide the dough into small balls.
  2. We subtly roll out a round cake.
  3. We put the filling in the form of an oblong roller for one half of the tortilla.
  4. We cover the filling with the smaller side of the tortilla, wrap it inside on the sides, and cover with the free part of the cake, press so that the pie does not turn around.
  5. We bake in the oven over medium heat.

How to make pigtail pies?

Phased manufacture of pigtail pies

Pies can be prepared from puff pastry:

  1. We roll a large lump of dough subtly into the layer.
  2. We cut into rectangles.
  3. In the middle of the rectangle, we put a thick filling in the form of an oblong roller.
  4. On one and the other from the filling, cut the dough with stripes.
  5. We take the strips from one side and the other and weave a pigtail, tour the ends of the strips under the pie.
  6. We bake over medium heat in the oven, until the pies are browned.

How to make openwork pies?

Production of openwork pies

Openwork pies You can bake from any type of dough (yeast, puff). They are easy to do:

  1. We roll a large lump of dough into a thin layer, and cut into segments.
  2. In the middle, at each segment, we make 3 longitudinal incisions.
  3. On the edge of the wide side of the segment, we put a dry filling (apple slices, pears, a piece of sausage, sausage), cover the rest of the dough, tut up the tip under the pie.
  4. We bake over medium heat in the oven.

How to decorate a closed pie beautifully?

A pie for a festive table from yeast or puff pastress can decorate each housewife, you only need to show a little imagination. No need to pinch the pie. It can be decorated with ordinary things: spoons, forks, knife, molds for cutting cookies.

The pie is closed with thin strips of dough

The easiest way to decorate the pie is close its top with thin strips of dough:

  1. We divide the dough into 2 identical parts, 1 part we roll into the layer slightly larger than the diameter of the round shape for baking, so that the walls of the shape are also enough to close.
  2. We lay out a thin layer of fillings (jam, fresh berries with sugar) on the dough, you can use liquid jam, and not be afraid of what to leak, the dough absorbs the liquid.
  3. We also roll out the second part of the dough, cut out thin strips with a knife from it, and cover the filling of cross-steam.
  4. Lubricate the top of the pie diluted with water with a yolk with sugar, and put in a heated oven to bake on low heat.
The pie is closed with a layer of dough with cut holes

The second method of decorating the pie - close the top of the pie with a layer of dough with cut holes:

  1. We divide the dough into 2 unequal parts.
  2. We roll most of the dough into the layer so that the dough hangs from the sides of the mold.
  3. We spread on the dough jam or fruits with sugar.
  4. From a smaller piece of dough, roll out a round layer in diameter of the shape.
  5. We cut out small circles from the wine.
  6. Carefully spread the test layer with holes on the pie, raise the hanging dough up the layer with holes.
  7. Lubricate the pie with yolk or milk, put in the oven bake on low fire.
The top of the pie is closed with hearts carved from dough with cookies for cookies

The top of the pie is closed by hearts from the dough:

  1. We roll half the dough a little more than the diameter of the shape, lay out the filling of fruits with sugar.
  2. From another piece of dough, we roll out a thin layer and cut out the heart of heart cookies, spread them in rows, starting from the edge of the pie - and so to the center.
  3. Lubricate the pie with yellow and bake in the oven over low heat.
The top of the pie is closed with spiral stripes of dough

The top of the pie is closed in a circle with spiral stripes of dough:

  1. On the bottom of the pie, as well as in previous cases, we roll out the dough layer, slightly larger than the diameter of the round shape.
  2. From a rolled second piece of dough, cut the strips, twist them and put them in a filling in a circle, starting from the middle of the pie. So cover the entire pie.
  3. We set to bake on low fire in the oven.

How to make a beautiful pie by turning several strata layers?

Beautiful and delicious closed pies are obtained from several layers (2-5 pieces) of a hot yeast dough, thinly rolled, greased with softened butter or vegetable oil, sprinkled with sugar with poppy seeds, cinnamon or nuts, and turned upside down. As done, shown in the video below.

Video: Beautiful homemade yeast pie. The ideas of decoration

You can decorate the pies using twisting like this:

How to make a beautiful pie from a folded roll with filling inside?

Also, beautiful pies are obtained from a yeast roll with filling inside. The filling can be jammed, walnut or poppy filling. The principle of operation is very simple: rolled dough into a roll, in a middle with a thick filling, cut with kitchen scissors into small slices, but not to the end, and turn the slices with the cut side in different directions. Here are what pies are obtained:

So, we learned how to make a variety of home closed pies and pinch the pies beautifully.

Video: Fish pies from yeast dough "Golden Fish"

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Comments K. article

  1. Many thanks to the compiler of the article. For me, this is an invaluable experience. I now have such a variety of forms of pies, all households are satisfied. And it is so simple.

  2. I knew something, saw something. But generally impressive!

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