The physiognomy of a man and a woman in shape and arrangement of wrinkles, moles on the face, facial expressions: examples with a description, photo. Physiognomy: external signs of sadists, mental deviations, stress, anger and envy: description, photo

The physiognomy of a man and a woman in shape and arrangement of wrinkles, moles on the face, facial expressions: examples with a description, photo. Physiognomy: external signs of sadists, mental deviations, stress, anger and envy: description, photo

In this article, we will share with you some signs by which you can easily read the condition of the interlocutor.

Surely you, getting acquainted with the adventures of different detectives, have repeatedly admired their insight. The observation heroes of the works deftly noticed the smallest details, making up stripively accurate descriptions of other people. Useful skill, isn't it? But everyone can acquire it to everyone!

What does physiognomy mean and where is it used?

Physiognomy - This is a special technique that allows you to understand the character of a person, his motives. You can see both the life experience of the person under study, and predict the strategy of its actions in the future.

Important: despite the fact that the results of observations are sometimes striking, physiognomy has nothing to do with esotericism. It is the result of observing facial features, the facial expressions of a person.

You can apply such knowledge in the following areas:

  • When meeting With a person you can understand his interests, make a conversation. It is likely that friendship is formed from such an understanding in the future.
Friendship may arise and strengthen due to knowledge of the basics of physiognomy
Friendship may arise and strengthen due to knowledge of the basics of physiognomy
  • Of course, physiognomy is useful for building relationships. Seeing the partner’s tendency to one or another behavior, predicting his desires, it is easier to achieve harmony.
  • Having studied yourself in physiognomic parameters, you can choose an ideal kind of activity for yourself.

Important: such an approach will significantly save time and money.

  • At work You can use the reading of persons in order to find an approach to the authorities and each of the colleagues, and this is a necessary condition for building an effective coordinated team. Do not forget about customers, with which it is also important to find a common language.
  • Knowing the basics of physiognomy, it will be easier to understand what character traits the child inherited from his parents. Such knowledge, as well as the ability to see the predisposition of the baby, will extremely help education.
Physiognomy will help when educating the younger generation
Physiognomy will help when educating the younger generation

Physiognomy: the shape of wrinkles in men and women

Two folds, located between the eyebrows - Focus on ensuring that everything is carried out extremely accurately. This person clearly shows to yourself increased exactingness, and both personal and professional.

Important: such exactingness is sometimes excessive.

Two vertical folds between eyebrows - in physiognomy, increased exactingness to yourself
Two vertical folds between eyebrows - in physiognomy, increased exactingness to yourself

Several folds between eyebrows - There are at perfectionists. Such people have their place for each thing. Such personalities are also picky to themselves.

Several wrinkles in eyebrows - a physiognomic sign of perfectionist
Several wrinkles in eyebrows are a physiognomic sign of perfectionist

Horizontal folds of the forehead - They say about mental development, brilliant mind. If such long deep wrinkles can be counted more than three, then a person worked a lot on his intellect. Torn folds They say about diversity of interests.

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead of physiognomy interprets as a sign of intellectual development
Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead of physiognomy interprets as a sign of intellectual development

Triangle on the nose - seal of the sage. Such wrinkles indicate that both hemispheres are well developed. Both logic and intuition are subject to man.

Important: you can safely ask for advice with such a person.

Physiognomists interprets a triangle from wrinkles as a stamp of wisdom
Physiognomists interprets a triangle from wrinkles as a stamp of wisdom

Folding continuous line to the cheeks from the chin - Damn balagurov. Such people from birth are extremely sociable, have the gift of eloquence.

Wrinkle from chin to cheeks - by physiognomy, a sign of balagurs
Wrinkle from chin to cheeks - by physiognomy, a sign of balagurs

Folds, rays diverging from the outer corners of the eyes - A sign of availability wide horizons. A person notes many things, not naive and is able to analyze.

Armchars from the corners of the eyes physiognomists are called folds of horizons
Armchars from the corners of the eyes physiognomists are called folds of horizons

Deep vertical wrinkle between eyebrows - index purposefulness. Such people are ready for everything for the fulfillment of a dream, including self -sacrifice. Their discipline is at the highest level.

Important: it is impossible to dissuade or somehow stop such people.

Vertical wrinkle between eyebrows in physiognomy - a sign of purposefulness
Vertical wrinkle between eyebrows in physiognomy - a sign of purposefulness

Folds on the cheekbones - have endowed courage. Probably, such people have repeatedly strained all their internal resources. And if the folds are more expressed from the left side - So, a person coped with personal troubles, with the right -With professional or any external.

