How to determine the character of a woman by spirits: what do the aromas say?

How to determine the character of a woman by spirits: what do the aromas say?

Did you know that by spirits you can determine the character of a woman? It is simple and interesting.

Many, in order to determine the character of a woman, primarily pay attention to her appearance and behavior. Gestures, hairstyle, makeup, clothes and shoes - none of the details are left without attention. But sometimes all this does not reflect the inner world of a person, but what he wants to seem. Therefore, your favorite perfume can tell much more about the character, because we choose it intuitively.

Read another article on our website about physiognomy - a definition of the character of a man and a woman around the neck. You will find out what a long and short thick or thin neck in men and women is talking about.

Not so long ago there was a stereotype that perfumes should be selected, focusing on appearance. So, the burning brunettes were advised by eastern and spicy aromas, blondes - light and "soft", and red - fruit and flower. That is why many chose one fragrance for all occasions, considering it their business card. Today, few are close to this approach. Ladies have several bottles of spirits at once, each of which corresponds to a certain season, along and time of the day. But all of them necessarily reflect the character and internal dispensation. Read further.

Fresh and citrus spirits: we determine the character of a woman

Fresh and citrus spirits
Fresh and citrus spirits

The smell of summer rain, ocean breeze, orange and mint are the aromas of the Unisex, which are suitable for both men and women. Fresh, invigorating, dynamic, citrus spirits indicate the following:

  • Usually the aromas of this group prefer extroverts, light and energetic women who can refresh any company in which they appear.
  • These are team players.
  • Prone to self -irony.
  • They are confident and open to everything new.
  • People striving for life changes subconsciously choose just such aromas.

Often spirits with citrus notes are preferred by optimists with a lot of friends and interests. Others feel easily and at ease with them. By the way, women who lack natural optimism, vitality and energy often also reach for such smells, unconsciously trying to compensate for this shortage. In clothes, such ladies prefer a modern and practical style, devoid of unnecessary details and weighting the image of accessories.

Green and sweet and fruit aromas: what are the spirit of a woman Spirit?

Green and sour-fruited spirits prefer reliable, responsible and purposeful natures, among which there are many conservatives. They are not prone to risk and adventures. They will, albeit slowly, will go to the goal, trying to take into account all the risks in advance. They do not pay attention to the crane in the sky, because the native tit in the hands is much more reliable.

Such aromas also speak of the nature of the woman as follows:

  • An ideal rest for her is a time spent in nature.
  • These women are able to draw energy from walking through the park or meditations by the water.

It is easy to walk with them in life. Men are loving such women. Usually they are noticeable among the crowd with their calmness.

Fruit-berry aromas: We determine the character by spirits

Unlike citrus fruits, characterized by freshness, a fruit and berry group of aromas characterizes more sweet and juicy odors:

  • Peach
  • Mango
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberry
  • Melon, etc.

For many who consider such smells summer, interest in them wakes up exclusively in the warm season. So, we determine the nature of these spirits:

  • They prefer nature for which femininity is a natural state, wherever they are.
  • They like to flirt and act up.
  • Gambling, often make rash and impulsive decisions, not really thinking about the consequences.
  • They do not strive for power and leading positions, because they do not like to take responsibility.

They prefer to live for their pleasure, to be “in the moment”, so they do not like to listen and talk about other people's problems. Many of them are very suggestible, easily believe in evil eyes and damage.

Light aromas: What is the character?

This group includes barely perceptible, transparent and weightless aromas:

  • Mountain air
  • White and green tea
  • Cucumber
  • Green apple

Associated with calmness and relaxation. Light fragrances are chosen by women in a “bride”. They have a difficult character. They are constantly waiting for changes, but far from always ready to do something for this on their own. Such ladies are distinguished by calmness, often bordering on laziness. Many do not think of life outside the city and do not particularly like rest in the village.

Sweet aromas of spirits: character

Sweet aroma of spirits
Sweet aroma of spirits

Chocolate, vanilla and other “edible” aromas prefer vulnerable, delicate and dreamy girls, who even in adulthood need maternal love and care. Forces are found in the support of loved ones, but at the same time they themselves become good, caring mothers and wives. Such girls have a very emotional character: they easily move the melodrama and will bring a romantic date into children's delight. Love and appreciate wide gestures.

By the way, recently, sweet and even children's aromas are becoming more and more popular. Many such perfumes are considered homemade, cozy and soothing. According to some psychologists, this is because people at the present time have to limit themselves in many ways. And the sweet smell, so beloved by children, gives a feeling of carelessness, as well as parental care and love, which many are not enough now.

Oriental aromas of spirits and the character of a woman

Eastern spirits are deep and rich aromas:

  • Musk
  • Sandal
  • Patchouli

Often they are chosen by introverts - women with an unusual character, striving for solitude and inner harmony. Despite this, they are quite friendly and pleasant in communication.

