How to determine the character of a person by signature: how to perform graphological analysis?

How to determine the character of a person by signature: how to perform graphological analysis?

Want to learn how to determine the character of a person by signature? It is interesting.

Signature is not just a set of characters and elements. It is of particular interest for scientists-grafting and psychologists, since it is able to tell more about its owner than himself. With its help, you can even find out about the character of a person, his image of thinking, mental state and predisposition to diseases of the psyche.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Physiognomy: determining the character of a man and a woman in the shape of a head".

A person “shows himself” in the signature, since, inventing it, it is not guided by the academic rules of the letter. Freedom of action and the ability to improvise, helps to demonstrate the inner nature. The specificity of the character of the owner of the signature helps to determine the method of graphological analysis. Read further.

Why should graphological analysis be performed?

Grafology studies the relationship of handwriting and character of a person. Thanks to her, you can find out not only about the specifics of his inner world, but also to determine who belongs, for example, this or that work. Why still need to perform graphological analysis?

  • Grafology arose several centuries ago, Nero and Confucius showed particular interest in it.
  • However, this science is still relevant and useful: not without reason, for example, in Europe, experts conduct a study of handwriting before accepting a candidate for work.
  • The manner of writing is able to express feelings, emotions and thoughts, so her analysis helps to learn more about a person.

You can also analyze your own signature. This helps to recognize yourself better, find out hidden character traits and talents.

How to perform graphological analysis?

Grafological analysis is an interesting, but complex process that requires increased attention and accuracy. Before you conduct it, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • It is better to study this matter with examples of signatures of good friends: knowledge of character will greatly simplify the task.
  • First, it is important to analyze the component parts of the signature (pay attention to the size, form of characters, the distance between them and so on), and then compare the data obtained and come to generalization.

Grafology is a complex science, so you need to train an analysis regularly.

How to determine the character of a person by signature?

The following elements will help to learn more about the character of a person by signature:

Direction and inclination signatures
Direction and inclination signatures
  • Direction and inclination

The signature, the end of which is directed up, speaks of the optimism of its owner. Most likely, it is open to gaining new experience and easily finds a common language with others. Often this feature indicates a craving for creativity and creativity of the author, which manifests itself not only in art, but also in routine. A thoughtful and pessimistic person is characterized by a signature leaving down. Probably, its owner has a subtle mental organization, prone to romanticization and hyperbolization of problems. A signature, the end of which is not directed to any of the sides, indicates the stability of the emotional state of its author.

As for the inclination of letters, direct symbols characterize a straightforward, consistent person who is not alien to stubbornness. On the contrary, an uneven signature speaks of emotional incontinence. Its owner is inclined to unbalanced, he is quickly fascinated by new ideas, but he just as quickly ceases to consider them interesting. Elements inclined to the right indicate a balance and willingness to compromise in critical situations and disputes. The signature inclined to the left is a certificate of rebellion, the inconsistency of ambitions and the capabilities of the author. This demonstrates that a person feels huge potential in himself, but cannot realize him and satisfy personal needs in connection with external circumstances, living conditions and education. “Galloping” letters, inclined chaotic, indicate the contrast of behavior and inconsistency. Such people are moody, unstable and led by. They are easily carried away by new ideas and aspirations, but the fire inside fades as quickly as it appears.

The length of the signature
The length of the signature
  • Length

People with short signatures are usually impatient, hurry to finish the work that has begun as soon as possible. A long signature on the contrary characterizes a thorough person, persistent and stubborn, who is ready to devote a lot of time to the tasks and enjoys rather not the result of work, but its process.

The beginning and end of the signature
The beginning and end of the signature
  • Beginning and the end

Conducting graphological analysis, based on the study of the beginning and end of the signature, it is necessary to divide it into two parts, mentally drawing the border in the middle. These elements speak directly about how a person begins to perform tasks and completes them.

In the first part, it is important to look at the capital letters. Several large elements at the very beginning of the signature, which are significantly different in amplitude from those located in another part, suggest that a person prefers mental work, and his intellectual abilities and achievements prevail over physical. Such people value their mental achievements too much and want to put their knowledge and skill in practice. The work with the hands is not of too much interest to them.

The second part speaks of the attitude to physical work and activity. Large symbols are a sign that the author is more attracted to the activity in which it is more likely to use strength, not the mind.

