Propheted wheat: benefits and harm to the human body, sprouting, recipes of sprouts

Propheted wheat: benefits and harm to the human body, sprouting, recipes of sprouts

Prophetic wheat grains are a healthy product for the human body. In this article you will find recipes for sprouts.

Propheted wheat is an invaluable medicine in our hands - affordable and almost free. It gives energy, strength, development, and with its competent use - health.

  • Even our ancestors, who lived in past centuries, revealed the secret of the miraculous power of the sprouts, using them for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
  • They were used not only fresh, but also prepared from them a variety of dishes, with the understanding that a natural product has a significant effect on a person.
  • Read below the benefits of this priceless product.

There are also recipes for use and information about the possible harm of sprouted wheat in some cases. Read further.

Sprouted grains, wheat seeds for the human body: composition, vitamins, properties

Sprouted grains, wheat seeds
Sprouted grains, wheat seeds

In the modern world, the significance of this environmentally friendly product has increased at times, especially in recent years. More and more people pay increased attention to products of natural origin, including wheat sprouts, which have practically no contraindications for use. They contain substances that are completely absorbed by the body. Read also article on our website about the sprouts of lentils - their benefit and harm to the human body.

Wheat seeds are unpretentious to germination at home. They have many useful vitamins and trace elements. Especially useful for humans during the period of vitamin deficiency - in winter and spring. Wheat sprouts contain a rich complex of biologically active substances that are important for the human body, which is not characteristic of every product. Here is the composition of BJU:

  • The main part is occupied by complex carbohydrates - 70%
  • The protein content varies between 12-14 %
  • Fats - no more than 2.5%
  • Fiber - about 3%

Vitamins, among which stand out C, s, e, pp work on several fronts:

  • Help to preserve youth and beauty
  • Improve well -being and mood
  • Provide assistance to the body to fight viruses
  • Participate in many processes of the body's life

As for minerals, including phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and others. Each of these substances is important for the full activity of the human body. Below you will find detailed information about the composition of the sprouted grains and their properties.

Vitamins MG/100 g:

  • Tocopherol (E) - 21.0
  • Niacin (B3) - 3.087
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - 3.0
  • Ascorbic acid (c) - 2.6
  • Tiamin (B1) - 2.0
  • Pantotenic acid (B5) - 0.947
  • Riboflavin (B2) - 0.7
  • Folic acid (B9) - 0.038

Macroelements MG/100 g:

  • Phosphorus - 200.0
  • Potassium - 169.0
  • Magnesium - 82.0
  • Calcium - 70.0
  • Sodium - 16.0

MG/100 g microelements:

  • Copper - 261.0
  • Iron - 2.14
  • Marganese - 1.858
  • Zinc - 1.65
  • Selenium - 0.0425

All these substances are indispensable and necessary for our body. Read on.

Propheted wheat for healing, losing weight: the benefits for the body of women and men, how long the sprouts should be, photo

Propheted wheat for healing, losing weight
Propheted wheat for healing, losing weight

From the above information it is clear that the composition of the sprouted wheat is unique. Conditional substances affect absolutely all links and mechanisms of pathological digestive processes, normalize the work of the entire digestive tract. Thanks to a large amount of fiber, the product stimulates the intestines, creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of the intestinal microflora, which explains the positive effect with dysbiosis.

  • It is believed that the product contributes to the formation of immunity, helps to deal with the autumn-spring epidemics of influenza and SARS.
  • It gives a powerful charge of vigor and gives a good mood after suffered stress, high emotional and intellectual loads.
  • Since the sprouts are a source b vitamins, which are necessary to strengthen the nervous system, they will help return balance, get rid of nervous exhaustion.
  • The observation of scientists showed that with proper use, you can not only get rid of existing diseases, but also withstand the occurrence of various kinds of pathologies.

Remember: The maximum benefit can only be removed from sprouts in length in 1-2 mmwhere the highest concentration of biologically active substances is. In outgrown sprouts, the benefits are minimized, in addition, they acquire an unpleasant taste and become much harder.

The photo shows what sprouts should be so that this product is useful:

Propheted wheat for healing, losing weight
Propheted wheat for healing, losing weight

This is the benefit of crushed wheat for the body of men and women:

  • With the help of these miracles, hypertension can be treated, since the medicine has a positive effect on blood vessels, cleanses blood, leads not only to normal blood pressure, but also the level of cholesterol.
  • The memory improves, and the activity of the brain is optimized due to a significant amount of magnesium and other substances.
  • Such medicinal food and those who have diagnosed diabetes, gallstone disease, vitamin deficiency are useful, prolonged constipation is concerned.
  • This healthy product slows down the aging process. When they are introduced into a daily diet, the body is rejuvenated and, as a result, the condition of the skin, hair, nails improves and the internal energy potential increases.

