How to read the character of a person according to the facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of men and women in the shape of a face: examples with a description, photo

How to read the character of a person according to the facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of men and women in the shape of a face: examples with a description, photo

In this article, we will teach you how to read others from their faces.

Now it’s fashionable to talk about physiognomy, but do you know that the roots of this science go into the ancient world? So, in Asia, it was an integral part of Confucianism, and the ancient Greeks heard about it. Let's get acquainted with the general aspects.

Physiognomy - the shape and color of the eyes, eyelids in men and women: examples with description, photo

Big -eyed People, as a rule, have all the inclinations of the leader. There is a lot for this - courage, will, mental sensitivity.

Important: however, keep in mind that such people are more predisposed to making decisions oriented in the short term. Far -coming plans do not always succeed.

People with large round eyes, according to physiognomy, are excellent leaders
People with large round eyes, according to physiognomy, are excellent leaders

Small eyes Often they say that you have a personality closed, from time to time gloomy, not deprived stubbornness and complacency. However, at the same time, such people differ constancy.

Physiognomy describes people with small eyes as constant personalities in some beliefs
Physiognomy describes people with small eyes as constant personalities in some beliefs

Extended eyes, the upper corners of which look up - sophistication nature. Wherein men can boast of determination, and women It is characteristic of unreasonable behavior.

Men with narrow eyes, the upper corners of which are raised up - nature, according to physiognomy, decisive
Men with narrow eyes, the upper corners of which are raised up - nature, according to physiognomy, decisive
Narrow eyes according to physiognomy - a sign of sophisticated nature
Narrow eyes according to physiognomy - a sign of sophisticated nature

If the eyes are located On one line - this is a good sign.

Located on the same line of the eye - a good sign in physiognomy
Located on the same line of the eye - a good sign in physiognomy

Closely planted Eyes-a signal that a person gravitates to something narrowly focused.

Important: such a person gives all his strength to the chosen direction.

Close -set eyes in physiognomy - signal of narrow direction
Close -set eyes in physiognomy - a sign of narrow direction

Eyelids Also played in physiognomics, far from the last role. For example, pronounced upper ones They talk about maturity or fatigue, and lower - About a stormy life.

Physiognomy interprets the pronounced upper eyelid as a sign of fatigue
Physiognomy interprets the pronounced upper eyelid as a sign of fatigue
And the pronounced lower eyelid physiognomists consider an indicator of a stormy life
And the pronounced lower eyelid physiognomists consider an indicator of a stormy life

Let's talk about eye color:

People with dark brown eyes, according to physiognomy, are impulsive
People with dark brown eyes, according to physiognomy, are impulsive
Light brown eyes in physiognomy - judgment
Light brown eyes in physiognomy-judgment
Gray eyes, according to physiognomy, have inquisitive people
Gray eyes, according to physiognomy, have inquisitive people
According to physiognomists, people with blue eyes are flexors and are able to create beautiful things
According to physiognomists, people with blue eyes are flexors and are able to create beautiful things
Owners of rare blue eyes, according to physiognomists, are contradictory and determined
Owners of rare blue eyes, according to physiognomists, are contradictory and determined
Owners of gray-blue eyes, according to physiognomy, are kind, responsive, vulnerable
Owners of gray-blue eyes, according to physiognomy, are kind, responsive, vulnerable
Green -eyed people, according to physiognomy, are harmonious, kind, faithful
Green -eyed people, according to physiognomy, are harmonious, kind, faithful
Owners of gray-green eyes in physiognomy bold, purposeful, energetic
Owners of gray-green eyes in physiognomy bold, purposeful, energetic
Black -eyed people in physiognomy have amazing magnetism, bear bold plans
Black -eyed people in physiognomy have amazing magnetism, bear bold plans

Physiognomy: the shape of the nose, nostrils in men and women

So-called "Roman nose" It is a hallmark leader with an analytical warehouse of the mind. Moreover, the more such a feature is expressed, the more often its owner “sticks the price tags” on the surrounding things.

Physiognomists belong to the leaders with a Roman nose
Physiognomists belong to the leaders with a Roman nose

Owners direct The nose can boast hardness of character, clear mind,enviable organizational abilities. Aesthetic perception is on top.

Important: such a person copes equally well both with the duties of the head and with the work of the subordinate.

Jude Lowe is a good example of the fact that people with a straight nose, according to physiognomy, gravitate towards art
Jude Lowe is a good example of the fact that people with a straight nose, according to physiognomy, gravitate towards art

Hooked The nose is characteristic of skepticsfor which it is completely natural to ask a hundred questions and subject all criticism in the world. However, behind this quality is hidden vulnerable nature.

