Physiognomy: Definition of the character of a man and a woman by shape and location

Physiognomy: Definition of the character of a man and a woman by shape and location

In physiognomy, the eyes are of great importance. By their color and form, the nature and individual characteristics of a person determine.

Physiogenomy is the method by which the characters of people according to the features of their faces are determined. This is not a science, but an unconventional psychoanalysis. Often, only two minutes can be enough to look at a person, and then understand what is his character, what events are now taking place in his life. His eyes can best describe a person.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head".

From this article you will learn what big eyes mean, or a small section of the eyes. We will also talk about other types of view and what they mean according to physiognomy. Read further.

Chinese physiognomy of the face, eye location: why is it needed?

Chinese physiognomy of the face
Chinese physiognomy of the face

For the first time to read the secret of the face, to deal with the internal state of the body, looking at the external signs tried in distant China. There, the recognition of diseases by the faces of people was called "Art of Xian-Min". This can be translated as "Reading by the face". Why do you need it?

  • People of people can reflect problems with their health, as well as congenital weak energy -information links that the soul brought with it.
  • A person may also reflect signs indicating tasks whose resolution is necessary in this incarnation.
  • Such signs have a connection with diseases accompanied by all other problems, and indicating deviations in the psyche.

In Chinese physiognomy, the face is very widely considered, as well as the location of the eyes.

  • In the upper zone, in the forehead - The face correlates with the energy flow of heat and heat. If he is large, then a person has a funny character.
  • In the middle zone, left side, The left cheek is the ratio with the energy of the wind, east, liver. On the right side, the face is attributed to the west, dry energy, light.
  • The chin zone is referred to cold energyTherefore, the energy of the bladder, kidneys, and genitals is reflected here.

These parts of the person should be in a clear balance in relation to each other, otherwise a person will be difficult - one in terms of finances, the other in relations with others, the third with health. The location of the eyes can also tell a lot. Read further.

How to determine the nature of a man and a woman in the form, location, section of the eyes?

It turns out that the nature of a man or woman is directly dependent on the color of the eyes, their shape, location, cut. How to determine the characteristics of a person on the basis of specific individual differences? Read more:

  • Small eyes say that a person is responsible, he calmly approaches everything, always devoted, but not sure of his own “I”.
  • The owner of large eyes is inherent in sociability. It is the soul of companies.
  • If the eyes are deeply planted, then a balanced person, loving order.
  • Convex - make the owner a gambling, a leader prone to adventurous affairs.
  • Lasted eyes speak of confidence, optimism.
  • When the corners are lowered, their owner has a good character, is a faithful friend.
  • If the eyes are large and a small iris, then these are energetic and temperamental people.
  • The owner of a small iris is inherent in temper, aggressiveness.
  • If the eyes are located far in relation to each other, then the owner has a strong character.
  • Located closely - indicates that the person has a mild character, indecision can be traced.

Now let's take a closer look at these and other features. It is interesting. Read further.

Eyes are planted deep, far, hollow eyes: physiognomy and character, meaning

Eyes are planted deep
Eyes are planted deep

People with deep, far -set or hollow eyes, according to physiognomy, are quite dreamy, romantic, intellectual. They are well versed in financial matters. Here's another description of character and meaning:

  • The owners of these eyes are thinkers, sometimes impulsive, conservative, often everything is checked, evaluated and weighed.
  • Such people can be entrusted with secrets. But they also want to be able to trust in response.
  • The disadvantage of these people is that sometimes they have detachment, offending the rest of the people, repulsing them.

Such men or women can even squint, which the rest understand as cynicism, a poor attitude to themselves.

Physiognomy of the shape of the eyes: corners are lowered down, raised up

The corners of the eyes are lowered down
The corners of the eyes are lowered down

According to the physiognomy of the eyes of the eyes, individuals who have the corners of the eyes omitted downward are very kind, capable of taking care. They are charming, optimistic. But such people often fall under the negative impact of others.

  • Women who have lowered corners of the eyes are unreasonable, but they can hide their own eyes, that is, and hide their personality, applying makeup.
  • Representatives of the stronger sex with the eyes lowered, are very decisive.

Persons with corners raised up or eyes like cats have such qualities:

  • They are stubborn, but generous.
  • They do not know how to recognize their mistakes and weaknesses to others.
  • They may be depressed.
  • Women with cat eyes are always jealous, fight for a man with rivals to the end, and win, although they like to start new novels.