Wrinkles on the cheekbones in physiognomy - a sign of courage
Wrinkles on the cheekbones in physiognomy - a sign of courage

Wrinkles of support - They look like pits on the cheeks, only more pronounced. They mean that a person knows how to support others, throws all his strength to this.

In physiognomy, support folds indicate a person who can cheer
In physiognomy, support folds indicate a person who can cheer

Fold on the chin - says that it is extremely it is important to be welcome. He needs others to confirm their sympathy.

Important: there is a great risk of self -esteem.

Wrinkles on the chin in physiognomy - a sign of self -doubt
Wrinkles on the chin in physiognomy - a sign of self -doubt

Physiognomy of moles on the face

In the center of the forehead - this is determination, outstanding achievements in a career, respect others. A person strives to enrich his soul.

Mole in the center of the forehead in physiognomy - success in the career
Mole in the center of the forehead in physiognomy - success in the career

The eyebrow on the right - leadership qualities that will help to achieve impressive heights. However, the efforts to heights will have to make a lot, overcoming various obstacles.

Mole on the right of the eyebrow by physiognomy - leadership
Mole on the right of the eyebrow by physiognomy - leadership

On the right at the hair growth line - Availability good mind. A person can find himself in scientific activity. Naturally, with an effort.

The mole on the right on the forehead from above in physiognomy is a sign of a remarkable mind
The mole on the right on the forehead from above in physiognomy is a sign of a remarkable mind

On the left in the middle of the forehead - Life can be both take -off and fall.

Important: it all depends on whether this person will choose his own occupation or not.

Mole on the left in the middle of the forehead in physiognomy - a sign of the need to choose a job to your liking
Mole on the left in the middle of the forehead in physiognomy - a sign of the need to choose a job to your liking

Mole on the temple - The harbinger stormy personal life. The attention of the opposite sex is provided.

Mole on the temple in physiognomy - active personal life
Mole on the temple in physiognomy - active personal life

Under the eyebrows - shows how much a person knows how to establish contact with others. If the mole is located under the right eyebrow -He does not know how due to temper. If under the left - vice versa.

Moles under the eyebrows physiognomists advise to explain as an indicator of sociability
Moles under the eyebrows physiognomists advise to explain as an indicator of sociability

Between the eyebrows In the career plan Such a person can expect success. But as for communication, not everything is so rosy - imprudent behavior often leads to sad consequences.

Mole between eyebrows in physiognomy - success in the career
Mole between eyebrows in physiognomy - success in the career

Under the eye Both success and troubles. Happiness in personal life is portended by a mole on right, and the chores in work are the one that is located left.

Mole under the left eye in physiognomy - a harbinger of trouble in the professional sphere
Mole under the left eye in physiognomy - a harbinger of trouble in the professional sphere

On the nose - human With imagination. A big fan of traveling.

Important: it can successfully prove itself in creativity.

The mole on the nose, according to physiognomy, has creative people
The mole on the nose, according to physiognomy, has creative people

On the left cheekobstacles on the way to success. If a person shows patience and can find a common language with others, these obstacles will be overcome. The potential of such a person is impressive.

Moles on the left cheek according to physiognomy are obstacles that have to overcome
Moles on the left cheek according to physiognomy are obstacles that have to overcome

On the right cheekgood marriage, built on love. However, this sign also speaks of various love adventureswho should happen in the life of the owner of the moles.

Moles on the right cheek of physiognomy interprets as a promise of a successful marriage
Moles on the right cheek of physiognomy interprets as a promise of a successful marriage

Above the lip on the left - In a career, a person will reach serious success, will not need money. He eliminates obstacles easily. Adventure There will be many in life.

Important: However, you should not forget about health. If it is maintained in good condition, there will be no special problems.

The mole on the left above the lip on physiognomy is a good sign in terms of success
The mole on the left above the lip on physiognomy is a good sign in terms of success

Above the lip on the right - Promise measured life. A large number of troubles can not be expected, however, success in the opposite sex, too.

Mole over the right lip in physiognomy - a calm life
Mole over the right lip in physiognomy - a calm life

Under the lip is a good sign. The harbinger of luck and long life. A person is definitely worthwhile to travel.

The mole under the lip physiognomy interprets as a sign of good luck
The mole under the lip physiognomy interprets as a sign of good luck

On the chin on the left - There are many failures, but they are all overcome. Happiness should be sought in the family.

