Urethritis in women: causes of infectious and non -infectious urethritis, symptoms and treatment

Urethritis in women: causes of infectious and non -infectious urethritis, symptoms and treatment

At any age, a woman may encounter a urological disease called urethritis. Due to physiological characteristics, inflammation of the urethra mucosa is more often detected in men, but at the same time does not cease to be a female problem.

Urethritis in womenit can be diagnosed as cystitis, which is essentially a complicated form of this disease. Despite the similar symptoms of urethritis and cystitis have a different treatment regimen. Sensitive symptoms of urethritis contributes to the development of chronic pathologies in the genitourinary system. Specialist consultation and timely comprehensive examination help to return to a healthy lifestyle in a short time.

Causes of urethritis in women

Sources of infections and various deviations in the body lead to inflammation of the urethra mucosa. There are several types of ailment.

Non -infectious urethritis in women - causes of the inflammatory process:

  • Passage small stones Through the urinary tract.
  • Malignant education in the urethra.
  • Medical procedures on the urethra.
  • Gynecological diseases, injuries of the genitals.
  • A predisposition to allergies.
  • Deterioration blood circulation In the genitourinary system.
  • Weakened immunity, avitaminosis, unbalanced nutrition.
  • Lack of hygiene, addictions, frequent hypothermia.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Nervous overstrain, hormonal restructuring.

Infectious urethritis - reasons:

  • Unprotected sexual contact.
  • Incorrect conducting hygienic procedures, infection infection Through household items.
  • Bacteria from the vagina and the anal hole in the urethra.
  • Downward infections pyelonephritis and cystitis.
  • The spread of infection through blood or lymph with local chronic inflammation.
  • Long taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Individual intolerance to contraceptives and cosmetics.

Urethritis in women: symptoms

Any minor signs of urethritis are a significant reason for consulting a specialist. Symptoms can be weakly expressed and not give a cause for concern. Depending on the variety of the disease, a set of symptoms may vary.

General symptoms of urethritis in women:

  • protracted discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • urination is accompanied by feeling burning;
  • redness and irritation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intimate zone, swelling of the mucosa;
  • discharge with impurities of pus, a specific smell and shade;
  • bloody interspersed in the urine;
  • the desire to go to the toilet with an empty bladder;
  • painful menstruation;
  • increased temperature and a feeling of fragility in the body with a long course of the disease.
Soreness and irritation
Soreness and irritation

Acute urethritis in women Often occurs against the background of a chronic disease and has signs of intoxication of the body.

How to identify urethritis in women?

Diagnosis of urethritis in women begins with an external examination. If there is swelling and redness of the urethra, the attending physician prescribes laboratory tests.

Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of urethritis in women includes:

  • several species urine analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • scraping biological material from the field of damage;
  • mechanical urethroscopy;
  • ultrasound procedure.

Varieties of urethritis in women

Urethritis in women can occur differently, depending on the variety. Consider the most common forms:

  • Chronic urethritis among women - arises as a result of labor, rough sexual contact, mechanical exposure to the genitourinary system. Discomfort in the urethra is often aggravated by an inflammatory process in the rectum and bladder.
  • Acute urethritis in women - The most common form of urethritis that occurs in contact with pathogens. With this form, the urethra is inflamed and accompanied by painful symptoms. Acute urethritis It requires an integrated approach in treatment.
Urethritis can be several types
Urethritis can be several types
  • Granular urethritis - A common form prone to multiple relapses. An effective way of treatment in this case is electrocoagulation. A characteristic feature is frequent false urge to the toilet.
  • Senile urethritis - a variety of the disease that occurs against the background of menopause. It is accompanied by severe symptoms, including heavy bleeding.
  • Menstrual urethritis - bacterial infection of the urethra with weak symptoms that occurs during menstruation.
  • Allergic urethritis among women - The disease provoke allergens in food, cosmetics, drugs. One of the reasons may also be contact of the genitourinary system with low -quality tissues. Allergic urethritis is a consequence of severe disorders of the body during allergies.

How to cure urethritis in women?

