Physiognomy: How to determine the nature of the eyebrows?

Physiognomy: How to determine the nature of the eyebrows?

The eyebrows have recently become part of the face, at which the close attention of fashionistas and fashionistas has been directed. But it turns out that there is a long science that studies human eyebrows - physiognomy, it allows you to recognize the character of a person, his strengths and weaknesses precisely on them, let's talk about this in more detail.

Cosmetic procedures can radically change not only the color and density of the eyebrows, but also their shape - in this case, the conclusions of physiognomists will, of course, be incorrect. Frame - this is what the eyebrows are called, so the overall impression that makes the person’s face, whether it seems beautiful, harmonious or repulsive depends on them.

The girl's low eyebrows - the nature of the eyebrows

General canons of "correct" eyebrows:

  • Distance Between them, at least the width of two fingers (from excess hairs, it is better to get rid of in time - both between the eyebrows and outside the main outlines of the eyebrow).
  • The hairs should be laid in one direction, and do not stick out with a hedgehog.
  • The best is considered arched form And sufficient length (with the source at the border of the wing of the nose and ending at the level of the outer corner of the eye).
  • The eyebrow should bend quite highly (at the level of the conditional line passing through the outer end of the rainbow shell of the eye).

By shape and color, the hair density and their location can be accurately judged about the character of a person - This is what we will tell about in our study.

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • Usually low eyebrows in girls They are wide and straight - this indicates the predominance of male qualities of character. Such women are inherent Ipower and dictatorship, straightforwardness and even rigidity.
  • They, as a rule, have a perfect career, they are inherently leaders, but with personal relationships, alas, there are problems, because they lack femininity, tenderness, weakness, indecision. On the contrary, they are full of ambitions, are very practical and know exactly what they want from life.
  • Often such girls indulge in purely "male" fun: they like to shoot, drive a bike or sports car, do risky sports in the pursuit of adrenaline.
  • They themselves do not need a men's shoulder too much, but if a man decides to connect his fate with such a girl, he must be ready for testing.

Pronounced eyebrows - character in eyebrows

Pronounced eyebrows - character on eyebrows:

  • Bright, sufficient density of the eyebrow With a clearly defined edge, which stand out well on the face, they say that their owner is very confident in their abilities, as they say, not a timid dozen.
  • Such a person can be very persistent If the situation requires, even aggressive. He does not doubt his decisions and clearly follows the previously drawn up plan.

Frozen eyebrows - character in eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • Brows with a break.Such an eyebrow form, which is also called wedge -shaped, is observed in people of an adventurous character of character, which not only love adventures, but also seek them themselves.
  • They, as a rule, try to take a leading position in any team, infect others with their ideas - and they manage it! Fortune loves people with wedge -shaped eyebrows, so most of their projects are quite successful.
With a break
With a break

Straight eyebrows - character in eyebrows

  • Straight eyebrows are the character of the eyebrows. People with such eyebrows are straightforwardlike their “face frame”, that is, enough frank, always say what they think.
  • These are very social people - love communication, large companies, funny gatherings. In the professional sphere, leadership positions are suitable for them, because they are ready for justified risk, very balanced and ready to make operational decisions.

Wide eyebrows - character in eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • By width, one can safely judge not only their owner, but also about masculinity, courage, as well as a state of health.
  • If a the eyebrows are too wide, then this is not a good sign. Most likely, their owner can be vengeful, vindictive, excessively imperious, even cruel. But at the same time he will brave and brave (on the verge of madness), very hardy, dreamy and with high intellect.
  • The average width of the eyebrows is considered optimal, in which a person will be balanced, sociable, stress -resistant.

Eyebrows "house" - the nature of the eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • The owners of the eyebrows by the “house”, that is, the triangular, in which the top of the eyebrow is located above the eye, usually very bold and ready for decisive action.
  • According to physiognomy, they have developed intuition and even clairvoyance, which helps them in work and in personal life.
  • Often this form of eyebrows is found in the military.

From negativity - selfishness, narcissism, excessive suspicion, sometimes even cruelty.


