White plaque in the gums after removal: causes, methods of treatment. The hole of the remote tooth is covered with white coating: reviews

White plaque in the gums after removal: causes, methods of treatment. The hole of the remote tooth is covered with white coating: reviews

The reasons for the appearance and ways to eliminate the white plaque in the hole of the tooth.

In most cases, after getting rid of the tooth, pain can occur, and significant enough if it was constant teeth with large roots, such as wisdom. Rudiments are distinguished by uneven roots, twisting, which very often complicates the process. It is after the extraction of rudiments that a white plaque often occurs on the hole. 

White plaque in the gums, what is it?

Dentists consider this phenomenon a norm, especially if there is no redness of the gums, strong pain, inflammation and suppuration.

White plaque in the gums of the gum, what is it:

  • After surgery, a thrombus is formed in the recess, which prevents bleeding, and is also a kind of barrier to enter microbes into the wound.
  • Even small damage is the entrance gate for all infections that are common in the oral cavity. If it were not for the protective functions of the body, a person could not survive the simple extraction of the tooth.

Why does pain and white plaque in the gums after tooth extraction occur?

A white plaque often appears at the site of the bloodboard, which causes concern in patients. This is nothing more than a protein made of blood plasma, which turns and appears in the place of a thrombus.

Why does pain and white plaque in the gums after tooth extraction occur:

  • Therefore, a film appears at the site of extraction, which becomes yellow or even green in the region of 2 hours. This is not considered a variant of the norm and indicates the development of infection, as well as suppuration.
  • Why does a milk -colored film appear in the wound? If we are talking aboutalveolitis, then perhaps the fault has become too traumatic operation. Most likely, during the extraction, the fabric had to be crushed, perhaps fragments of the root remained in the gums. 

Why did the white plaque appear after removing the wisdom tooth?

This often happens with rudiments, due to the presence of uneven roots. It also happens if the roots of the destroyed tooth are removed. Shards may appear due to thin walls, rotten structure.

Why did the white plaque appear after removing the wisdom tooth:

  • Leaching of a blood thrombus. As indicated above, after 3 hours a thrombus is formed in the wound area, which prevents bleeding.
  • However, many often climb into the hole with the tongue, checking the condition of the gum.
  • This can cause blood clustering, as a result of which the wound opens and is covered with a light layer of bacteria, which multiply there. 
X -ray
X -ray

After the tooth is removed, a white plaque forms and an unpleasant odor

If, together with a dense, light film, there is an unpleasant odor, pulsating, acute pain that is enhanced by the evening, inflammation, redness in the gums, this indicates that the operation was not very safe. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound, microbes that multiply.

After removing the tooth, a white plaque and an unpleasant odor are formed:

  • If suppuration occurs, redness, severe inflammation, it is necessary to sign up to the dentist. The doctor lays in a recess of cotton wool soaked in medicine. Antibiotics, as well as ointments, baths with an antiseptic, are often prescribed. 
  • As a result of prolonged inflammation, suppuration is formed, it is cut with the installation of drainage.
  • Do not carry out a thorough rinse of the cavity, because during this process a fibrin layer is removed, as well as washing blood clots.
After treatment
After treatment

White plaque in the hole, how to rinse?

Treatment is required if a fragment of the root is found in the wound. When probing the tongue, sharp edges are felt. Often in the recess, as a result of eating, food remains can accumulate. That is why it is necessary to rinse your mouth after a meal using ordinary boiled water.

White plaque in the hole than to rinse:

  • Many patients, having discovered a bright film, begin to worry, and try to rinse it with the help of baths. Often for these purposes, a solution of furatsilin is used,Miramistin Or chlorhexidine.
  • In fact, it is impossible to tease this site with cotton sticks, matches or removes by rinsing. As a result of leaching of a fibrinized plaque, the wound remains naked, can quickly be infected.

After removing the tooth, a white plaque on the hole - what can not be done?