Men, owners of raised corners of the eyes, have courage, but greedy.

Big, small eyes, eyes on rolling, convex eyes: physiognomy

Convex eyes
Convex eyes

This is what the physiognomy says about the size of the eyes:


  • People with small eyes have a closed character, arrogant, stubborn, but constant in their affection.
  • Small eyes with lowered corners or fox eyes indicate cunning, the greed of their owner. Separate individuals are good for a good mind.
  • Small eyes have a deep landing, give out the personality of a cunning, insincere, grumpy and often unable to remain calm.
  • Small and dark eyes show that their owner is inquisitive, eloquent and mobile.
  • Narrow, small, slightly swollen eyes are called snake. They talk about vindictiveness, aggressiveness. Such individuals are ruthless, calculated, vindictive, love power.
  • Small eyes, having heavy eyelids, running pupils, rare eyelashes, colorless eyebrows - evidence that a person is mundane, cunning, sweeping. But sometimes these people are friendly.
  • Small stupid eyes, having a distracted look, are called pig. They say that a person is not very smart, conservative, cunning.

Big eyes, on rolling, convex:

  • Women with big eyes are very tender, emotional, sexy.
  • Men with big eyes are leaders by nature, very courageous.
  • Convex eyes are inherent in people hot -tempered, hot, but wasteful.
  • Eyelashes are often short, eyebrows are high above the eyes - this shows that a man or woman is irritable, hot -tempered.

People with eyes are very ambitious, decisive, gambling, inclined to take risks. They are able to make correct decisions, very sexy and sexy.

Physiognomy: closely planted eyes

Close eyes are close
Close eyes are close

People with close eyes according to physiognomy are very romantic, calm and balanced. By nature - conservatives, excessively trust others, vulnerable. They love order in everything. Avoid risks. They are slow, try not to rush, adore everything new, demanding both themselves and in relation to others. Always punctual, they can be trusted with secrets. Such people usually achieve success in political and economic fields.

Physiognomy: eye color, which means green, gray, brown, blue eyes, different in color?

In physiognomy, the eye color also matters:

  • People with a multi -color shade of the iris, have features of the character of all colors that are connected together, because their character is unpredictable.
  • Holders of cold eyes, for example, gray, gray-greenish, blue, blue - Hardworking, realistic, they have well -developed intuition, very energetic, sensitive, have a strong will, tender. They are very dreamy, romantic, vulnerable, unstable, persistent.
  • Women with blue eyes Pretty vulnerable, they remember for a long time insults, leaders in everything. Men have the owners of blue eyes responsibly, sociable. If the eyes are bright blue, then such people are constant, have mental balance.
  • Women with gray eyes Usually impudent, bold, sometimes merciless. Men who have a gray eye color are very selective.
  • Green eyes Add a person tenderness, fidelity, endurance, assertiveness, determination. Such men are inherent in disassembly when choosing a wife. They persistently go to their goal as professionals. Green -eyed women are often cunning, mysterious and mysterious.
  • If the eyes are light brown, then a person is soft. He is shy dreamy, indecisive, seeks to do everything himself.
  • People with dark brown eyes, as well as with black ones - have a passionate character, are distinguished by energy, passionate, emotionality. Ladies with dark brown eyes are always with high temperament, good sexuality, are amorous, hot-tempered, but quickly retreating. Men, owners of brown eyes, impatient, quickly fall in love, they have great ambitions and they are jealous, have great willpower, obey management only from green -eyed women.
  • People with greenish brown eyes, are not very confident in their own abilities, so when they choose a person with strong will, they remain faithful to him throughout life. However, individual representatives with this shade of the eyes are quite cynical.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Narrow eyes: physiognomy

Narrow eyes
Narrow eyes

Most often, people with narrow eyes are calm, reliable, but they do not know how to show love. Here is a detailed explanation according to physiognomy:

  • Narrow eyes, outer corners and eyebrows are raised to the temples, pupils having a sharp look, short and thick eyelashes - this is a description of a person rather secretive, observant, shallow, hypocritical, selfish, cunning, aged, passionate. These are very tough people. They react quickly in difficult situations. Are very closed.
  • These are stubborn people who subordinate others to their own will. The work of the investigator is suitable for them. They have a sharp, lively mind, observant, and can keep trusted secrets secretly.
  • Very sexy. They love to have fun, restless, all the time are busy with something.
  • They have a good sense of humor, they are able to tell jokes.

