Stories about five aircraft that mysteriously disappeared forever

Stories about five aircraft that mysteriously disappeared forever

In this article, we will tell you five stories of the most mysterious and mysterious disappearance of aircraft in the history of world aviation.

Inexplicable disappearance of aircraft

Inexplicable disappearance of aircraft, airlines are terrible tragic events that bring a lot of grief to people's lives. Despite the fact that the aircraft are considered the safest transport, nevertheless they sometimes tolerate collapse.

Today we want to talk about cases when planes disappeared without a trace. It is hard to believe that such a large plane can disappear on our planet without a trace. People disappear with them. No one can find neither the remains of aircraft and people, nor any other hooks reminiscent of their existence. It was as if there was never neither the plane itself nor its passengers.

Important: the mysterious disappearance of aircraft is not just an invention. In search of missing flights, many aircraft, ships were sent, the location of the missing planes tried to track with the help of satellites. But it was not possible to do this.

Only after many years did some planes, or rather their remains surfaced, but the reasons for their collapse were never established.

Missing aircraft

The disappearance of the aircraft Amelia Erhart

The history of the disappearance of the AMELIA Aircraft ErchrT:

  • The name of Amelia Erhart is much connected in the history of US aviation. This woman was a famous pilot, pioneer of American aviation. Amelia Erhart was very popular, she was engaged in activities to attract women to the field of aviation, helped them build a career of pilots, and taught them at the university.
  • Amelia Erhart wrote books about her flights, which became bestsellers. She was loved, considered a national heroine and set as an example. She has a lot of successful flights, although there were those who criticized Amelia Erhart.
  • Amelia Erhart was the first woman to fly alone the Atlantic. Prior to this, only one person was set by such a record - Charles Lindberg.
  • For successful cooperation and achievements in aviation, Erhart presented a two-engine monoplane of Lockhid Electra. The pilot’s dream was the commission of a round -the -world flight. And she decided to fulfill her dream.
Amelia Erhart-Woman Pilot
  • Two assistants were supposed to accompany Amelia Erhart. The route was drawn up, the state supported Amelia Erhart. Especially for its flight, a runway on the island of Hauland was built.
  • However, the first attempt was unsuccessful. The plane was overloaded with fuel, because of this the chassis could not stand it and the plane was very damaged at the time of take-off. Harhart could not stop Ampelia. She sent the plane for major repairs, and two months later made a second attempt to climb the sky.
  • This time only one person became her navigator - Fred Nunan. Together with him they flew out and the flight passed successfully. Amelia Erhart regularly got in touch, the plane landed at different points in the world to refuel. At the last stage, something went wrong.
Amelia Erhart and Fred Nunan
  • The last flight was supposed to last about 18 hours, people, the press and official representatives of the authorities were already waiting on the island of the record holders. Erhart was in touch, and the plane was about to seem.
  • However, the plane did not land. A large -scale and very expensive search operation was organized. Amelia Erhart was searched with aircraft and ships, but the searches were unsuccessful. Two weeks later, they announced that Amelia Erhart and Fred Nunan can be considered dead. However, unofficial searches continued.

Important: three years after the disappearance of the “Lokhid Electr” on the uninhabited atoll Nikumaroro, a man was found. In 2013, it was suggested that the remains may belong to Amelia Erhart. Also on the atoll they found the remains of the aircraft, a cream from freckles, a mirror and part of the pilot jacket.

  • It was not possible to establish the cause of the crash of the aircraft. But not everyone believed in the collapse of the aircraft and the death of Amelia Erhart and Fred Nunan. According to the alternative version, the crew was captured by the Japanese. In those years, the situation in the Pacific Ocean was hostile. The Japanese were preparing for war and did not let anyone in for their "curtain." Probably, Amelia Erhart and Fred Nunan could become undesirable witnesses, their plane was shot down, and they themselves were captured and were executed.
  • This version was confirmed by many witnesses who said that they saw in Japanese captivity a white man and a woman crashed on an airplane. Also, a photograph was published later, in which many examined Amelia Erhart from the back. Search for evidence on the island of Sipan was carried out. The version was confirmed by the oral stories of local, but no material evidence confirming the stay of Amelia Erhart was found. Therefore, the secret of the disappearance of the aircraft Amelia Erhart is still considered unsolved.
Amelia Erhart and Fred Nunan could be captured by the Japanese

Video: Amelia Erhart aircraft

The disappearance of the Boeing 707 cargo aircraft with a valuable cargo

The history of the disappearance of the Boeing 707 aircraft with a valuable cargo:

