Why are stretch marks: causes. How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or remove them: tips. A mixture of oils from stretch marks - effectiveness: features, how to use, reviews

Why are stretch marks: causes. How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or remove them: tips. A mixture of oils from stretch marks - effectiveness: features, how to use, reviews

In this article, we will talk about why stretch marks appear in women and how to deal with them with the help of essential oils.

Stretch marks can bother every woman. When pregnancy occurs, at first you don’t even think about such a problem, but when the stomach already begins to grow, then anxiety appears - what will the body look like after childbirth? Of course, I want to preserve its beauty, but if you do nothing in time, then you will not work to avoid stretch marks. Special creams save very well, but at the same time, you can still prepare funds yourself. Essential oils are used for them. They will allow you to maintain a beautiful appearance of the skin, as well as prevent or eliminate stretch marks.

Why are stretch marks: Causes

Where are the stretch marks where
Where are the stretch marks where

Many believe that stretch marks are mandatory consequences of pregnancy. Of course, this can be one of the reasons, because the size of the body increases quickly, the skin stretches and does not even have time to get used to it. Despite this, the skin has a unique margin of safety. She is capable of both stretching and recovering. In children and young people, all this happens quickly, but after 35 years the skin is already becoming so elastic and elastic. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles, as well as other problems.

So, in pregnant women, the skin sharply loses its properties and is not able to compensate for rapid growth. Despite the fact that the strength is high, it is not endless. There is a certain limit. In addition, hormones in a pregnant woman are “raging” and, of course, this also affects the skin. Its structure is changing and not at all for the better.

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you don’t have to do anything complicated, but you can’t be lazy here either. So using oil for the prevention of stretch marks and other methods is very important.

How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks or remove them: tips

This is a fairly correct question. Stretch marks “go away” when they act on them that improve the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. It can be a cream or some kind of oil base.

In addition, there are several very good tips that will help you decide on the choice of the product:

  • During pregnancy, you can not use any chemicals or those that have a large number of components in the composition. So you can earn a fairly strong allergy, and how it will affect the child unknown.
  • It is best to choose natural products. Nature is very unique and it can give everything that is required to solve certain problems.
  • Oils for the prevention of stretch marks can increase the skin capabilities several times. They make it more elastic and elastic. You should not be afraid, because after the birth of the baby everything will quickly recover.
  • It is not necessary to use any one oil. For the skin, you can use a mixture of oils. At the same time, natural components usually complement each other and the effect becomes stronger.

How to use essential oil from stretch marks: methods


In pure form, oil for the prevention of stretch marks, or any other procedures, cannot be used. As a rule, they are added to massage mixtures or rubbed into the zone where stretch marks are formed.

Often, oils are mixed with creams so that they do not harm the skin. To prepare a mixture, only a few drops are enough. You will need basic and essential oil. So, you can take 1 tbsp. oils of the germ of wheat, almond, drill, argon or cocoa, and then enter a couple of drops of etheric there.

If the stretch marks are already old and you decided to fight them, then relaxing mixtures will help to cope with them. With regular use, muscle cramps will pass and they will relax. The skin will become much more elastic and will be very smooth.

A good way to get rid of the problem is wraps. For them, you can use not only natural fat, but also other products, for example, honey, clay or therapeutic dirt.

Also, do not forget about the possibility of taking a bath with oils. Only a few drops are enough on the whole bath, but they give an excellent effect, penetrating deep under the skin and giving food to cells. By the way, it is recommended to add not pure oil, but dilute it in honey, sea salt or infusion of herbs.

It is important to understand that eliminating stretch marks is not very simple. They can pass at least half a year after the start of use of oils. And white deep stretch marks will disappear even longer.

Essential oil of Neroli from stretch marks: features of application, recipes

Neroli oil
Neroli oil

Oil for the prevention of stretch marks - Neroli, has already been tested by time. It is actively used to combat skin problems. For example, to get rid of stretch marks and improve the condition of the skin as a whole, take 1 tablespoon of oil of wheat germ and add 1 drop of neroli, mandarin and lavender oil. Regularly process the places of the formation of stretch marks.

