The story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" for children - examples

The story on the topic

Examples for the story on the topic "stay with a broken trough."

We all know the work of the great Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, it is in it that the life situation is described when a person remains with nothing due to banal greed. It is this human vice that does not allow her grandmother to enjoy what she received from the goldfish, and she tries to receive real power from the "mistress of the sea". The goldfish realized that the grandmother did not appreciate what he has, but simply strives for power, so she deprived her of everything that she had already given.

Thus, she presented a life lesson in an evil old woman, which led to the fact that she again remained only with a broken trough. In the modern world, there are also such people who think exclusively about their benefits, and they also often suffer from their desire to have all the best. In our article you will find examples of stories for your children about instructive life situations that will help them not to perform such bad deeds.

A story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about friendship

A story on the topic to stay with a broken trough about friendship
A story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about friendship

The story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about friendship:

"Friendship is strong"

  • Two girlfriends lived in a small village - Anya and Masha. Their houses were on the same street, so the girls often went to visit each other and spent a lot of time together. They liked to sit near the stove for a long time and watch the fire cracked. Masha’s grandmother baked delicious cakes to them, and they often had a cup of teal, while discussing what they would do tomorrow at school. At school, the girls also did not part, they were together everywhere, and in the case of small troubles they always stood up for each other.
  • But at one point, their strong connection was broken. A brand new student appeared in their class - Adele, she was a city girl, so she had fashionable things, modern gadgets who simply riveted the eyes of classmates. Adele immediately realized that the guys like her outfits and modern toys, and she began to offer girls from her class to play on the phone, or let them vilify their fashionable blouse. Most girls perceived such behavior as a manifestation of sympathy and willingly communicated with Adele. Masha did not like the new classmate at all, she saw her insincerity and could not understand why the rest did not notice her. She tried to say this to her best friend Ana, but she only laughed at Masha’s opinion, arguing that she simply envies the popularity of Adele.
  • The next day, having come to school, Masha saw that Ani's portfolio was not near the desk, and she was very upset - she thought that her best friend fell ill. Masha sat and looked sadly out the window, dreaming that the lessons end faster, and then she could run to Ana and find out what happened to her. But then out of the corner of her ear she heard a malicious laugh behind her, and of course, looked around. At that moment, Masha was upset even more-Anya and Adele sat at the back desk, they whisked about something, looking in her direction, and giggled loudly. Masha was very unpleasant, so she turned away and decided to calm down a little. Arriving home after lessons, Masha tried to be distracted, but she did not succeed, so she decided to go to her friend and talk heart to heart. Arriving home to Ana, she realized that it would not be possible to talk normally - there was already Adele. But to Masha’s surprise, Anya began the conversation herself - she said that she did not want to be friends, and now she has a new best friend.
  • Masha went home, she was very painful that she was betrayed, but she could not do anything. Arriving home, she did not know what to take herself, so she decided to go to the stadium at which the local children always gathered. Arriving there, she saw a lot of guys, they played merrily, laughed, some simply talked among themselves. Masha was a little confused, decided who to approach. But the problem was solved by itself - she was called to her Lera, who was a year older than her. Masha went to the company, and they talked a little with everyone, she liked all the girls, especially Lera. The next day at school, she invited Masha to her table in the dining room, and together they cheerfully drank tea with fragrant buns. Gradually, the girls were getting closer, and Masha realized that Lera could be trusted. They began to spend a lot of time together - they have always been fun and interesting. She saw Anya only at school, but they did not even greet.
  • But once, going with Leroy for a walk, Masha saw Anya on a bench near the house, she sat and cried. Lera suggested approaching and finding out what happened. Anya said that she quarreled with Adele very much, she called her a silly and refused to be friends with her, while quickly finding her a replacement. Having calmed down, Anya apologized to Masha for the fact that she had done so badly with her, offered to be friends again as before. Masha accepted an apology, but refused to communicate close. For the girl, she remained a traitor, abandoning a close friend, for the sake of a man whom she did not know well.
  • Anya “remained with a broken trough” because she decided that communication with a popular person can bring her more benefit and increase her significance among classmates. But, as practice shows to be a significant person for others, it is not necessary to have fashionable things and beautiful clothes. If you are not the most permanent person and instead of achieving popularity among classmates yourself, you are trying to assert yourself at someone else's expense, then you will definitely not have real friends. It must always be remembered that with strong friendship it is necessary to cherish strongly - to devote time to a person, help, support, and not just demand attention to himself.