Shishies over the eyebrows - physiognomy, character in eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • If a person has cones on his forehead, then this speaks of a certain chosennesstalents, opportunities, creative or life successes.
  • The presence of two symmetrically located tubercles over both eyebrows, according to research , says that a person endowed (or will be endowed in the future) with great power, will have an indisputable authority.
  • The bump over the left eyebrow - to frequent trials and hardships in youth and a calm rich old age.
  • The bump over the right eyebrow - to the failures and many obstacles at the beginning of the life path and a brilliant career later.

Overhanging eyebrows - physiognomy, character in eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • Hang eyebrows. When a man’s eyebrows hang low above his eyes, this is not a very good sign, he most likely will not be different activity, determination, masculinity.
  • But for the girl, this shape of the eyebrows is very useful, because they will be presented to their owner light in nature. Such women they build a family well, create strong marriages.

Physiognomy - fused eyebrows, character in eyebrows

  • It happens that both eyebrows are fed in almost the same line. How to determine in this case the nature of the eyebrows? Not only does it look very unaesthetic (even in men), but also portends the unlucky fate of their owner.
  • Most likely, such a person will have to difficult life From a very early age to the end of the days, he will be restless in his soul, obstacles in making money, a limited circle of communication due to a not too pleasant nature.

Thick eyebrows - physiognomy, character in eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • People, gifted with dense eyebrows, are simply doomed to achieve great success in life. But there are several conditions that will have to be fulfilled. Firstly, it is necessary develop self -confidence, deal with the notorious, And this is hard work. In addition, you will have to overcome laziness, unwillingness to move against the current.
  • If a the thick eyebrows are short, That person can be aggressive, hot -tempered, even cruel - these qualities in himself also need to be eradicated.

High eyebrows - physiognomy, character in eyebrows

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • People who have The eyebrows are located high above the eyes, Usually they show special addiction when you need to make a choice or express your opinion. They are cheerful and frank, impressive and gentle.
  • Such people, according to physiognomy, There are not too many friends, but they are all real. In some ways they perfectionists, They prefer to bring everything to a logical conclusion.
  • Differ examination And they like to analyze in detail, thoroughly study the situation from all sides.

Form of eyebrows - physiognomy, character in eyebrows

The potential embedded in a person and his character by eyebrows, granted to nature, is very simple to learn.

The nature of the eyebrows:

  • Arched (arched) - are considered elegant. Their owner is a sensual romantic, with whom it is easy and pleasant to communicate. However, it is not weak -lecharacted, it can insist on his own and succeed in life.
  • Ride - There are activists and leaders focused on success, to profit, to win. Such people can not frown, otherwise they can simply be scared of their menacingly shifted eyebrows.
  • Semicircular - characteristic of self -confident people with well -developed intuition, the ability to "read between the lines." These are good businessmen and financiers, the soul of any company, very attractive for any type of relationship.
  • With lowered tips - They say that the person is led, too naive and trusting. These are people of art - musicians, writers, actors, filmmakers. They are good life companions, faithful friends and partners.
  • Short - There are people with a restless heart, sort of fidgets who are constantly in motion. They are ambitious, independent of someone else's opinion, successful, look young for a long time.
  • With a break - Clinical or triangular eyebrows are at adventurers. They will do everything, in their power in order to take leadership positions in any team and, regardless of anything to achieve successful results.
  • Direct - They decorate the faces of straightforward and courageous people, decisive and energetic, ready to take risks - with a serious chance of achieving the desired goals. Are suitable for senior positions.

The nature of the eyebrows in women

In the Middle Ages, women-fashionistas completely shaved their eyebrows to visually increase the forehead. Could they imagine that modern beauties would artificially increase their “face frame” in order to match the latest trends of beauty fashion? What can we tell us about women's eyebrows?