  • Mysterious is the disappearance of freight Boeing 707, the remains of which and any traces could not find any traces. This happened in January 1979.
  • A freight flight flew out of Tokyo and was supposed to land in Rio de Janeiro, before that landing in Los Angeles. The pilot of the aircraft after takeoff said that everything was in order, there was nothing unusual in flight. But the pilot did not reach the next communication session. Airliner disappeared 30 minutes after takeoff.
  • In Tokyo that day it was cloudy, but the flight still took place. It is worth saying that Boeing's workload reached the maximum mark. Among other things, Boeing was an unusual load.

Important: on the plane there were 123 paintings by the famous Japanese-Brazilian artist Manabu Mabe. The cost of paintings exceeded $ 1.2 million.

One of the paintings of the Brazilian-Japanese missing artist Manabu Mabe

The famous artist himself was also on board. In addition to him, there were 5 more crews on the plane. The Boeing pilot had already entered the tragic plane crash near Paris. In that disaster, the pilot was one of the few survivors. Apparently, this time fate still overtook him. The search for the missing Boeing did not give any results. The flight remained without a trace. After this event, different versions of the loss of the aircraft began to appear:

  • On Boeing attacked to take possession of paintings. Many thought so, but since then they did not find a single picture either in the information space or the collectors.
  • Boeing was shot down by Soviet fightersas he accidentally hit the territory of the USSR.
  • Boeing was shot down by Soviet fighters, as he transported parts of the Soviet miG-25 aircraft. Previously, this aircraft was delivered to Japan by a reverish pilot Viktor Belenko.
  • In airplane depressurization occurred, the crew lost consciousness, and the plane flew on the autopilot until the fuel ended. It is assumed that the plane fell very far from the search places. The alleged crash site in Alaska or in the Pacific.
  • Not a single version became official. The remains of the aircraft were not found, there were no oil spots or parts of the aircraft in the water. Therefore, it is not possible to find out what happened to the Boeing.
Boeing 707

The disappearance of five Avenger aircraft: Link 19

Important: in 1945, a case occurred in the history of world aviation, which to this day remains a mystery. We are talking about the 19th link, which included five Avenger-bomber torpedo bombers.

The history of the disappearance of five Avenger aircraft:

  •  These American planes had to make a training flight. The flight was standard and ordinary. He had to last two hours. And the fuel in each of the aircraft would be enough for 5.5 hours.
  • The link commander was an experienced pilot Lieutenant Taylor. He enjoyed authority among colleagues, although later there were those who accused the lieutenant of fatigue and mistakes made earlier.
  • Torpedo-carriers aircraft in those days were excellent devices. Before departure, they went through the regulations. However, after the loss of aircraft, it was found that there was no watch in the devices.
  • The planes flew off exactly on time in Fort Lleoddale, and they did not return back to the base. To understand what happened to the aircraft and crews listened to all the negotiations between the pilots and messages with the dispatchers.
Disappeared aircraft 19 link
  • From the heard, it was concluded that the planes had lost the course, they got lost. It is very strange that at the same time, all aircraft failed compasses. Negotiations seemed strange to many of the pilots. In conversations, the pilots said that they saw some kind of haze, that they are entering white water, about the ship flying nearby.
  • In search of a link 19, Mariner rescue aircraft were sent. One of the hydro-rescue aircraft also disappeared. They also could not find traces of his crash, although help quickly arrived.

Versions of the disappearance of the link 19 and the seaplane Mariner:

  1. Many connect the mysterious disappearance of aircraft with Bermuda triangle. After all, it was in this place that a training flight took place. The mysterious compass failure, incomprehensible conversations of pilots and the disappearance of all aircraft with crews without the remains considered a paranormal phenomenon.
  2. There is a version that the aircraft departure was combat. On that day, the vessel of Ramona, which was suspected of transporting ammunition for the Haitian rebels, disappeared. According to the version, the torpedo bombers could not return to the base due to a flight range, and they landed on the water. Immediately they were selected by the Mariner seaplane, who also disappeared.
  3. The official version is the human factor. The fault for the loss of aircraft and crews was assigned to the leader of the link in Lieutenant Taylor. Management considered that the commander lost its orientation And he led the crew in the other direction. As a result, the fuel was not enough, but there were nowhere to land the planes. It is suspicious that none of the aircraft made an attempt to return independently to the base. This was explained by strict discipline.

