The physiognomy of the lips is large, small, narrow, lowered corners of the lips down, the lower lip is more than the upper: what does this mean in the character of men and women?

The physiognomy of the lips is large, small, narrow, lowered corners of the lips down, the lower lip is more than the upper: what does this mean in the character of men and women?

Description of human character characteristics depending on the size of the lips.

Not only along the line of the hand can determine the fate of a person and his character. Highlya lot of, What the facial features and some of its features can tell. The study of the face of physiognomy is engaged in the study of facial features. In this article we will talk about lips, and what is the difference between people with large and small, chubby or narrow lips. 

Physiognomy - the lower lip is more than the upper in women and men: what does this mean?

For men, large, large, clearly defined lips speak of openness, self -confidence, and charisma. However, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Physiognomy - the lower lip is greater than the upper in women and men, which this means:

  • If the lower lip in size significantly exceeds the upper one, this indicates not compliance, perseverance, and restrained. Such a person in no case will not give the laurel of the championship, and does not like to lose.
  • That is why it is necessary to be careful with such people and less often arguing. Conflicts with them- this is A gystical business, since nothing will be achieved. A person will always prove his superiority and top above you.
  • The same applies to women, but there are some subtleties. The fair sex with magnificent lips differ in sensuality, and love experiments in bed. Therefore, if you doubt you to make an acquaintance with a girl or not, you definitely need to flirt with her. 
Beautiful mouth
Beautiful mouth

Physiognomy - small lips in women and men: character

It was previously believed that thin lips are characteristic of the mean people, in fact, this is not so.

Physiognomy - small lips in women and men, character:

  • Thin, small lips, which are distinguished by a wide cut, say that a person always sees something bad in events. That is, he is a pessimist.
  • In most cases, similar lips are found in women and men who have a sullen and taciturn character.
  • They do not like to talk a lot, even in the company of friends it is difficult to get a word. Very often, such lips speak of excessive tension, a person is not at ease. 
Small mouth
Small mouth

Fisiognomy - chubby lips in women and men: character

Similar studies, which associate the character with facial features, appeared for a very long time, even in the days of Aristotle. Since then, many have been trying to connect the character of a person with the features of the cut of the eyes, smiles or shape of the face.

Fisiognomy chubby lips in women and men, character:

  • Now many companies that are engaged in sales are trying in every possible way to increase the sale of goods. That is why also resort to the intricacies of physiognomy and its study. It is proved that people with lush lips, brightly defined, not even very large size, can make decisions for a long time.
  • They are not used to doing something in a burning room. Therefore, if you approach such a person in the store and start typing his help, he will most likely turn out and leave. Conversely, people with thin lips, which are practically not visible, are prone to analytical thinking, and to the implementation of certain algorithms.
  • Such people rarely come to the store just to see, ask. In most cases, they come to buy. That is why such a person is much easier to persuade for the purchase, and he will not think for long. This is not due to the fact that he makes a reckless decision, but due to careful pondering, purchasing purchases. 
Chubby mouth
Chubby mouth

Lipped corners of the lips in women and men: character

In some people, you can see the lowered corners of the lips, which give a certain frowning to the face.

The laid corners of the lips are character in women and men, character:

  • The triangular muscles are responsible for the lowered corners, which depart from the lower jaw to the chin. In most cases, lowered corners are associated with frequent human disorders, his general dissatisfaction with life and work.
  • That is, a person often purses his lips, strains these muscles. That is why the corresponding facial wrinkles and folds are formed in this area. Thus, the person’s face looks dull almost all the time.
  • There is a way out of the situation, it is necessary to train the triangular muscles, perform the corresponding massage of the face, which will allow them to tighten and move the corners a little higher. 
The corners are lowered
The corners are lowered

Physiognomy - a large lower lip in women and men: character

Both lips are not always large in people, or vice versa, thin. It happens that the upper lip is very thin, and the lower at the same time is quite chubby.

Physiognomy is a large lower lip in women and men, character:

  • In such people, a cocktail of emotions and an explosive mixture are concentrated. Usually they are quite hot -tempered. From people with magnificent lips they got a love of pleasures, sexuality, and emotionality.
  • But the upper lip also affects a persongenerally. It is precisely because of the thin upper lip that they do not allow themselves to relax, and often stand on the threshold of making mistakes, but do not make it.
  • Therefore, such people are very careful, although they are not averse to having fun. Physiognomics are advised not to trust such people, since their mood often changes. They are very stingy, or, conversely, indulge in carnal joys and spend money with the speed of sound. This is not the best option for a partner, you must be prepared for surprises. 
Chubby mouth
Chubby mouth

Physiognomy - large lips in women and men: character

Complete, magnificent lips speak of sensuality, and excessive sexuality.

