Stories about Love from Life - Read for free online

Stories about Love from Life - Read for free online

We bring to your attention a couple of love stories that you can read online for free.

History from life about love is interesting - read for free

History from life about love is interesting - read for free
History from life about love is interesting - read for free

History from life about love is interesting - read for free:

"Blinding love"

  • Life is an interesting thing, and sometimes it is able to present many surprises. So it happened with my common acquaintances. They lived life for their pleasure, and everyone went in their own direction, not thinking that it was time to stop and start making plans for the future ...
  • Mila was a windy and carefree girl. She was born in a wealthy family, and never denied anything herself. Her parents idolized her, and did everything so that their child had all the best. Mila wore the most fashionable clothes, she had a lot of high -quality cosmetics, gold and silver jewelry. She was very proud of herself, and behaved accordingly. The same people with income entered her close circle, she simply did not notice the rest. Perhaps that is why all the applicants for her hand were financially secured - with cars and apartments. Mila always said that she would marry exclusively for a rich man, or die an old maid.
  • Vlad was the direct opposite of Mila. His parents did not live very prosperous, but not poor. True, in order to give their son everything you need, they had to disappear at work for days. For this reason, Vlad grew up a “courtyard kid”, who since childhood knew what street showdowns and a street fraternity were. It was such a childhood that he tempered his character, and he turned into a stubborn, bold and purposeful young man. He never discouraged, and was not particularly upset when he did not enter the institute. He just went to master the working profession to the nearest college. Having studied, he joined the army, and at the end of the service returned to his hometown with a real handsome man. During this period of his life, he met a capricious beauty Mila, who he liked very much. Their meeting was fateful, and became the beginning of their common story ...
  • There was an evening of Friday, and Mila and his friends decided where to spend it. Friends wanted to go to the cinema, and Mile wanted unbridled dances. But friends, as for evil, categorically refused to go to dancing. For this reason, the girl was loudly indignant, not paying attention to the fact that her defiant behavior attracts the attention of people. Friends would continue to sit on a bench in
    They argued the park if the passing guy had not intervened in their conversation. This was Vlad. He jokingly bowed to Mile, and invited her to go to dancing with him, and promised a cheerful evening. The girl looked at him appraisingly, snorted and did not even talk. With all its appearance, showing that he is not worthy of her, and she does not intend to conduct any dialogue with him. But Vlad did not upset such behavior, he just laughed and silently went about his business.
  • The most interesting thing is that this particular behavior of the guy very much hurt Mila. She got used to the fact that the guys literally stack at her feet, and never stop attempts to attract her attention, even after she sews them in a rude form. But after some time, she rested and completely forgot about the impudent young man. She would know that fate had already decided to reduce them together ... A couple of weeks after this meeting, Mil was invited to a wedding to relatives. She didn’t really want to go there, but she had no choice. Moreover, her parents promised her to buy a very expensive and beautiful dress for a wedding, which she had long dreamed of. The girl persuaded her conscience that it would be her little sacrifice, for the sake of such a desired new thing. Before the wedding, Mila began to feel anxiety, and could not understand what was the reason for her condition. On the wedding day, she woke up very early, and decided to put herself in order to be the most beautiful at the festival. Preparations for the event were a little distracted, so at the festive banquet there was a confident girl who knew her price.