Mole on the chin on the left - a sign of overcoming difficulties in physiognomy
Mole on the chin on the left in physiognomy - a sign of overcoming difficulties

On the chin on the right - on career staircase Such a person will be able to climb, as well as provide himself financially. But this will happen only coupled with self -sacrifice.

Important: it is worth attentive to your health and protect your nerves.

Mole on the chin on the right in physiognomy - a sign of nervous life
Mole on the chin on the right in physiognomy - a sign of nervous life

Physiognomy of facial expressions on the face, smiles, eyes in the pictures

In physiognomy, the corners of the lips and facial wrinkles near the eyes are drawn in a smile - joy
In the physiognomy, the corners of the lips and facial wrinkles near the eyes are drawn in a smile - joy
Surprise in physiognomy is wide open eyes, raised eyebrows, facial wrinkles on the forehead and open mouth
Surprise in physiognomy is wide open eyes, raised eyebrows, facial wrinkles on the forehead and open mouth
Interest in physiognomy is when the eyebrows are slightly raised, and the eyes are widened
Interest in physiognomy is when the eyebrows are slightly raised, and the eyes are widened
Disgust - facial expressions, which in physiognomy is expressed by puffed lips, frightened eyebrows, wrinkled nose
Disgust - facial expressions, which in physiognomy is expressed by puffed lips, frightened eyebrows, wrinkled nose
. in physiognomy, sadness, sorrow can be recognized by the lowered corners of the lips, an extinct look
By physiognomy, sadness, sorrow can be recognized by the lowered corners of the lips that extor
In physiognomy, contempt is raised eyebrows and head, as if a person looks at the opponent from top to bottom
In physiognomy, contempt is raised eyebrows and head, as if a person looks at the opponent from top to bottom
In physiognomy, fear is an open mouth, raised eyebrows and wide open eyes
In physiognomy, fear is an open mouth, raised eyebrows and wide open eyes
In physiognomy, anger is shifted eyebrows, expanding the wings of the nose, often exposure of teeth
In physiognomy, anger is shifted eyebrows, expanding the wings of the nose, often exposure of teeth
Shame in physiognomy is a lowered look and often lowered head, redness of the face
Shame in physiognomy is a lowered look and often lowered head, redness of the face
In physiognomy, a relaxed smile, in which teeth are visible, not a gum, speaks of the harmony of feelings
In physiognomy, a relaxed smile, in which teeth are visible, not gums, speaks of the harmony of feelings
In physiognomy, a smile with naked gums is a signal that a person does not believe that they can love him just like that
In physiognomy, a smile with naked gums is a signal that a person does not believe that they can love him just like that
In physiognomy, a smile with a upper lip stretched above the teeth is a signal of insincerity, the desire to hide feelings
In physiognomy, a smile with a upper lip stretched above the teeth is a signal of insincerity, the desire to hide feelings
A smile curve in physiognomy is considered a smile for showing, which appeared rather as needed
A smile curve in physiognomy is considered a smile for showing, which appeared rather as needed
In physiognomy, a smile with closed as if for a kiss of lips indicates a person’s desire to observe the distance
In physiognomy, a smile with closed as if for a kiss of lips indicates a person’s desire to observe the distance
The fisognomists call the one in which both rows of teeth are exposed, facial wrinkles are exposed.
The fisognomists call the one in which both rows of teeth is exposed to a unrestrained smile, facial wrinkles are manifested
Physiognomists call slightly stretched lips with a dreamy smile, which are not tense
Physiognomists call slightly stretched lips with a dreamy smile, which are not tense
A look from below speaks in physiognomy about the respect of the interlocutor
A look from below speaks in physiognomy about the respect of the interlocutor
A look from top to bottom on physiognomy - neglect, criticism of the opponent
A look from top to bottom on physiognomy - neglect, criticism of the opponent
Look aside by physiognomy - impatience
Look aside by physiognomy - impatience
A narrowed look in physiognomy means bad intentions
A narrowed look in physiognomy means bad intentions
The look of the Sunday of Physiognomy - a sign of humility
The look of the Sunday of Physiognomy - a sign of humility
Piercing a direct look in physiognomy - a sign of self -confidence
Piercing a direct look in physiognomy - a sign of self -confidence

Physiognomy: external signs of anger and envy

One of the signs of envy - a stretched smile. A person tries to hide his bad feeling, diligently smiling - this is the first reaction designed to disguise true emotions. As a result, the lips are tense and the effect of "gluing" is created.

Important: you will never confuse with a sincere smile. In the first case, folds will gather around the eyes, and the eyes themselves will seem to glow.

