Is sympathy and compassion in life? Responsiveness in the story of Andrei Platonov "Yushka"

Is sympathy and compassion in life? Responsiveness in the story of Andrei Platonov

On the example of the story "Yushka" we will consider the issue of compassion.

The Russian writer Andrei Platonov in his work reveals the images of ordinary people and talks about the main values \u200b\u200bof life. In written works, the author focuses on the beauty of the world. Affects the theme of happiness and harmony within us. Thinking about the meaning of life.

Indifference and responsiveness in the story "Yushka"

At the beginning of the 20th century, Platonov wrote the story “Yushka”, presented to the reader after the death of the author. In this work, the author affects the theme of love, goodness and mercy. On the example of the actions and relationships of the inhabitants of a small town, the author shows human ideals and the immoral behavior of society. A special atmosphere of the story makes us think - is sympathy and compassion in life?

  • As the protagonist of the story, Platonov chose the image of a simple person with an unusual name Yushka. Grueling work for positions assistant for a blacksmith, leads a man to a serious illness. Despite the middle age, outwardly, Yushka resembles a thin old man.
An exhausting work made an old man out of Yushka
An exhausting work made an old man out of Yushka
  • The miserable appearance of the hero It does not cause sympathy among others. He is considered superfluous among ordinary people. The external weakness and defenselessness of the sick Yushka leads to immoral acts of people. Each counterclaim considered it appropriate to humiliate him with words or inflict a physical insult.
  • None of Yushka’s neighbors and acquaintances bother to ask about the details of his life or to imbue his problems. This man did not even delve into a real name, everyone was enough nickname. Instead of sympathy, student by the disease Constantly experienced a negative attitude of people. Everyone was indifferent to the fate of Yushka.
  • Silent and harmless nature Yushki allows adults and children to do with him inappropriately. Living a hard fate, the main character did not feel anger towards society and did not blame anyone for his troubles. He justifies people for insults addressed to him.
  • Yushka responded with a smile to the unreasonable behavior of people and considered their actions a way to manifest attention to his person. His unrequited reaction even more pushed people to bad deeds. The old man's obedience was strengthened by the bitterness of the offenders. Humiliating the weak, they got rid of inner negativity and were distracted from their own problems.
  • People feel hatred and anger To a person for no significant reasons. The old man simply did not please them with his appearance and poor position. All as one, like a herd of animals, was disgusted with a person and transferred their emotions to their children: "" Here you will be the same as Yushka! - You will grow up, and you will walk barefoot in the summer, and in winter in thin felt boots, and everyone will torment you, and you won’t drink tea with sugar, but one water! ”. Caring only about its well -being, society does not consider it necessary to show mercy and compassion.
Evil people, Yushka - Good
Evil people, Yushka - Good
  • Everyone is able to condemn and ridicule. This is the destiny of weak selfish people. But extend your hand to help, show participation and care, not all people can do it. If each of us will take a step towards each other, then together it will be easier to cope with difficulties. Life in which there is no place for good and noble deeds, lived in vain. Few people will remember about a selfish person after his death.
  • In Platonov’s story, society considers itself the right to dispose of someone else's life. Yushka interferes with people with their existence, and they openly wish him an speedy death. The daughter of the owner of the forge, after the next beating of the old man, tells Yushka that in his case, death is better than life. What such a miserable existence has no value. The old man does not hurt such words. He never felt superfluous or outcast. Despite the disease, Yushka is satisfied with life and enjoys every day lived.
  • Even children allow themselves to make nasty things to an old man. They adopt such behavior from their parents. Such an example is given by the cruel and arrogant behavior of adults. Moral monstrosity was inherited by the older generation. Yushka, however, interprets children's actions as a special form of love.
Yushka and children
Yushka and children
  • Contrary to the cruelty of people, Yushka is filled with love for the world. The beauty of nature and all living things evokes delight and tenderness in his heart. He sees the beautiful in every flower. Enjoys the twittering of birds: "" He bowed to the ground and kissed the flowers, trying not to breathe on them so that they would not deteriorate from his breath, he stroked the bark on the trees and lifted butterflies and beetles from the path, which fell dead and peered into their faces, feeling without them, feeling without them, feeling without them, feeling without them, feeling without them. Orphaned ". These joys of life help him forget about the disease and not perceive human anger and meanness.
Yushka despite everything filled with love
Yushka despite everything filled with love
  • A deadly disease pushes the old man to do something significant in his life. Leave a good bright memory of yourself. Realizing all the value of human life, Yushka is taken to help the needy person. He gives all the earned funds to the orphan girl, helping her get an education. Participation in the life of another person has become the meaning of Yushka’s life. Caring for an orphan helped him survive. It was a happiness for him to be able to share his good.
  • The author wants to show the reader what inhumanity and anger leads to. A person covered by hatred is not capable of love for his neighbor. People do not know how to show compassion and sympathy, because they were not taught this. Spiritual values They must be laid from childhood. In this story, parents set a terrible example to their children with their low actions. But none of them is safe from diseases and at any moment may be in the same terrible situation as Yushka. Sticking, they are unlikely to wait for understanding and sympathy from their loved ones.
The attitude of people
The attitude of people
  • Progressive disease Gradually took the forces from Yushka and made him vulnerable. Having met the next villain, he is forced to listen to groundless insults again. But this time the old man does not withstand and allows himself verbally to answer the offender. He decides to declare, he has the same right to life as everyone else. Such courage removes the offender from balance, and he applies physical strength.
  • The blow to the earth becomes fatal for the old man. The passerby calmly goes home, not experiencing any remorse. If all people will perform such cold -blooded acts, then we will begin to degrade and stop differing from animals.
  • The death of Yushka She did not cause compassion, but still all the inhabitants of the town came to say goodbye, who knew the old man during his lifetime. After the death of the old man, his belief is confirmed - he was necessary for people. Now they have no longer anyone to clean their evil, and they choke in their own negatives. The fact that everyone came to the funeral confirms that the people loved Yushka, but could not correctly show their emotions.

