How to determine the character of a person in the position of seats, a position of legs?

How to determine the character of a person in the position of seats, a position of legs?

You can determine the nature of the position of the legs - it is simple and interesting. When we sit, we give ourselves.

The human body is a unique source of information. At the physical level, the thoughts, feelings, emotions of the individual are reflected. It can tell a lot about the human person. Sometimes it can even give out its most secret secrets. It also happens that the body knows much more about a person than he is about himself. Therefore, you need to be attentive to your own body, its habits, "behavior."

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head".

Analysis of body movements, poses can also tell a lot about the interlocutor, partner, leader. One has only to show a little attentiveness and observation, as a person suddenly opens from the most unexpected side. We suggest learning to recognize the character of a person in his seating position. The most common and “speaking” poses are several. Read further.

Yoga Pose: What is the character in this position of the legs?

Yoga pose
Yoga pose

This pose speaks of the complete inner freedom of man. Personality is open for communication, new ideas, acquaintances, travel. People who prefer yoga pose, so unusually folding their legs, are the most harmonious and psychologically mature personalities. They have a balanced character - internally calm and confident. Nothing can knock them down the path. And in the outside world, as a rule, everything is magically developing exactly as they need.

Sitting pose with a straight back: we determine the character

People who always sit with a straight back are strong, confident, independent personalities. They do not need advice, recommendations, help. They are used to doing everything themselves, they know what they want from life. They have a strong character. In addition, they can clearly formulate their desires and set goals. In their heads, they always have a plan for how to act in order to achieve what they want. People often turn to such people for advice.

The pose of the legs bent at the knees: what is the character of a person?

The pose when someone sits reclining with his legs bent at his knees, says that a person analyzes the situation. He is by the nature of the observer, he, as it were, looks from the side of everything that happens, not involved in any interpersonal relationships. But at the same time, he often wants to become a participant in the events. Such a pose characterizes sensitive, attentive people who are not alien to other people's experiences, emotions.

Pose with crossed ankles: character in this position of the legs

The pose with crossed ankles is the pose of relaxation. People who love to sit in this way are elegant, sophisticated natures by nature. At the same time, they are open to communicate with the rest. Only to injure such interlocutors is very easy. This position is trusted by others.

Sitting pose with hands on armrests

There is a category of people who directly dig in the armrests with their hands, and it seems that they are sitting motionless. This suggests that a person is very sensitive and always carefully watches what is happening. On the other hand, these are loyal friends on whom you can rely at any time.

Pose with arms crossed

Such a pose - with crossed hands, suggests that a person is defending from the surrounding situation, people, circumstances. Thus, the personality sets the barrier among themselves and the rest of the world. At the same time, this pose characterizes strong and confident people. By their nature, they are thoughtful, deep analyzers, subjecting everything to doubt and checks. Sometimes excessive serious, and this often poisons their life.

Sitting pose on the floor, directing his knees to the side

The pose is more characteristic of the female. Especially, young girls like to sit on the floor, directing their knees to the side. It testifies to the affectionate tender nature of man, attentiveness, caring. Often psychologists characterize this situation as a pose of female flirting. If the knees, breasts of a woman are directed towards the interlocutor, then this indicates a strong interest, the origin of feelings, possibly strong passion.

The pose is when the hands are clamped between the legs

The pose is when the hands are clamped between the legs
The pose is when the hands are clamped between the legs

Such a sitting pose, when the hands are clamped between the legs, speaks of anxiety, eternal anxiety, unreasonable excitement. This is characteristic of weak, uncertain people who are also subject to various mental disorders, panic attacks, and physical diseases.

These personalities are very painful about any kind of remarks, criticism of their own misses and errors. They see a catch in everything and rarely trust others. Extremely shy in the expression of their desires, thoughts, feelings. It is sometimes difficult for them to talk with the leader and ask, for example, about raising salaries, social benefits, etc. Such people suffer very much because of their low self-esteem.

Sitting the knees of the legs: the palms also lie on their knees

Such a pose is one of the most difficult positions for sitting. This speaks of endurance, patience sitting. The pose sitting on the knees of the legs and palms also lie on their knees - it is characteristic of born leaders, athletes.

  • Such people perceive themselves adequately, know all their advantages and disadvantages, value their “independence”.
  • Always strive for the better.
  • The strength and confidence of such people can be envied.
  • In order to achieve their own goals, they are ready to constantly work, work on themselves, suppress their own desires and sacrifice many.
  • They are stubborn, hardworking.

Throughout the world, there is no power that can break the spirit of these personalities.

Pose "in the middle": What is the character?

There is a category of people who all the time sit in the middle of the bench, sofa, ottoman, etc. This, of course, is for a reason. Such a pose speaks of a strong character. So do people very confident, their strengths and future victories. And the fact that they will leave the winners from any situation is not subjected to any doubt.