A story on the topic “stay with a broken trough” about school: Examples

A story on the topic to stay with a broken trough about school: Examples
A story on the topic “stay with a broken trough” about school: Examples

The story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about the school - examples:

"Cunning classmate"

  • In our friendly class there is a boy Sasha, in principle, he is not bad, but he has one minus - he loves praise. And in order to get it, sometimes he does stupid acts, because of which "stay with a broken trough." So it was in the last lesson of labor. He was dedicated to autumn, and the teacher offered to make a picture of a picture-to make a beautiful tree from autumn leaves, or any animal in bright orange tones. Everyone set to work, everyone did one picture. But Sasha decided to stand out and do two at once. We persuaded him not to do this, but he only dismissed us and set to work.
  • He worked hard in two pictures, which he tried on, cut off, glued - he tried to do everything so that at the end of the lesson the teacher said that he was the best. The guys have already begun to take their pictures, Sasha still did not finish her task. As a result, everyone was already released home, and he was all puffed over his creation. And realizing that the lesson was already ending, began to rush and make mistakes that had to be corrected. But most of all he was upset that no one would see how the teacher praises him, his “minute of fame” would not be as solemn as he represented. As a result, the bell rang, and the teacher has nothing to show.
  • On the desk of Sasha lay two not completely made autumn crafts. The teacher regretted the boy and put him three for his efforts. Sasha was upset even more, but decided that in the next lesson he would make three instead of two crafts, and surprise the teacher. The most unpleasant thing is that the boy did not take out anything from this life lesson, because if he thought about what does not act correctly, then it was quite likely spending his time not for two, but on one picture, he was able to make it perfectly, receiving the most Highlight and praise of the teacher. But instead, he preferred to "stay with a broken trough."


  • In our class there is a boy Vova, he studies for one five and is very proud of this. He is given all the objects, so he lifts his nose, and always jokes over those who do not understand some topic. But still we suffer him and communicate with him. Vova has a hobby - football. He can play it indefinitely. So it was this time - he came to the stadium and lingered on it until late in the evening. This led to the fact that he did not prepare for the control in mathematics. Arriving at the next day to school, he was very worried, but still he managed to write a control to the four. He was very proud of this, and said that a genius could write control even without preparation. And of course, he again laughed at those who could not cope with mathematical tasks, and received a bad mark.
  • This was very angry with the guys, and they began to wait for the right case to teach a lesson. And the case quickly appeared. The teacher announced an unscheduled control in geometry, and Vova was not ready for it, since he had not worked several topics, believing in his talent of genius. In the lesson, he began to ask the guys to help him, but everyone refused, and said that his genius would help him. As a result, Vova received the first three in his life and was very angry at all. But he only had to be angry with himself, because if he had not lifted his nose, and respectfully treated all his classmates, they would help him with tasks, and it was quite likely that he did not “stay with a broken trough”.

Stories on the topic "stay with a broken trough" short - examples

Stories on the topic to stay with a broken trough - examples
Stories on the topic "stay with a broken trough" short - examples

Stories on the topic "stay with a broken trough" short - examples:

"Lazy girl"

  • The girl Daria loved cartoons very much and could watch them day and night. On weekdays, she could not devote much time to her beloved occupation, as she spent all her free time on dancing and English. She was looking forward to the weekend to watch cartoons. But this weekend, her mother broke her plans. On Friday evening, she told Dasha that tomorrow in the morning they would do a general cleaning in the house, and spend all day on her. They will have to tear everything off so that the apartment shines by the holidays.
  • Dasha was very upset, because she already planned what she would watch. When she went to bed, the perfect plan matured in her head - in the morning she will pretend that her head hurts, and her mother will free her from work. So she did. In the morning I got up and at breakfast told my relatives that she was bad. Mom, of course, was alarmed, gave a tablet from her head and corrected to lie down. She even made her warm tea, said to drink and take a nap. Dasha lay down for half an hour and decided to turn on the TV.
  • Cartoons were turned on as loudly as possible, so my mother heard everything quickly and came to check what Dasha was doing. She found her dancing near the TV. Mom understood everything and decided to teach her daughter to teach - she turned off the TV and said that today Dasha would not watch cartoons, as she did not need to strain her eyes. Mom left, and Dasha "stayed with a broken trough." And if she would have helped her mother with cleaning, then in the evening she could calmly watch cartoons. Therefore, if you do not want to get into a similar situation, then do not lie to your parents, but always tell the truth.