The mother of Lieutenant Taylor claimed that her son was accused of a loss of aircraft and crews without sufficient grounds. Therefore, later the formulation of the official version was replaced by an “unknown reason”.

On the site of the loss of the 19th link, many remains were found over time, in that place the crashes of ships and planes took place many times. But the examinations established that the wreckage does not belong to the Avenger and Mariner aircraft. Therefore, planes are still considered missing.

Video: Secret 19th link

The disappearance of the Boeing 727 aircraft in Angola

The disappearance of the Boeing 727 aircraft in Africa in the Republic of Angola in 2003 is strange.

Important: on that day, at sunset, Ben Charles Padall, a mechanic and a sorcerer, along with his assistant John Mutant climbed on board the aircraft. They had to check the ship's readiness for flight. However, suddenly the plane began movement.

It was evident that the plane moves randomly, with sharp maneuvers. However, the plane taxied on the runway and took off. Immediately on the plane all the systems were disconnected through which it was possible to contact the aircraft. Boeing rose into the sky and headed towards the Atlantic Ocean. After that, no one has ever seen him.

Both men did not have sufficient driving skills of such an aircraft. Typically, Boeing 727 serves three pilots. How could it happen that Boeing was stolen in the middle of a white day, still remains a mystery. Since then, both men disappeared without a trace with the plane. It is assumed that someone expected them on board the Boeing.

Different ones were put forward boing disappearance versions:

  • Boeing was sting to obtain insurance by the owner of the aircraft.
  • The hijack was made with the aim of a terrorist act. There were tons of fuel on board the Boeing, so it was seen as a flying threat to the explosion.
  • The theft was carried out with another unknown goal.

Relatives of workers Ben Charles Padilla and John Mutant could not explain what happened. They did not have information on this. Sister Ben Charles Padilla 14 years after the disappearance of Boeing again tried to resume the matter. In her opinion, the FBI hides information about the missing Boeing.

Long -term searches and interrogations of persons who could be involved in the hijacking lasted 2 years. After that, in 2005, the case was closed, and there was no more information about Boeing. Perhaps he exploded or sank in the ocean, or maybe he landed somewhere, nothing is known about the further fate of the aircraft.

Boeing 727

The disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing flight 370

Important: many of you probably remember this case. In 2014, the Malaysian Boeing 777 flight 370 disappeared without a trace. The event occurred on March 8. Airliner flew out of the airport to Kuala Lumpur. He had to land in Beijing.

The pilot got in touch with the dispatcher, no messages about the emergency were received. The last connection with Boeing was the wish for good night to the operator a pilot. A few minutes after that he disappeared from the radar screens.

There were 239 people on board the airliner, given the crew. Not everyone got to this flight, 4 people were late. Apparently, fate saved them from the unfortunate fate.

They tried to contact the Boeing for six hours, but to no avail. After that, an alarm was announced. The search for Boeing became large -scale not only in cost, but also in the number of attracted countries and forces. He was searched for for many years, but it was not possible to establish what caused the crash.

Examined different versionsdisappearance Boeing aircraft:

  1. Terrorist attack. It was possible to find out that there were two persons with fake documents aboard. However, there was no evidence confirming their involvement in the loss of Boeing.
  2. Hijacking Boeing. It also became known that the plane during the flight changed its course to the opposite. But who could not establish the Boeing who and why.
  3. The suicide of the pilot. It is known that the Boeing pilot on a computer flight simulator programmed the flight of Boeing. In the programmed flight, Boeing fell into the water in the Indian Ocean, before that unfolding the plane in the other direction. However, this theory also could not be confirmed.
  4. Aircraft explosion. After Boeing, there were constantly witnesses who stated that they saw a falling plane. However, they could not confirm this version.

What actually happened to the plane is unknown even after 5 years. Modern search engines, high -tech equipment, the best experts of the countries of the world cannot determine the cause of the collapse and loss of the Boeing. All 239 people are considered dead for unknown reasons.

Malaysian Boeing MN370

The mysterious disappearance of aircraft took place in different years. Even in our era, when everything is controlled remotely, the planes are equipped with modern systems, and any information can be monitored by the satellite, the plane can simply disappear. This seems incredible, but these are facts. The disappearance of huge aircraft reminds us that the bottom of the oceans has been studied quite enough. After all, somewhere there, in the depths of the oceans, there are the remains of aircraft and human bodies.

Video: The most mysterious disappearance of aircraft

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