A stretched smile is the first sign of physiognomy indicating envy
A stretched smile is the first sign of physiognomy indicating envy

Another sign regarding the mouth - smiremer. It can be barely noticeable, but skeptical of a person will be difficult to resist.

A grin is another sign of physiognomy, denoting envy
A grin is another sign of physiognomy, denoting envy

Now attention on eyes - They are at moments of envy squinted. A person continues to follow the interlocutor, but at the same time intuitively seeks to hide his true emotions.

Squinted eyes - a sign of envy by physiognomy
Squinted eyes - a sign of envy of physiognomy

Look at arms opponent - the envious they are often located near the mouth. This gesture comes from childhood, when we covered our mouths in case of pronouncing untruth.

Important: a person can also lean his chin on a fist, while directing the index finger up. This is the so -called “assessment pose”, the result of the skepticism to the envy object.

Hands at the mouth in physiognomy - a sign of envy
Hands at the mouth in physiognomy - a sign of envy

Physiognomic signs anger are:

  • Fried eyebrows forming folds from the nose bridges
  • Drowned wings of the nose
  • The corners of the lips are tense and often pulled down. The teeth are grinned. The mouth can be either open or tightly closed
Physiognomic signs of anger on the face
Physiognomic signs of anger on the face

Physiognomy: external signs of stress

Important: some people masterfully hide signs of stress, which can only be recognized by the closest people.

However General aspects exist:

  • Excessively compressed lips
  • Noticeable tension of the chewing muscles
  • Limitation in facial expressions or, conversely, excessive activity. In any case, facial expressions should be contrast with the usual state
  • Extended pupils
  • Redness or pale of a face
Mimic's lethargy is a frequent sign of physiognomy stress
Mimic's lethargy is a frequent sign of physiognomy stress

Physiognomy: external signs of mental deviations

Lack of facial expressions It may be a sign of schizophrenia. Of course, a person should not grimace every minute. However, if he does not respond to events around, then it is worthwhile to be wary.

The absolute lack of facial expressions is often called a sign of schizophrenia
The absolute lack of facial expressions is often called a sign of schizophrenia

Against, not interconnected with the circumstances of the reaction They can also be an alarming bell. For example, laughter for no reason. Irritability, anger, fear without the reason, reflected on the face, should also alert.

Important: sharply suspicious harsh shifts are especially suspicious.

Laughter for no reason for physiognomy is one of the signs of mental disorders
Laughter for no reason for physiognomy is one of the signs of mental disorders

Too frequent fatigueclearly read on the face, can also be one of the signs of disorders. Of course, we all get tired from time to time, but chronic oppression, reaching apathy, is not a healthy sign.

Chronic apathy reading on the face is one of the physiognomic signs of mental disorder
Chronic apathy reading on the face is one of the physiognomic signs of mental disorder

Often, people with mental abnormalities experience hallucinations. This can be determined by the view aimed to where there is nothing particularly interesting. At the same time, the look expresses curiosity, surprise, horror.

A look full of horror, without a reason is a sign of a sign of a disorder in physiognomy
A look full of horror, without a reason is a sign of a sign of a disorder in physiognomy

Physiognomy: external signs of sadists

Psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso, having studied portraits of representatives of the criminal world, outlined the following signs:

  • Narrow and sometimes pierced forehead
  • Deeply planted eyes
  • Massive eyebrows reminiscent of the appearance of the roller
  • Pressed by the lower jaw. In this regard, a massive chin is also observed

Since ancient times, people with such signs have not been pleased, considering them the personification of a small mind and rough physical strength. With such people, others often come into conflicts.

Irma Greze - a sample of sadism according to physiognomy - just has a narrow forehead, deeply planted eyes
Irma Greze - a model of sadism according to physiognomy - just has a narrow forehead, deeply planted eyes

Sight Such personalities often heavy. They can rarely blink, therefore it is not easy to withstand such a look.

Andrey Chikatilo is an example of a heavy look in physiognomy
Andrey Chikatilo is an example of a heavy look in physiognomy

Lip may be protruded - This sign speaks of frequent temper.

Jeffrey Lyonel Damer - serial killer, whose lower lip in physiognomy is a sign of temper
Jeffrey Lyonel Damer - a serial killer whose lower lip in physiognomy is a sign of temper

Important: of course, there are many examples that people with similar signs are harmless. This list is only an approximate landmark.

We published earlier another article, in which we brought various signs, which should be guided by a novice physiognomist. We hope that these works will help you better understand others, greatly facilitating your life.

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