Real stories from the life of ordinary people - read online

Real stories from the life of ordinary people - read online

Interesting stories from people's lives - read, draw the right conclusions, and do not make fatal mistakes.

The real story from the life of ordinary people - "Life continues ..."

The real story from the life of ordinary people - life continues ...
The real story from the life of ordinary people - "Life continues ..."
The real story from the life of ordinary people - life continues ...
The real story from the life of ordinary people - "Life continues ..."

The real story from the life of ordinary people - "Life continues ...":

  • Young people who marry do not think little about the fact that living under one roof of two people requires great patience, understanding, and the ability to keep silent at difficult moments. This was me, so for some period our young family kept exclusively because of my wife’s wisdom, and I am very grateful to her for this. After all, if not for her, then I would not be the same as it is at the moment, and did not have so much happiness. But in our life there have been changes, and the time has come to support my wife ...
  • I met my soul mate at school in a graduation class. Her parents moved to our city, and therefore she had to receive a certificate about full education in our school. She was a very beautiful girl, so many guys ran after her, but she did not pay attention to them. I also decided to try my luck, and she did not refuse me. At first we had just friendly relations - we went to the park, ran to visit each other, just walked around the city. Over time, it became clear that our friendship gradually grew into love, and we were very happy about this. At the school graduation, we were already a couple, and spent this unforgettable day very fun.
  • After graduating from school, we had to part for a long four years. Our parents categorically insisted that we receive higher education, and we entered institutes in different cities. Then it seemed to us that this was the end of our relationship, and we are unlikely to withstand separation. But our love turned out to be really strong, and we were able to save our feelings even at a distance. As soon as it turned out, we came to our city, or went to visit each other. Constantly called up, and talked for hours. Having finished their studies, we immediately got married, and were immensely happy.
  • But it was the first months of our life together, almost divorced us completely. We constantly worked, and very rarely rested. Both I and my wife, with all my might, tried to earn money for their housing, we also wanted to open a small bakery, and work for ourselves. Such a pace of life began to move us away from each other, and we regularly began to quarrel. At one of these critical moments, I even suggested parting. But the wife, having calmed down a little, said that she loves me very much, and does not represent our existence apart. We sat down, talked, and promised to spend one day on our relationship every week. So we did, once every seven days we turned off the phones, and belonged exclusively to each other. Over time, everything settled down, and we were able to make our feelings even stronger.
  • Four years after the wedding, we embodied our dreams into reality - we bought a house with a garden and opened a bakery. Life became very calm - we worked during the day, in the evening we had dinner on the veranda and admired the sunset, all this made us happy. When everything was working out with us, God sent us our main gift - our daughters. The wife became pregnant, and we learned that we would become parents twins. At first we were scared, but we decided that together we could do everything. My wife tried to help me with business until the birth. She understood - when the babies would be born, all the worries related to work will fall on me. When the babies were born, our life became even brighter and more saturated, our children rallied us even more.
  • When our crumbs grew up, they quickly flew out of the family nest, and they had time to live in different cities. My wife and I were very sad, but we understood that they should also have their own families, because without their second half a person is rarely happy. Although, they did not forget about us, and regularly came to visit. We, in order to be less sad, completely plunged into work, and even decided to expand the business. It seemed to us that this is a great idea that would help provide all the necessary our grandchildren. We worked a lot, and very tired, literally fell down. On one of these days difficult for us, his wife became ill, and she fainted. I had to call an ambulance, and take it to the hospital.
  • This event excited me very much, as my wife belongs to that category of lucky ones who practically do not get sick, and here is such an unpleasant incident. The wife normalized the condition and released home, offering her to come the next day for examination. But getting up in the morning, she refused to go to the doctors, she said that she was just overwork, and as soon as we deal with her new bakery, she would rest a couple of days. Reluctantly, I agreed with her opinion, and we went to work. But the next day the situation was repeated - she again fainted. So we realized that the wife’s health is really not all right.
  • We immediately called the hospital and signed up for examination. Having made a diagnosis, we went to the doctor, and in his gloomy look we realized that there really was problems. He was silent for a long time, and then told us the most terrible words - his wife has an oncological disease, which is no longer possible to treat, she had a couple of months to live. He prescribed us supportive therapy and sent us home. We rode home silently, everyone thought about his own. At home, I suggested calling my daughters right away so that we could spend all this time together. But the wife categorically refused to upset them. And then she suggested that I did not expect from her at all.
  • For several years in a row, we have dreamed of getting out together at sea in order to lazily lying on white sand and do nothing. And she asked our dream to be realized. We hired two employees for our bakery, and left for the sea. It was very difficult for me, but I tried not to show the look, and always smiled at the sight of a loved one. We walked a lot, bathed, went to the cinema, dancing, just warmed up in the sun and admired the sea. It was a wonderful month, but he came to an end. The wife was happy, and said that she was feeling perfect, and only at home it dawned on me that all this time the disease did not make itself felt.
  • We repeatedly underwent examination and went to the doctor, he, seeing in front of him a buried, tanned woman, was very surprised. Having looked at the tests, he was surprised even more, and appointed his wife additional diagnostics. We went through her, and with great joy heard that there were practically no health problems. My wife had to sit on tablets for another month, but that’s all, her body was able to cope with a formidable disease on his own. My wife and I believe that such a miracle helped us to create our strong love, and the desire to never part with each other. Therefore, love, and be loved, because love can give a person strength for the most unexpected victories.