  • Artem loved sweets very much, so mother tried to limit him to eating buns, cookies, chocolate. But the boy found a peculiar way out - he asked for sweets from his grandmother, and she bought them with pleasure.
  • On Saturday morning, mother gathered in the store and invited Artem to go together to buy sweets for the whole week. But the boy knew that his grandmother was going to the store a little later, so he told his mother that he would go with her so that she herself would not carry heavy bags. Mom left, and Artem began to wait for the grandmother to gather in the store.
  • He was in a good mood, because he knew that his beloved granny would buy him whatever he wants. He sat on the couch for an hour, then another one, but his grandmother did not go. Mom came from the store, brought not very tasty useful sweets - dried fruits, marmalade, pastille. Artem looked at all these goodies, twisted his nose and began to call his grandmother, dreaming of crispy waffles with chocolate filling, chocolate sweets and sweet soda.
  • Grandmother did not go, and he went to check what she was doing. Artem found a grandmother lying on the bed - she had a headache. She said that today they would not go anywhere, since she was sick. The boy was upset and wandered into the kitchen in the hope that his mother had sweet sweets hidden somewhere. But alas, she only offered him what she brought from the store.
  • That's how a little trick did not work, and the boy "stayed with a broken trough." And if he agreed to go to the store with his mother, then it was likely that she would have bought him a little of the sweets that he loves. Therefore, remember, the trick is not the best manifestation of a human character, most often if a person tries to deceive someone from his environment, this ends with a deplorable loss.

Stories on the topic "stay with a broken trough" for children

Stories on the topic to stay with a broken trough for childrenimg19
Stories on the topic "stay with a broken trough" for children

Stories on the topic "stay with a broken trough" for children:

"Greedy Hedgehog"

  • A small hedgehog lived in a large and beautiful forest. He arranged a house under a large pine tree, and hid in it in case of danger. With the first rays of his sun, he went out to look for food, and did not return until he found food supplies for several days at once. In the summer, he ate mushrooms and berries, and from their remains he made stocks in the cold season. But in addition to mushrooms and berries, the hedgehog loved fragrant apples.
  • He already dreamed of him - large, red -sided, with droplets of dew on juicy barrels. Therefore, he decided to make a sortie to the nearest garden and bring a couple of juicy fruits to his refuge. Waking up in the morning, he hit the road, and closer to dinner he got to the garden. Then on earth he saw beautiful apples, though small size. He decided that while he was taking them, and then he would return here again.
  • Having put his find on his back, he began the way home. But when he had almost left the garden, his gaze fell on a tall tree, on which a huge apple flaunted - it literally sparkled in the sun's rays and published just a paradise aroma. The hedgehog as hypnotized returned to the tree and decided to take this fruit with him at all costs. He decided to climb a tree, although he did not know how to do this.
  • But the desire to take possession of the apple helped to overcome the fear of height and the hedgehog, clinging to small twigs, began to climb an apple. He got to him, but accidentally touched him with a muzzle, and it looked up and flew down. Falling, the apple hit the stone and crashed. The hedgehog decided to be content with those two fruits that were on his back, and began to go down to the ground.
  • But they hooked on the branches and fell to the ground. Then the hedgehog could not resist and fell. On Earth, he looked around and saw that small apples crashed, which means he could not take them home. He realized that “he stayed with a broken trough”, although if he had taken small apples home, he still had food that he loves so much. From this situation, it should be concluded that it is better to be content with small than trying to get an unattainable.

“How did the girlfriends quarrel? "

  • Vasilisa and Arina were friends from a kindergarten, went to first grade together and sat at one desk all the time. The girls were almost inseparable, stood behind each other a mountain. It seemed that nothing in this world could quarrel them. But still it happened. The literature teacher invited the girls in roles to quote a fairy tale. One girlfriend was supposed to be a princess, the other - a servant. The girls began to decide who the role would voice, but it was not possible to agree - none of them wanted to be a servant, they both saw themselves princesses.
  • At the end of the day, the girls began to quarrel, and to tell each other nasty things, and in the end they generally refused to voice the scene. The next day, they were ashamed to look into each other's eyes, but even more they were upset, having learned that the teacher put them two for an unfulfilled task. Both of them, because of their pride, “remained at the broken trough”-and they will have to correct the assessment, and their friendship is damaged.
  • From this not very pleasant situation, one conclusion can be drawn - always, and in any circumstances, one must remain a person with a capital letter. Sometimes it is better to give in to a close friend so as not to fall into such situations. And when you do something kind to another person, he will definitely strive to do pleasantly to you.

