Physiognomy - determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a nose: meaning, character

Physiognomy - determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a nose: meaning, character

To determine the character of a person on the nose according to physiognomy is very interesting. Especially if you know all the nuances and meanings.

Someone considers physiognomy-ancient art, others-pseudoscience, and others-an additional "instrument" that can help people in the treatment of psychological problems.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Physiognomy: determining the nature of a man and a woman in the form of a forehead".

Let's get acquainted with physiognomy in more detail, and learn to determine the character of a person in the shape of a nose. It's simple. Read further.

Physiognomist, physiognomy of the face, nose shape: who and what is it, what is needed for?

Physiognomy is needed to determine the character
Physiognomy is needed to determine the character

According to the general definition, facial physiognomy - This is an ancient science that allows a “read” man by his face, facial expressions. This direction was born in ancient China. Many ancient books have come to us that explain many features of this method of “reading of man”.

Physiognomist - This is a "master of reading of a person." Such a specialist can quickly and accurately determine the nature, temperament, all the features of health (the disease that a person has already experienced, and those who are still “sleeping”), what talents are and so on. Often such experts are invited to help in an investigation of a complex business. Or even conduct an interview with candidates for a responsible position in a large company.

A physiognomist can only in different parts of the face, as well as in the shape of the nose, tell about some, even hidden personality traits. For example:

  • Narrow nose - He will indicate high performance and the ability to value his own and other people's time. But love for such people is akin to hard work, which does not always satisfy the needs.
  • A long nose - serves as a “pointer” on a talented person in the work and science of man. The main feature of such personalities is a conservative view of the world, extreme caution in conducting new and progressive decisions. Because of this, they should not even think about opening and developing their own business. It is also worth noting that the owners of long noses have a balanced character and a great desire for power.
  • A slightly upturned nose - “rewards” its owners with desire/desire to be free. Therefore, such people are somewhat frivolous to building relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. In the work they prefer to be obedient performers, without taking extra responsibility and not showing any initiative.
  • A hollow nose - He will point to a person who freely and quite calmly can express his feelings. Serene resolves monetary issues. It differs in generosity in both love and the distribution of money.
  • A convex nose - Highlights from the crowd of business people. But they have a very significant problem: they cannot express their feelings and thoughts, do not feel joy and happiness from life. They are distinguished by excessive aggression in pursuit of fleeting success.
  • A bony tall nose - A symbol of exorbitant and invincible pride. Such personalities strive to do everything possible to subordinate others.
  • Aquiline nose - characterizes a very active and ambitious person. Such people live in reality and specific actions. They are distinguished by the ability to set specific and real goals, the desire to implement them to life without prejudice to others and themselves. The owners of such noses are faster to succeed in career and in their personal life.
  • A wide flat nose - He will indicate a cold -blooded and prudent person. Emotions for him are in second place, especially in resolving financial issues. Prior to marriage, it is a "womanizer" and "womanizer". But after receiving an official document, it becomes true to its family and the second half.
  • Smooth straight nose - Highlights from many people of a “landed” and a very practical person. Such people are completely indifferent to art, are practices and materialists.
  • Greek shape of the nose - “Pointing” to an undoubtedly honest, independent and proud leader. He is distinguished by fidelity to loved ones and relatives, hates lies and lack of nothing.

This is only a small amount of information that can be obtained according to an invariable symbol of curiosity. Read further.

Physiognomy: straight beautiful nose

Direct beautiful nose
Direct beautiful nose

Since ancient times, many men and women would like to have a direct and beautiful nose. Why? Let's figure it out in detail. How to understand that a person has a straight nose? Simple enough:

  • If the tip of the nose and the nose are connected by a straight line, without bends or “breaks”, the nostrils are located strictly in parallel, then the person has a straight nose.

What does physiognomy say about this? Read more:

  • Owners of this shape of the nose have a strong and strong -willed character. Accustomed to achieve your goals.
  • It is worth noting that such personalities are very secretive: all thoughts and emotions keep strictly with them.
  • Although from the outside they may seem very open, complacency and predictable.
  • In fact, such men and women are subject to emotions. And they will not calm down until the “source of negativity” is eliminated.
  • In personal life, they are looking for a fairly passionate and emotional soulmate to have timely “recharging”.
  • In family relationships, they are exemplary parents.

Based on this information, we can say that people wanted to have a straight nose to emphasize not only the correct proportions of their face, but also their own strong will and the desire to build a strong family.