Funny stories from real life

Funny stories from real life
Funny stories from real life
Funny stories from real life
Funny stories from real life

Funny stories from real life:

"Beautiful oranges"

  • My wife loves the New Year very much and everything connected with him, therefore, as soon as the holiday ends, she begins to be sad. And this happens every year. She falls into mini-depression-this is when she is simple to eat chocolate, lying on the bed, and dreams of how beautiful the next New Year's Eve will be. I have already learned that this period should just survive, it will calm down and return to ordinary affairs.
  • This year, for reasons unknown to me, she did not stop regretting the dried New Year tree. And then she generally offered to recreate the New Year atmosphere in the apartment, with the help of citrus fruits. She sent me to the store, and ordered me to bring the most ideal oranges and tangerines.
  • I went to the nearest supermarket and found fruit. He began to sort them out diligently, but could not find the perfect one - on every “orange ball” I saw the flaw, and already represented discontent on the face of my beloved wife. And here out of the corner of my eye, very close to me, I notice a man who, like me, diligently considers the oranges. He takes their hands, carefully examines and puts it back, and at the same time everything that was in his hands was perfect for me.
  • Well, I decided to wait until he gets away, and dial citruses for his wife. So that the man does not understand anything, I continued to sort out the fruits with a smart look, while I glanced at him all the time. And he, such a bastard, does not go into the basket of himself anything. Well, I could no longer stand it, and decided to head against him with a vigorous step, push him away and dial the oranges rejected by him. But, approaching, and opening my mouth for greeting, I realized with horror that I was standing in front of the mirror, and all this time, I looked at myself ...

"How we went along vodka ..."

  • Winter. The wind groans on the street, it blows with such force that it seems to be on the flight now, the roofs of the houses will go. In addition to a strong wind, snow began to fall. Snowflakes are very light, they are also controlled by a strong wind, so they seem to be imprinted in the ground, forming small snowdrifts.
  • This whole picture outside the window did not particularly delight me, because I was still at work, and watched how happy people hurry home to celebrate Christmas with the family. I had to linger until night, and I understood that my holiday would be not in the most funny way. But there was nothing to do, I had to work. At the very end of the working day, two more of these poor fellows looked into my office, and offered me to celebrate the holiday together. We threw ourselves with finances, and went to the nearest store. We decided for a long time what we would take, and then it dawned on us that there was no seller behind the counter. We called her a couple of times, but she never appeared.
  • After listening, we realized that music was playing in the back room, and went there. An improvised meadow was covered there, and the saleswoman sat, and apparently the loader. They were very fun, as they managed to drink a bottle of vodka. The saleswoman cheerfully looked at us and asked what dear guests want ... We would have vodka, but we answered - we answered together. She winked at us and ordered the loader to pour three piles. Then she made us three sandwiches and fell asleep safely. Here we have such an extraordinary holiday.

Stories from the life of real people are "close, but so distant ..."