There is another good recipe that will eliminate stretch marks. For him you will need to mix Two drops of Neroli, the same amount of incense and lavender. This mixture is considered very powerful, especially since you use oils in its pure form. So be careful so that there are no undesirable reactions on your body. Be especially careful during pregnancy.

Neroli oil is recommended to use a long time, especially since its consistency itself is soft and light. For example, within two weeks you can use a mixture from:

  • 2 ml of lavender oil, tangerine and petigrane
  • 1 ml of Limett oil and Neroli

Apply the mixture to the places of stretch marks and after 15 minutes, add the oil of wheat germ. Before the first bathing, the mask can not be washed off.

Sesame oil from stretch marks: features of application, recipes

Sesame oil for the prevention of stretch marks is a well -known ingredient. It is actively used in folk recipes and it is believed that it has excellent healing properties. Oil does not provoke allergies, and therefore sometimes doctors prescribe massages with it.

As for the use of stretch marks or their prevention, it is enough to lubricate damaged places every day every day. The procedure is quite effective because the skin is smoothed out, elasticity increases, and in general the color becomes much better. Just keep in mind that the sesame can not cope with stretch marks if they are too deep or old.

Vegetable oils for the prevention of stretch marks: sunflower, linseed, olive, sea buckthorn

Pershot oil from stretch marks
Pershot oil from stretch marks

The best of all for the prevention of stretch marks are vegetable oils. If they are mixed with etheric, it turns out an excellent tool. Plant components are used in such recipes as a base, and ethers enhance the effect. By the way, you can prevent the appearance of stretch marks using oils used from cellulite. It is recommended to pay attention to every future mother.

Sunflower, olive or linseed oil are the main components of stretch marks. They can be used even without adding etheric. It is recommended to choose unrefined oils with cold spin, because they keep vitamin E in the composition of vitamin E. Although, you can take refined, but independently add the missing component to it. So it is also allowed to do.

Sea buckthorn oil allows you to quickly recover with tissues, and it also moisturizes the skin. Just keep in mind that the skin is slightly painted from him and becomes like the color of the tan.

Aramantine oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Aramantine oil for the prevention of stretch marks allows stretching less noticeable. At the same time, it makes the skin update much faster, which increases the chances of getting rid of damage. Most patients consider the product effective. Aramantic oil copes with problems when traditional means, even very expensive, do not bring special results.

This effect is due to the composition of the oil. It is 70% of amino acids and 8% of well. The latter is a certain element of human skin. Another 5% of the composition falls on vitamins. All substances have their own functions and have a certain effect. As a result, they improve the condition of the skin.

So, to remove stretch marks, take the oil 20 minutes before meals 1 teaspoon. This will allow the body to learn it as well as possible. In addition, you can take a product three times a day during meals. Then he will be absorbed gradually and minimally influence the stomach. A liter of oil will be required to pass the full course.

If you just want to carry out prevention, then just drink a teaspoon twice a day 20 minutes before meals. At the same time, between meals, the break should be at least 8 hours. The substance during this time remains in the blood. This method of use allows you to improve fat metabolism and normalize the level of glucose in the blood.

People who have tried this method of eliminating stretch marks note that they become almost invisible after 2-3 months.

Almond oil from stretch marks: features, recipes

Almond oil from stretch marks
Almond oil from stretch marks

Almond oil for the prevention of stretch marks is highly effective, and it also copes with existing stretch marks. If you want to make the skin produce a lot of collagen, then feel free to use the product. To enhance the effect, add a little ether to this oil and apply twice a day. 30-40 minutes after use, remove what will remain.

Coconut oil for stretch marks: features, recipes

Coconut oil for the prevention of stretch marks helps because it has a lot of fatty saturated acids. Only in this case, only the oil of the first pressing will help. It is applied not on dry, but on steamed wet skin. Again, it will be enough for you to use only a couple of drops. This is more than enough.

Castor oil from stretch marks: features, recipes

Castor oil for the prevention of stretch marks can be used both in pure form and adding essential oils for warming up. They will quickly penetrate the skin and give a more effective result.