Wheat germs are wonderful food for those who suffer from overweight. People who regularly use sprouts note a general improvement in well -being and maintaining their normal weight and even its decrease. This effect is explained by the fact that the product promotes the normalization of metabolism, cleanses the body of slagging, and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. Therefore, sprouted wheat is perfect not only for healing, but also for weight loss.

How to sprout wheat: Features of germination of grains

Propheted wheat
Propheted wheat

For germination of wheat grains, special knowledge is not required, nevertheless, in order for the output to get a high -quality product, some nuances should be taken into account. How to make a sprouted wheat? Features of germination of grains and recipe:

  • Take the starting raw materials - wheat grains (can be bought at a pharmacy).
  • Pre -clean the seeds of garbage, rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • After that, lay out the wheat in an even layer in some dishes, for example, a shallow plate.
  • Pour cold, boiled water on top, so that the upper layer slightly touches the surface of the water. Otherwise, an excess amount of fluid can lead to rotting of grains.
  • We cover with a layer of gauze on top and leave for germination in a warm place at a temperature of about 20 degrees.
  • Usually after a day or two grains they begin to germinate. Their value should not exceed two millimeters. Wheat with large sprouts is not suitable for use and even harmful.
  • The sprouts before use must be washed, slightly dry, pass through a meat grinder.
  • Be sure to store in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

For those who have no desire or for some reason cannot germinate grain, industrial companies have produced a semi -finished product called Talkan. These are the same wheat sprouts, but ground in flour, which are not inferior in the healing strength of fresh sprouted grains. Such grain processing helps to preserve beneficial qualities and gives a unique taste and aroma to the dishes that you will cook from them. This type of product is convenient to use. It is enough to add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons In the first dishes, let go well and consume for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

How to take, use sprouted wheat, how sprouts eat: recipes of dishes, salad

Propheted wheat
Propheted wheat

You can use or take sprouted wheat for food in small portions-50-100 g for each day as an additive to dishes. Before starting the process of cooking, it is necessary to decide in what form the sprouted wheat will enter the body. The best option for using fresh sprouts, where the beneficial properties are preserved aimed at reducing weight and maintaining a healthy state of the body, which cannot be said about the sprouts undergoing heat treatment. How do wheat sprouts eat? Here are the recipes of dishes:

  1. Fruits with sprouts. Any fruits, for example, 1 apple - peel, grate. Add 1 tablespoon of wheat sprouts and 1 teaspoon of honey, mix. Eat as a snack or dessert.
  2. Raisins with a sprouted wheat. Mix a spoonful of honey, a handful of crushed raisins and a tablespoon of sprouts. Use porridge in the morning.
  3. Salad with carrots. Clean 2 pieces of medium carrots, grate. Add a handful of raisins and 1 tablespoon of sprouts. Stir and use in the morning or during a snack.
  4. Soup with sprouts. Add 2 tablespoons to a soup plate (not too hot). After such a dinner, satiety will be within 4 hours.
  5. Make any fruit salad. For example, wash, clean and cut 1 apple, orange and tangerine. Add 1 tablespoon of sprouts. The vitamin salad is ready.
  6. Boil oatmealCool slightly. Add 1 tablespoon of sprouts, mix - a nutritious breakfast is ready.

The easiest way to use sprouts is to mix them with any fruits, honey, raisins, carrots. It turns out a healthy and very tasty salad. It will not spoil the soup or porridge of a pair of spoons of sprouts, the main thing is that there is a desire to sprout wheat and enjoy a healthy diet. Read more about other recipes for using wheat germ.

Bread from sprouted wheat: recipe

Germinated wheat bread
Germinated wheat bread

Bread from sprouted wheat is a very useful product. It’s just to cook it at home. Here is a recipe for a more tasty and healthy product - garlic bread:

The following products will be needed:

  • 2 tbsp. Already sprouted wheat
  • 0.5 tbsp. purified sunflower seeds
  • 3-4 tbsp. sesame seeds
  • 1 tooth. garlic
  • 1 tbsp. chopped dill
  • 1 protein chicken egg
  • water-50-70 ml

Cook like this:

  1. Put wheat, egg protein, water, salt and garlic into the blender bowl.
  2. Beat so that the mass turns out to be as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Mix the wheat and shift mass with the seeds of sunflower and dill.
  4. Line with parchment paper a baking sheet or lay a silicone rug.
  5. Put the dough with a thin layer.
  6. Put in the oven to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
  7. As soon as a ruddy crust appears, take out and immediately cut into pieces.
  8. Cool and serve to the table.

Such breads will perfectly replace you with bread. They are useful both during weight loss and during proper nutrition, so as not to gain weight.