Physiognomists describe a hooked nose as a sign of a skeptical nature
Physiognomists describe a hooked nose as a sign of a skeptical nature

Snub The nose is inherent trusting and responsive personalities. Them naivety Often is a nursery, and Vera It does not run out of people, despite various troubles. Emotions have a huge impact on behavior.

Physiogenomy attributes to the snub -nosed people naivety and trusting
Physiogenomy attributes to the snub -nosed people naivety and trusting

"Nose on potatoes" Extremely has curious of people. Moreover, the more he is, the more a person shows curiosity.

The nose of potatoes, according to physiognomy, is available in extremely curious personalities
The nose of potatoes, according to physiognomy, is available in extremely curious personalities

A little about the nostrils:

Physiognomists say that ideally the nostrils should be covered with wings of the nose
Physiognomists say that ideally the nostrils should be covered with wings of the nose
The more the nostrils are visible, the, according to the physiognomists, more people are more self
The more the nostrils are visible, the, according to the physiognomists, more people are more self
Wide wings of the nose, as physiognomists assure, are of decisive natures
Wide wings of the nose, as physiognomists assure, are of decisive natures
But the narrow wings of the nose of physiognomy interprets as a tendency to indecision, concessions
But the narrow wings of the nose of physiognomy interprets as a tendency to indecision, concessions

Physiognomy: shapes, upper and lower lips in men and women

It is believed that the mouth women should ideally differ in the softness of the lines and small size, and men - The stiffness of the outlines.

Important: if the opposite is true, then the owner of the mouth is inherent in the character traits of the opposite sex.

Women's mouth in physiognomy has the softness of the outlines
Women's mouth in physiognomy has the softness of the outlines
According to physiognomy, the stronger sex with a masculine character is not inherent in soft bends of the mouth
According to physiognomy, the stronger sex with a masculine character is not inherent in soft bends of the mouth
But the physiognomists interpret a large mouth in women as a predominance in the character of male features
But the physiognomists interpret a large mouth in women as a predominance in the character of male features

If the lips are compressed thin straight line, then this is a sure sign of predominance thoughtfulness, systematicity In actions and scrupulousness. Pettiness Also, do not exclude.

Thoughtful - a character trait in physiognomy in people with a straight line of mouth
Thoughtful - in physiognomy of a character trait in people with a straight line of mouth

The thickness of the upper lip shows us how much a person likes to talk - And the thicker it is, the more with great pleasure the person does it. At the same time, the story is often replete with a mass of colorful details.

Physiognomy suggests that people with the full upper lip are the most talkative
Physiognomy suggests that people with the full upper lip are the most talkative

Lower the lip shows to what extent its owner generous. People with a full lower lip in every sense are ready to give more than they sometimes require them. They are willingly come to concessions.

Important: however, there is a certain danger - often such personalities take more on their shoulders than to endure.

The fullness of the lower lip speaks in the physiognomy of generosity
The fullness of the lower lip speaks in the physiognomy of generosity

Of course, plays a role and direction of corners mouth: lowered signal about pessimism, and raised - About optimism.

The raised corners of the mouth in physiognomy are a characteristic feature of optimists
The raised corners of the mouth in physiognomy are a characteristic feature of optimists
The pubescent corners of the mouth of physiognomy interprets as a predisposition to pessimism
The lowered corners of the mouth of physiognomy interprets as a predisposition to pessimism

Physiognomy: the shape of the head in men and women

Egg -like The head is a characteristic feature intellectuals. Moreover, the intellectual may well be windy.

The head in the form of an egg is a physiognomic sign of high development of intelligence
The head in the form of an egg is a physiognomic sign of high development of intelligence

Square Form is a business card solid naturewho likes to indulge thoughts and on which can rely.

Important: it is believed that the wider the head, the more a person can be friendly.

Square head in physiognomy - an indicator of the reliability of a person
Square head in physiognomy - an indicator of the reliability of a person
Pay attention to the width of the head - the physiognomy attributes to this indicator the level of friendliness
Pay attention to the width of the head - physiognomy correlates with this indicator the level of friendliness

Round -headed people soft, kind, peaceful And completely devoid of ambition. They are constant In their interests and they love comfort.

Round -headed people, according to physiognomy, are extremely good -natured
Round -headed people, according to physiognomy, are extremely good -natured

A man with a shape of a head reminiscent rhombus, always Decisive and contact. On him can rely, although sometimes it will have to be considered with stubbornness, stiffness.