The nature of the eyebrows:

  • Direct - A girl with such eyebrows, and if they are also wide dark shade, most likely, male features prevail. She will have an excess of straightforwardness, authority, traction to extreme. She is always ready to accept the call, can work as a leader and lead the team.
  • With a break - Such a girl is very feminine, and her temperament directly depends on the coolness of the break (the cooler it is, the brighter the temperament). She will most likely be successfully engaged in business-you need to put an excess of energy somewhere! Or let in adventures, look for adventure. Unfortunately, because of her character variability, partners can often change.
  • Long - Add girls of beauty, mystery, a certain highlight in appearance. Such beauties do not have a deficiency of gentlemen, so they value themselves, are very self -sufficient, attractive for communication. In adulthood, such eyebrows are very young for the face.
  • Short - They are characteristic of frank, gullible girls, whom everyone around them consider charming. They are very hot in love, surrender to her without a trace. For young girls, they are an excellent facial decoration, and with age it is worth artificially lengthening them - to the corner of the eye.
  • Thin - ideal for women delicate, fragile, needing care and protection. Most men intuitively prefer such chosen ones. And if the thin eyebrow is greatly bending, then this should alarming men, because it speaks of the bore of their owner.
  • Round symmetrical - Oddly enough, they are characteristic of both a businessman and the artists of the stage. Others can mistakenly consider their owners to vicious seducers, but in fact such women are very practical, logically thinking, self -confident and very inventive.
  • Wide - That's exactly what they had the primitive ladies, so subconsciously they give a signal about the presence of long -standing instincts - undisguised sexuality, sensuality, hot temperament, love of life in all its manifestations.
  • With a lowered outer corner - This is the “face for the face” of the victim, as they create the grimace of suffering. Typically, such eyebrows occur among led women who do not live in their minds, weak -willed and helpless. In young ladies, this may look touching, but with age they should still be adjusted.
  • Ride - eyebrows of active, energetic beauties, confident and knowing their price. In rare cases, their owners notice excessive pride and aggressiveness, but this is rather an exception than the rule.

Wrinkle between the eyebrows - physiognomy, character in eyebrows

  • In physiognomy, and definition character by eyebrows, The inter -blossry place talks about how a person succeeds solving everyday problems, Making money and the like. The more wrinkled this place, the stronger the person worries about routine affairs, the more energy and internal forces he spends on them.
  • If between the eyebrows horizontal wrinkles run, Then in front of you is a person who is accustomed to deeply analyze and thoroughly think about the upcoming business. But when the decision was made - he, like a ram, will move to the goal, despite obstacles and circumstances.
  • Three parallel horizontal wrinkles They talk about the abilities for literary work, artistic talent.
  • Rommboid wrinkle predicts a long happy healthy life.
  • The appearance of vertical wrinkles between eyebrows - A signal that the liver should be checked.
  • Three even vertical wrinkles - The prediction of early glory, rapid career growth.

The nature of the eyebrows in men

It is quite difficult to study the nature of the eyebrows in women,after all, as mentioned above, they correct them throughout life. But with men in this sense, it is easier-they, as a rule, are content with eyebrows donated by Mother Nature.

For men
For men
  • Semicircular - It can be difficult for such men to make a decision, but then they will not retreat from him. They are female favorites, sensual and attentive, ready to surround with care and listen to all your difficulties.
  • Wide with a break - Very fundamental, ready to defend their dogmas to hoarse. They do not like other people's recommendations and advisers, they reach everything with their minds. Very charismatic, courageous, energetic and cheerful.
  • Thin are curved - These are modern donkeys, so life with them will not be easy, because it will build sand castles and fight with windmills. But it is very creative and romantic, good in creative professions.
  • Wide straight - Their owner loves to control everything, act strictly according to the charter, so he will show himself well in the army, in law enforcement. In a relationship - persistent and straightforward, reliable as a rock and fair.
  • Curled asymmetric - This is the eyebrows of the true Casanova, who is good to have in lovers (he has no equal!), But marriage with such a person can become torture. Most likely, he will often fall in love and change his girlfriends.
  • Narrow with a slight bend - Very reliable, like a Swiss bank, - in love, and in friendship, and at work. A strong man who will bring everything to the end will lead people and take on the full responsibility for it.
  • Business straight “This is an alpha male with great sexuality, but, like a wolf, he will choose his lover and will be faithful to her to the end.” Despite the external brutality, he is very vulnerable, attentive to the little things, but is very sensitive to betrayals that he will never forgive.

Video: What do eyebrows say about a person - we determine the nature of the eyebrows

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