  • At the wedding, Mile was very boring, all the guys were with their second lapels, and the girl was left without male attention. For this reason, she practically did not dance, sat at the table all the time and drank delicious wine. Of course, she didn’t really like such a pastime, she decided to lie to her parents and quietly escape to her friends to spend the evening as she wanted-fun and fervently. Thinking very much, she did not notice how a handsome young man entered the banquet hall and headed for the newlywed table to congratulate them. He talked with them for a long time, and then sat at the next table and began to discuss something violently with other guests. Mila could not take his eyes off the handsome man - he looked like a man of her dreams, and it was very fascinating. To attract his attention, Mila, as it were, accidentally missed a glass of water to the floor. He fell with a roar and crashed, everyone began to look back at Mila, expecting that she would try to remove the fragments. But she did not do this, but sat like a queen, until the waiter came and removed the falcons from the floor. At the same time, the object of her adoration did not even turn his head in her direction. The girl was in shock and did not know what else to do to attract his attention, she was not used to taking the first step herself, as she considered it below her dignity.
  • But everything was not as bad as Mila imagined. Vlad immediately noticed her, simply did not give a look. He took out a wonderful lesson from her behavior in the park, and realized that with such a obstinate beauty, one should not behave entirely. Therefore, he decided with all his appearance to demonstrate disinterest in communication, hoping in this way to force the beauty to become a little softer and flexible. About an hour after a broken glass, the host of the holiday suggested dancing a slow dance for lovers, and Vlad went with a confident gait with a bored mile. He gallantly bowed his head and invited her to their first joint dance. Mila was so shocked that she was only able to nod. Vlad and Mila danced silently, and everyone was thinking about his own. Vlad already knew for sure that it was this girl in the future that would become his wife, and Mila suddenly realized that in front of her was the same type that angered her in the park, so she wanted their dance to end more. After the dance, he took Mila at the table, and did not approach her anymore, and then he disappeared from the wedding banquet.
  • The next day, Mila told friends about the impudent guy with whom fate brought them down the second time. She told friends that he was just an uncouth boob, who could not behave with girls, but her heart for some reason was compressed. She always thought about that their dance, and from this her soul became warm. A week after the wedding, a bell rang in her apartment. It was only nine in the morning, so Mila was very surprised. Parents went to work, but she did not wait for guests. Mila opened the door and literally froze, on the threshold of her house, Vlad stood with a huge bouquet of large daisies. I had to invite him to the apartment. Vlad laughed and asked to make tea, taking a chocolate from his jacket pocket. For the first time in my life, Mile did not want to drive away the guy, she laughed merrily and went to brew tea. After that, the couple sat down in the kitchen and began a conversation about nothing. Mile was calm and comfortable, and she realized that she was ready to live with this person all her life. Of course, she could not say all this right, but with all her appearance she showed Vlad that he was interesting to her.
  • After this tea party, the couple began to meet - they spent a lot of time together, always looked for each other, if they were in the company. Vlad very much influenced Mila - she became more calm, balanced, kind. Even her appearance changed - the girl began to give preference to more calm and feminine outfits. Lovers
    They were very happy, and began to talk about creating a family, and at that moment Mila's parents loomed on the horizon. They were categorically against such a son -in -law, and tried to forbid Mile to meet with their beloved. But love changed the girl very much, and instead of obeying her parents, she collected things and moved to Vlad in his small apartment. A month later, they signed and celebrated a modest wedding. Mila’s parents refused to attend this holiday, but the girl was still happy.
  • Such confidence in Mila created a miracle in Vlad, he decided to do his own thing so that his beloved could live as she did before. A year later, their business began to bring income, and they were able to expand their living space. After a couple of months, a couple bought a car for myself, and went on her wedding trip, which she could not afford immediately after the wedding. The three of them returned from it, on vacation Mila found out that she was pregnant. Upon arrival home, she contacted her mother and told her the good news. Mom burst into tears and said that he would immediately come to visit. She arrived the next day with a bunch of gifts, and apologized from their dad's behavior. From the maternity hospital, Mila with the baby was met by her beloved husband, and the newly made grandparents. And it was the happiest day in my life Mila. All she loves nearby, and her life again became fabulous ...