A story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about a family

A story on the topic to stay with a broken trough about a family
A story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about a family

The story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" about the family:

"Capricious Alice"

  • Alice was the only child in the family, she all walked, cherished and always indulged her whims. And she knew how to act up - if she did not receive the desired, she immediately rolled her hysteria, and did not calm down until she received her desired prize. Parents were condescending to this behavior, since they believed that the girl was still small, and soon he would stop behaving like that. Therefore, they gave up, looking at the tears of their beloved child, and bought her what the girl wanted.
  • While all these unsightly scenes remained outside the walls of the house, parents did not punish Alice. But one day they had to take her to the toy store to choose a gift for the godson of her mother, and she got a fabulous kingdom, where the toys of her dreams lay. Her eyes scattered, she herself did not understand what she wanted more - a talking doll, a huge plush bear or a beautiful train that buzzes and releases a smoke.
  • And since she could not decide what to take first, she began to ask her mother at once. Mom calmly replied that Alice could take only one toy, and no more. The girl repeatedly told her mother that she wanted at least three at once, and pouted her lips. Mom this time did not respond to her manipulation and began to instill her own. Alice realized that it was time to connect heavy artillery, and began to roar loudly, and wait for her mother to bring everything she wants.
  • Buyers in the store began to look back at them, but mom stood her own. Alice roared, stomped her legs and demanded everything at once. Mom, realizing that she would not persuade her daughter, paid for a gift for the godson, took Alice by the hand and led out of the store. As a result, the girl’s tantrum did not lead to anything, she “stayed with a broken trough,” she angered her mother and was left without a new toy. After all, if she listened to her, then her mother would definitely buy one toy.

"Barrow girlfriend"

  • Ira and Dasha were classmates. Ira studied very well, and Dasha often received bad marks. Ira periodically forced her girlfriend to learn something to improve the final grades. Thanks to her girlfriend, Dasha was sometimes praised, and she was very happy about it.
  • Once, the teacher asked them a task around the world-it was necessary to make a project. Dasha did not want to waste her time on tedious work and asked Ira to do a project for her, promising to treat her with delicious chocolate for it. Ira regretted her girlfriend and made her homework for her. The teacher was delighted with how Dasha was responsible to the assignment, she praised her in front of the whole class and set her five. A few days later, the children were given the task of folding a short poem for literature, and again Dasha began to ask Ira to do her homework for her. Ira did, because this is the best friend, as you refuse her.
  • Over time, Ira realized that Dasha very often gets good grades at her expense, and when she again turned for help, she refused her. The next day, at school, Dasha was gloomy and taciturn, and with all her appearance showed Ira how she was unhappy with her, and even the teacher put a deuce for her homework. She was even more angry at her girlfriend. But having calmed down a little, she realized that “she stayed with a broken trough” only because of her laziness. After all, if Dasha herself tried to comprehend the school sciences, then the disagreement with a girlfriend did not happen. But this story has a good ending - Ira forgave Dasha and now every day helps her make up for the gaps in that she did not learn.

A story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" Educational

A story on a broken trough of an instructive story
A story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" Educational

The story on the topic "stay with a broken trough" instructive:

"Instructive story"

  • We have a very large family - mom, dad, I am a boy Pasha, my older brothers, grandparents. Grandmother and grandfather are very old, they often get sick and we have to help them. And often it was I who I have to monitor if they have water, and whether they drank their medicines. Dad says that when they are all at work for them.
  • My little incident happened when everyone was at work. I woke up in the morning and saw that my grandmother was busy in the kitchen. She became better, and I was glad that I could spend all day for computer games, and no one would distract me. But the grandmother had other plans. She said that she wants to arrange a family tea party today, and we must definitely go to the nearest confectionery.
  • I did not want to spend two hours of time going to the store, so I told my grandmother that I could not go with her, since I need to learn a huge verse for tomorrow. When I heard that my grandmother left, I turned on the computer and began to play calmly, and so carried away that I did not hear when my grandmother and parents returned. Dad went into my bedroom and reported me for leaving my grandmother alone, and did not help her when she asked me about it. After that, everyone went to the kitchen to drink tea with my favorite cakes. And I “stayed with a broken trough” and could not try my favorite sweets, because I was very ashamed. I realized how I offended my grandmother and failed my parents. Tomorrow I will calm down a little and ask her forgiveness.

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