The rhombus of the head in physiognomy indicates assertiveness
The rhombus of the head in physiognomy indicates assertiveness

High crown It is characteristic of people who know how to go to success. They are Active and purposeful.

High crown in physiognomy is inherent in successful people
High crown in physiognomy is inherent in successful people

Not as clearly expressed crown tells others that a person happens at times undersive.

Physiognomy attributes to a person with an implicitly expressed crown frequent doubts
Physiognomy attributes to a person with an implicitly expressed crown frequent doubts

Physiognomy: face shape in men and women

Square The face is unshakable confidence In their actions and thoughts. A big plus is that a person is not only sure of something, but also has the strength for the implementation of goals. Not shy.

Important: it is extremely difficult to agree with such personalities.

A square face in physiognomy is a sign of unshakable self -confidence
A square face in physiognomy is a sign of unshakable self -confidence

Round - soft tender nature. As a rule, the real gurmans, not only those who love to eat deliciously, but also able to cook.

Cool -faced people in physiognomy are mild in nature
Cool -faced people in physiognomy are mild in nature

Oval the form - incredulitya tendency to do work by oneself. However, this person can boast hard work, the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

The oval face is inherent, according to physiognomy, to people's hardworking people
The oval face is inherent, according to physiognomy, to people's hardworking people

District - enough explosive nature. They say about such people that they have one step from love to hatred. Fast, smart. However, they do not like when they are driven by themselves.

The rhomboid face tells the experts of physiognomy about nature with a frequently changing mood
The rhomboid face tells the experts of physiognomy about nature with a frequently changing mood

Owners triangular persons also intellectually developed, however, they cannot be called fighters. Are artistic susceptible by naturals.

Important: mainly optimists, especially women.

Physiognomists say that there are many optimists among women with a triangular face
Physiognomists say that there are many optimists among women with a triangular face

Physiognomy: Fridge shape in men and women

In order to analyze the personality on the forehead, visually divide the forehead into 3 parts. Then see which one Most stands out:

  • 1 - It is located next to the hair growth line. Man is philosopher, idealist
  • 2 - The middle. Humanist. His beliefs have a direct connection with society
  • 3 - The zone over the eyebrows. Personality data are most appreciated logic, practicality. Their mind is rational
The most developed third zone of the forehead, according to physiognomy, speaks of a rational mind
The most developed third zone of the forehead, according to physiognomy, speaks of a rational mind
The distinguished upper part of the forehead by physiognomy is interpreted as a tendency to philosophizing
The distinguished upper part of the forehead by physiognomy is interpreted as a tendency to philosophizing
But the emphasis on the middle part of the forehead is the physiognomy as increased humanity
But the emphasis on the middle part of the forehead is interpreted as increased humanity

Round The forehead is characteristic of people who successfully cope with the task of inventing original ideas. Any field of activity related to creativity is unusually suitable for them.

People with a round forehead on physiognomy have huge chances to realize themselves in a creative profession
People with a round forehead on physiognomy have huge chances to realize themselves in a creative profession

Square The forehead belongs innovators. For their lives, they can change a lot of professions, try a lot of hobbies.

Important: however, there is a significant minus - many undertakings rush into half the journey.

The square forehead attributes to the naturally carried away
The square forehead attributes to the naturally carried away

Oval The forehead is characteristic conservatives. They will never throw old things for anything. Nevertheless, the house will always be not a warehouse, but a cozy nest. With loved ones, friends and colleagues, such people manage to support warm relationship almost always.

Oval forehead in physiognomy is characteristic of conservatives
Oval forehead in physiognomy is characteristic of conservatives

Physiognomy: the shape of the nose of men and women

As previously believed, the nose can characterize health status man and his predisposition to Career growth. For luck in this regard, you need to possess smooth bridge.

Smooth nose bridge of physiognomy - a sign of good luck
Smooth nose bridge of physiognomy - a sign of good luck

Uneven the same Rude leather, cross folds point to problems In health or career.

The folds of the nose in physiognomy are interpreted as a signal about problems
The folds of the nose in physiognomy are interpreted as a signal about problems

A little flattened the nose suggests that a person will have to make a very a lot of effort During work.

The flattened nose bridge is interpreted as the need to make a large amount of effort
The flattened nose bridge is interpreted as the need to make a large amount of effort

High The nose is often found in people of a high social status. And this is explainable: such personalities are inherent in performance, ambitiousness.

Important: keep in mind that such personalities can always be addressed - they are extremely friendly.