The size of the letters in the signature
The size of the letters in the signature
  • The size of the letters

The size of the letters can say a lot about the rationality and economy of a person. For example, small symbols in the signature indicate the author’s reasonable attitude to spending, and sometimes even stinginess. Large symbols, on the contrary, indicate impractical and trusting. Such people strive to achieve independence.

You should also pay attention to how much the capital letters differ from the lowercase. If, in its amplitude, the capital letters stand out significantly, the author of this signature is capricious, selfish and demanding. If the situation is reverse, a person is modest and has no special claims to his environment.

The distance between the elements in the signature
The distance between the elements in the signature
  • The distance between the elements

This sign allows you to determine the degree of generosity of the author of the signature. A significant distance between the symbols indicates a person’s tendency to spend money in large quantities, and if the characters climb each other, this indicates economy, sometimes stinginess.

Additional elements s signatures
Additional elements in the signature
  • Additional elements

Often, to diversify the signatures, they include additional elements. Such symbols may include vertical lines, foreign letters, numbers, points and repeated elements. Each of these signs has a specific interpretation.

  • For example, vertical lines They are associated with some kind of obstacle, barrier. Having built a logical ability, it is not difficult to understand that the person in whose signatures such elements take place is not afraid of difficulties. He has sufficient self -control to cope with them and not lose inner balance.
  • The presence of foreign letters It can be interpreted differently. On the one hand, they talk about the author as a man shocking, loving to play in public and attract attention. On the other hand, this indicates a specific kind of activity and profession related to the study of languages.
  • Anxious sign for analysts is the presence of numbers in the signaturewhich signals the exposure of its author to mental and nervous diseases. Such people are incredulous and careful.
  • Points, on the contrary, are considered an element that has a positive meaning. They also talk about a high level of awareness and self -control of the owner.

Practice and perseverance emphasize duplicate elements and symbols. They are found in the signatures of responsible workers who are not afraid to take on the fulfillment of responsible, sometimes not too interesting tasks.

Press in the signature
Press in the signature
  • Pressure

An analysis of this criterion indicates what relations the owner of the signatures with others develop. A fat signature makes it clear that the author is an extrovert, he easily shares his emotions and experiences with others and feels an acute need for communication. A fuzzy signature with thin lines characterizes an introvert, used to keeping emotions in himself. Such people seem to be closed, suspended and uncertain.

The loops in the signature
The loops in the signature
  • Loops

The signature enclosed in a circle speaks of the secrecy of character and the desire to achieve independence (especially in a career). Such people do not want to obey the boss and give preference to positions that provide certain freedom.

Signature workload
Signature workload
  • "Watching"

The owners of complex, “loaded” signatures have a tendency to create problems for themselves. Such personalities often exaggerate, tend to hyperbolize suffering. A simple signature speaks of internal balance and restraint, as well as the desire to simplify life.

Clarity in the signature
Clarity in the signature
  • Definition

A clear signature in which the letters is easy to read, indicates the desire to be understood. Such a person is less selfish and has a tendency to teach. The illegible signature characterizes its master as an unauthorized person who, first of all, takes care of his own comfort. It is not so important to a person whether he will understand him or not, he is less accurate.

The signature should be considered with handwriting
The signature should be considered with handwriting

Paying attention to such details, you can learn more about the specifics of the character of the signature owner. However, it is worth considering that these elements should be considered in the complex, only then the analysis can lead to the most specific and accurate results. Also, many graphists recommend paying attention not only to the signature in particular, but also to the handwriting of a person as a whole for a greater objectivity of the result.

Different manner of writing signature
Different manner of writing signature

It is truly amazing how much can say about a person’s manner of signing. Even more impressive is the fact that in many developed countries graphological analysis is a stage of hiring candidates who claim to be a place in state structures and want to occupy responsible posts. In some marriage agencies, the appeal to the expert-grafting is also considered an integral part of the process.

Carrying out graphological analysis, it is important to understand that it is not entirely correct to conduct it according to the notes, manuals or medical recipes. It is worth building associative rows and logical chains. It should also be realized that over time, the signature and nature of its description may change, as well as the personality of its author, so the conclusions obtained during the study can become irrelevant very soon.

Video: What will your signature tell you about you?

Video: Stepan Rodnov. Determination of the nature of the signature

Video: What is your signature talking about?

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