Isabella and Bella: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Isabella and Bella?

Isabella and Bella: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Isabella and Bella?

Isabella and Bella is the same name or different? These are beautiful female adversaries, one of which is an abbreviated form of the other.

Today, many parents, in particular Russians, are trying to give him some rare, unusual name at the birth of a child. Often, boys and girls are called ancient or foreign names. These include such beautiful female names as Isabel and Bella.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "The female name is given - which means: description of the name".

From this article you will learn how the names are different Isabel and Bella. We will also talk about the significance of these advents. Read further.

The meaning of the name Isabella, Bella

The meaning of the name Isabella
The meaning of the name Isabella

Owners of the name Isabel Most often you can meet in France and Spain, which is impossible to say about Russia. This noble aristocratic name was even worn by some persons of royal blood. An example of this is the French princess Isabella Valois, Hungarian Queen Isabella Yagellona, \u200b\u200bQueen of Cyprus Isabella Komnina.

  • This adherence takes its origin from Provencalsky - ISABEU and from Latin, more familiar to us Elizabeth.
  • Isabel It is interpreted as "God's oath" or "Dedicated to God".
  • In Europe, the name is used in a variety of variations, ranging from Isabelle to Ishibel.
  • Russian -speaking abbreviated and affectionate appeals to Isabella - protein, Bella. The latter is now considered independent and is used in all European countries, regardless of its derivative - Isabella.

Name Bella has Latin roots and translates as "gorgeous". Do not confuse this name with Slavic Bela, which translates in a completely different way.

  • Nowadays, this naming is used as a reduction in names with the root "Bell", which belongs to the name of Isabella and in itself.
  • Name Bella Often they call Jewish girls, only it sounds a little different - Baile.
  • There is also a form of this name “Bellatris”, translated from Latin, it means “warrior”.

Professional linguists also put forward the version that the name Bella has Slavic origin and means "Bright, white". But since it is not mentioned in ancient Slavic sources, this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed.

Isabella and Bella: the same name or not?

Bella - This is a brief form of the name Isabel, Arabella, Gabriella. Therefore, this is the same thing. When writing this form, you can use it as a letter "E" - Bella, so "E" - BellaWho likes more. In general, the names of Bell and Isabella are absolutely identical, since the first is simply an abbreviated version of the second option.

What is the difference between the names of Isabella and Bella?

Name Isabel It has not only English, but also Russian roots. Whereas Bella - Truly the English name. Isabella, unlike his abbreviated version, is mentioned in the Orthodox shrines.

  • The carriers of the name of the name day for the Orthodox calendar are celebrated on February 22, May 31 and July 8.
  • According to the Catholic calendar, Izabella is celebrated on February 23 and July 4.
  • Bella's name day is indicated only in the Catholic calendar, they occur on the same dates as the name of the Isabella.

At the baptism of girls with the non -Orthodox name, Bella is called Elizabeth. You can choose another naming, but for this, in front of the christening, you should first talk with the priest.

Can Izabella Bella be called?

Today, the law allows us to indicate in the birth certificate the abbreviated name of the child, and not complete, as it was before. That is Isabella Now you can record as Bella, for example, Violetta is Viola. But it is necessary to call a girl or woman an abbreviated option only by their consent, because sometimes a person does not like, when, especially, strangers call him a different form of a name.

All carriers of the name Isabel They are distinguished by an aggravated sense of dignity. They are quite secretive and zealously protect their inner world from prying eyes. Women with this name - mystery, their feelings and thoughts, they never flaunt. The name gives its owner a lot of female energy and sexuality. Parents who decided to name the newborn daughter will award their child with such character traits as sensitivity and insight. It is these qualities that allow Bella in the future to build a brilliant career or achieve recognition in creative professions.

Video: The meaning of the name Isabella is the secret of the name

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