Proped wheat oil: recipe at home

Peregrine wheat oil
Peregrine wheat oil

Peregrine wheat oil can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can make it at home. So, if you have grain sprouts no more than 2 mm, then here is the recipe for cooking oil at home:

  • Buy sunflower or olive cold squeezing so that the manufacture time is no later than 1-4 months until that time.
  • Rinse wheat grains with sprouts neatly so as not to damage.
  • Grind in a blender several times so that the mass becomes smooth and even.
  • Mix this mass with butter in the proportion 1: 1.
  • Leave it, let him insist during the day.

Then strain through gauze from the peaks, and use for its intended purpose.

Prophetic wheat milk: recipe


Another useful product is milk from sprouted wheat. It can be prepared at home. Here is the prescription:

  • Take one part of seeds with sprouts and 4 parts water.
  • Grind in a blender to a white gruel. This must be done during 2-3 minutes.
  • Then strain the mass through gauze.

The resulting liquid is milk. It can be drunk 1 teaspoon during meals. This is a great dietary supplement with trace elements and other useful substances. The remaining mass can also be used, for example, add to porridge or soup.

Contraindications for grain use: harm, can it be given sprinkled wheat to children, pregnant women?

Propheted wheat
Propheted wheat

In addition to positive characteristics, sprouted wheat grains also have some contraindications for use. This product is not recommended for people with an allergic reaction to gluten, pregnant women, young children up to 12 years. The use of the product should be abandoned by those who have a stomach ulcer and have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in an aggravated form.

Important to remember: The product during consumption should not be combined with milk, kefir, sour cream. This leads to gas formation in the intestines. For this reason, it is better to abandon dairy products during the prevention and treatment of the body with sprouts.

There is no more harm from wheat sprouts. In particular, if a person is healthy, he can safely use such a product and heal.

Propheted wheat - benefits and harm: doctors' advice

Propheted wheat
Propheted wheat

This is exactly the case when sprouted sprouts serve as food and medicine in one bottle. From the point of view of experts, the use of wheat germ is an easy way to longevity. They are well called food of the 21st century And they recommend including people in their diet, and of any age, to be healthy, and for a long time to remain young. Here are some more doctors' advice on the benefits and dangers of sprouted wheat:

  • Many patients often, when they begin to consume, wheat sprouts, feel weakness, dizziness, and a liquid stool may appear. Usually such symptoms pass in a couple of days. If unpleasant sensations persist longer, it is worth stopping the use of sprouted wheat.
  • Do not use wheat sprouts, with floral pollen, mummy and gold root (rhodiola pink). Therefore, if you are treating with the above means, then do not mix it with a sprouted wheat.
  • Fitinic acid, which is contained in the sprouts, is an antinutrian. It is resistant to food enzymes, therefore it can prevent the absorption of trace elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium and others. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat sprouts constantly. Do such treatment with breaks. For example, 2 weeks of treatment, 2 weeks - a break.
  • Buy wheat grains for germination in a pharmacy or in a store from well -known manufacturers, and not on a market counter.
  • Throw out wheat if it has not sprouted for 2 days.
  • It is forbidden to use sprouted wheat, which has no light sprouts, but brown.
  • Wash each grain thoroughly. If you have problems with your teeth, then you need to grind it before use.

If everything is done correctly, then such treatment will certainly benefit.

Propheted wheat, sprout flour: reviews

Propheted wheat
Propheted wheat

If you have never used the sprouted wheat, then read the reviews of other people who are treated in this way and achieve good results. They use milk, butter, bread, flour from sprouts.

Victoria, 38 years old

After the second birth, I gained great weight. The nutritionist advised not to completely refuse bread, since complex carbohydrates are needed for proper metabolism. This specialist gave me a recipe for bread from sprout flour. At first I bought it in a proper food store, then I began to do it at home, ragging the dried sprouts of wheat in a blender. From such flour I make bread. At such a diet, I have already dropped 10 kilograms in 1.5 months. Therefore, I will continue treatment.

Lyudmila, 40 years old

My grandmother always germinated wheat and added to porridge. She lived in the village and wheat was her own, from the collective farm field. Now I also decided to try such a recipe and remember the taste of childhood. I bought wheat in the store and sprouted. After two weeks of use, I felt a surge of strength, my head stopped hurting.

Svetlana, 34 years old

I recently learned about the treatment of sprouted wheat. The results of a friend who lost weight on wheat sprouts in six months by 15 kg were very impressed. I decided to try too. She sprouted a glass of grains and decided to eat everything. It turned out that this is a lot. By evening, diarrhea appeared, there was weakness. A friend reassured that it would pass. But I advised to eat no more than 80 grams per day, and start with 1 teaspoon, increasing every day by several grams. I did so, now I have already been treated with two courses. I feel good: a surge of vigor, headaches and insomnia have gone.

Video: The easiest and fastest way to sprout wheat

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