Such personalities do not prove anything to anyone, do not compete, and even more so they ask for nothing. They simply take “their own”, what they believe, belongs to them by right. In addition, such people are very sociable, talkative, they have many friends, and they make new acquaintances easily.

Load "leg by the leg"

“Leg by the leg” is a pose of people who constantly generate new ideas. These are creative personalities with a subtle mental organization. Often they lack confidence in their own success, often need support from others. Most of them are introverts that carefully protect their thoughts, ideas, feelings from the eyes of others. Despite this, they are wonderful interlocutors who are ready not only to listen, but also to understand other people's problems and experiences.

Such people are independent, they know how to earn a living, increase their capital and not succumb to temptations. They are not afraid to try something new-work, place of residence, appearance. They like to experiment and impress others.

The leg of the leg by the leg, the "upper leg" swaying: character

This position of the legs is characteristic of organized and punctual people. They have order in everything - at work, in relationships, at home. They know how to restrain their emotions, feelings, order them, analyze. These people solve problems with the "cold" head and are not amenable to spontaneous impulsivity. Nothing can unsettle them, break their character, they are always amazingly calm, pedantic and punctual, which they require from others. Each of them can become a truly true friend.

Knight Hands Pose

Knight Hands Pose
Knight Hands Pose

Thus, calm, peaceful, kind people love to sit. They amazingly manage to smooth out all the sharp conflicts in relationships, family, at work. They do not worry about their own failures and mistakes for a long time, but they will always support others. There is no limit to their kindness, and to the evil antics of others react with persistent indifference.

When a person sits in a pose with his hands on his knees, then in their minds all difficulties are temporary, people around are beautiful. You can give one advice: every moment of life is invaluable, and you should not take everything close to heart, worry about trifles and poison your cloudless existence with something unnecessary.

The pose "Clutched hands on the knees"

People who are sitting, clinging their fingers tightly and at the same time hugging their knees, too emotional. Such personalities have a lot of vital energy. They love life madly and do not hide it. Energy hits them with a key. Cheerful, active, healthy, they never sit still, are always in search of everything new and interesting.

These are Magnets who attract to themselves with just a look, inspire others with bold ideas, an original view of the world, and unpredictability of decisions. They infect their sharp humor and, of course, give a good mood.

The pose is “knees together, and the feet are apart”: what is the character?

This pose characterizes people who are inclined to “be like everyone else” to swim with the flow. They do not strive for leadership, do not set big goals, do not make plans and do not even dream. They live how it turns out or because "everyone lives like that, and we will."

Persons who love to sit in the pose are “knees together, and feet apart” cannot boast of foresight, prudence, prudence, they do not make plans at all, providing great concerns of the Universe. They calmly and peacefully live their lives, and they are not at all bothering that others will think about them.

The pose of "foot together, knees apart"

The pose of the “foot together, knees apart” of strong, confident people who know what they want from life, know how to achieve the goal at all costs. These personalities are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, understand what they need to work on. They know how to advertise themselves and present exclusively from the good side. They love noisy companies, mass events, large clusters of people. They like to be in the spotlight, demonstrate their outfits, clothing style, tastes and preferences. Despite this, a continuous chaos usually reigns near them. The mess is their element. But they are not at all embarrassed.

Pose - sitting on a chair with straight legs

Pose - sitting on a chair with straight legs
Pose - sitting on a chair with straight legs

This arrangement is characteristic of intelligent, vulnerable, reasonable people. They do not like conflicts and try to avoid them by any means. These are honest, straightforward people who are not afraid to tell the truth in the eye. Their decency, sincere desire to help others, are perceived by many goodwill for granted. They are often not valued, betrayed and thrown. Despite this, people who love to sit in a chair with straight legs do not lose optimism and devotion to their principles. The strength of their character is striking and makes you think about the causes of their own weakness.

Pose - sitting with knees turned towards

Such a pose - sitting with the knees turned towards the knees indicates a passionate, emotional nature. These are stubborn, persistent, purposeful people. They are well organized, ambitious, quickly notice all the little things, shortcomings, small errors in everything that they turn to their eyes. As a rule, these are talented leaders. They are not afraid of difficulties, boldly go ahead to conquer new peaks, are not afraid to dream and bring their fantasies to life. Criticism is perceived by hostility. All their experiences, emotions, fears hide deep inside. It is important for them to be perfect in everything - clothes, work, family life.

Read the body language is a very exciting and useful activity. With proper attentiveness, observation and the ability to analyze, you can learn a lot of interesting information about the surrounding people. Such knowledge will help to lay a strong foundation of relationships, avoid misunderstanding and conflict situations, make the process of communication easy and comfortable.

Video: how do you sit and live - what is the position of the woman’s legs during sitting?

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