Interesting life stories from people's lives - a selection of stories for reading

Interesting life stories from people's lives - a selection of stories for reading

We bring to your attention interesting life stories of ordinary people. Read and draw conclusions.

Simple life story - "Little cunning and love"

Simple life stories - little cunning and love
Simple life stories
A simple life story is a little cunning and love
Simple life story

Simple life story - "Little cunning and love":

  • Youth is a special period in the life of every person. At this time, it seems to you that life will always be carefree and fun, and old age will never come at all. Perhaps that is why sometimes at a young age we do not decide on the most ordinary actions that help us get a prize ...
  • I lived the same carefree life in my 22 years, studying at the magistracy of the institute. My other classmates have already worked, and, so to speak, adult life. Thanks to my parents, I continued to feel like a freshman - they supported me and helped me in everything. Only sometimes I took a part -time job to earn on my “Wishlist”. Therefore, I was happy to return to the hostel with the start of the school year, knowing that another carefree year awaits me. Realizing that after receiving a master's diploma, I have to lead a more boring adult life, I decided to have fun all this time to the maximum.
  • At the end of summer, we settled in the hostel, and decided to celebrate it. Since my friends and I were old -timers, we smiled sweetly, we calmly late in the evening made a sortie into the nearest store - we stocked up with a drink and a snack, and returned to our room for celebration. Of course, we swore that we would sit quietly, like mice, but in fact everything turned out not as we planned. Alcohol did his job, and we, without noticing this, began to behave very noisily. We sang, laughed, fooling around, until someone began to knock on our wall.
  • But the drunk sea is on the knee, we made the music even louder and continued the fun. About fifteen minutes later, we began to knock on the door very much. Someone tried so hard that the door walked with a shaking. We thought that the watchman came to reassure us and already began to invent how we would make excuses. My neighbor opened the door and began to laugh a lot. At first we did not understand that he was so laughing, but when he stepped aside, everything became clear. In the doorway stood a fragile little girl who seemed almost a child. She looked at us with a prosperity and asked not to make noise, and promised to take measures if we try to disobey her. Having slapped the door, she left, leaving us to digest what was said.
  • I don’t know what influenced us so much, but after her visit we all quickly removed and went to bed. My neighbors were literally cut down in the room, but I still could not fall asleep. This girl did not come out of my head. Before my eyes all the time was her angry, unrealistically green eyes and curly red hair. But having calmed down a little, I decided that with such an extraordinary appearance tomorrow I will find it very quickly, it is unlikely that there will be a lot of such red -haired beauties in our institute.
  • Waking up in the morning, I ran to a lecture - it is necessary to at least sometimes show the teachers his nice face. Sitting in my usual place, I began to listen to the monotonous speech of the teacher and examine the street outside the window, dreaming that this boring half of the day ends as soon as possible. Around the middle of the couple, my gaze fell on the redhead of the hair, I looked up, and realized that this was yesterday's guest. It seems to me that she alone listened carefully to the lecture, and even noted something. She was very beautiful - she was dressed simply, but with taste, no combat makeup on her face, a minimum amount of cosmetics and perfectly laid hair. Her redhead curls shimmered in the rays of the autumn sun, creating a certain semblance of a luminous halo above her head.