Often, eastern fragrances are preferred by extraordinary personalities and people of creative professions who cannot tolerate routine work. Their highlight is originality not only in thinking, but also in appearance. That is why such ladies like to supplement their image with bright and unusual accessories. Often the warm aromas of the eastern group are chosen by women who are in a creative search or passing to a new stage of life.

Spicy aromas of spirits

Spicy aromas of spirits prefer funny and lungs on the rise of a girl, extroverts. They love noisy companies. In private, they can be bored and even uncomfortable with them. Fisible, naive and sometimes illegible in people. Lovers of spicy aromas constantly crave change in both appearance and life. They love to surprise and attract attention.

Floral aromas of spirits: what is the character?

This is one of the popular groups in perfumes. The aromas of a flowering garden often attracted natures, dissatisfied with themselves or the current state of things: appearance, work, income level, position in society, etc. From the outside it may seem that the “flower ladies” are too calm and passive, floating with the flow. But many of them crave recognition and are in the standby mode of the right moment to change their lives and finally materialize all their plans and ambitions. The spiritual state of such women looks like a pendulum, which is constantly swinging from unwillingness to get out of bed until readily turn the mountain.

What other character does the owners of such spirits have? Read more:

  • Among fans of floral aromas there are many who bring to the end, even if we are talking about something unimportant and uninteresting (for example, they read a boring book).
  • There is a tendency to perfectionism, often interfering with living. They feel physical discomfort until they do something perfect.
  • These are alarming and vulnerable girls, real fairies that need care.
  • At the same time, they love to control everything or create the illusion of control, plan life to the smallest detail, and, not only their own, but also loved ones. And this often annoys others.

Do not forget that the floral group is very extensive, and the flower around which perfume is built is of great importance. For example, it is generally accepted that the rose is chosen by amorous and passionate natures, jasmine- funny and carefree, and lavender- devoted and reliable.

Wood aromas of spirits: we determine the character

Wood aroma of spirits
Wood aroma of spirits

Warm and cozy are woody aromas of spirits. Their frequent components are cedar, cypress, juniper, pink tree. Usually they are characteristic of male perfumes, in female spirits these notes rarely play a dominant role. So, we determine the character among lovers of these spirits:

  • Restraint, prudence and intelligence are the features of women who choose “courageous” aromas.
  • It is important for them to constantly assert themselves, they strive not only for spiritual, but also for career growth.
  • Are mercantile and egocentric.
  • They see nothing bad in marriage according to the calculation.

The wardrobe prefers elegance and stylish classics. They do not like to merge with the crowd, but at the same time refrain from bright jewelry in favor of thoughtful details that fit perfectly into the image and give self -confidence.

Shipl aromas: the character of a woman

This is a perfume with mossy basic notes that give the aroma volume and depth. Shipre perfumes are preferred by women with a special character:

  • Energetic and confident. They are not afraid to take responsibility.
  • They easily cope with life difficulties and always count on themselves, although deep down they believe in good luck.
  • Often they look much younger than their years.

When choosing a wardrobe, they prefer high -quality and practical things that, without having lost relevance, will last more than one season.

Powder aromas of spirits

Power aromas of spirits choose nature who prefer not to flaunt themselves and their feelings. Therefore, not everyone manages to solve them and not immediately. Often they are polite and diplomatic, achieve their own, not scandal and without raising their voice. Are vulnerable and phlegmatic. Many are especially in dire need of psychological comfort, which is found in their favorite perfume, enveloping like a warm cozy shawl.

Dry aldehydes: What is the character?

Fragrances from the group of dry aldehydes choose introverts that are very reverent to personal boundaries. They are calm, confident and emotionally stable. In communication, often restrained, and if the interlocutor is not included in the circle of loved ones, it can be cold. Such women with character know their price, understand what they want from life, and try not to fall below the bar that they themselves asked. They prefer elegant style with luxury elements.

To solve a woman or at least a couple of steps to get closer to this, you should look at her toilet table and pay attention to her favorite perfume. Perhaps some information will help to better understand yourself and even, having selected one or another fragrance, change the internal mood and step into a new life. Well, or just cause positive emotions and create a good mood.

But it is important to remember that, like perfumes having several notes and shades at once, every woman is multifaceted. Therefore, do not look for a universal formula that can tell everything about a lady with one hundred percent hit.

Video: How to find your fragrance? Secrets and rules for choosing perfume for yourself

Video: Best perfume for girls

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  1. I’ll tell you how Italians do so that their favorite aroma becomes incredibly cool.
    They choose a perfume, drip a couple of drops on an Italian natural mittens of horse hair and sisal aloe and make skin peeling. The skin always smells delicious, a wave of pleasant smell comes from each movement. Massage with an Italian mittens of horse hair and sizal aloe rejuvenates the skin, quickly heats the skin and removes excess fat, orange peel, stretch marks. The skin becomes elastic and always smells delicious. It is very sexy when clean skin and delicate fragrance from the whole body.

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