Physiognomy is a large, large, fleshy nose in men, women, about which he says: meaning, character

Large, large, fleshy nose
Large, large, fleshy nose

According to physiognomy, the size of the nose is directly related to a sense of inner strength, the desire of leadership, its own ego and the desire to work. Here are some meanings and character:

  • A large, large and fleshy nose (both women and men) indicates an independent, very smart and successful person.
  • Very active, they do not like empty conversations “On Weather and Nature”, value action and determination.
  • In the family, there are ideal parents, unless the second half takes any actions to “re -educate and change” their personality.

All owners of large noses can be conditionally divided into three categories: leaders, creators and scientists. Read more:

  • "Leaders" They complement their independence and mind with determination, assertive character and the desire to achieve the goal. Regardless of the price that you will have to pay. Therefore, such people can sometimes “go on the heads” for the sake of fulfilling their desires. Over time, independence intensifies to the level of "unwillingness to obey someone."
  • "Creators" and "scientists" They differ in perseverance. Such people can spend almost their whole lives “in pursuit of knowledge” and “honing” their own skill. Rare holders of "golden hands".

Accordingly, it is safe to say that the best businessmen and creators are practices (fashion designers, computer games designers) are owners of such an interesting shape of the nose. Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Physiognomy: wide nose, nasal wings in men, women

Wide nose
Wide nose

Wide nose owners are just a find for many companies in the modern world. Why? One of the features of such personalities is creative thinking and resourcefulness. But if you “push” such a person on a curve path, then it will be very difficult to get the truth from him.

Both women and men with such a nose according to physiognomy have a calm character. They appreciate and very strongly protect the family hearth. They know how to make money, but also love to relax. The work is straightforward and honest. Because of this, there may be at the same time problems and respect from colleagues.

Advice: Therefore, HR - managers should pay attention to such people. After all, they will be able to submit an interesting idea that will bring the company a lot of money.

Experts also pay attention to such a small detail as the wings of the nose. They are responsible for the financial well -being of their owner. For example, dense and rounded - a person will be able to get rich, but thin and sharp - on the contrary, will remain at the same level, despite all efforts.

Physiognomy: a long, thin, sharp nose in men and women

This shape is not very fond of this shape. The main reason: in fairy tales, thin and long or sharp noses were only in negative characters, characterized by exorbitant curiosity and the desire to make the negativity into the happiness of the main characters.

  • But in fact, both men and women with such a nose according to physiognomy are very vulnerable and sensitive.
  • Because of this, they can be very touchy, vindictive and caustic. This causes significant harm to their career.
  • But in personal life - the most faithful and loving spouses.

You can only recommend such people: to save their mental health, it is better to choose remote work. So the nerves can be preserved, and a lot to achieve.

Krivoy nose according to physiognomy: meaning, character

The hump is pronounced, the tip can be either strong upward, or vice versa, very lowered down - a typical nose of fabulous villains. A big mistake to think that the owners of such a curve of the nose are owners of the same nature as fairy -tale characters. Here is the meaning and character:

  • According to physiognomy, such people are excellent psychologists and psychotherapists.
  • They attract people who need to cry/complain, and just speak out.

But because of love, help others, they may have serious problems with their personal lives. Therefore, you should carefully pay attention to such a nose as not to get the "Cabinet of Psychoanalyst" at home.

Physiognomy: a small, short nose

Representatives of the "gray mass", which are rarely paid attention to. Only people of creative professions can boast of success in their personal lives. The owners of small, short noses in the theater, in cinema or even as models, achieve indisputable success because of their talent and great charm.

  • A person with a small short nose, according to physiognomy, characterizes pettyness, jealousy, but at the same time openness, seriousness.

We can say with confidence: you can deal with such a person, but very carefully.

Nose with a hump, an eagle nose according to physiognomy: meaning, character

Nose with a hump, eagle nose
Nose with a hump, eagle nose

The most common forms of noses are with a hump and eagle. According to physiognomy, these are very interesting people. Here is the meaning and character:

  • Aquiline nose - This is a pointer that the owner is very neat and punctual. But not romantic. He will not give a huge number of colors, arrange romantic dinners or give compliments. They are true to their soulmate. These people are successful in career, very purposeful and persistent.
  • But the owners of the eagle nose Very resourceful, cunning and pursue their goals. Most often, a career is in the first place for them. The family is appreciated, but they try to delay the moment of registration of relations as much as possible. Often, ties are made on the side, vengeful and intolerant.

If we compare the owner of the nose with the hump and the owner of the eagle nose, then it is best to choose the first option. Since the second is characterized by increased egoism. Therefore, in all respects you will feel like a secondary personality.