  • Urethritis treatment scheme in women It includes a course of antibiotics and antimicrobials. During the treatment period, it is important to timely perform hygiene procedures with antiseptic washing of the urethra.
During treatment, antibiotics include
During treatment, antibiotics include
  • To strengthen the body's resistance, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy, Drugs with interferon, probiotics. The medical institution is conducted cauterization of the urethra and installation of solutions on the urethra.
  • To avoid relapse of the disease during treatment, it is necessary to ensure the heat and comfort of the genitourinary system, abstinence from sexual intercourse, preventive measures.
  • The course of treatment of urethritis lasts from several days to several weeks. A patient with a severe form of urethritis needs hospitalization.
  • You can warn urethritis in women using contraception, normalizing the diet and rest, strengthening immunity, conducting a timely examination by a doctor etc.

How to treat urethritis in women?

Medicines for urethritis in women are prescribed depending on the variety of the pathogen. In acute urethritis, antibiotics and a comprehensive intake of antibacterial drugs are effectively triggered.

Consider which drugs are relevant for various types of urethritis in women:

  • Candious urethritis in women -antifungal drugs Clotrimazole, Namitzin, Levorin, etc. are prescribed.
  • Trichomonade urethritis -complex treatment includes antimicrobial drugs metronidazole, chlorhexidine, ornidazole, etc. candles with urethritis in women Iodovedon.
  • Chlamydia urethritis -treatment is carried out by antibiotics of a tetracycline group - azithromycin, clinaflocacin, etc.
  • Nonspecific urethritis in women -antibiotics of extensive action are prescribed - ceftriaxone, sulfazole, azithromycetic, etc.
  • Viral urethritis -acyclovir, ribavirin, etc. are prescribed antiviral drugs.
  • Gonococcal urethritis in women -eliminating chlamydia allow antibiotics such as Oletetrin, Erythromycin, Rifampicin, etc.
  • Furagin with urethritis in women He established itself as a wide effect, which quickly suppresses pathogenic microflora.
  • Monural with urethritis in women It is accepted in the form of a suspension and is able to eliminate the problem after one or two multiple administration.

How to treat urethritis in women can only be prescribed by a doctor. In each case, the treatment regimen is individually selected for the patient.

Folk treatment of urethritis in women

Treatment of urethritis with drugs at home is fixed by verified folk remedies.

Phytosbores for urethritis

  • Mix in the same proportions field horsetail and plantain leaves. Cover the grass with water, boil, boil for a couple of minutes. Give a day to brew and accept 3-5 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before meals.
  • Mix the root of the horsetail, the leaves of the birch, juniper. Cover with boiling water and let it brew. Take on 30 ml before meals.
  • Prepare nettle leaves, linden, calamus root, juniper, peppermint, rosehip. Pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take 0.5 cups in the morning and evening during meals.
Herbs for treatment
Herbs for treatment

Medicinal lotions for urethritis in women

  • Eliminate burning and itching with urethritis help baths, lotions, washing. For the preparation of baths, herbs with an anti -inflammatory effect are used - chamomile, bark of oak, sage, flowers of cornflowing, etc.
  • During the course of treatment, baths and lotions are performed on a daily basis. After recovery, it is recommended to perform preventive measures at least once a week. The neglected urethritis is accompanied by a folk treatment of at least six months.

Lying in urethritis

  • The folk method of treating leeches also includes leeches.
  • Enzymes through blood circulation align the hormonal background, which contributes to a quick recovery.
  • Sessions are held no more than once every 3 days for a month.

Urethritis in women: reviews

Reviews about urethritis in women:

  • Tatiana. For several years she suffered from urethritis. The biggest problem was frequent urination. In the cold season, discomfort was aggravated. The drug Ornidazole helped to eliminate the problem. A two -week course combined with herbal baths helped me completely eliminate the problem.
  • Natalia. After freezing, she turned to the doctor with a complaint about discomfort in the lower abdomen. The doctor was diagnosed with cystitis and a course of antibiotics was prescribed. A month later, discharge with blood impurities began, after which they made several medicinal instillations in the bladder. A month later, an exacerbation began. With a prolonged one in a sitting position and contact with cramped clothing, discharge with a characteristic smell appeared. After repeated tests, chronic urethritis was established. Complex treatment has been prescribed. The attending physician advised to refrain from folk treatment methods.

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