  • The girl very diligently wrote something in a notebook, and I could not look away from her. I really liked the red -haired beauty, and I decided that I had to get to know each other better. After waiting for the end of the lecture, I went straight to it. And he already opened his mouth to start a conversation, but she looked at me with the same angry look as yesterday, collected her things and left. I realized that she remembered me perfectly, and does not want to talk to me. But in my youth, everything seems possible, so I decided that our personal acquaintance will take place anyway. Returning to the hostel, I decided to warm up my food, and carried the remnants of yesterday's feast to the kitchen, and lo and lo and on a miracle, yesterday's beauty was there. She prepared something incredibly aromatic-the smells had already scattered all over the hostel.
  • I apologized for yesterday's inconvenience, and offered to get to know each other, since we live under the same roof. The girl accepted an apology, but refused to call her name, and did not want to talk anymore. It hurt me very much, because no one in this life dared to ignore me. Therefore, I decided that at that time I did not get the phone number of the proud beauty. So that she does not understand anything, I connected my two friends. Since we did not know in which room she lives, we decided to pretend that we were fulfilling the commandant of the hostel, and collecting data about new residents. The guys printed out forms from the Internet and went to go around the rooms.
  • About forty minutes later, they found my beautiful stranger. At first she refused to give her phone number, and enter her name and surname in the form. But hearing that this order of the commandant of the hostel, reluctantly agreed. So I got what I wanted, and the guys received many phones of beautiful girls who could call for a date without any problems. After waiting a couple of days, I sent Olesya, so they called the girl, SMS message-a banal greeting. She did not answer for a long time, and then wrote that she would block my number, because she does not know who I am. And the most unpleasant for me, and did so. Therefore, I decided to act differently-to try to give gifts.
  • For several days in a row, I left gifts under the door of her room - flowers, books, sweets, soft toys. I definitely attached a note to all presentations with my phone number. The girl took gifts, but did not call. Friends even began to make fun that I fell in love with a persistent tin soldier. But such inaccessibility only attracted me even more, and suddenly the realization came that this was not just an interest, but true love. And when I was already desperate to get a positive reaction, a phone call from Olesya was heard. She thanked me for the gifts and said that she agreed to meet after lectures in the park.
  • I could not believe my happiness. Immediately I ran to buy the most beautiful bouquet and chocolate, and began to prepare for the meeting. At the appointed time I was in place, I did not want her to wait for me. She was late for ten minutes, which seemed to me eternity. When Olesya came up to me, she again looked into my eyes for a long time, it seemed that she wanted to understand what I really wanted from her. And then awkwardness, between us, as if disappeared, we said, said, and could not talk. This is our date showed both that we are very interested in together, and before graduation, we walked many times in our beloved park many times. Then there was a wedding, the birth of our children, everyday life, but we all look at each other with the same in love eyes. We have been a husband and wife for seven years, and every day I thank God that that little trick helped me not to lose my soul mate.