Physiognomy: a snub, upturned tip of the nose in men and women, nose potatoes

The owners of two forms of noses, which in the thinking of most people are associated with humor, smiles and the sun. This is what physiognomy says:

  • Holders of the nose of potatoes They love peace and silence more. They may resemble capricious small children if they do not get what they want. But the main stereotype about the "solar character" is confirmed. They are very cheerful, optimistic, and are completely devoid of anger and aggression. Hardworking, but do not strive for power.
  • Owners of snub nose - sole of company. It is easy and fun with them. But they are distinguished by strong spiritual vulnerability. All problems next to them even lose a hint of nervousness and complexity. All things are solved quickly, with a smile. Such people are very loving. Both men and women have a lot of “close friends”. There are practically no enemies.
  • It should also be added that the upturned tip of the nose Enhances the natural optimism of a person and light faith in people.

Therefore, if you want to make optimism into your life, look for such people. It will not be boring.

Lowered tip of the nose, hooked nose: physiognomy

Lowered tip of the nose, hooked nose
Lowered tip of the nose, hooked nose

According to the physiognomy of such people, it is difficult to call ideal, but the opposite gender practically does not give them a passage.

  • Owners of a hooking nose - Natural lovers. They easily fall in love with almost anyone. And with the same enviable ease, the heart is broken by the unfortunate person. They do not suffer with a conscience about this. For this they are too selfish.
  • Lowered (bent) down the tip Only enhances the negative features of a person. These include: vindictiveness, revenge and cunning.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to be extremely careful with such people.

Physiognomy about the tip of the nose in men and women: meaning, character

But not only the shape of the nose is a criterion that determines the character of a person. Masters of physiognomy necessarily pay attention to the tip of the nose, both in men and women. The character can also depend on this fact. For example, here is the meaning:

Nose with a dimple
Nose with a dimple
  • Nose with a dimple - Such a person is very impressionable, painfully experiencing various failures. But very responsive and ready to come to the rescue at any time.
Tip of the nose in the shape of a bulb
Tip of the nose in the shape of a bulb
  • Tip in the shape of a bulb - “Speaks” about love for life, the desire to always be successful in the eyes of people.
Full, convex nose
Full, convex nose
  • Full, convex - It distinguishes soft -hearted, generous and open people who are always ready and in everything to help people (even strangers).

It is worth noting that Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin, an outstanding Soviet and Russian actor and clown, had a large, convex tip of his nose. He possessed such remarkable human qualities as kindness and sincerity. He was distinguished by a high degree of decency, intelligence, the ability to complicity and help.

Bookedly nose on the tip according to physiognomy in men, women: meaning, character

Bifurcated nose on the tip
Bifurcated nose on the tip

The first impression of such a person is evil, vengeful and hating everything and all - deeply erroneous. According to physiognomy, people with a bifurcated nose on the tip are very talented and smart. But they have low self-esteem and because of this cannot fully realize their abilities. It is also worth noting that such men and women are very closed, indecisive and do not know how to solve some complex/very responsible issues. They have a complex character.

Because of this, such people need to show a little more attention, mental sensitivity and patience. Then you can "open" a unique talent.

Nose wart: what does physiognomy mean

The next nuance that experts consider is the warts on the nose. What does physiognomy mean?

  • It should be noted here that the opinion of specialists of traditional medicine and physiognomists is similar.
  • A wart is a “signal” about the disease in the body.
  • Based on where the wart exactly arose (on the tip of the nose, from the side, on the nose), you can judge which organs, and how much damaged.

Therefore, attention should be paid not only to the removal of the wart, but also to the internal organs. Since it is very easy to start the disease, and then curing it is difficult.

The distance between the nose and the upper lip: physiognomy

It is hard to believe, but some features of fate in physiognomy can be determined even by the distance between the nose and the upper lip. For example:

  • A flat, small groove at the top and at the base - a “signal” for childlessness or the opportunity to have few children.
  • If this distance is long, this indicates longevity.
  • The perfect groove is wide, long and deep. Denotes welfare, health and calm life.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that the fate of a person can be predicted without cards.

Physiognomy: wrinkles on the nose

Another factor that can clearly indicate character characteristics (natural or well -made) are wrinkles on the nose. In physiognomy, this means the following:

  • A fold of psychological exhaustion (on the nose) - excessive responsibility. The name speaks for itself. You try to finish any business, even if you categorically do not like it.
  • Also, such a fold indicates that a person has reached such a psychological state that it is simply vital to find a lesson that will bring more joy in life.
  • Folds of fun (wrinkles on the side of the nose) - a person loves draws, jokes, often lucid. Others can literally demand moral support from such a person to receive moral forces in solving complex problems.

No need to immediately and literally perceive this information. There are many other features that should be taken into account. Based on all information, we can clearly understand that physiognomy is a very interesting art. It should be studied at least in order to understand what people surround, what bothers friends and relatives, understand themselves.

Video: The shape of your nose will tell you everything about your personality!

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