Stories from the life of real people are close, but so distant ...
Stories from the life of real people
Stories from the life of real people
Stories from the life of real people

Stories from the life of real people "close, but so distant ...":

  • Sometimes life gives us cruel lessons, and we do not quite understand what. Although, as practice shows, we always get exactly what we deserve, the truth is our soul suffers greatly, and it happens that mental wounds never heal. It happened with one of my friends.
  • I met Olga when my husband and I moved to new housing. She was about my age, had similar hobbies, so we quickly agreed, and began to be friends. We both had little sons, so we spent a lot of time together. I really liked her family, especially the attitude of Olgin's husband towards her relatives. He worked on watch, and left the house for two weeks. And when he arrived, he turned into a reliable Santa Claus, who performed all the whims of his household. He did not see the problem in cooking or washing, the main thing is that his beloved is satisfied.
  • But, probably, long partings harmed their relations, because they began to quarrel very much. Increasingly, Olga’s discontent and the confusion of her husband could be observed. From the outside it began to look so that a man tries to keep his family with all his might, and a woman simply suffers his presence, and floats with the flow. This went on for a long time, and I began to doubt that these two love each other. But to understand that she loves her husband very much Olga helped grief ...
  • The birthday of the Olgin husband was approaching, and she decided to arrange a pleasant surprise for him, collecting all relatives and friends. On his birthday, he was just returning from the watch, so Olga had to prepare for the holiday. She prepared all her favorite dishes of her husband, set the table, dressed beautifully. The guests began to gather gradually, everyone was waiting for the birthday man. Realizing that he was late, she decided to call him, but for some reason he did not answer. After waiting a little, she scored it again. But I did not receive an answer. She decided not to panic - maybe he got out of the car for flowers, and he just forgot the phone.
  • After about ten minutes, a bell rang. Olga turned pale, and everyone realized that something had happened. It turned out that at the entrance to his native city, Olga’s husband was an accident, and died on the spot. All were shocked by the incident, and Olga sobbed without silent. Only at that moment did she realize that she had lost her closest man whom she loves with all my heart, and the worst thing is that she could never tell him about it. The husband’s funeral became an even more terrible day for Olga, because there was a complete realization that she would never see her beloved face, and would not feel the spiritual warmth that her husband gave her.
  • After the funeral, she moved to live in another area of \u200b\u200bthe city - she could not live in a place where everything reminded her of her husband. Sometimes we meet with her, but in front of me always sits exhausted by his thoughts, with a wounded soul. Of all this story, I made one conclusion for myself - we must love loved ones even when you are angry with them. After all, if they leave you for any reason, then your soul will be wounded forever.

Stories from real life to tears about love

Stories from real life to tears about love
Stories from real life to tears about love
Stories from real life to tears about love
Stories from real life to tears about love

Stories from real life to tears about love:

  • Love is a complex thing, and sometimes two people are very difficult to understand their feelings. Sometimes love, like a delicate flower - blooms and gives a man and a woman extremely positive. And in another case, this wonderful feeling makes lovers pass the trials to understand that they are intended for each other.
  • I met my future husband in the park, where we rested with my company. He was the brother of the future husband of my friend, and came to him to pick up something. As he later said, he liked me at first sight, but I did not really like him. In general, I looked at him little, so it was at this time that we were going to the concert, and my thoughts were busy with this. He tried to make a conversation, but I did not make contact. Our next meeting took place in a rural club, he was simply out of interest, like a city guy, decided to find out what a disco is in the villages. I also came there, and since I was a little bored, I agreed to one dance with him. We danced, talked, and I realized that he was a quite pleasant guy. That evening we crossed several times, and I went home.
  • After a couple of days, we met again, and this time my future husband already showed his perseverance, and offered to meet and take a walk. I decided that there was nothing wrong with this, and agreed. And again, during our communication, I saw a well -mannered, smart and attentive guy who does not allow myself anything superfluous. It was on this day that I realized that he treats me not just as a girlfriend, but as a girl, though he did not talk about his feelings. It was summer, we were free, so we saw each other very often, and with each meeting I was attached to him more and more.
  • And somehow closer to the fall, at the end of our next walk, he told me that two weeks later he was taken into the army, and he would like me to wait for him. This request sounded as a kind of recognition of love, but I was so confused that I did not know what to say. On such an incomprehensible note, we parted for many months. He has been serving for three months, and I still could not understand who I was for him - a girlfriend or girl. I decided that I would live a normal life, and time will put everything in its place. Having got out with the girls for dancing a couple of times - I realized that I did not like the attention of other guys, and I always compare them with the person who has been far from me for a long time.
  • Then the realization came that I love him, and I really miss him at the time when we were together. He did not write from the army and did not call me, so I decided that he was simply offended, that on the day of our last meeting I did not hear the words that he dreamed about. Therefore, deciding to leave everything as it is, and not to be imposed on anyone, I tried to do everything so that the feelings were fading away. But it was precisely when such a difficult decision was made, a phone call was heard. And I heard my favorite voice, and on this day I learned that I was loved and desirable. My joy knew no bounds, it remains only to wait for his soldier from the army.
  • Time passed slowly, but I was patient, because I understood that at the end of this difficult path I would have a meeting with my loved one. Our meeting has been the happiest day lately. We could not talk, get out, look at each other. During the separation, we became older and wiser, so we no longer hid our feelings and boldly confessed to each other love. From this day, we practically did not part, always and everywhere were together, and our happiness has an envious person. It turns out in our village, not far from me lived a girl who really liked my future husband, and she dreamed of becoming his lover. This girl always tried to invite my beloved to the dance, invited to help in some important matter, tried to treat the tasty, in short, with all her might attracted attention. And once she managed to get what she wanted.
  • I fell ill and could not go for a day to my loved one’s loved one. He could not miss the holiday, and I insisted that he go. At the festival there was our envious person. When everyone was already pretty drunken, she sat down at my boyfriend and began to climb. He tried to dodge, but a couple of times she still touched his lips. After a couple of days, a photo of this staged kiss was thrown into my mailbox. But then I did not know this, and immediately made a scandal and broke off relations with her loved one. The most unpleasant thing is that he did not even try to apologize. My soul seemed to be burning in fire - the fact of betrayal could not accept. It hurt me very much, but I decided not to tell anyone, until I calm down a little.
  • For a long time I kept pain in myself, and this caused health problems. One day I lost consciousness, and my parents could not bring me to feelings on my own. I had to call an ambulance, but they could not stabilize my condition, and I went to the hospital. It turned out that falling, I hit my head a lot, and got a concussion of the brain, and for this reason I had to linger in the hospital for two weeks. And strangely enough, it was here that I was calmer, I could not pretend to be anyone that everything was fine with me, here I was without a mask on my face, and it was easier for me. Two weeks later I was discharged from the hospital, and I returned home. At home, I came across all the gifts that my boyfriend gave me, and the memories surged with renewed vigor.
  • The next day was for me an even more painful blow - my girlfriend said that she saw my ex -boyfriend and our separation together in another place. They sat and discussed something sweetly. I smiled, and said that I did not care who was talking and with whom. And my soul at that very moment broke and bleed. On this day, I found out what it means to cry without tears and screaming without a scream. The worst thing was that two months have already passed after our parting, and my pain was getting stronger every day. I didn’t understand how to live on - I did not dream of the future, I saw the world around me gray, happy people began to annoy me. My parents began to anxiety and began to carry me to the doctors, as they began to notice that every day my appearance is becoming more painful.
  • Soothing drugs did their job, and I was even able to sleep normally. But my parents were afraid that I would do something with me, and did not leave me for a moment.
    It was hard to live under constant control, so I had to learn to smile at the end of the prime, so that they would believe that I no longer suffer, and my broken heart heals. It worked, and they left me rest, and finally I was able to go beyond my house without guard. I was sent to the store for food, and I gladly agreed, because this meant that I would be left to myself for an hour. But on the way home, what I did not expect - I met the one I loved with all my heart. He smiled and wanted to speak to me, but I only nodded in response and quickly left. There was no one at home, so I closed in the bathroom, turned on the water and just cried from the realization that in spite of everything, I love it as before, and from the fact that he does not love me. I cried for a very long time, and a little resting, I decided to go to the river bank. Here we always met with my beloved, and this place gave me strength to continue to live. It was here that I always felt peace and tranquility.
  • I came to the river, sat under our tree, closed my eyes, and began to wait for my nerves to calm down. I sat in silence and thought that I should be strong for myself, although I already understood in my soul that I could not love anyone in this life like him. It seems to me that I was even forced, and woke up from the fact that someone sat next to me and hugged my shoulders. I opened my eyes and saw my future husband, he looked at me with a serious, wary look, waiting for my reaction. Well, I know why I reacted like that, but at that moment I did not want to push him, scream at him, or add, I just pressed it with my whole body and cried. He waited until I calm down, and then asked for another chance, and promised that I would never regret him.
  • So it happened. We got married, gave birth to a beautiful son, and we have everything we need for happiness. My husband always spoils me, and for the sake of me the most crazy actions, but most importantly, I know for sure that he loves me. Therefore, I want to give you one advice, if you love a person, do not be afraid of condemning others, and try to build relationships contrary to all obstacles.