High suffrage in physiognomy speaks of the high position of the owner
High suffrage in physiognomy speaks of the high position of the owner

Low the nose is often inherent pessimists. These people noticeably lack vital energy.

Low nose bridge is interpreted by physiognomists as a sign of an energy lack
Low nose bridge is interpreted by physiognomists as a sign of an energy lack

Physiognomy: Eyebrow shape in men and women

Low Eyes are usually in people who can promptly and inspect react to anything. They have strong character, enviable willpower. Moreover, enough expressive And they are easily accepted for some business.

Low eyebrows in physiognomy have people with a strong character
Low eyebrows in physiognomy have people with a strong character

Owners high arranged eyebrows prevented. However, to communicate with them is easy friendliness, openness, cheerful morals. it thin tender natureswhich is very easy to impress.

Important: all the undertakings of such personalities are used to bringing to the end, despite their impulsiveness.

People with high eyebrows in physiognomy are very friendly
People with high eyebrows in physiognomy are very friendly

Kosovynnoe Eyebrows - in other words, those that diverge from the bridge of the nose up. Their owners anxious, tenseExtremely Concerned about the quality of their work.

Physiognomists ascribe to people responsible
Physiognomists ascribe to people responsible

Kosonaruzhny - And such eyebrows diverge from the nose and mean Softness, caring. Moreover, such qualities are observed since childhood. In the future with these people very it is comfortable to be friends and cooperate.

Physiognomy's oblique eyebrows interprets as a manifestation of softness
Physiognomy's oblique eyebrows interprets as a manifestation of softness

Broken People have eyebrows dynamicwho often take on too many worries, but almost always cope. They are impatient and tend to be annoyed.

Placed eyebrows attributes to natural to natural
Placed eyebrows attributes to natural to natural

Arched - Characteristic for sentimental soft Natural. Creativity is their native element.

Important: to explain something to such people is best on examples.

Arch -shaped physiognomy eyebrows ascribes to sentimental natures
Arch -shaped physiognomy eyebrows ascribes to sentimental natures

Physiognomy: the shape of the chin in men and women

Circularly the form has personalities generous, hospitable, responsive. They will always be interested in the problems and achievements of others.

A rounded chin in physiognomy is available in soft natures
A rounded chin in physiognomy is available in soft natures

Angularity is the signal that a person believes in high goals And motivated by them. He will be up to the last defend your viewsEven if you have to enter a serious dispute for this.

Physiognomists attribute the angular chin to people defending their ideals
Physiognomists attribute the angular chin to people defending their ideals

People with pointed The chin is for themselves the owners And terribly do not like orders addressed to them. To achieve goals, use exclusively own paths.

People with a pointed chin in physiognomy are the owners themselves
People with a pointed chin in physiognomy are the owners themselves

Mowed The chin is characteristic of slightly lazy personalities. They do not have an internal rod, so sometimes they can and rate, cheat. Conflicts are avoided By all means.

Important: however, you can always find a compromise with them.

Physiognomists observe the mowed chin in slightly lazy people
Physiognomists observe the mowed chin in slightly lazy people

Protruding The chin is available purposeful of people. Everything that they have was obtained as a result painful efforts. It is not easy to intimidate them as forced to surrender.

Physiognomists call people with a protruding chin with strong nuts
Physiognomists call people with a protruding chin with strong nuts

Double the chin is a signal of not only too large calories in the diet, but also a sign power, strength of character.

People with a double chin according to physiognomists are power
People with a double chin, according to physiognomists, are authority

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheeks in men and women

Fulle cheeks - have a very emotional People who are not able to constantly control the manifestations of their character. Moreover, they are like good interlocutors, so excellent listeners. We can safely say that such a person will A faithful friend and great organizer.

People with full cheeks, according to the research of physiognomists, are excellent friends
People with full cheeks, according to the research of physiognomists, are excellent friends

Slide cheeks - their owners are enough serious, thoughtful, attentive. Feeling responsibility developed excellent. However, they are often guided not only by the mind, but also intuition.

Important: such people should carefully take care of their physical condition.

Persons with hollow cheeks, according to physiognomy, are thoughtful
Persons with hollow cheeks, according to physiognomy, are thoughtful

Cheeks With dimples have balanced and trusting personalities. They are they love to take risks and often they are experiencing excitementHowever, masterfully mask it.

Physiognomy on the cheeks interprets the dimples as a sign of credulity
Physiognomy on the cheeks interprets the dimples as a sign of credulity

Physiognomics: Ear and women form in men and women

Oval or round - Often found in gifted personalities, including showing talent in the musical sphere. They are Impressive, inventive and prone to enthusiasm share results their activities. Moreover, such people tend to show delicacy.