True story about love - online

True online story about love - online
True story about love - online

True story about love - online:

"The story of one love"

  • In his youth, we see the world as if in pink glasses, for some reason we do not notice all that bad that surrounds us every day. In our youth, it seems to us that all difficulties can be easily experienced and instantly forget about them, and we don’t even think that all life situations strongly affect us. I was such a gullible and open world.
  • I lived all my virginity and youth in the village where every person is familiar to you. I liked such a habitat, and that’s exactly what I saw my future life. Parents told me that it was necessary to break out of such a life, and try to gain a foothold in the city. They believed that there I had more chances for a happy life, and did everything to push me out of the village.
  • Nobody asked my opinion, although I personally did not want to live in a noisy city at all in which there is no beautiful starry sky and endless green fields. Therefore, having studied at the university, she returned home - to the house of her parents. Of course, they scolded me, smoked a little, but still allowed to stay at home. I was endlessly happy that I could again enjoy the singing of birds and the noise of the wind. My life again became predictable - a house, a robot, a meeting with friends. Everything was absolutely happy with me, but my parents began to hint that it was time to get married.
  • There were several applicants for my hand, but as it turned out later, I chose not the best. But then my pink glasses prevented me from noticing my flaws in my chosen one. Parents were not against our union, since my chosen one was from a quite prosperous family and had his own living space. We got married three months later, and I moved to live in my new house, which was in a neighboring village. I did not have much fear, since I used to work a lot around the house and cope with the household, so I did not expect anything new for myself.
  • The first months of life together were quite happy. Yes, we had to work a lot, but when the evening came, we closed from the whole world in our cozy house, and belonged only to each other. And so it went on until I got pregnant. As soon as I found out about the existence of a new life under my heart, I had to change my life a little. My pregnancy was difficult, and that part of the work that I did, I had to take on my husband. He was not very pleased with this state of affairs, but could not do anything.
  • During this period, we began to quarrel strongly, and this further aggravated my condition. I had to lie in the hospital several times throughout pregnancy, as my body tried to get rid of the child himself. And almost at the very end of pregnancy, my baby died. I experienced tremendous stress, but the worst thing, my husband was not shared by my pain. He believed that nothing terrible happened, because we are young, and we will have many more children.
  • I don’t even know why I did not immediately collect all the things then and did not leave him. Time passed, I calmed down a little and returned to ordinary life again, but after some time I still wanted to experience the joy of motherhood. The husband said that he was also not opposed, and we decided on the second pregnancy. This time he was more attentive, and tried to make sure that I did not do almost anything around the house. I walked a lot in the fresh air, ate right and practically did not get out of the doctors. Not without difficulties, but I still managed to give birth to a healthy child.
  • It seemed to me that I would finally be happy, because now my husband and I have a little man who will connect us for life. But in life, not always everything as we want. Upon arrival home, I could no longer devote all my free time to my husband, all my forces went to care for our baby. By evening, I fell without strength, and barely opened my eyes at night when the baby cried loudly. The husband was very annoyed by the fact that attention was not paid to him, he flatly refused to perceive a new reality. We again began to quarrel, and soon parted on separate bedrooms. So we lived for a month.
  • My husband had fun with friends all the time, but did not notice me at all. And although I still loved him, I decided that it was time to break our relationship. When he went to the next party, I collected all the things and went to my parents. The next day a loud scandal broke out. My husband appeared with his parents and tried to make me go back. When I refused to do this, I found out how bad I am, not the best mistress and my wife, in general, dad and my mother were very poorly brought up. Thank God that my parents are adequate - they simply put the husband and his family out the door, and told me to get divorced immediately.
  • During the divorce, the husband refused to custody the child, and promised to do everything so that I would receive the smallest alimony. It was painful and insulting to me, because for several years of my life I spent on this man, but taking myself together, I decided that I would be the happiest mother. While my baby is not four years old, we lived in the house of parents. When he became more independent, I got a job in the city - there I was offered a decent wage, and I could not refuse.
  • So that I do not rent housing and do not pay to strangers, my parents sold everything that they could, and bought a small two -room apartment with the child. We made cosmetic repairs in it, and quickly moved to the city. I gave the child to kindergarten, and I myself went to work full -time. On Friday, having returned from work, I realized that I had problems with electricity in my apartment, so by calling the agency, I called an electrician. An hour later, a cheerful and talkative man came to our apartment, who very quickly eliminated all the problems.
  • When he left, I could not forget how he had fun and at ease with my child, and thought that he would have made the perfect dad. On Sunday morning, I decided to take the child to the park, and there we met with an electrician who came to us. There was a girl with him in appearance of six years, they sat on a bench, laughed merrily and ate ice cream. I came up to say hello and we talked. The man was called Eugene, he was a widower, his wife died during childbirth, and he himself raised his daughter Nastya. I was struck by his story, and, probably, it was written on my face. Evgeny said that he should not be sorry, he is quite happy, because he has the most valuable thing that a person may have a daughter. After these words, I realized that this person looks like me in spirit, in the perception of the world around me.
  • We became very friends and spent a lot of time together. Over time, I realized that with all my heart I love this man, besides I was sure that my feelings were mutual. And you know, I was not mistaken. A little more time passed and Eugene admitted to me in his feelings. We were in no hurry with the wedding - at first we taught the children that they would live under the same roof, and only when the grinding process came to an end, we went to inform my parents.
  • Initially, they reacted very warily to my new chosen one, but when he saw with what warmth he treats my child, melted and accepted him into his family as his own son. We have been together for eight years, and our joint “happiness” is already three years old. After so many years, I am really happy, and I do not regret what happened to me before, because it was these moments of my existence that gave me a man whom I am more than life.

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