Elizabeth and Elizabeth: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Elizabeth and Elizabeth?

Elizabeth and Elizabeth: the same name or not? What is the difference between the names of Elizabeth and Elizabeth?

Many people think that Elizabeth and Elizabeth are the same name. But how is it right?

Beautiful name Elizabeth - Rare in our country. It has a foreign origin and therefore it is well used in English -speaking countries. Elizabeth - The Russian name is popular with us. Among people of different countries, you can find a lot of disputes on the topic - the same name, or vice versa, different.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "The female name is given - which means: description of the name".

In this article we will figure out how the names are different Elizabeth and Elizabeth, and is it possible to call Elizabeth Elizabeth and vice versa. You will also learn about the meaning of these names. Read further.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth

Name Elizabeth It has a strange and confusing history of origin. Many even believe that it is biblical, since in the translation and Hebrew it means "I swear by God" or "Close to God". The first mention of this name was found in England, where the queen Elizabeth 1 was called so (in English her name is Elizabeth). This personality fully conveys the meaning of this name.

  • Girls named Elizabeth are born to rule and win.
  • Possessing determination and perseverance, they embody their ideas into life.
  • Deprived of spontaneity, they ponder every step before taking a move, because any mistake will force Elizabeth to plunge into itself, in reflection on the analysis of the situation.
  • These qualities are manifested in girls in childhood, because they were born strong.
  • It is this rod that retains the power of Elizabeth her whole life, makes it adapted to any difficulties.
  • Because of this, it is difficult for her to feel weak with a man, but such a woman should not doubt in love and devotion.
  • The end justifies the means - this is the main motto of such girls. Sometimes, for the implementation of the plan, they are ready to go to lie and even betrayal.
  • However, compassion and tenderness are hidden under coldness and severity. Only the correct approach to Elizabeth will reveal her real feelings for you, will allow her to hear her scream for help.

Such a woman will become a professional in any field. Moreover, she will be a good mistress, create a family hearth, because the family is a place of calm, peace and rest for her. However, if a girl does not find a suitable partner, then family life will not succeed: often material values \u200b\u200bcome to the fore.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth

The meaning of the name Elizabeth
The meaning of the name Elizabeth

Like Elizabeth, name Elizabeth He has Jewish roots, but comes from Elishev (“My God is an oath”). The value of this adhesion is slightly different: "Help of God" or "Haller God".

  • These girls are distinguished by kindness, sincerity.
  • They know how to select the relevant people who appreciate their openness.
  • Elizabeth has an analytical mind, but at the same time highly developed intuition. Carefully observe what is happening and analyze the situation is not difficult for her.
  • Sometimes curiosity of such a girl has to stop, otherwise it will lead too far.
  • Elizabeth can succumb to the influence of other people, but only when she wants it.
  • She is critical and demanding, especially in relation to herself. These qualities bear fruit: they obey her and appreciate her merits.
  • Elizabeth is very mobile. She tries to constantly study something new. She has better developed intelligence than imagination, therefore it is cunning and witty, and in the new company it becomes a soul, thanks to humor and the ability to find a common language, keep secrets, and the desire to spend a lot of time together.
  • Others also value her goodwill and sincerity.
  • At home, she is busy with experiments with new recipes, needlework, improving the skill of owning a computer.
  • However, because of the desire to seem better, Elizabeth is difficult to find a partner. Many do not withstand constant obsessive desire to self -improve.
  • The analytical mindset allows you to choose professions associated with new technologies. The girl is not afraid of the volume of work, the instructions always follow, but at the same time performs work with the soul.

Elizabeth always has many fans, thanks to valuable light character traits. However, she agrees to marriage easily and is not too sad if he came out unsuccessful. Elizabeth chooses the second wife more carefully. The girl’s family is in the first place. The best occupation is the care of households, the order in the house, establishing conflicts among family members. Elizabeth knows how to create an ideal world where everyone in the family finds his place, a zone of comfort, care and love. As it is easy to guess, she will become a wonderful mother. She is able to devote to all her children.

Elizabeth and Elizabeth: the same name or not?

So, having understood the meaning of the names and characteristics of the girls wearing them, we can say that these are different names. In addition, Elizabeth is used in English -speaking countries, and Elizabeth among the Slavs.

In fact, we can also say that this is the same name, but in different languages. However, due to different values, the name of the adults are considered different.

What is the difference between the names of Elizabeth and Elizabeth?

Elizabeth - A combination of hard, rude, and at the same time, tender and kind features. This characteristic does not apply to Elizabeth: Most of her are driven by intuition and feelings, she is often impulsive and wayward.

The difference between these names is also that Elizabeth - This is an old Russian name. BUT Elizabeth -This is the Anglo-American name. It is probably like Misha and Michael, Natasha and Natalie, Masha and Marie, etc.

Can Elizabeth be called Elizabeth and vice versa?

As we have seen above, it will be wrong Elizabeth Elizabeth and vice versa. These are two different names describing different girls. Elizabeth It is reduced as Betty, Elsa, Eliza, Liz, a Elizabeth - Lisa, Lizka, Veta.

Thus, we can conclude: Elizabeth and Elizabeth are two different names. Many believe that Elizabeth is an American version of the name Elizabeth, but this is not so.

Video: The meaning of the name Elizabeth: Karma, character and fate

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