Life story of people - "family ties"

Life story of people - family ties
Life story of people - "family ties"
Life story of people - family ties
Life story of people - "family ties"

The life history of people is “family ties”:

  • The family means a lot for every person, because only native people are able to love contrary to all the shortcomings and actions. It is believed that parents and sisters are able to understand, forgive and support always, though not everyone happens, and it is I am this exception to the rules.
  • I was born in a large family - I still have a brother and sister. When I was small, I didn’t really feel a prejudice attitude towards myself, or maybe I just don’t remember this. We lived an ordinary life - parents at work, we children at school. I remember this period positively - holidays, gifts, a carefree life of a child. Moreover, grandmother lived with us, and she, grandchildren, always defended us from parental attacks. My grandmother has long died, but it was precisely to her that I often remember with warmth, only she forever found kind words for me in difficult periods of my life.
  • In approximately adolescence, I began to have problems in communicating with my parents. You say that I am exaggerating, and at this age there is disagreement with parents? Yes, I understand perfectly well that this is so, but in my case my parents really treated me worse than other children. They could hint in rude form that I was fat, and I need to eat less. Although I was a child who still could not influence what products were in the refrigerator, so I ate what was at home, and definitely no more than the rest.
  • But the most offensive was that I always received a punishment for the misconduct of my brother and sister. It doesn’t matter what they did in the house, they punished me, arguing that I am older, which means I could not let them do dirty tricks. All my life I tried to prove to them that I was good - I studied perfectly, learned to cook early, in the morning I always woke up before my brother and sisters and cleaned in the house. But I never heard praise in my address.
  • After school, I went to study, but not where I wanted, but in that higher institution that my parents wanted. I did not really like it, but I could not disobey. In my first year, by inertia, I continued to be a good girl, and tried to achieve good results. But even in this case, my parents did not appreciate my efforts. During the summer holidays, I was again loaded with work and regularly heard that it was bad and ungrateful. When the study ended, my parents immediately found my job - not the best, but with a regular salary. I was brought to a hostel with a minimum set of products and safely forgot about me.
  • I worked for a month and decided to go home, as I was pulled there anyway, especially to my grandmother. My parents were not particularly happy with me, and did not even ask how my affairs. Realizing that I was annoying them, I didn’t go home anymore. After some time, I met my husband, and safely got married. A year later, our firstborn was born to us, I was very glad, because I knew exactly that now I have a person who would love me anyway. And oh the miracle, the birth of my son softened my parents, they began to communicate closer to me, and even help. I was very happy, and did not notice that in my family there is a person who envies me, and this is my younger sister.
  • I do not know what spent her for this, but she began to behave vilely. She did not express anything bad in my eyes, she was always friendly, smiled, and spoke nasty things behind me. After some time, she set up against me and brother and parents, and this led to an event that changed both my life and me itself. My birthday was planned, which recently we have always celebrated in the family circle. I prepared a lot of delicious dishes, baked my corporate cake and began to wait for the guests. It was my day, so I was happy and did not expect someone to spoil this holiday. My husband helped to set me a festive table, and I went to whimper.
  • After some time, it dawned on me that the guests were late, but this has already happened, so I did not strain. An hour later, it became clear that the guests were drowned somewhere. Then the brother called, muttered the congratulations to the phone and turned off, the sister simply sent the picture on the social network. Then the parents called and said that they would not come. As a result, I just had to remove it from the table, since there was no more festive mood. I cried for several hours in a row, until I fell asleep, it was very offensive that they did this to me. The next day, I expected that they would at least try to explain why they did this to me, but no one tried to do this. After some time, everyone began to pretend that nothing terrible happened, and simply continued to live their lives.
  • I decided that relatives are not chosen, and I need to communicate with those who I got. She even maintained relations with them unilaterally - she called them just to find out how they were doing, congratulated them on their birthday. But in response I did not receive anything. They didn’t notice me. They celebrated the holidays together, went to visit each other, but I did not exist for them. A year has already passed after my birthday, but none of them tried to restore family ties.
  • And although I already know well who and what said to me, I do not want to find out a relationship with them. I believe that close people who value relatives would never have crossed out a person out of their life, simply because another member of the family spoke nasty things addressed to him. For myself, I decided one thing - if they see only bad in me, then let it be so, I am no longer going to prove to them that I am good to earn favor and love. No matter how scary it sounds, I don't need it anymore. Indeed, thanks to this situation, I know for sure who loves me with all my characteristics of character, and who no one will abandon me, no matter what.

Life story about a correctly educated daughter

Life story about a correctly educated daughter
Life story about a correctly educated daughter
Life story about a correctly educated daughter
Life story about a correctly educated daughter

Life story about a correctly educated daughter:

  • Life is a difficult thing, and sometimes we do not know what surprise it prepares us, and from whom help will come in a difficult life situation. So it happened to me, I received support from the one who was most afraid of in life, and the condemnation from a person who, as it seemed to me, loved me very much. But first things first. I was born in a complete and prosperous family. Mom, dad, grandparents, family dinners on Sundays, and regular meetings on holidays. In the eyes of other people, we were an ideal family - a beautiful daughter, an economic mother and father who pamper us.
  • Yes, I had everything that a small child could dream of - a personal room, a lot of toys, fashionable clothes, sweets. Parents paid for my hobbies, always took to the theater, to the rink, in general I attended a lot of children's events. But there was one thing, but-sometimes I did not want to go somewhere, or there is something, useful, as my parents believed, and then my father showed all his severity. Sometimes it seemed to me that he loves me only if I do everything perfectly, or what he wants. This state of affairs pressed me very much, and in adolescence, I began to rebel. She began to skip lessons, get bad marks, made friends from a bad company. In short, I did everything to annoy my father.
  • When he found out about all this, he was very angry, and said that he would do everything so that his daughter was brought up correctly. And he did not refuse his words. From this day, he personally drove me to school, and after the lessons he took me all my additional classes. I went out for only a couple of hours, and I was strictly forbidden not to pick up the phone when my parents call. I didn’t really like all this, but I did not dare to argue with my father. Yes, and my mother persuaded me every day, for the sake of peace in the family to tolerate, because my father does not want anything bad for me. Moreover, my mother gave me a little freedom when my father went on business trips. On such days, I felt very happy - my mother never limited my communication with friends, and sometimes allowed me not to go to additional classes.
  • So I lived all the school years, and I must say that thanks to my father’s control, I received a normal certificate. My father was very proud that I was one of the best students in the classroom, so I allowed me to choose the future profession myself. I was incredibly happy, as I could not dream of it either. A day later, I told my parents that I wanted to become a doctor and I would go to study in the capital. Mom was upset, began to cry and persuade me to pay attention to universities that are closer to the house. But I wanted to break out of my father’s control, and to leave as far as possible, that I did it safely. I settled in the hostel, and my life scored with a key - party, gatherings with friends, partying until the middle of the night. I remembered about my parents occasionally, and also rarely visited them. True, they did not forget about me, and every two weeks I received money for living.
  • So free and happy, I met Sasha. The spark ran between us and we literally immediately began to meet. Love overshadowed my mind, I completely plunged into new feelings for myself, and abandoned my studies. Only occasionally she attended lectures so that I was not expelled, and my father did not find out about it. After six months of relations, Sasha invited me to crucify and begin to live a civil marriage. I was, as they say, a correctly raised girl, so I doubted a little. But I fell in love so much that I discarded all my fears and moved to my loved one. We rented an apartment, Sasha found a good job, and I returned to study. So three more months of my freedom passed, and I was truly happy.
  • Nobody controlled me, did not follow what I was doing - life, as it seemed to me, was paradise, and I thought that now it would always be like that. True, I had to go to my parents a couple of times so that they themselves would not come to me, and did not find out about my little secret. Until Sasha made me an official proposal, I did not want them to know about his existence. The reason for this behavior was the understanding that my father is unlikely to understand me, and it will definitely be very angry, but I did not want it. But at one point, problems began to appear in our lives. At first, Sasha refused to take me to a corporate event, arguing that everyone would be without his second halves. It was insulting, but it was impossible to influence the situation.