Oval or round ears physiognomists often observed musicians
Oval or round ears physiognomists often watched the musicians

Rectangular - index firmness of character and decency. Definitely available sanity, and the approach to solving problems realistic. Simply put, there is probably a practitioner in front of you.

Physiognomists attribute rectangular ears to practices
Physiognomists attribute rectangular ears to practices

Triangular the form is characteristic of lovers to show their individuality. Surely you will see such ears with representatives of creative professions.

Important: a minus of this nature lies in impatience.

Physiognomists often observe triangular ears in creative personalities
Physiognomists often observe triangular ears in creative personalities

It is worth paying attention to a lobe ear. So, small - sign scrupulousness And the ability to organize your life. At the same time, a person loves fast results.

A small earlobe in physiognomy is a sign of scrupulousness
A small earlobe in physiognomy is a sign of scrupulousness

Large lobe testifies to excellent health owner. In addition, we can conclude about the character - it persistent. On such a person can rely.

A large earlobe is interpreted by physiognomists as a sign of excellent health
A large earlobe is interpreted by physiognomists as a sign of excellent health

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheekbones, jaws in men and women

Wide cheekbones - indicators of an impressive stock energy And enviable stamina. Such a person can act slowly, but this leisurely is deceiving. Any tasks eventually find themselves on the shoulder.

Wide cheekbones have determined, according to physiognomists, people
Wide cheekbones have determined, according to physiognomists, people

Narrow cheekbones - they say that a person is enough actively gives energy to the world. This means that the achievement of the goal is carried out by "short dashes", during which the spent energy is replenished.

Important: breaks for several minutes - what is needed for such a person.

Narrow cheekbones physiognomists attribute to energy consuming people
Narrow cheekbones physiognomists attribute to energy consuming people

Failed cheekbones - meet at introverts. A person is indifferent to many moments and does not always seek to show participation.

Physiognomists attribute to introverts unexpressed cheekbones
Physiognomists attribute to introverts unexpressed cheekbones

Concerning lower jaw, then it is believed that the wider She, that more authoritarian The person is in front of you. He has a well -set voice, likes to lead.

People with a wide jaw in physiognomy are considered authoritarian
People with a wide jaw in physiognomy are considered authoritarian

People s narrow jaw They cannot boast of perseverance. If they manage to break through, then rather thanks to an aggressive character or luck. Such personalities are definitely worth developing a confident voice, you need to learn how to insist on your point of view.

People with a narrow jaw in physiognomy are too soft
People with a narrow jaw in physiognomy are too soft

Physiognomy: form form in men and women

Physiognomy allows you to determine The nature of the problems With the body even in language:

  • Thickened - Most likely, out of order digestive system, liver
  • Thin - there is a tendency to problems with blood system. Violation metabolism It is also not excluded

Important: if the language is also long, then it is worth checking the condition of the heart system.

Physiognomists regard a long tongue as a signal that the heart is with the heart
Physiognomists regard a long tongue as a signal that there are problems with the heart

Pay attention to grooves. They may indicate violations in the work of the heart. However, if such marks are excessively deep, it is worth checking kids.

Physiognomists interpret the grooves as problems in the heart of the heart
Physiognomists interpret the grooves in the language as problems with the work of the heart

Physiognomics: form of teeth in men and women

White even teeth are considered a sign in physiognomy good fate. They are also called "horse", predicting a person health and luck. There are also many friends, because the owner of such teeth social, friendly and always friendly.

Physiognomists consider white even teeth ideal
Physiognomists consider white even teeth ideal

If a the front teeth are a little more others, this is a good omen for marriage. AT financial The plan is also worth expecting prosperity.

Important: it is desirable that the teeth narrow down, and not up.

Physiognomists consider large front teeth a good sign
Physiognomists consider large front teeth a good sign

Sticking forward teeth are found in nature extraordinary, accustomed to seek on your own. Often such people leave far from home - And already at a new place of residence they build life from scratch.

Physiognomists describe people with protruding teeth as the natures of extraordinary
Physiognomists describe people with protruding teeth as the natures of extraordinary

Diastema It is a happy sign. Such people They live for a long timeThey can it is good to earn. However, it is only about the distance between the front teeth - in other cases, the gap should be small.

Diastem in physiognomy is a happy omen
Diastem in physiognomy is a happy omen

As you can see, a lot can be said about a person, not even having time to get to know him properly. If you remember the main aspects of physiognomy, information from the face of the interlocutor will be read without much difficulty.

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