Physiogenomy large lips in women and men, character:

  • Almost all women dream of such lips, so it is not for nothing that plastic surgeons have a lot of work.
  • Recently, manipulations to enlarge the lips are very popular. If your lips are natural, quite magnificent, full, this indicates a sultry beauty who loves the attention of men.
  • She in every possible way tries to attract men, often sits on a diet, is engaged in fitness and loves herself very much.
  • Such women are the dream of men, but the mistresses of them and their wives are not very good. Such women love the attention of more than one man, but several, so loyalty should not be counted.
Beautiful lips
Beautiful lips

Physiognomy - a short upper lip in women and men: character

The most unusual are the fair sex, whose upper lip is short. This structure is not very common, but the owners of such sponges are emotional, so they stand out among the crowd. They value themselves high, often suffer from increased self -esteem. Unknowmen are in achieving successes and goals. These people will turn the mountains in their way to succeed. They adapt to any conditions well, they can find a way out.

Physiognomy - a short upper lip in women and men, character:

  • Opinions are changinginfrequently, despite the fact that They can adapt. Often they consider errors, correct them. People are prone to introspection and often study psychology. Success in personal life is not very often achieved, because they are characterized by increased sensitivity and libido.
  • Often they have many intrigues that end in failure. They are very simple to arrange them, they are gullible, because of which they often suffer. If the corners of the lips are raised up, people are prone to a variety of intrigues. They never suffer from attention deficit.
  • It is believed that women with such lips are excellent lovers, and are ready for sexual experiments. A man with such lips has a lot of girls, whom he changes quite often.
  • The person is kind, responsive, but not permanent. If the corners of the lips are not drawn, blurry, a person is distinguished by a weak character. They are prone to manipulation, they are easy to lure them to their side and manipulate.
  • Such people are very naive, which is why they suffer, and fall into various troubles. If the corners of the mouth are outlined, then the personality is romantic, intellectual, emotional. Such people love to analyze, and never make frivolous decisions. 
Beautiful lips
Beautiful lips

Physiognomy - thin upper lip in women and men: character

If the mouth is characterized by asymmetry, for example, one corner is higher than the other or below, then you must be careful with such people. The person is very kind and responsive, curious, it is easy to position him to himself.

Physiognomy is a thin upper lip in women and men, character:

  • For the most part, they are pessimistic people. They expect something bad from almost all people, and tend to fall into depression. People who are very magnificent, convex lips are characterized by a moody character and want to have fun.
  • For the most part, such people do not want to do anything, they almost never have work. A lot of time is devoted to self -love. Mostly of such women are keptians.
  • Men either get drunk or there are a woman who is ready to sponsor them. It is necessary that the person who is nearby takes care of them and ensure.
Thin mouth
Thin mouth

Physiognomy - narrow, thin lips in women and men: character

It is also necessary to pay attention to the hollow between the lips. If it is available in the upper lip, pointed, then these are creative personalities with a sharp mind. They achieve success, always strive for a dream, achieve great success, both in work and on the personal front. If a person has a rounded hollow, then this indicates a romantic character.

Physiognomy - narrow, thin lips in women and men, character:

  • Thin lips speak of secrecy, modesty, as well as the restraint of the owner. Usually such people are stingy, and not only in terms of financial expenses, but also in the field of emotions. They are always restrained, and rarely express their opinion. But this does not mean that they do not have it.
  • They are always somewhat self -confident, and do not say what they are going to do. Such people are usually not very fond of, since they count everything in advance, and if necessary they can go on their heads if it concerns the career ladder.
  • Often they are upset along the little things, any negative immediately becomes the cause of the disorder, and mood deterioration. If a person has practically no hollow, that is, in the center of the lip is a solid line, then the nature often remains at work, loves to work.
  • Ndespite a large amount of work, it will always find a solution. These are excellent workers who implicitly follow all the instructions of the leadership, and do it brilliantly. To achieve huge successes in the work, in the financial issue, is absolutely independent. 
Thin lips
Thin lips

A smile with the lips lowered to the corners: what does this mean?

By the nature of the smile and the position of the lips, you can determine what a person thinks about. Experienced psychologists always understand what this or that gesture means with lips. Therefore, if a person smiles at all 32 teeth, he does it sincerely, he likes everything that happens.

A smile with the lips lowered, which this means:

  • However, a smile, during which the corners of the lips are lowered down, means that a person does it stretched, perhaps he does not like what is happening, he feels some tension. By the nature of the position of the lips, you can determine what a person thinks about.
  • A free smile speaks of naivety and a good mood. If the smile is stretched, this speaks of hypocrisy. The smile of embarrassment is a kind of gesture by order. This position of the lips is fictitious, and often suggests what a person feels.
  • If during the smile the mouth remains closed, and tightly pressed to each other, this indicates detachment from everything that is happening. In addition, such a smile speaks of dominance. A smile curve says that a person pretends to be friendly.
  • In fact, it is bad about the interlocutor, and can feel hatred, or caution in relation to you. For example, such a smile often occurs if the leader tells not a funny joke, but at the same time employees should laugh.
The corners are lowered
The corners are lowered

A lot of interesting information about the person can be found in articles:

The physiognomy of men and women in the form and arrangement of wrinkles, moles on the face, facial expressions

How to read the character of a person by face features - physiognomy

Please note that the character, as well as the mood of a person can be talked not only by a smile, but also in the position of eyebrows, nose and direction of the eyes. 

Vidio: Physiognomy lips


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  1. I knew this intuitively, but I read it and still convinced of it .. !!! Thank you, helped my experience establish myself!) It is from childhood, the desire to understand the human essence, life observations.

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