In the postoperative period of rinsing, it is necessary to do no earlier than after 3 hours, and without much enthusiasm. That is, to pierce, move the tongue, and also should be washed. It is enough to simply hold a little boiled water on this side so that the remaining of the food leaves the wound area.

After removing the tooth, a white plaque on the hole - what can not be done:

  • Do not slide a blood clot, as well as the remains of the root, food or pus. All these manipulations lead to infection of the wound, which not only affects the gum region, but also extends to bone tissue.
  • Clean the brush in the recess where the organ was. It also helps to eliminate fibrin plaque, and provokes bleeding. 
  • We do not recommend applying a warm compress to eliminate pain. Heat enhances blood circulation, respectively, the risk of bleeding occurs, while pus may form and temperature rises. It is impossible to take a medicine that the doctor has not prescribed. 

The hole of the removed tooth is covered with white coating for a week, what to do?

The hole of the remote tooth is covered with white coating:

  • This suggests that healing occurs. After about 4-5 days, a light film, a thrombus in this area disappears.
  • However, a dairy film is not always considered the norm, and speaks of the success of the operation.If the film lasts more than 7 days, you need urgently to the doctor.
  • Do not try to treat inflammation yourself. Typically, antibiotics are prescribed for these purposes. Sometimes rinses do not give a result.
  • In order not to provoke the removal of the bloodboard, you can not remove the bandage that is invested at the site of the recess, chew, and press it into the gums. Thus, you can provoke bleeding, and deterioration in health. The film in this zone is not fibrin fabric at all, but bone tissue, and the formation of a dry hole.
  • This is a fairly common pathology after the extraction of rudiments. It appears as a result of active rinsing, or insufficiently withstanding a tampon in the wound area, as a result of which a thrombus falls. Bone tissue and nerve endings are open. This is a direct road to infection, and the development of serious pathologies. To eliminate the pathology, you must seek help from the dentist.
  • Usually he prescribes special applications with antiseptics, as well as antibacterial drugs to suppress the activity of microbes in the mouth. It is during the formation of a dry hole that something similar to a bright film is often formed. In fact, this can be seen bare bone tissue, which is very sensitive to pathogenic microorganisms.  

Tear out a tooth, white plaque on the gums: reviews

Below you can find out how people feel after removing whether they are faced with the problem of a bright film. 

They pulled out a tooth, white plaque on the gum, reviews:

Evgenia, 35 years old. The surgeon pulled out a wise tooth according to the testimony, as she was going to level the bite with the installation of braces. Rudiments must be removed. Immediately after the procedure, there was a slight pain that pursued me for more than a week. On the second day after the manipulation, the wound was covered with a dense film. I was very scared, since at the same time very severe pain was observed. Over time, the pain did not subside, an unpleasant smell appeared. I was forced to turn to the doctor, during the inspection, he extracted a fragment of the tooth root from the wound. Washed the wound with a special solution, prescribed antibiotics and rinsing. Two weeks later, the situation normalized. Finally, I can eat normally and do not feel pain. 

Veronica, 39 years old. Removed the tooth, or rather the roots. He completely scattered after the birth of his second child. 2 days after the extraction in the operation zone, a light layer appeared. I found it while brushing my teeth in the mirror. I did not worry, since this is not the first experience of removal. The white film quickly disappeared, the wound began to drag on. 

Alexey, 45 years old. I removed a tooth that caused me a lot of problems. After the next treatment, the installation of the seal, a flux arose after a few days. Forced to remove the tooth. There was inflammation in the wound zone, so a dense film formed. Within 2 days, it acquired a yellow-gray shade, an unpleasant odor has occurred. But since the doctor appointed me special rinses and antibiotics, the wound quickly dragged on, there was no trace of the white film. 

At the doctor
At the doctor

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Do not smoke immediately after the operation. During the penetration of cigarette smoke into the hole, the wound can be covered with a peculiar shell that will prevent the damage to tighten. 

Video: white plaque after tooth extraction

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