Such people do not tolerate them to exceed them in some ways. Avoid communicating with rivals.

Widely arranged eyes: physiognomy

Widely arranged eyes
Widely arranged eyes

Eyes, arranged widely, according to physiognomy, speak of the foresight of their owner, mind, activity, and optimism. These people are moving all the time, invent, they are engaged in the embodiment of something, they are always energetic. Obstacles, deprivation for anything arose. Life is easily perceived. The only drawback is their excessive dreaminess.

Backs under the eyes: physiognomy

Betage bags are large edema, which are a cosmetic problem. Over time, a person is aging, the skin becomes inelastic, the tissue near the eyes weakens, fat, under the influence of the earthly gravity force, creeps to the eyelids located below. Therefore, bags appear under the eyes.

People who work for a long time have such a defect, but this is often a physiological factor. This sign according to physiognomy can also be considered as an indicator of strong energy overspending. Such people are energetic and try to do everything on their own. If a person is harmonious, then both of the eye centuries are equally developed.

Lasted eyes: physiognomy

Little eyes
Little eyes

Little eyes speak of the cheerfulness of a person. This is what physiognomy indicates:

  • Such people are optimistic, bold, love adventures. But at the same time, they are hot -tempered, they do not know how to compromise. However, their anger may pass very quickly.
  • Individuals with slanting eyes are usually valuable workers who are teaching quite quickly, they have many new ideas.
  • Leaders infect optimism, the energy of their own subordinates. This leads to good performance among employees, as well as the prosperity of the company.

It is forbidden for workers with slanting eyes to crush, entrust the work related to the routine. They should engage in activities where something needs to be solved quickly.

Physiognomy: the eyes of Phoenix

The eyes of Phoenix
The eyes of Phoenix

The eyes of the “phoenix” are called the female type of “dragon” eye. A mysterious, legendary Phoenix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of female strength and power. The owners of such eyes look like true queens. Such eyes are large in size, have a round shape, double eyelids, the lower of which is outlined quite clearly. Pupils, as a rule, are large, occupying more than 2/3 of the iris of the eye.

Mistresses of the Eye "Phoenix", according to physiognomy, kind and noble, rich, famous, beloved. A lot of power is often concentrated in their hands.

Fox eyes: physiognomy

Fox eyes
Fox eyes

A little angular, small, having lowered corners, eyes like a fox, according to physiognomy, speak of cunning and greed. The owners of such eyes are often greedy, very cunning, and sometimes rather smart. Relations on the place of work are usually very stretched. These cunning people can pretend to be friendly for a very long time, but then everyone begins to understand what they really are.

Leo's eyes: physiognomy

Leo's eyes
Leo's eyes

The shape of the "eye of the lion" is elongated, the look is insightful and hard. Looking into such eyes, others begin to involuntarily respect their owners, to be afraid, even when people are calm.

According to physiognomy, the eyes of a lion speak of mind, determination, well -being, courage, judgment. Such people can be performers in any field of activity. Usually they do not exchange for trifles, rather decisive, efficient, requiring the same type of behavior from their subordinates.

If the left eye is less than the right: physiognomy

The right eye is associated with the sun, the left - with the moon. First you need to pay attention to which eye is more. When these parts of the body are the same, then such people are harmonious.

If a man has a larger left eye (a woman - the left eye is smaller than the right), such a person accepts better, and does not give. Because one eye in a person perceives, and the other gives. According to physiognomy, these people can be scorching, saying a lot of nasty things to others, and be criminals.

Face asymmetry - physiognomy: left, right eye below

The asymmetry of the face is manifested in the fact that one eye can be deeper than the other, or they can have a different value. With a slight asymmetry, there is some positive voltage that gives energy. Strong asymmetry - the left or right eye below, according to physiognomy, characterizes a difficult conflicting person.

This article discusses the main positions, based on which you can give a certain characteristic to a specific person, looking only at his eyes.

Video: physiognomy - eye movement, read in the face

Video: physiognomy - eyes of the mirror of the soul, read a person in the face

Video: Eye shape will tell everything

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