The story of treason from real life - read online

The story of treason from real life - read online
The story of treason from real life - read online
The story of treason from real life - read online
The story of treason from real life - read online

The story of treason from real life - read online:

  • Very often, life presents people with surprises that they do not expect, and for some they become a messenger of excellent changes, and others break all the planned plans. I have friends whose family broke up due to money. No, do not think that because of their lack, just the opposite.
  • They met by chance at the wedding of common friends, and it was love at first sight. After that accidental meeting, there was a stormy novel that ended in the wedding. But instead of living and rejoicing, the newlyweds began to swear. The reason was the attitude to the living conditions. The young wife was born and grew up in a prosperous family, where she received all the best. As for the newly -made husband, his family lived more modestly, respectively, he calmly treated a small apartment and old furniture, the main thing is that everywhere was clean and there was food on the table.
  • But this state of affairs did not suit her wife. She wanted to go to beauty salons, buy branded things, go to rest abroad. And very often she did not deny herself in her desires, took all the money that was in the house, and spent their beloved on herself. Of course, this led to showdowns, tears, and scandals. But they loved each other, so they put up, and tried to continue to live under one roof. Parents, having learned about the problems in the family of their son, sold a large cottage and bought a solid house young. The bride’s parents, in turn, helped to make a chic repairs. And for some time, the showdown calmed down.
  • But as soon as the child appeared in the family, the problems returned again. Since only the father of the family could work, the money began to not be enough again. And again, scandals began, which very strongly moved the spouses from each other. In order to somehow improve the situation, my friend decided to travel abroad in order to get a good salary in a couple of months. He left, but regularly sent his wife money so that she felt calm. Then they decided that he would remain to work for another six months to earn a car from the cabin.
  • But while the husband worked, his wife became very boring, she wanted attention, and started her lover. They have fun with the time earned by hard work, without even thinking about what it could lead to. This could last a long time, but my friend missed the family, and decided to make a surprise, and return home ahead of time. He did not tell his wife anything, bought gifts and arrived home late in the evening. There he found a crying child and his wife in the arms of another man.
  • He did not even scandal, took the child, some of his things and went to his parents. The wrong wife appeared in the morning and began to ask for forgiveness, she did not want to be left without a livelihood, so she chose to pretend to be a fool. She said that she was sustained. And she does not understand how this could happen. But a friend did not forgive her, they divorced, divided the property, and fled, the child remained with dad. Now all the problems are behind, he married a good woman who is not looking for wealth, and wants her loved one to be near her all the time.

Interesting stories from real life - "the realities of life"

Interesting stories from real life - the realities of life
Interesting stories from real life - "the realities of life"
Interesting stories from real life - the realities of life
Interesting stories from real life - "the realities of life"

Interesting stories from real life - “the realities of life”:

  • Many people believe that children from the village cannot achieve any heights because they are a little stupid. But believe me, this is not so at all, but they will attach more attention to work than they study, but among them there are bright heads that can take a lot from life.
  • I lived all my conscious life in a small village. We did not have our own school, so all thirty children, every day we got to school by bus. At the same time, we were very fun, and we did not see the problem that we need to get up early and go about ten kilometers. True, in our village there were, so to speak, elite schoolchildren who went to school exclusively on my father's car. They considered themselves better than others, and always demonstrated to others their superiority.
  • Slowly we called them upstarts, and tried to stay from them as far as possible. True, they did not really want to communicate with us. Then the parents decided that the rural school was not for their crumbs, and found them a private institution where they safely dumped. From this moment we lived happily - no one annoyed us with his arrogance.
  • I safely studied to the final class, perfectly passed all the exams and calmly went to the budget place at the institute. I studied diligently, because I well understood how difficult it is for my parents to support me in a big city. It was hard for me, but I dreamed how I could buy dad and mom everything that they dreamed about for a long time.
  • Having received a diploma, I got a good company in a good company, and then I also began to demonstrate my zeal to work. I was noticed by the boss, and soon I received a higher paid position. In the first salary, having bought gifts to parents, I went to visit them. There I saw two school upstarts that matured, but as it seemed to me not very much changed. Seeing me, they began to ask where I work, and how much I earn, and then they began to brag about what a good job they had. In principle, I didn’t care what their job they had, so having talked a little with them, I went home.
  • Then he learned that in this way they behave with everyone they meet - they are trying to tell everyone how smart and successful they are. But the funny thing is that everyone knows that even their father’s money did not help them achieve recognition in something, they both work as saleswomen, and they just hide it. My life situation clearly shows that if you work, and not be afraid of difficulties, then if you wish, you can have weight in society, even if you were born in the smallest village.

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