  • Then I began to notice that we got less for joint walks and sorties, his friends stopped coming to us. Attempts to talk with Sasha did not lead to anything - he simply translated the topic, and went to another room, avoiding the conversation. And it was in such a difficult period for our relations that I learned that I was pregnant. My happiness knew no bounds, because the child is a beautiful connecting link that holds the alliance of lovers forever. I already imagined how Sasha was delighted, I began to dream of the most beautiful wedding. When he came home, she informed him of the good news, and instead of joy on her face, she saw anger. That evening I found out that my loved one has another appearance. It turns out that he is not yet ready for children and such responsibility, and in general, he wanted to part with me today.
  • Having cried all night, and having collected all my things, I had to return to the dormitory room, while the abdomen is invisible, I was not fed. By virtue of my youth, I was very naive, so I decided that my beloved would change his mind with time and take me back. Therefore, after a couple of weeks she became registered, and plunged into school. Devoting all the time to the educational process, I was a little distracted, and imperceptibly for myself, I realized that a lot of time had passed, and Sasha was not interested in me. Through common friends, I found out that he was fine, he found a new lover, and even managed to make her an offer. I was very upset, I decided to have an abortion, but I found out in the hospital that all the deadlines had already left, and I want it, or not - I will have to give birth to the baby.
  • After this day, my life turned into Hell - every day I imagined what my father would do with me when he found out that I would have a child out of marriage. He was very poorly treated with illegitimate children, and very much condemned the women who went to such an act. This was the reason that I decided to leave the baby in the hospital immediately after birth. I safely reached the pregnancy, gave birth to a beautiful boy, and wrote a refusal without even looking at him. The nurses dissuaded me from such an act, but having collected all the things I left the hospital as soon as they allowed me. In such a depressed emotional state, I even managed to close the session at the institute well, after which I decided to go to my parents.
  • They were very happy about my arrival, and to my surprise, even my father spent time with me, and said that he was very missing. We spent a very cozy family evening, walked in the park, went to visit relatives. I went to bed very late, practically without strength, and I dreamed of a baby who was crying alone in a hospital bed for a whole night. Waking up in the morning, I was very depressed, and, probably, because of the hormonal restructuring in the body, I began to sob hysterically. Parents were in shock, they could not understand that I was so upset. Because of severe stress, and the inability to keep everything in myself, I had to tell them everything. I expected support from my mother, but she looked at me with such a dissatisfied and incinerating look that I felt bad, and it was scary to look at my father. He was bewildered and pale, but at the same time he did not shout at me. He simply clarified who was born to him, a grandson or granddaughter.
  • He sat silently for an hour by the window and looked into the distance, and then told me to dress. In the car, I listened to a lecture that he had educated me poorly, since such a stale man grew out of me. On the way to the maternity hospital, we drove to the children's store, and dad bought everything necessary for the grandson, then we took Danyusha home - that’s what grandfather called his son. Mom got used to a new role for a very long time, but from a strict, always muttering father, the best grandfather in the world turned out. The only thing he did not let me quit at the institute, said that I would receive my son only when he sees my diploma. But I will not cut me off, I study diligently, because I know exactly how much he loves me.