You must also use oil correctly:

  • First, under a stream of warm water, heat the bubble with butter, and then pour a little into the suitable container. Next, it can be applied carefully to problem areas. This is better to do in circular movements. The clock requires 10 minutes to absorb, and remove all the excess after use with a cotton swab.
  • Prepare A scrub of a tablespoon of castor oil and the same amount of coconut. You will get a soft remedy, which first rubs into the area of \u200b\u200bstretch marks, and then washed off with warm water.
  • You can make a mask. To do this, connect with the top spoons of castor and glycerol, and then enter an egg and a brewed oatmeal there. Apply the mask to problem areas and leave to dry. Then gently rinse with water.
  • You can also make compresses. It mixes for them a tablespoon of castor oil, a glass of herbal infusion or a tablespoon of other oils. Apply any mixture to clean fabric and attach to the places of stretch marks. Cover with polyethylene on top. Keep such a compress for 30-40 minutes.

Avocado oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

Oil for the prevention of stretch marks from avocados is a natural product. It is widely used, but at the same time is effective from stretch marks.

To eliminate them with this product, mix the dining room a spoonful of avocado oil, 3 tablespoons of almond oil and a few more drops of lavender and mandarin. Everything is mixed very well and applied to problem areas.

Peach oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Peach oil for the prevention of stretch marks is also very effective. It generally affects the body beneficial. Moreover, it has healing properties and contains many vitamins in the composition.

Often, wraps are made to eliminate stretch marks. To do this, the peach oil in equal quantities is mixed with amaranth oil and a few drops of vitamin E are added. The finished mixture is applied to the places of stretch marks and wrapped with cling film. Then a towel is applied on top or warm pants are worn.

Still goodly help with stretch marks and compresses. In the same mixture, bandages are soaked and problem areas are turned out by them. Well, the film is also superimposed on top and wrapped with a towel. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for no more than 30 minutes.

Rosehip oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Everyone is known about the benefits of rosehips. This is just a storehouse of useful substances. Oil for the prevention of stretch marks is universal and allows you to cope with many problems. Just keep in mind that it loses useful properties over time.

From stretch marks, the product can be used both in its pure form and add others to get a more effective result.

Black cumin oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Oil for the prevention of black cumin stretch marks is no less effective. At the same time, you can remove them if they are at the initial stage. Remember that stretch marks themselves do not pass even after a few years and do not decrease. Without surgical intervention, their manifestations can be reduced, and prolonged therapy can improve the situation. It is allowed to use the product in its pure form, or add it to the cream.

Jozhobe oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Jojoba oil
Jojoba oil

Jojoba is a unique oil for the prevention of stretch marks. It creates a protective layer on the skin and holds moisture in it. In addition, the product is able to restore skin cells due to the content of vitamin E in it. As soon as you try this product, you will immediately understand that it is really worth it. Another pleasant advantage is that the oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin. It is used as part of masks, creams or just in its pure form. For use, just a couple of drops is enough.

Cocoa oil for the prevention of stretch marks: features, recipes

Cocoa is oil for the prevention of stretch marks, which is highly effective. It can be used not only for prevention, but also the treatment of existing stretch marks.

The product allows not only to remove this main problem. It is effective in the fight against cellulite and excess weight. Moreover, no oily traces remain on the skin after it, and the skin itself is moistened. If you have small wrinkles, then they will also be eliminated.

The only contraindication to use is individual intolerance. The best method for eliminating stretch marks is massage using a mixture of several oils. For this, two tablespoons of cocoa, coconut oil and olive are mixed together. In addition, 7-10 drops of orange oil are added.

It is also important to cook the mixture correctly:

  • First melt cocoa oil
  • Then enter coconut and olive oil into it
  • Wait until the resulting mixture cools down and enter it orange oil
  • While you are doing this, constantly stir

Before you make a massage, first take a shower and apply a scrub. This is required to clean the skin. After that, apply the finished mixture to the body. Pay special attention to places with stretch marks. To achieve the desired effect, carry out the procedure every 3-4 days.

More cocoa oil can be used in solid form. For example, like a cream. The body temperature makes him melt. At the same time, as we have already noted, no fat spots on the body will remain.

A mixture of oils from stretch marks - Efficiency: Features

Essential oils
Essential oils

Oil for the prevention of stretch marks acts effectively, but even better to use mixtures of several components. They have a much greater effect.