So they would have forgotten him if an important circumstance from his life had not surfaced. A kind girl came to the city, for the sake of which the old man lived all these years, limiting himself in the simplest things. She arrived to extend the hand of helping her benefactor. Not having time to help Yushka, the girl does not remain indifferent to the fate of other seriously ill people.

She devotes her life to those who really need it. With her kind selfless deeds, she sows goodness and mercy around her. She came to such a decision only thanks to the care of her virtue.

Important: Yushka repeatedly spoke of the futility of his life. This did not break him and did not change his good intentions. He left after a very significant trace. Thanks to his efforts, thousands of people received hope for recovery. In the hands of one person, the fate of other people can be.

Does compassion and sympathy are needed in life?

Each person wants to feel the manifestation of love, goodness and understanding from the people around him. This is especially necessary in moments of weakness, physical malaise or mental pain. The ability to divide someone else's grief, sacrifice yourself, extend your hand to help to a weak - this is compassion and sympathy.

It is important to be able to share someone else's grief
It is important to be able to share someone else's grief
  • An indifferent attitude makes a person lonely. The inability to divide his experiences causes a person suffering. This position is burning the human heart. Without receiving support and understanding, we cease to trust people, close in ourselves and no longer show interest in other people's destinies.
  • Once alone with our problems, we we accumulate resentment and negativity in ourselves. As a result, the way out of emotions occurs through the estimate of his anger at another person. They break down, as a rule, on those who are weaker. It was such a role that Yushka got it. A calm person with good intentions causes others around others.
  • Therefore, each of us needs a person who could share our suffering. To do this, you need to start with yourself. Take a step towards those who need it today. And, perhaps, tomorrow you will receive gratitude in the person of a pleasant interlocutor, friend, assistant. Sometimes, one word of support helps a person pervades and move forward, motivates to action.
  • The ability to show sympathy He elevates people over dry and callous individuals, fills their life with human and spiritual qualities. Sympathy helps people interact with each other. Makes it possible to express and emphasize your true attitude. Compassion allows you to share your life experience and draw the right conclusions for the future on the basis of other people's experiences.
It is important to be able to compassion
It is important to be able to compassion

Sympathy and compassion They must be vaccinated since childhood. A child can learn to show his emotions with the help of interaction with the natural environment, with the world of animals, with the help of books. Installing such qualities will help in the future to establish close social ties. A person showing compassion is not threatened with loneliness and helplessness. Close and friends will always come to the rescue. Love and respect your neighbors.

Video: The final essay on the story of A. Platonov "Yushka"

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