Life stories about relationships - "dad"

Life stories about relationships - dad
Life stories about relationships - "dad"

Life story about relationships - "dad":

  • The past loves to overtake us at the most inappropriate moments, so it happened to me, in my life a man appeared who left it at the most difficult moment. Mom gave birth to me already in adulthood, when she was over thirty. Because of this, she lost a good job, on which she spent her entire conscious life. Sometimes she joked that I changed her life too radically. Mommy was a kind person who tried to please everyone, and this played a cruel joke with her.
  • My parents met when they were eighteen, fell in love, and very quickly legitimized their relationship. They both worked, received a good salary, so without problems they purchased housing, car, cottage. They lived and did not deny themselves anything, the only thing that overshadowed their existence was the absence of children. They underwent numerous examinations, but could not become parents. But God thought differently, and when they did not hope for anything, I was born. Mom was endlessly happy even when she found out that her employer had completely fired her. Father was not very happy about this, since he had to pull the whole family himself, and he was already used to another life.
  • I grew up, my mother devoted me all the time, and dad was moving away from us every day. Scandals began to arise in our house periodically, and at one of these moments, the father said that he wanted to live as before, he needs freedom, he no longer wants to answer for everyone. He put an ultimatum - my mother should send me to the orphanage, or he will leave forever. Mom chose me, and was left without a livelihood. Moreover, six months later we were evicted from our apartment, his father through the court ensured that all the property was rewritten on him. He bought a small one -room apartment to us, and safely rushed into the distance in his fashionable sports car.
  • Mom cried for a long time, she did not expect that the person with whom she was happy with her would do this, but taking into her hands went to look for a job. Since she had a small child in her arms, they took her only a cleaner. So she could work the minimum time, and not leave me alone for a long period. Of course, we lived, to put it mildly, poorly, but my mother still tried to have everything that my peers had. Dad appeared in my life when I was ten years old. He safely drank everything acquired, was left without work, and came to my mother to ask for money in debt, while he brought me several sweets. We could not give him money, so promising to bring me to the park tomorrow, he again disappeared for many years.
  • Our life after this incident again flowed as usual. Mom worked in two works at once, I studied at school, then at the institute, immediately after receiving a diploma, I got a job. And this is what changed our life for the better. About a month later, I was sent on a business trip, and there I met the most charming guy in the world who conquered me at first glance. I fell in love, and my feelings were mutual. But my joy overshadowed one circumstance - his family was rich. It is unlikely that they dreamed of such a bride for their son. But my chosen one reassured me, said that his parents would not against our relationship.
  • So it turned out, they accepted me warmly, offered not to pull with the wedding. Most of all in my life I was afraid to show them in what small apartment my mother and I live. But when they found out where I live, they smiled, and said that you really want to see this paradise. Mom and I were very carefully preparing for the arrival of the guests - we washed everything, prepared a cake, bought sweets, fruits, wine and champagne. When the husband’s parents came, they stared at our apartment, and we could not understand what was the matter. It turned out that they sold it to my father when they moved to their new home. This very brought our parents closer, because they had many pleasant memories with this apartment.
  • Soon we played a wedding, and the husband’s parents made a royal gift to our young family - they gave my husband a beautiful mansion with my husband, in which there was a place for my mother. We lived well-I earned both my husband and I, and my mother did not work anymore, she was a guardian angel for us, who always waited for us at home with a delicious dinner. It was in such a happy period that my father reappeared in my life.
  • He found out that everything was fine with us, and came to ask us to give him an apartment, since we do not live in it. He began to put pressure on pity - he is sick, old, he needs help. After he was refused, he began to threaten me that he would connect his connections again and take everything we have from my mother. I looked at him, and I could not believe that this person is my own father. Yes, he is dear to me by blood, but for him I am just a stranger to whom he does not even feel a drop of love. I had to drive him out of the house, and block his phone number so that he would never appear in my life again. How would you do?

The most life story for reading

The most life story for reading
The most life story for reading
The most life story for reading
The most life story for reading

The most life story for reading:

  • When the family is destroyed, the fragments hurt everyone. In this situation there are no victors, because in one way or another everyone suffers, including children. I have a girlfriend who for a long time was an example of a relationship for me. Her future husband did not particularly like her parents, but she defended her right to choose a life partner for herself, and contrary to everything she married him.
  • Their life was quite happy - they were lucky to buy inexpensive housing, a car, they shallow work, faithful friends. In short, they had everything, just live and rejoice. Their life has changed the birth of a son. Money in the family began to not be enough and the girlfriend had to get out of the decree early. She returned to her workplace and with pleasure began to share the responsibilities of caring for a child with her husband.
  • It was difficult for her husband, but he still took his girlfriend to work, and took her back. One morning, they stopped to talk to me, and I saw that my friend looks too gorgeous. In the evening I called her, and directly asked if she had fallen in love. She laughed and said that she had met the man of her dreams. When I asked - how was my husband, I was surprised to find out that she lives with the most worthless man in the world all this time. And he does nothing around the house, and does not earn money, and does not pay attention to her.
  • I was shocked, since until recently she spoke completely different things about him. I did not understand what to do next. I did not want to lie, but I did not seek to lose my friend, so I began to persuade her to just tell everything as it is, and build a new relationship. But I didn’t have to do this, my girlfriend’s husband caught them in a cafe, and a huge scandal burst out, and then a divorce followed.
  • What struck me even more was that she quite calmly agreed that the child lives with her ex -husband. He took the little son and went to live in another city, and his friend moved to her lover. I could no longer be friends with such a person - I realized that tomorrow she would betray me with the same ease. After some time, I found out that the lover abandoned her as soon as I realized that she was counting on a serious relationship. She wanted to return to her ex -husband, but he refused her. I believe that I did the right thing, because everyone must be responsible for their actions.

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