  • If we talk about basic oils, then in this situation it is better to choose avocados, macades, argan or rice. They have a good softening effect and penetrate deep water skin.
  • As additives, about 10-15% in quantity, you can use primrose, currant or borago. They allow you to get rid of inflammatory reactions and restore the skin.
  • Since stretch marks somewhat resemble scars and scars, you can also use them from them Mosquito rose and rose hips.
  • Well, wheat is a classic tool against stretch marks. Taman It acts healing, and makes the cells recover. The tool copes with old strios perfectly. Ximenia Normalizes the blood flow and the production of collagen, which is also effective in eliminating old stretch marks.
  • To improve healing, add to the mixture calendula and sea buckthorn, And the licorice helps to remove inflammation or itching. By the way, the production of collagen provokes the cornfield.

Keep in mind that if the stretch marks are still very fresh, then it makes no sense to fight them immediately after childbirth. The fact is that while you breastfeed, it is better not to use broadcasts, because they fall into the blood, and from there already to milk. But you should not be upset, because after feeding, albeit stretching and you will have to clean longer, but this is possible. It will be required to restore several months. It all depends on the type of skin.

Essential oil from cellulite and stretch marks the best - which one to choose?


As we have already said, in pregnant women the skin changes and with a rapid growth of the abdomen, it simply does not have time to stretch. The same applies to the chest. It usually increases sharply.

You need to choose oils for use carefully, because each has its own effectiveness, and the needs of the skin are also different. Let's figure out which of the products are the best and it is recommended to use more than others:

  • Sesame. It allows you to make up for the lack of vitamins, which the body is so lacking during pregnancy. In addition, the body receives additionally iron, calcium and useful trace elements. This product is ideally combined with fat creams, and you can use it for a very long time.
  • Persian. It is no less effective than sesame. There are no toxic resins and ethers in the composition. During pregnancy, the oil is safely allowed to use stretch marks. In addition, it has polynatered acids in which damaged places heal faster. Peach oil affects the skin cells well. It becomes dense and elastic.
  • Sea buckthorn. It has good healing abilities. It fills the damaged skin and healing them. Subsequently, the skin becomes more elastic. The plus to everything is the excellent effect is exerted by masks and wraps. You can also add the product to the fat basis, for example, body milk.
  • Cocoa. In addition to a delicious smell, it still cleanses the skin and eliminates all defects. The wraps are best acted from stretch marks with a cling film, but you can rub the product into preheated skin, for example, after taking the bathroom.

Despite the fact that essential oils cope quite well with stretch marks, it is best to use them as a prevention, and not delay until they appear.

Oil for the prevention of stretch marks - how to use?

How to use oil from stretch marks?
How to use oil from stretch marks?

Oil for the prevention of stretch marks differs from other means with its naturalness. There is no chemistry in it, and therefore it can be safely used by pregnant women. Vitamins and minerals in the oils give an additional effect and heal the skin. In addition, they contribute to the renewal of cells.

In fact, using the oils is quite simple:

  • If you use the oil in its pure form, then take a small drop. If you apply too much, there will be no benefit from it. And it is best to add it to your favorite cream and apply it to the right places
  • Use the funds regularly. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired effect
  • Once again, it is worth recalling that there will be no quick results. So if you use a week and nothing changes, then do not be upset, because it is normal
  • After use, some oils do not have to wash off until the next bath is taking
  • Do not forget to remove the excess after using the product so that you do not have a fat film

Essential oils for the prevention of stretch marks: reviews

Oil for the prevention of stretch marks can be used differently. At the same time, many have already tried these funds and were satisfied. Some oils allow you to remove even old stretch marks, albeit not completely, or just cope where all other means are already powerless. In any case, there are those who did not like the result. Well, and this happens. The main thing is to remember that you need to use the means for a long time, and therefore it makes no sense to wait for quick results.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Fighting with stretch marks - essential oils

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Comments K. article

  1. From the stretch marks of the already available I bought an intensive cream, and with it my stretch marks became not so bright and decreased in size, they are almost imperceptibly

  2. During pregnancy, stretch marks appeared. I bought in the online store cream from stretch marks of the Horsofors, stretching lights and became less noticeable, and new was not appeared

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